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Visit with my TeacherII come from a small town, barely big enough to even need stop lights, the type of place where everyone knows everyone else. I had known Mrs. Anderson my entire life, she had been my grade school teacher and was a really good friend of my grandparants. Mrs. Anderson and I had always stayed in communication as she was so much like famiIy.It had been almost a year since I had seen her as I had been away for my junior year of college. This year instead of partying it up like most other college students I decided to spend the summer on Mrs. Anderson’s farm and to help her clean out her late husbands things. My cousin Justin picked me up from the airport and we caught up as he drove down the long winding dirt road to Mrs. Anderson’s house. Pulling up into her driveway I could see the large blue farm house with its bright red front door. “Alright Justin, lets hang out this weekend” I shout to him as I hop out of his vehicle. I head up the gravel walkway and climb the steps leading up to the front door. I knock loudly and the door opens wide and there stood a short, healthy woman of only five feet tall with a round face that even at 77 had very few wrinkles on it, her totally white hair tied behind her with a bedazzled hair clip, her light blue eyes beaming from behind a pair of large black framed eyeglasses and dressed in faded blue overalls and a green gardening shirt. “You made it Scotty” she says to me cheerfully and hugging me tightly “Hi Mrs. Anderson” I respond. “Come in, come in” she says as she invites me into her home. I follow behind, dropping my suitcase in her entryway. Mrs. Anderson and I talk about anything and everything that has been going on in our lives, I tell her about school and my classes and she tells about her new students and how things are going on the farm. We continue our conversations as we ate dinner together and the hours speed by. Eventually it gets to be pretty late. “I’m exhausted I’m going to bed Scotty” she says bending to give me a hug goodnight before walking down the hall towards her bedroom. I stay up for a bit and look at the pictures she has all over her walls. There were tons of photos of Mrs. Anderson with her late husband Ray. As I head to the spare bedroom I wonder to myself how Mrs. Anderson was able to continue the farm after her husband died a couple of years ago, it must be so much work. I step inside the small bedroom, place my bags down, take off my clothes and hop straight into the bed.Early in the morning I was awoken with a knock at the door “Breakfasts ready Scotty” Mrs. Anderson announces, I hop up, get dressed quickly and head to the kitchen were I devour the hearty meal that was prepared for me “could you help me in the barn today?” Mrs. Anderson asks while learning against the sink in her favorite flowered nightgown and sipping a large cup of coffee “Sure” I respond quickly. When done eating I head out the back door, I see that Mrs. Anderson had already beaten me to the barn, she had a large list of things that she needed done and I did my chores without complaining the entire week. Finally the weekend had arrived and my cousin called to let me know he was taking me out. “Mrs. Anderson, I’m going to be out with my cousin Justin tonight” I say as I am getting dressed “I am going to stay the night at his house” I inform her “Ok Scotty, have fun” she responds. Before leaving I quickly grab one of the spare keys that was on her foyer cabinet just in case Mrs. Anderson was not home tomorrow morning to let me in.I hear the honk of a horn outside and I dash out and hop into the waiting suv. The night definitely didn’t go as planned, first my cousins vehicle got a flat and then after we got to the bar he got in a huge fight with his girlfriend; by 11 o’clock I decided that it would probably just be best for me to head back to Mrs Anderson’s. Justin pulls slowly into my the driveway and I step out of his car and silently walk to the house. From outside I don’t see any lights. I open the front door quietly and step inside; the house is completely dark except for lights coming from Mrs. Anderson’s bedroom. I quietly tiptoe to my room, step inside and close the door behind me. I kick off my shoes and plop down onto the bed. After a few minutes I her Mrs. Anderson’s slippers whooshing through the hallway. I remained laying across the bed still sulking about the crappy night I had had when I decide that I should probably let Mrs. Anderson know that I was back.I exit the spare room and start down the hall, heading towards her bedroom. I peek through the partially opened door about to enter when I am stopped dead in my tracks. There was my old teacher, her back to me, kneeling on the floor with her torso stretched across her bed and completely nude. Her small hands were rubbing the skin of her thick hips. I back up slowly disappearing into the darkness of the hallway and watch as MrsAnderson continued to rub her hips and round ass cheeks.Suddenly she stands and heads across the room towards her closet where she pulls out a large black shoebox from off of the top shelf. I look at the nude body of this 77 year old and admire longingly. I see almost no wrinkles on her plump little legs. I notice that the sagging of her large breasts was incredibly seductive and her huge pink aureoles looked magnificent. Mrs. Anderson had a small belly from years of good eating and her elderly vagina was covered with the same sparkling white hair that covered her head.Mrs Anderson’s knelt back onto her floor and reached into the shoe box. She begins bornova escort digging through it and a stack of photos falls to the floor as she pulls out on of the largest dildos that I had ever seen. The dildo was black as coal, almost twelve inches long and pretty darn thick. Mrs. Anderson got back down onto her hands and knees, her big round rear end pointed right in my direction with her puckered asshole and hairy, swollen vagina clearly visible to me. I watch as Mrs. Anderson reaches back and begins to rub her vagina rapidly. For her to have arthritis her hands seemed to be working pretty well as she pumped at herself. Her thick pale legs spread wide, I can see the small spots of cellulite on her hips and her round butt cheeks, her back arches as she began to slowly slide the toy into herself. Before I even realized what I was doing I had my pants open, my penis in my hands and I was stroking it back and forth to the sight of this old woman ravaging herself. She now has nearly the entire length of the toy sliding in and out of her vagina rapidly “Yes Ray” she shouts, screaming out her deceased husbands name. “UH, uh, uh” she moans as she abuses her hole with the toy. Mrs. Anderson started to scream even more noisily as she picked up her pace.She was ramming herself so hard that she was lifting herself up off of the bedroom floor. She was no longer kneeling, her legs had straightened out behind her and she was pushing herself backwards into the giant black dildo. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, your tearing me apart Ray” she shouts. My old teacher kept screaming and I keep masturbating my hard cock. “Ray, You are so big” she says at the top of her voice as her free hand clutched at her bed, the bedspread bunching in her tight fist. She moans loudly as she cums violently. Mrs Anderson’s lays across her bed for quite awhile shaking from the strength of her orgasm, nearly on the verge of hyperventilating before she was able to pull the large toy free of her worked cunt. I hear a loud slurp as the toy falls from her clutches and onto the hardwood floor with a thud. I watch as a flood of her fluids pool beneath her. “Oh that felt so good” she says as she sits her tender backside onto the floor, right in the slimy mess that she had just made. Her back still towards me she opens her legs wide and runs her finger through her reddened crotch. She brings her sticky fingers up to her face and inspects the precious fluid that coats them, sniffing them briefly. In the hallway I can not hold out any longer and I start to cum, my body tenses and I am forced to lean against the hall wall to stop myself from tumbling onto the floor. I shot large white streams of semen all the way across the hallway, shooting so far that some of it found its way onto her bedroom door. I remain in the hall watching as Mrs. Anderson picks up her favored toy and places it back into the shoebox along with the other items that had fallen out. She then stands slowly, her cum still running down her white legs. I can now see bruises starting to form on her plump reddened butt cheeks. She places the shoebox back into her closet.She turns and picks up her flowered nightgown from the chair beside her bed and slides it over her shoulders and down her body, her cum moistening its fabric. She heads toward her bed and gets under the covers before she flips out the lights at her bedside table. I quietly head to my room and slowly close the door behind me.In the morning I walk into the kitchen and see Mrs. Anderson standing at the sink washing dishes, large noticeable stains can bee seen on the back of her nightgown. “Morning Mrs. Anderson” I say out loud, startled she drops a plate back into the water “Oh, uh when did you get in Scotty?” she asks me nervously “Oh, Late last night” I respond “I didn’t disturb you when I got in did I?” I ask her “Um, no no” she responds stammering. “I’m going out with Justin for a bit” I say as I give her a wink and head out the door. I turn back to look at Mrs. Anderson and I can see that she has the most perplexed look in her eyes..IIIt had been nearly a week since Mrs. Anderson’s late night show and unfortunately there hadn’t been any repeat performances yet. I continued spending my time doing all of the chores that she needed me to do for her, never mentioning to her what I had seen her doing in her bedroom. I got up in the morning and headed to the kitchen starving and ready to eat, as I entered I saw Mrs. Andersonstanding by the fridge dressed like she was going out, her long white hair out of its pony tail and hanging down past her shoulders. She was dressed in a dark blue knee length dress with a large pearl necklace around her neck and matching pearl earrings in her ears, her legs covered by dark black stockings and thick high heeled black shoes on her feet. It was still hard for me to believe that just a few days ago I saw every inch of the body she now has covered with those clothes. “You look really, really nice Mrs. Anderson” I say “where are you off to?” I ask as I look her up and down once again. “I’m heading over to visit with the Kyle’s for a bit Scotty, I will be back around 9” she says to me as she walks past, her sweet perfume filling my nostrils. “Tell Mrs. Kyle I say hello” I shout to her as she walks out of the front door. Mrs. Kyle had been another one of my teachers and she and Mrs. Anderson had been great friends for years. Growing up I would always see Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle out together and I know that at times they would even go on vacations, together. escort bornova I can’t remember the last time that I had seen the Kyle’s. “I am going to have to stop by and visit them” I say to myself as I ate my meal.I walked out to the barn to do my usual chores and when all done with my cleaning I head back to the house.I head down the hall of the house towards my room, when I stop at Mrs Anderson’s open door. I start to think about that night I watched her pleasure herself and my penis instantly turns to stone. I cant help but wonder about what else might be in that shoebox of hers. I decided that I needed to know and I needed to know now. I crept cautiously into her room and walked over to her bedroom chair to inspect her flowered nightgown, I pick it up and stare at the large cum stains that remain on it. I place the gown back on the chair and head for the open closet. on the top shelf I can see the black shoebox, I pull it down and sit on her big springy bed. Pulling off the lid I look inside and the giant dildo is the first thing I see. I grip her dildo and pull it out of the box, I can now feel its entire weight as I bring it up to my nose and take a deep whiff of Mrs Anderson. From the box I then pull out a handful of letters, two old VHS tapes and a large stack of photos. I began to look through the photos, in the pile there are some older pictures of Mrs. Anderson and her husband together when they where younger, her hair still jet black and a few of the other photos were of the two of them on vacation with the Kyle’s. I keep flipping through the pile of pictures when suddenly I come across an older photo of a young Mrs Anderson standing in a hotel room totally in the nude, fit and tanned. There was a photo of her husband Ray with his huge erection pointed directly at the camera, pictures of the two of them having sex, a picture of Mrs. Anderson with her head between Mrs. Kyle’s open legs. The next picture was one of my former teacher sandwiched between her husband and Mr. Kyle, Mr. Kyle laying beneath her and Mr. Anderson with his cock imbedded deep in her ass. I new they had been good friends but this shocked even me. I continued scanning through the stack of photos getting more and more excited by the moment. “Wow!” I say out loud as I continue to look through this treasure trove of hers. I couldn’t believe all of the kinky and illicit stuff my teachers had been into. I grab the picture of my old teacher being double penetrated and stare in amazement. I realize that Mrs. Anderson wouldn’t be home for a few hours yet and I couldn’t contain my desires any longer. I lay across her large bed, I can still smell the remnants of her sweet perfume on its sheets. I quickly unbuttoned my pants and pull them down to my ankles, my erection pointing straight up. As I stare at the pictures of my teacher I spit into my hand and rub it across my hard dick. I began to rub my swollen penis rapidly. It was so brazen, here I was laying across my 77 year old former teachers bed masturbating furiously. I began to stroke myself faster and faster. “yes, yes, yes” I say out loud as I searched for my orgasm. I suddenly hear a low shriek and I turn quickly towards the doorway to see Mrs. Anderson standing there, with her mouth agape and her hand pressed to the front of her dress. I lay there frozen in terror, my erection completely visible to her. Mrs Anderson never said a word, she turned and hurriedly walked into her living room. “Damnit, Damnit” I swear repeatedlyI quickly pull my pants up, place the box back in her closet and nervously sneak down the hallway back to the spare bedroom.I close the door tightly behind me and even though it was only a little after 7pm I climbed into bed and close my eyes thinking that maybe I could sleep away the embarrassment.I was awoken by a light knock at the door, I looked at the clock and saw that it was a nearly 11pm. “Yes?” I say hesitantly. Mrs. Anderson opens the door slowly and peaks her head inside. “Can we talk Scotty?” she asks “yes mam” I respond. She walks into my room dressed in the stained flowered nightgown, I can see that under her arm she is carrying her black shoebox. I stare at her a bit shocked. “I think we need to talk about what happened today” she says. I turn away blushing as she plops herself down right beside me Indian style, her nightgown parting and giving me an unobstructed view of the big white cotton panties she was wearing beneath it. “I know you looked through the box of my things. She opens the box and flips through the stack of photos before handing two of them to me. “Here” she says, I look at the photos, one was of her in her thirties and she was thin with long black hair, I can tell the other photo was more recent as her white hair stood out prominently. “We took that last one just before Mr Anderson passed away” she tells me. Mrs. Anderson quickly began to bear her soul to me, she talks as if she had been hiding a secret for years and she needed to let it free. “Mr. Anderson and I had been into swinging for years” she tells me. “We first met the Kyle’s in the 1960s and we hit it off instantly” she says. She tells me of the day they first swapped partners and when they all attended an orgy for the first time. she shows me the picture of her eating out her friend Mrs. Kyle and my penis begins to harden, tenting the sheets of the bed. Mrs. Anderson mentioned that since the death of her husband her and the Kyles still frequently had sex, and that it was nice to be able to have that type of closeness with someone.I bornova escort bayan wondered to myself if that was what she was doing when she headed over to their home earlier today. “What is on these videotapes?” I ask her pulling one of them from the box. “Some other time Scotty” she says with a smile. As I look at some more of the photos from the box my prick was really beginning to ache. It was then that I noticed that her face had turned bright red and her breathing had increased, I look to see that one of her hands was now between her spread legs while she flipped through the stacks of photos with the other. My teacher was rubbing her vagina through her thick underpants, her fingers tracing their way around her clit and a small wet spot had already started to form on her panties. “Are you hard?” she asks me staring at the tent my prick had made. I do not respond, instead I try to cover my manhood with my hands. Without saying a wordMrs. Anderson forcefully pulls the sheets off of my lower body and again stares openmouthed at my young prick as it points upwards towards the ceiling and dripping precum. The rubbing at her crotch intensifies as she firmly wraps her wrinkled hand around my dripping cock and pumps rapidly up and down on it. It doesn’t take long “Mrs. Anderson, I’m coming!” I shout out as a huge stream of my semen shoots from my cock and lands all over the bed, her arm and splatters onto her nightgown. She continues to pump on me until no more cum drips from my exhausted penis. She removes the hand from my slimy penis massage the cum into her skin as if it is some sort of hand lotion. The messaging of her vagina ceases. “You’ve got a nice prick there Scotty” she says looking my nude body over once more before she bends forward and plants a big kiss on my forehead. Her cleavage exposed to my young eyes “You can keep the box here with you tonight” she says as she leaves the room closing the door behind her…IIII was going to be flying back to school tomorrow evening but during my time with my old teacher I had learned quite a bit more than I ever did in any classroom. As I sat there watching TV in the living room Mrs. Anderson calls out to me. “Scotty could you come to my bedroom please.” I turn of the television and head down the hallway towards her room assuming that she must need my help moving some more of her late husbands items.As I enter her room she says “Are you ready for another lesson Scotty?” I stand in her doorway stunned as I now see her laying across her bed in only a pair of blue panties and matching garters. She stands up from her bed and walks towards me, her large seductively sagging breast swinging back and forth with each step, I look down at her belly as she lifts my shirt up off of my body and with a tug loosens the belt on my pants causing them to fall to the floor. She then grabs my hand and pulls me forcefully into her room and pushes me down onto her bed. Standing in front of me she pulls the blue panties past her thick hips and steps her way out of them, I stare at this 77 year old woman’s body in pure amazement. “Take them off” she says while pointing to my boxers. I pulled my underwear off of my hips as she crawled onto the bed besides me. She immediately takes the whole length of my member into her warm mouth, her tongue massaging the shaft like a pro and her free hand massaging my balls. She briefly licks the tip of my penis as she sucked the precum out of me as if it was the nectar of the gods. My penis pops out of her mouth with a wet slurp. My teacher crawled beneath me, spreading her legs wide and expertly guides the tip of my penis into her hot hair covered hole. “Fuck me hard Scott” she says I didn’t need any more direction as I immediately began to pound the hell out of her. Her hands griping strongly at my back, her nails digging into my flesh “That’s it Scott, screw me good” she screams. I was pounding my old teacher so hard that I was moving the mattress off of the bed and the bedposts smashed into the wall repeatedly. Our mixture of fluids splashing everywhere and running down our legs. I so enjoyed hearing every squishy sloppy sound, every grunt, every moan coming from my former teacher as I was ramming myself in and out of her mature hole. Her bedroom quickly begins to fill with the pungent smells of sweat, and torrid forbidden sex. I kiss her neck and saltiness of her sweat on my lips. After what seems like hundreds of thrusts I finally began to cum. “Oh, oh, I’m coming” I say out loud as it begins to shoot out of me in giant spurts, my whole body goes week as I fill her beautiful vagina with my sticky seed. Mrs. Anderson holds me tightly, her legs wrapped around my back keeping me trapped inside of her. I lay there on top of here and feel the pulses of her vagina contracting around my prick. She releases her grip and I slowly pull myself out of her. I watch as my cum comes out in a stream and puddles on her bedspread. Mrs. Anderson is still moaning about how good it all felt and I continue to watch as a flood of our slimy mixture streams out of her hairy pussy running down her crack and pooling all over the bed. She turns to me, her face bright red, beads of sweat running down it and a smile that has spread completely across her lips, her eye shining brighter than I had ever seen them. She kisses me deeply, passionately, her tongue dancing with mine and her hands caressing my face. “This is our secret now Scotty” she says.As the plane is taxing down the runway I reach into my carry-on bag and pull out an envelope that Mrs. Anderson had handed to me as I was leaving, inside is a picture of her nude, laying across her bed, legs spread wide with her white hair sparkling brightly. I open the letter that was in the envelope and it simply says “Please come back soon” ….
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