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Used…It was the Friday before spring break, my junior year of high school was spinning out of control. Bruce Charlie and Daniel was assaulting me when ever they wanted to, even though Daniel had been expelled, he still showed up on campus when ever he wanted to fuck me. It all ways happened the next day after Bruce or Charlie had ordered me to satisfy one of them.But today on my way ho,me the three of them cut me off and pulled me on to the play ground, even though I was terrified I didn’t think they would attack me out in the open. Bruce began to speak ‘…tomorrow is Saturday and we don’t want to get you into trouble with your folks…’ Charlie chimed in ‘…we want you to get your folks permission to come to Central Park. Meet us at the old boat house and wear tennis, no socks or underwear, t-shirt and short pants…’Daniel finished ‘…bring a towel and be prepared to service our friends for the rest of the evening do this and we might let you go the rest of the year. Don’t and we want be very happy campers, that means your secret will be out and every dick in town will be after your sweet tight ass till it hangs open like an old cunt…’Just the way the three of them surrounded me at the swings and spoke gave me shivers. My bung was still sore from them using me often and repeatedly the kaçak iddaa previous week, how was I going to get through Saturday evening servicing their friends in an old boat house at the closed end of the lake.Yeah in Central park there is a huge lake that has a fence through it and around that end of the park. The fence has holes in it so that people can go through but not condoned by the authorities. If caught in there one could easily be arrested and put in jail so I was scarred as to how Saturday would end.Eleven o’clock Saturday I left home and went to the park, I saw Charlie as he waved to me and quickly disappeared into the bush. Looking around to make sure I wasn’t seen or followed I slip into the same area and found my way through the fence.Once inside the old boat house Charlie took my wrist and pulled me into the middle of the floor. He smiled at me and said ‘…this is how it’s gonna be. One or tow guys will come in here and ask this question…any fuck birds in here…when you here those wards you are to come out of hiding and do what ever they say. Do this and we’ll not bother you t rest of the school year.’Charlie looked at me and said ‘…any fuck birds in here…’ I starred at him as he said ‘…you just came out and I say to you. Get on your knees and put your pussy lips canlı bahis around my dick head and suck me dry…’ Charlie looked at me and said ‘…don’t just stand there get your fucking knees and fish my dick out and suck me dry…’Dropping to my knees I unzipped Charlie’s pants and fished his flaccid penis out. Charlie said ‘…stroke it slowly and slip your lips over my dick head and start sucking me good and hard. Remember no teeth is to touch my dick…’I pumped Charlie’s penis twice as it grew hard and than slipped my lips over his penile glans and started to suck him with all my might. Charlie placed his hand on the top of my head and moaned softly ‘…yeah that’s it suck dicks just like that and you’ll be alright…’It took Charlie five minutes to squirt his substance into my oral cavity and remind me ‘…don’t spit swallow it all, swallow it all…’ I kept Charlie’s penis in my lips as he shot load after load and swallowed every drop. Charlie pushed my head away and told me ‘…that’s good, that’s damn good. The guys will be coming soon be ready and remember no questions…’Charlie hurriedly zipped his pants and left, I took my towel and wiped his spunk off my chin and lips and went over to the secluded corner to await my next piece. I didn’t have to wait long, I could plainly güvenilir bahis see a guy in his early twenties come in and stop in the middle of the floor.He looked around and said just loud enough ‘…is there any fuck birds in here…’ I rose and walked out to where he was standing, he looked at me and said ‘…get my dick hard I want fuck…’ Without saying a word I dropped to my knees and undid his zipper and started to suck on his rigid penis.After about thirty seconds he pushed my head away and said ‘…drop those shorts and bend over that bar…’ there was an iron bar that the boats were tied too. I turned and stepped out of my shorts and picked them up and laid them on an old can.The guy spit on his fingers and massaged my bung hole, I felt the head of his rock hard penis as he slid it up and down spreading his spit. He pressed against my puckering bung hole and I felt my non virgin anal sphincter muscle ring begin to open. Gasping quickly for air I felt his penile head pop into my anal canal.The guy muttered ‘…damn bitch, your ass hole is tighter than my woman pussy. Shit I’m gonna enjoy this…’ For about ten minute he rammed into me with all his might till I felt his penis twitch and explode smearing my rectum insides with is sperm. Tears dripping from my eyes as he pulled out and turned me around and said ‘…clean me up…’I knelt down and begin to lick and suck his flaccid penis as it twitch and jerk till all his seed was out he patted me on the head and pulled up his pants turned and left.too be continued..
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32