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True Adventure In Public Bondage
This is an absolutely true story.
To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg’s Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front padding, to smooth everything out, followed by sliding in my realistic-sized and shaped penis butt plug. I put on my black control briefs, waist cincher, 38D bra with silicone breast forms, black top, and high heel wedge sandals. I put on my long, dark brown wig, and hoop earrings. I glue on long acrylic nails, over a half-inch longer than my real nails, and paint them with metallic polish to match my toenails. I am finally beginning to feel like more of my true self.
Then, to ensure my commitment, I begin putting myself into bondage. First, I unlock 9 small padlocks, put the keys into a small container, and dispose of the keys to where I cannot easily recover them. I then buckle leather restraints tightly around my ankles, and padlock them on. I buckle my rigid black leather güvenilir bahis siteleri posture collar tightly around my neck, then it’s time to put on my heavy waist/crotch/collar chain. I slide one end ring of a 16 inch chain through the main chain, then I lock one end of the heavy chain to the front ring on my collar. I bring the bulk of the chain down through my crotch, up my backside, and around my waist, pulling it very tight and padlocking it together at the small of my back. I guide the loose end up my back and pull it tight, then hook another padlock through the lockable buckle on the back of the collar, and snap it closed with the end of the chain secured to it. I use another padlock to secure the front of the waist chain to the crotch chain. I padlock my handcuffs to the front of my waistchain, to secure my wrists if my commitment needs to be further enforced. Then, lastly, I slide the short 6 inch ankle chain through the other ring on the end of the crotch/ankle chain, and I lock my ankle restraints together using 2 padlocks and the short chain. I am now firmly secured by 8 padlocks into my leather ankle cuffs, posture collar, 10 feet of heavy chain, and crotch/ankle and hobble chains. The ankle chain permits only very short steps, my tight heavy collar firmly restricts tipobet my head movement, and my locked chains ensure that I am held securely in my feminine outfit. The realistic penis filling my bottom feels so right. I love the constant reminder that having several inches of manhood inside of me is something that I need and want to get used to if I ever gather the courage to date a real guy.
My feminine outfit and secure bondage all feels so incredibly comfortable and natural. I know with every fiber of my being that this is my true self, the way that I am meant to be, and is the permanent full-time lifestyle that I want and need to have. I wish to become so physically and psychologically conditioned to having to wear makeup, long nails, pantyhose, and high heels that I will be literally unable to function unless I am.
I tell myself over and over that this is the normal and natural state for me to be in, and that there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about at all. I have put my keys on a super-feminine keychain, and put my ID and some money into my cute wallet. Getting used to having to do everything in my long nails, I grab my purse with my phone, wallet, and some makeup in it, and open the front door. Locking the door behind me, I walk out and get into my car, and begin tipobet güvenilir mi my drive. It’s now well after midnight, and I have settled on doing a self-assignment. I drive down the road to the main street of town. It is very busy during the day, but at this time of night there are only a few cars out. I park in a parking lot, close to a bus stop right next to the main street, and get out of my car. My ankle chains permit only short steps, and it takes a minute or so to reach the bus stop bench with my chains making a wonderfully little rattle, reassuring me that I am stuck as their captive until I can get back home. Sitting down, my neck is held firm by my collar, but I turn my body to see a couple of cars approaching. The bus stop is moderately lit, and anyone who looks over will surely notice me. My excitement builds, but I calm myself, again telling myself that this is just the real me, the way that I am meant to be. The cars pass, and if they notice me they don’t show it. I have given myself the assignment that I must remain there for a minimum of 10 cars, or 20 minutes, whichever comes first. Several more cars pass, and none seem to notice me sitting, and then standing, at the stop. I decide to wait the entire 20 minutes, and I count 15 cars during that time. I feel more and more comfortable the longer that I am there, but it is time to call it a night. I feel exhilarated, and yet completely calm and natural. I slowly make my way back to my car, unlock it, and get in. The drive home is uneventful, and I begin plotting my next adventure.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32