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THE INITIATION OF CARLWe were the cool guys in high school the ones everyone wanted to hang out with because to be seen with us was to be cool yourself…The leader of our merry band was named Spike he got that nickname because once when he was jumping a fence he slipped and fell on a piece of rebar it impaled his upper thigh just missing his main artery we all freaked out but not Connor he just said “Oh Shit!” and lifted himself off that bar with blood pouring out of his leg we put his belt around his leg to stop the bleeding while we waited for the ambulance to come and of course we were making jokes about it saying good thing he hadn’t come down ass first and stuff like that…The medic’s thought we were all nuts and maybe we were just a little the craziness of youth we were young men with hormones raging looking for adventure and whatever you know…My name is Billy they call me Billy Bone on account of one time in class I had gotten a hard on thinking about this hot girl in front of me she had an amazing ass that she liked to show off with short tight skirts you know the kind of girl I mean…yeah you do! Anyway the teacher asks me to come up to the chalk board to complete some math equation and I didn’t realize just how hard I was and when I stood up you could see the outline of my cock running down my leg the teacher saw it too I could see her eyes get big and the other girls in the class got an eyeful too but I just played it off like nothing was happening and went up to the board and did the equation I heard girls whispering and giggling and after I finished and turned to the teacher who was blushing red and said to me “That’s correct Billy thank you and take your seat please!” I had a big grin on my face and just kind of swaggered back to my desk sitting down with my legs kind of open bold as brass…hey I had to play it off that way I was one of the cool guys after all…I got a lot of dates after that even Brianna the hot ass girl in front of me went out with me and I fucked that amazing bouncy big ass on her parents bed one afternoon when we ditched class cause we were bored she didn’t have much of a personality but boy what an ass!!! I didn’t care if she spoke or not as long as she sucked my cock and let me fuck that ass I was having the time of my life!Carl Beesley was a guy from the neighborhood he was good looking but in a girly way taking all his looks from his Mother he even had her gorgeous honey blond hair…Small in stature Carl did not play sports he wasn’t nerdy or anything like that but he just didn’t fit in too well and was seen by himself a lot I felt sorry for him but being one of the cool guys I could not approach him that was a breach of etiquette that Spike would never condone! I heard Carl’s dad had died when he was young traffic accident I think so it was just him and his Mother not that she was lonely beautiful woman that she was and it didn’t look like she was in any hurry to get married again either…But she loved Carl and tried to raise him well but it was just hard for him to fit it…So you can imagine my surprise when Spike himself invited Carl to come to our hang out spot which was the basement of his house his parents spoiled him rotten and let him get away with anything we had a special room in the basement sound proofed so our noise didn’t bother his parents upstairs there was an excellent stereo a big screen television for watching sports and sometimes porn that we smuggled in…I was our oasis our home port where we planned our futures schemed out how we were going to get some girl to fuck did all sorts of fun things there and I was shocked when Spike gave him the invite everyone was upset Carl wasn’t cool why were we inviting him to our club blah blah blah but Spike just grinned and said “Don’t sweat it boys I have a plan!” When Carl got here we were ready for him he was a little apprehensive at first but after a little conversation and a couple of beers he was happy and talking freely then Spike called him over and asked him if he wanted to be one of us a member of the Wolf Pack that’s what we called ourselves back then sounds funny now but then we were dead serious…Carl said yes he wanted to be in the Pack then Spike said “Okay but first you have to pass the initiation do you still want to do it?” Carl nodded his head yes then Spike took a coffee can out with a bunch of slips of paper in it and held it out to Carl “Choose what you will do for us!” With a slightly shaky hand Carl reached in and took out a slip of paper…”Now read it!” Spike demanded Carl the read it “Become a girl!” he said “Still want to pledge?” Spike teased “You can still back out now but once you begin it’s for keeps!” Then Carl surprised me he smiled a sweet kind of knowing smile and said “No lets do it!” Spike had us strip him naked and then Spike said “To become a girl you have to be hairless!” So out came the cans of shaving cream and a bunch of razors we covered Carl with the shaving cream then began to shave him the whole time he wore a beautiful smile on his handsome face and as his body hair disappeared I saw how feminine his body really was he even had the beginnings of small boobs on his chest his belly was flat but his ass was rounded like a girls Spike made sure we shaved the crack of his ass as well…his cock once shaved of all his pubic hair was tiny and barely stuck out at all and as we shaved down his legs which were long and shapely like a girls heck even his feet were pretty small perfectly formed little feet with nice shapely toes when we finished washing off the shaving cream his body gleamed and the smile was still on his face I think he was enjoying all the attention and he was not embarrassed at all to be naked and hairless in front of us I think he likes guys anyway never having seen him with a girl ever! Spike the said “Now we go to my sisters room…He led Carl naked upstairs to her room it was very girly in there I was excited just to be in there all those feminine things all over and it smelled like perfume and baby powder man that’s sexy! Spike went into her dresser and got out some sexy panties and a matching bra which he made Carl put on then he got some panty hose out and he put them on as well Carl’s body seemed to be transforming before our eyes as more girl stuff got added a mini skirt a sexy halter top earring’s, bracelets ,necklace’s then a sexy red haired wig Carl began to look really hot then Spike made me put his make up on as I was an artist of sorts so I sat Carl before her make up mirror and put on all the stuff I remember my girlfriend putting on…He didn’t need a lot of work either his natural complexion was great and with his high cheek bones and blue green eyes it was an easy task so I highlighted his eyes with some mascara and eyeliner a little blush on his cheeks and some sexy ruby colored lipstick for his lips when I was finished I looked up and there was this beautiful girl in the mirror I said “WOW! Your so beautiful!” Carl looked into my eyes and I saw something there I think he really likes me uh oh so I looked away and stood kuşadası escort bayan up then Carl got up and he really looked amazing his legs in those heels looked fantastic he had better calf’s then any girl I had ever went out with and I couldn’t take my eyes off him for some reason he knew it too and smiled and raised his arms and did a little shake and the guys went wild hooting and whistling then Spike said “Walk around a little!” So he did a little wobbly at first still getting used to the heels but then he mastered them and was strutting around the room then he came up to me and looped his arm through mine and PP James who got his nickname because he is always taking a leak giggled and said “I think she likes you Billy!” I blushed down to my shoes but Spike saved me by coming up and saying “You passed the test and now your one of us but on one condition when your with us you dress like a girl and your name will be Carly you okay with that?” Carly looked at me still blushing and nodded and said “I will!” Then Spike said “It’s official your a member of the Wolf Pack and may I say your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!” He took Carly’s hand and kissed it like a real gentleman..then PP James says “Watch out Billy Bone you got competition!” I punched him a good one in his shoulder then I felt Carly’s grip tighten on my arm I looked at her and forgot all about PP then Spike said “Lets go out and show off Carly see what the world thinks of her so we went for a walk down the lane and out to the boulevard where the action was well Carly was turning heads all right guys were falling all over themselves checking her out almost caused a few car crashes too she was a hit and was just loving the attention I had never seen Carl now Carly so happy before he still had my arm and I was okay with that just in case she might stumble on those heels I wanted to be there to catch her I couldn’t help but think of him as a woman now he looked so hot in that outfit I wondered what he would look like in a slinky dress then I blushed again what was I going gay this is just a guy in drag after all but looking at him the way he was enjoying being Carly I got to thinking that maybe this was who he really is underneath deep inside letting go for the first time in his life being who he really is…a girl!We had a lot of fun that day and as we parted company that evening Carly came up to me still smiling and said “Thanks for being my support today I needed someone to lean on getting used to these heels and all!” I couldn’t help but smile back her smile was so contagious and I said “Don’t mention it! Glad you had fun you seemed to enjoy being the new you!” She looked into my eyes again and there was that look again she likes me I know it but I’m confused as to what I’m feeling…Then she says “I love being Carly this is who I am now!” then she kissed me on the cheek and walked away with her guy clothes and shoes in a shopping bag I found myself watching her ass and those amazing legs going up the walk to her house what was he going to tell his mother I didn’t envy him that conversation no way! Hi mom surprise I became a girl today…oh boy better him then me..My mom would kill me!I got the shock of my life when Carl showed up at school as Carly man it caused quite a stir with the teachers and with the students of course there are always assholes who want to pick on those who are different but Carly was a Wolf Pack member and nobody fucks with the Pack so we came down hard on all those creeps and made it known if anyone so much as looked at Carly funny they were in for a world of shit! I busted a few heads myself before everyone got the message…Carly sat by me during lunch and we had a chat…”I can’t believe you came to school as Carly girl are you crazy?” I said to her but smiling in spite of myself because she looked so happy! Carly batted her eyelashes at me and said “This is who I really am Billy and I have to be me no matter what the consequences!” I looked at Carly who looked amazing by the way in a new dress and heels and even a new wig which was more her natural color honey blond she looked so natural and so at peace with herself that I just nodded and said “Got to admit you do look fantastic!” Carly just smiled that smile at me and her eyes said what her mouth did not I pretended to see someone I knew and changed the subject…Carly had her name legally changed with the help of her mom and she hung around with The Pack as much as she could and we had a lot of fun together…One Friday night my date Donna called and said she had an emergency in the family and couldn’t meet me for out movie date I was disappointed as I had already bought the tickets I decided to go to the movie anyway when I got there I saw standing in line non other than Carly she appeared to be alone so I came up behind her and said “Hi Carly!” She turned and broke into her one thousand watt smile “Billy! Hi Baby!” she gushed and kissed me on the cheek I blushed and she giggled I recovered by saying “My date canceled and I have two tickets want to see the movie with me?” Carly hooked her arm through mine and said “Her bad luck cause now I’m your date!” I blushed again why do I keep doing that? So we went and got in to the movie she wanted to sit in the back which is where I usually sit it’s a great make out spot and the best view when actually watching the film…It was a love story a really good one too I figured to get Donna all excited and have some fun in the dark anyway Carly sat next to me and the movie began after a bit she said “Do you mine if I get comfortable?” I said no not really knowing what she meant by that but then she scrunched down a little and rested her head on my shoulder damn but she smelled good and her head felt nice on my shoulder too so as the movie went on and got good I felt Carly’s hand on my thigh I looked at it there and it was a beautiful hand with long manicured nails I felt a stirring in my groin and thought damn it shes turning me on what if I get hard? What if she grabs my cock? What if she wants to kiss? All these thoughts were running through my head and then I just thought to heck with it I’m going to kiss her and see what happens so after the woman in the story just got a really hot romantic kiss I heard Carly sigh and so I turned slightly put my hand under her chin and raised up her face a little “Want to try that?” I whispered Carly tightened her grip on my thigh “I thought you’d never ask Billy…Yes please!”So I kissed her and it was electric her lips so soft and yielding we started out with just lips kissing but then somehow her lips parted and somehow my tongue slipped inside and it was making out city for us guys all around were staring at me making out with this hot girl all jealous and stuff if they only knew just how special she really was it would blow their minds…Carly let her hand ride up my leg until it rested on my now hard cock she stroked it through my pants and I groaned into her mouth then I felt her unzip me and her hand slipped inside and took me out escort kuşadası and her hand felt my cock sliding up and down its now rock hard length then she broke the kiss looked into my eyes her eyes were smoky hot and burned fire deep fire long denied now realized “I want to do it! Can I?” I knew what she meant and a thousand reasons for saying no appeared then disappeared in my mind and I felt my head nodding then her mouth was on my cock and it was incredible it was the best cock sucking I had ever received I was in heaven and just closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling and I held off as long as I could before I came Carly never stopped her sucking and she drained me dry before putting me back in my pants after a few more strokes of her lovely hand…She looked into my eyes and she looked so happy so pleased with herself I had to smile “My God that way amazing! You are amazing!” She kissed my cheek and put her arm around me and rested her head on my chest and we watched the rest of the movie that way…After the movie we went for a long walk and just talked Carly told me how wonderful it was to finally be who she really was and how grateful she was to us for giving her the opportunity to realize what deep inside she had always known…I told her that at first I thought it was mean to be dressing a guy up like a girl and I thought that maybe Spike had had something against you to humiliate you like that but then you seemed to like the change and then the farther you went you seemed to love the change and then I realized that Spike must have guessed that about you as you had always seemed kind of sad and you were never with a girl or another guy for that matter somehow he had guessed right and quite frankly I told Carly I am glad he did…We were in the park and all alone Carly took my hand and I squeezed it and we walked that way like two lovers out for a stroll and I opened myself to Carly like I had never opened myself to anyone before she was so easy to talk to and so understanding that I felt myself being drawn even closer to her was I gay? No I still liked girls…and Carly other than having a male part to her anatomy was a girl in every sense of the word and I wanted to see her again that much I knew for sure…I took her home finally and she turned to me at the door “I had a wonderful time tonight thanks for inviting me to the movies with you!” I smiled at her “It was my pleasure Carly! I’d like to see you again if that’s all right with you!”That thousand watt smile lit her face again and she said “I was hoping you’d say that! So YES lets do that again real soon!” She kissed me and I kissed her back and it felt right I know it sounds crazy but I really liked this girl…this special girl…We saw each other on the sly for a while disappearing together whenever we could I found myself liking Carly more and more then one night she called me and told me her mother had gone away for the weekend and would I like to come over I said I would and got dressed I told my mom I was staying over Spike’s house for the weekend so she wouldn’t worry then I got on over to Carly’s she let me in and we went into the family room and made ourselves comfortable on the sofa Carly slid over and we began kissing well kissing led to fondling and I was hard and horny but Carly did not take my cock out she stood up and took my hand then led me to her bedroom which she had redone girly style it looked really nice and her bed was big and comfortable looking she led me over to it and looked deep into my eyes “I want you do you want me?” Carly asked her eyes big and questioning “I do Baby!” I told her kissing her deeply then I helped her out of her clothes and she covered up her penis with her hand I took her hand away and told her “Your beautiful just as you are don’t hide yourself from me I need to see you all of you!” Happy tears glistened in her lovely eyes and she let me take her all in I touched her small perfectly shaped penis while looking into her eyes stroking her hard as I grew hard myself Carly moaned softly and I kissed her again then she undressed me and planted kisses all the way down my body to my raging cock which she kissed as well then even sucked a little she looked up and smiled “I don’t want you to cum just yet okay?” I nodded to her as all words had left me then she got on the bed on her belly with her sweet round bottom raised up high it was so inviting but I wanted to make love to her face to face the first time so I gently turned her over and got on top of her she spread her legs for me and wrapped them around my waist I could feel her cock between us and for some reason that didn’t feel strange I accepted her as she was and her pretty little cock was part of the package and I was okay with that…I put some saliva onto my hand and put it down between us and lubed up her sweet little rosebud with it then she guided my cock to her and gasped into my mouth as I began to enter her she was incredibly tight tighter than any pussy I had ever had I had to go slowly so as not to hurt her but she grew impatient and pulled me in deep by squeezing her legs together we both gasped together then giggled together when we heard each other…It was the most wonderful feeling my cock wrapped in the tight warm channel of her body her breasts were rubbing my chest and I looked down and they looked so much bigger than when we shaved her she saw my expression and smiled “Hormones I’ve been taking them for a while now so do you like them?” They were a simply perfect pair of the most suckable sweet breasts I had ever seen I took each nipple into my mouth and sucked on it while feeling the other with my hand rubbing the nipple between my forefinger and thumb making her gasp with pleasure! “I take that as a yes!” Carly giggled again she had the sweetest giggle too it got me horny just hearing it so I raised myself up from her sweet tits and said “Yes I LOVE them!” Our lips met again and did not part until I finished making love to her it was so deliciously sweet riding into her feeling her move beneath me and as I came inside her I felt like my balls had completely emptied I felt drained yet fulfilled and as our lips finally parted I looked into her lovely eyes again and saw her deepest heart there I was overwhelmed by the beauty of it and decided to show her how grateful I was to have her to be her first and most special love so now it was my turn to trail kisses down her body I stuck my tongue into her belly button making her giggle again God how I loved to hear that then I felt her cock beneath my chin and I kissed the head of it and it felt nice so I kissed down the length of her to her lovely small sack which I surprised myself by taking into my mouth and giving them a good sucking Carly moaned and her hands were in my hair kneading and stroking I let her cute little balls slide out of my mouth then I licked her up her shaft taking her into my mouth again I was surprised how easy it was to do this for her and I was actually enjoying doing it to her so I sucked her cock for her doing her like many kuşadası escort bayan girls before had done to me and as she came and filled my mouth with her essence I was surprised how nice it tasted not nasty at all like I imagined but really good so I swallowed it and then kissed my way back up her body until we were face to face again…Did I surprise you? I said to Carly she smiled and said “Yes you did and I loved it! Now make love to me Billy this time on my belly please!” Carly wanted more and turned over onto her belly her sweet ass looked so inviting that my cock began to grow hard again Carly helped it along by taking it in her hand and rubbing it between the cheeks of her beautiful ass I couldn’t believe how perfect and round her ass was bouncy but firm just the way I liked them and my cock slipped easily back into the warm wetness of her and we both groaned with pleasure I gave it to her long strokes driving my cock into her making her ass bounce as my hips met her bottom “YES YES YES!” Carly exclaimed as I pounded her sweet ass “I NEED THIS FUCK ME HARD BABY!” I heard her say and fuck her hard I did the bed was bouncing and the headboard was banging the wall as I came again with a roar filling her greedy ass with another hot load I came and came hard my balls seemed to have no end to the love juice I poured into that tight amazing ass of hers I knew this was her first time and wanted to make it really special and fun for her…After I was spent I lay on top of her my cock still deep inside her bottom she turned her face so I could kiss her and it felt so nice I kissed her lips I kissed the back of her neck I kissed her shoulders and all the while she told me how wonderful it felt no other girl had ever made me feel so wanted and I reveled in this sweet after sex…we lay there together arms around each other face to face body to body her cock was pressed against mine and it felt strangely good then Carly told me that she loved me and it was then I realized that I loved her too had loved her for a while now and loved her even more after being together with her so I told her that I loved her too and she kissed me then buried her head in my neck and just held me tight for a long while…It was an incredible weekend Carly and I made love all over the house we even did it on the dryer while it was running and the vibrations coming through her ass to my cock felt fantastic and I came a lot faster then I wanted to but that was okay I just stayed inside her till I got hard again and off we went on another ride….It was hard to say goodbye after the amazing time we had but somehow we did and life went on we saw each other on the sly as often as we could but I was growing impatient to just be with her and to hell with everyone else…She invited me over to meet her Mom and though I was a little leery I went to meet her at their house she was a gorgeous graceful incredibly beautiful woman I was stunned at first but her casual smile and wonderful personality put me at ease she sent Carly to make us some ice tea’s and after she had left the room she spoke softly to me so Carly couldn’t hear “I have to say Billy that I have never seen Carly so happy before and I mean ever all she talks about is you how wonderful you are how smart how funny she just goes on and on…I know you really care for her so just take care of my baby please watch out for her and protect her from the people who don’t understand just how beautiful she really is!” I took Jasmine’s hand that’s her Mothers name just so you know and told her that I loved Carly and that I would always be there to make her life special and safe…Just then Carly showed up with the iced tea and we had a nice chat I found that her Mother was as sweet and amazing as Carly and we became good friends before our tea time was over!That weekend Spike invited us all to the clubhouse for a get together carly and I arrived separately as planned and she sat next to me as usual we were having a good time but I felt cheated I wanted everyone to know about Carly and I and I wanted to share my good fortune with my friends so as we sat there listening to another of PP’s funny stories I turned to Carly and just grabbed her and kissed her and it was a long kiss too and when we finished I turned and looked at Spike with my eyes defiant ready to repel any objections but then Spike began clapping and smiling and he said “It’s about damn time you two came out we were going crazy pretending not to notice the looks you two always give each other yeah we’ve known for some time now but we wanted you guys to tell us or not if that was your choice but I’m glad you did and we are happy for you both aren’t we boys?” Everyone applauded together and wished us well and we felt so stupid for trying to hide it for so long but we also felt great joy at being accepted as a couple among our friends! Spike then said “I just knew you two were going to hook up together Carly had her eyes on you Billy from day one!” I blushed down to my toes as Carly took my hand then jumped into my lap she laughed and said “Hey as long as everyone is cool with this I might as well be comfortable!” Everyone laughed and I squeezed her and said “You are one crazy lady you know that?” She kissed me and said “Crazy about you baby!” and kissed me some more to much applause and laughter…So we were outed and everyone knew about us there were a few problems at school a couple of football jerks tried to be assholes but after I broke the nose of one chopped the other in the throat then while he was holding his neck I broke his nose too! Word got around and nothing was ever said again…ever! I took Carly to the prom that year and we danced and had an amazing time then after high school we went off to college wanted to go to the same college together but her field took her to a different place than mine but we talked all the time and met during the breaks I told Carly if another guy wants to take you out to go for it I wanted her to see what it was like to be with someone else so that when we get together again after school is over she can know that its truly me that she wants to be with…After college we got back together and it was wonderful absence does make the heart grow fonder and we spent the first weekend in bed together she told me about some guys that she had dated and although they were nice she really missed me I was her special guy and no one was going to take my place in her heart! So we decided to live together we found a great apartment with a fantastic view and we are going to see how we like living together if we do and I’m really sure we will I plan to ask Carly to marry me the state we live in has same sex marriage so that will be no problem Spike will be my best man of course as he was the one that made this all happen anyway bless him for seeing Carly for who she really is… there’s not a day goes by that she does not surprise me with her humor and with her amazing love of life She became a Vet by the way and her love of a****ls is such a joy to see we have a Golden Retriever named “Cyclone” because of his way of s**ttering his toys all over the room we call him “Cy” for short and he is our wonderful four legged c***d who Carly dotes over every day…So life is good and the future looks bright!I thank heaven every day for Carly the love of my life!To Be Continued…
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