Şubat 14, 2025

Three Men and a Slut Pt. 02

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“What the hell was I thinking?” I mumbled to myself the following morning.

I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had been doing so since waking about three or four hours earlier. My mind kept replaying the events of the previous evening. How I had approached my housemates to try to re-establish more congenial relations a week after they had accidentally recorded me taking a shower. How that had led to us laughing about how little of me they had actually gotten to see. How I, for some weird reason, had offered to give them a better look. How that had led to me giving them a straight-up striptease. And how I had gotten so hot that I basically threw my naked, horny self at them.

I fucked them. I fucked all three of them. One right after another.

“What the hell was I thinking?” I repeated. “God, what am I? Some kind of wanton slut?”

I groaned to myself, closing my eyes. What was going to happen now? How was I going to be able to leave my bedroom and meet any of them face-to-face? The embarrassment was going to kill me.

And what might they be thinking? That I was easy? That I was ready and willing to strip my panties off for any old stiff dick? I probably just lost all respect that they may have had for me. They must think I’m such a slut.

My thoughts drifted back again to the previous night. Three guys. Three hard cocks. All three in my pussy. All three spilling their seed in my mouth or on my face.

Me cumming so deliciously intensely and doing so multiple times.

I could feel my pussy quiver from the memory, heating up, moistening. A flush of tingling excitement ran through me.

I pulled a pillow across my face and groaned into it, so it would muffle my frustration.

“God dammit! Maybe I am a slut,” I announced to myself. “But they’re my god-damned nerdy housemates!?!”

My brain kept cycling through the implications. The events. How awkward it was going to be once I walk out my bedroom door. How slutty I had behaved. How I had so very much enjoyed it.

And that was the clincher, right there. I had enjoyed it. Damn, I had enjoyed it so much. The thrill of having three sets of male eyes drinking in my naked body. The feeling of three different male bodies pressed against my own. Their hands exploring my body. My hands exploring theirs. Their rigid cocks thrusting into me. Their hot cum on my face and in my mouth.

“Fuck!” I yelled at the ceiling.

I glanced at my clock. It was already approaching 10am, and I had work to do. Yes, it was Saturday morning, but I had planned to put in at least a couple hours up at the lab. I couldn’t just lock myself in my room all day. If nothing else, I was going to have to use the bathroom and get something to eat.

Sucking in a deep breath, I finally threw the blankets off to one side and swung my legs out of bed, sitting up on the edge. I sat there a moment looking at the door to my room. Then I stood up and moved to my dresser to pull out something to wear.

As I opened one of the drawers, my eyes caught site of a neatly folded burgundy power skirt that I’d picked up some time back but had never actually worn. I generally preferred jeans. But as my fingers ran over the soft material, a thought sprung into my mind.

Maybe what I needed was confidence. I needed to own the situation. Show them I’m not embarrassed by what happened. I needed to be in control—in control of the situation and in control of my sexuality. A power skirt could be just the thing.

“Last night was on my terms,” I told myself. “And how I present myself is on my terms.”

Picking up the skirt, I held it out in front of me, a symbol of courage, a symbol of confidence, and a symbol of femininity.

“I am woman!” I roared to myself with a cheesy grin.

I turned to my closet and pulled out a white, long-sleeved blouse that would work well with the skirt. Smiling to myself, I began to get dressed.

A couple moments later, I was admiring myself in the small wall mirror next to my dresser. I had pulled my hair back in a tight bun. A little lipstick now adorned my lips as I smiled at myself. The blouse was fairly form-fitting, but the high collar kept my breasts more a suggestion than an overt advertisement. As I twisted left and right, my eyes checked the counters of the skirt as it hugged my hips, ass, and thighs just down to a couple inches above my knees. Adorning my feet were a simple pair of black flats. The whole ensemble was an image of feminine strength.

“I think this will do,” I told myself confidently as I turned to reach for the doorknob.

As I stepped through, I experienced several sensations. One was the heavy beating of my heart in my chest. Second, the tingling sensation of fear that washed over my whole body. And finally, my bladder felt like it was about to burst.

I quickly took the two steps down the hall to the bathroom and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. As the door closed, I sucked in a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I told myself to calm down. Why was I so nervous?

I Ankara Escort tried to shake the sensations off and quickly sat down to relieve myself. A few moments later, I had washed my hands and straightened my skirt again. I looked in the mirror again, took a deep breath and tried to steel myself again with a confident air before turning to open the door.

Rob’s door, which is just opposite the bathroom door, opened at the same time, and I found myself staring face-to-face with him across the narrow width of the hallway. We both froze.

“Oh.” He uttered quickly before lowering his eyes, looking down at my feet. He fidgeted a moment, then pulled back inside before my mind could think of what to say.

“Excuse me,” he said as he closed the door again.

I stood there, confused, staring at his closed door. After a moment, I took a deep breath, shrugged it off, and headed downstairs. The fear from a couple moments before was still there but had begun to fade. At least I wasn’t the one who had retreated back into the bathroom.

In the living room, Mike was sitting on the couch—in the same spot that he had been sitting the previous night when I had impaled myself so delightfully on his stiff cock, my mind quickly reminded me—watching what looked like some kind of historical documentary on the TV. As I stepped in, he glanced up at me and then almost immediately lowered his eyes.

“Good morning!” I stepped forward and tried my best to be cheery and friendly, striking my best confident pose, hands on hips, feet planted firmly, with one slightly in front of the other, knee subtly bent. My spine was straight, head held high.

“Good… good morning,” Mike responded, quickly standing up and awkwardly knocking his shin on the coffee table. He ran his fingers nervously through his hair.

“Um… did… did you want to watch the TV?” He offered me the remote control.

“Uh, no, no thanks.” I answered. “I need some breakfast.”

He smiled, nodded, and stood there rocking forward and back on his feet, obviously trying to look like he wasn’t looking at me. After a couple silent seconds, he clicked the remote at the TV, turning it off. Then he leaned over to carefully place the remote on the coffee table and straightened back up.

“Well, um, I guess I gotta go do some studying,” he stammered and moved to pass by me, trying his best, it seemed, to not get too close as he squeezed past. I turned to watch him quickly make his way down towards his room. A moment later, the latch on his door clicked as he closed it. I frowned at the now-empty hallway and turned back to continue towards the kitchen.

As I walked through kitchen door, I found Bill washing some dishes. He turned to me, eyes widening as if startled.

“Sam! Ah… um… hold on a moment.” He quickly cleaned his hands off and reached for a towel to dry with.

“Good morning!” I said, again putting on my confident stance and smile.

“Good morning,” he smile and nodded. “Your breakfast is ready here.” He quickly turned to the oven and pulled out a plate with a stack of french toast that.

“We didn’t know when you’d be up, so we were keeping it warm in the oven,” he held the plate out to me, averting his eyes with a bit of a blush on his face.

“So I see,” I smiled at him, taking the plate. “I thought we agreed you didn’t need to cook for me anymore?”

“Yeah, well, it… um… I’m not the cook today. It was Rob, since it was his turn. But um… well… we,” he nervously spat out.

“Well, you what?” I asked after he seemed to come to a halt. I noticed, as with Rob and Mike, Bill seemed unable to face me directly. Though rather than staring at my feet, his strategy seemed more along the lines of trying to inspect the counter for dust that needed cleaning.

“Um… well… you know…” he stuttered.

“No, I don’t know. What is it with you three today!?! It’s like you’re all scared of me,” it was finally dawning on me that of the four of us, I certainly wasn’t the one that needed a boost of confidence. Bill tried his best to look more directly at me.

“Um… well… I don’t know…”

“Come on, tell me. What’s going on? I thought we made all nice last night!”

“Well, it’s just… we were afraid…”

“Afraid? Afraid of what?”

“Well, you know… we kind of… We were worried you’d be upset and angry with us again.”

My eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

“Why would I be upset with you?”

“Well, you know… We um… well… last night…”

“Yes, what about last night?”

“We thought you’d be angry because we took…” he paused a moment, then finally spat it out. “We took advantage of you.”

I was shocked for a second as the meaning sank in. Then it felt like my whole body burst into a fit of laughter.

“You took advantage? Of me?”

Bill’s demeanor shifted from nervousness to sheepishness, cheeks blushing, as he again tried to avoid looking directly at me.

“Oh, my god,” I said as I tried to recover my own disposition. “Alright. Hm. Well, let’s see. You know Çankaya Escort what? Maybe we need another talk. Why don’t you go grab the other two and bring them down here.”

I turned and walked back through the kitchen door, setting my plate of french toast on the dining table where I found a place setting had been laid out for me. Glancing back, I saw Bill hesitating in the kitchen. He looked like a little boy who was about to be firmly chastised for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

“Well, go on!” I commanded. He snapped forward and quickly went off to fetch Mike and Rob.

I sat down and decided to go ahead and dig into the french toast. It smelled great and tasted better, and as the first bite slipped between my lips, I realized just how hungry I was. I chewed, swallowed, and quickly stuffed another bite into my mouth. The third bite, I slowed down so I could enjoy it a little more. French toast really was one of my favorites. And Rob apparently was really good at making it.

My roommates filed in a few moments later and took up standing positions along the side of the dining table as I continued to enjoy my breakfast. Realizing they were all just standing awkwardly at attention. I motioned to toward the table.

“Well sit down!”

The three of them shuffled about and took the three seats around the opposite end of the table, all looking down at the surface of the table. I noticed that once again, I was at one end and the three of them were all clustered way down at the other end. Mentally rolling my eyes, I took a moment to finish another bite of my breakfast. Then I calmly placed my silverware on the edge of the plate, wiped my mouth with a napkin. I ran my tongue over my lips then smacked them satisfyingly and looked down the table at the three of them.

“Gentlemen. It seems we need another house chat.” I started.

“Bill here tells me that you all seem to think I would be angry with you this morning. That I would somehow be upset about what happened last night. He told me that you guys ‘took advantage’ of me.” I lifted my hands up in the air and wiggled my fingers to signify the quotation as I smugly smiled at them. “Is that so?”

I could see cheeks reddening, eyes shifting further downward. Mike nervously swallowed.

“Do you think you were taking advantage of me when I offered to strip my clothes off for you?” I asked, shifting my eyes from one to the next. I felt like a school teacher who had caught a bunch of students misbehaving. I chuckled to myself.

“How about when I told you to put on some music that I could dance to? Was that you forcing me to do that?” I continued more insistently. “Do you think I wasn’t consenting when I told you to take out your dicks and stroke them? Were you coercing me when I ran upstairs to fetch some condoms? Bill, was it all your doing when I told you to take me from behind? How about you, Mike? Did you twist my arm so that I would climb on your lap and ride cowgirl on you, shoving my tits into your face? Or maybe, Rob, you had a gun to my head when I laid down on the floor, spread my legs, and invited you to thrust your hard cock into my pussy?”

I caught myself with that last question, realizing how explicit I was getting. The words were just spilling out of my mouth, and I was, frankly, getting a little worked up over it.

My three housemates at the other end of the table squirmed a little in their seats. They were so innocent. And so awkwardly cute, I realized. And here I was practically dressing them down.

And then it occurred to me. They certainly had not done anything wrong. Why was I berating them so harshly?

“Guys, I think you have it the wrong way around,” I said, relaxing my tone. I pushed my seat back and stood up, then moved around the table to stand between Mike and Bill, facing opposite Rob. Their eyes lifted tentatively toward me.

“If anything, I was the one who was the instigator. It’s you who should be angry with me. You were all innocent virgins, and I seduced you into a night of debauchery.” I placed a hand each on Mike’s and Bill’s shoulders and leaned forward slightly. “I should be the one apologizing to you.”

“What? No, Sam!” Mike stammered, looking more directly up at me.

“You were wonderful!” Rob chimed in.

“It was amazing!” Bill added.

I stood there a moment, taking in what they just said.

“Really?” I asked.

Three heads nodded emphatically.

“I took your virginities! That’s special. You should have done that with someone special! Not just with your slut of a housemate who was just ripping her clothes off!”

“It was special, Sam,” said Bill. “It was our first time. And you treated us like kings!”

“It was so much better than I expected!” Rob said.

“I… I was afraid when I… you know… um… on your face. I was afraid I ruined it all. But when you came back. Wow! That was… Wow! I… just, thank you, Sam, for that, for all of it,” said Mike.

I blushed a little and smiled.

“Well, I’m glad you guys liked it. It was kind-of a new experience for Etlik Escort me too. I’ve been with a number of guys before, but never three at once…” My blush deepened further as I realized what I had just admitted. But there was an energy building inside me, and I bounced a little on my toes. It was kind of a strange feeling being so open about my sexuality with three guys at once. The whole situation was wild. I felt giddy, and my heart was thudding in my chest again.

I looked around at each face. They were all looking up at me now, smiles and bright eyes. Bill ventured a question.

“Did… did you like it too, Sam?”

I looked at him and flashed him a big smile.

“I did! I enjoyed it very much!” I admitted.

I closed my eyes a moment, taking a breath in, and thought to myself, “Mmm… god damned… so very, very, very much!” I think my blush must have deepened even further.

Opening my eyes again, I found the guys were all flashing big cheesy grins up at me, and I could tell Rob was trying to adjust himself in his seat.

“What?” I asked. And then half a beat later. “I just said that out loud, didn’t I?”

It was my turn to look embarrassed.

“Ok. You know what? Maybe we can pretend you didn’t hear that!” I exclaimed. Of course, little chance of that, I knew. And from the looks on their faces, I could tell they weren’t going to let it slide. I could stand there under the gaze of those big cheesy smiles for only a couple seconds before acquiescing.

“Ok. Fine! Yes, I really enjoyed it! A lot! A lot, a lot! You guys really gave me a solid fucking last night, alright! Satisfied?” I announced. Then, I decided if I was in, I might as well go all in. I switched to playful mode, putting on a bit of a saucy, breathy voice, “Does that make you guys feel more manly? To know that you really fucked me good? Three studly guys satisfying this hot, horny woman?”

Now Mike and Bill started squirming in their seats too. I smiled and chuckled at them, realizing what kind of effect I was having on them. And I also realized that I was rather enjoying it.

I shifted around behind Bill to move between him and Rob. Leaning forward again, deeper this time, arching my rear out a little behind me so my chest hung low, hands braced on Bill’s and Rob’s shoulders.

“Mmm… yes, I felt so good getting fucked hard last night. You guys really pounded the hell out of my hungry, juicy pussy. And when you came on my face and in my mouth. Mmm… It was so delicious!” I ran a hand sensuously down the side of my face, fingers spreading across my lips, down over my chin.

“Your hot cum on my skin… on my tongue… God, I’m getting hot just thinking about it.”

I could see Mike swallow nervously, his eyes wide. Bill’s mouth was hanging open. And Rob actually shifted a hand to his crotch to give his growing bulge a small tug in what I assumed was a more comfortable direction.

“Mmm… yeah. It was so hot! So wild! So sexy! Getting pounded by you three studs last night…” I continued to draw my hand down my neck and further down through the valley between my breasts. “God, my pussy is getting all wet just thinking about it. Oooh… yeah… all three of your hard cocks thrusting into me, one after another…”

It occurred to me that maybe I was going just a little overboard, or rather a lot overboard, teasing them. What clued me in was the sudden realization that my pussy actually was getting wet. I was working myself up into a deep, frothing horniness, and a little voice at the back of my head was trying to tell me I needed to tone it down quickly or it wasn’t going to be responsible for what might happen. But my big mouth just kept going…

“You drilled me so well, I was left dreaming of your thick cocks all night long. My pussy was so well fucked, I was in a haze of blissful euphoria. And now it’s hungry again as I’m standing here knowing all three of you are getting hard just thinking about me. Hard for me. I’m so hot just thinking about it that my pussy is calling out for you to fuck my brains out again.”

Oh shit! What did I just say? I stood up straight, clamping a hand over my mouth, eyes wide in surprise.

“A… again?” Rob ventured optimistically.

“I didn’t say that!” I announced firmly.

“I think you did,” responded Bill.

“No, no, no! You misheard!”

“I heard it too,” said Mike.

The three of them suddenly looked like three sharks sensing an opportunity to strike.

I blushed and tried to demur.

“Guys, come on… I was just teasing, you know. I didn’t really mean all that…”

All three pairs of wide eyes were looking up at me on the verge of disappointment. They were like three big puppy dogs yearning for my attention, brimming with energy, but sad at being rejected. My heart quivered.

I stood there frozen, my brain chugging through the implications of the possible things I could say or do next. Part of me wanted to turn tail and just run, hoping it would blow over. But that wouldn’t resolve anything. It would just delay the embarrassment. The rational part of my brain was yelling at me to tell them that last night was a one-time-only thing. We had to restore sanity to the household. Respect and boundaries! They would get over the disappointment. Life would move on. That was the right choice, right?

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