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the truthlet me guess… you still haven’t gotten tested?——————————————————————————–From: To:Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:59 AMSubject: RE: heyThis is definitely a high priority. I just signed for an apartment two weeks ago, booked non refundable ski trips at my school in advance and waiting to get my tax return in order to schedule an appt at PP. Kind of special circumstances because I’m an intern and they cap me at exactly 30 hours I don’t get health insurance, and I have to seek my yearly check up screening elsewhere and I’m planning to do a full screen as soon as I get my refund check. I’m completely independent of my parents and I did not discuss this with Anthony yet so… I’m making it a priority and making him go get screened for the sake of a yearly check up. It’s not an excuse or anything, but I’m making do with what I can and you shouldn’t be worried because I’ll take care of my problems and inform you when I do get results. The point is I’m really sorry this happened, but we’re both not sure if I have herpes or not and you can’t rush it because I can’t afford an emergency room visit. And disclosing this information to you would make it any better? I know that if I do find something in the results the appropiate thing to do is to inform my previous sexual partners and I’ll talk to the doctor about the whole thing.D——————————————————————————–Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 19:51:52 -0800From:Subject: Re: heyTo: no it went away as to expected at the 3 week mark. i don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough, you have a permanent STD which you gave to me and potentially others, getting tested should be a high priority not an afterthought….——————————————————————————–From: To: Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:50 PMSubject: RE: heyNothing since I don’t have a tax return yet. Are your symptoms getting any worse?——————————————————————————–Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 14:42:44 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: what is canlı bahis going on with your testing????——————————————————————————–From: >To: Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2013 9:04 PMSubject: RE: heyI don’t even know how to tell my boyfriend either. I regret we ever met up. I had no idea. No I haven’t so it must’ve been before I dated Tony. I dated three guys and two girls. Fuck my life. This is a disaster. I can cancel the appointment at my local dept of health, but I don’t know how soon PP can schedule me to get a full screening. I’ll go get it taken care of. I’m just scared of finding out because I never had any sort of symptoms. If the tests are tricky then how do I make sure? Get tested multiple times?D——————————————————————————–Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 10:22:22 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: I did get it. im pretty much going to have to take antiviral pills every day for the rest of my life and have embarrassing breakouts. Not even sure how to break it to my girlfriend. 32% of people in Atlanta have HSV-2, and 64% have HSV-1. Not great statistics. Have you slept with anyone else while in your current relationship? What about before? You definitely didn’t have this when we used to hook up 2 years ago, we slept together dozens of times and never had a problem. And the tests are tricky, they don’t always detect the antibodies if you’re not having symptoms. You could go to planned parenthood, they do it there for very cheap or free I think. I hope you don’t have the HSV-2 somehow and this is a freak accident… but you need to go to planned parenthood anyway to be sure.——————————————————————————–From: To: Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:04 PMSubject: RE: heyDI don’t even know what to say. This is upsetting. My appointment is a month out because I don’t have insurance… This is crazy. I hope you didn’t get it. I’m sorry.——————————————————————————–Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 06:52:44 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: I went bahis siteleri to the doctor and while it’s premature to do blood work (I have to wait 3 weeks for antibodies to appear in my blood), all symptoms and the doctor’s diagnosis are consistent with an initial, primary infection of HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus). This primary infection occurs approximately 3-14 days after contact with someone that is carrying the virus, I first started having symptoms on the 29th, 7 days after we met up. I have not had sex with anyone else during the last 4 weeks prior. It is very likely to catch it even from someone that does not have any symptoms. In fact, 80% of people that have HSV-2 don’t know they have it. At this point I would say there is a 99% chance that I caught it from you 🙁 I suggest going to the doctor ASAP, getting the bloodwork done, and potentially getting on suppressive acyclovir therapy as you either have already given it to anthony, or may give it to him in the future.Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.——————————————————————————–From: To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 5:58 AMSubject: I don’t have any symptoms whatsoever but I’ll make an appointment tomorrow. You should get checked… so you can sleep at night. Like I said I’ll keep you posted about my screening. Dmitrii I am 99% sure I’m clean but I’ll go check because you’re feeding into my paranoia and I can’t chance 1%.D——————————————————————————–Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 15:39:23 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: improvement yet on my end on the symptoms :(——————————————————————————–From: To: Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 4:41 AMSubject: RE: heyBetter safe than sorry. I’ll keep in touch.——————————————————————————–Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 08:52:29 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: i hope it’s just an allergic reaction to the different water in different country. im always really paranoid. sorry to worry you./——————————————————————————–From:>To: bahis şirketleri Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2013 9:57 PMSubject: RE: heyNo I don’t have those symptoms. I’m going to get a full check up so I’ll find out for sure. You’re making me nervous about it though because I was clean when I got checked 2 years ago.——————————————————————————–Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 09:03:13 -0800From: Subject: Re: heyTo: yeah sometimes stuff can be dormant. im more worried about herpes not HPV. have you had any kind of symptoms like any irritation? i know this is not a pleasant topic.D——————————————————————————–From:To: Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2013 5:49 PMSubject: RE: heyHeyI’ll go to the doctor to get a full screening as soon as I can. I get my tax return soon. I don’t have anything as far as two years ago, but I’m due for a full check up anyway. If you’re asking if I’ve done anything else since then I have dated guys before Tony, but been with Tony for a year…. I’ll let you know the results, but you should get checked as well. HPV is as spreadeable as touching a toilet seat.——————————————————————————–Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 08:04:35 -0800From: Subject: heyTo: hey so this is not an extremely pleasant topic so I figure we need to probably be adults about it as much as possible, for both our benefits.Anyway so I think I might have gotten something from you. Yeah, like in that bad way. I am an educated person and a scientist and I spent some time researching things before I came to that conclusion. I haven’t slept with anyone except Loukia in almost 2 years and about a week after we hung out I started to get some symptoms, which is consistent with about how long the thing I think I got takes to develop after contact. I do hope it’s something else, but I am at least 50% sure at this point that it’s not. And it’s one of those permanent things (yes the H word)did you know that you had this before? when is the last time you got tested? is it possible you got it from your boyfriend?it may be a good idea to go see a doc, very soon, and please keep me posted on what you find out.again I do really hope that it’s not what I think but the symptoms seem pretty telling.thanks,
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