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The Gift – for my wife’s 22nd birthdayThe ink was still wet on my electrical engineering degree when I quit my job at a well known international package distribution company. Over the previous two months rumors of my wife ‘in flagrante delicto’ with our best friend at his going away party, with dozens of my co-workers in attendance, had quickly spread at work. Soon we were on the A-list for every party thrown by our ever-growing circle of friends, and the lines to dance with (and fondle) my wife became increasing more awkward. I was immediately hired as a system design engineer for the company that had designed and installed the conveyer systems in which I had previously been in charge of the maintenance and repair of, second shift, at the company I had just left.In the two months following the party, right before I quit, we had successfully played our Game four times, where we go to some hotel or motel lounge separately and I’d watch my wife get picked up for sex; the first was a month later at my wife’s best friends wedding reception, and then the next three weeks in a row – after my wife had confessed that she had really enjoyed it. Now that we were both working days it was a lot easier to have quality time for our recently upgraded Game.My first customer call for my new firm was just down the road from a little bar that our best friend and I had frequented, years before I went back to school to complete my degree, which is where I met my wife. We were working as laborers for a construction contractor at a nearby military logistical base. Back then we had been on a first name basis with the owner and bartender, Charlie. On a whim I stopped in for a drink after I’d finished my call and discovered that he was still there and that he remembered me, and our best friend; and our partying!We reminisced for nearly two hours, during which Charlie told me that his nephew Rod was there every Wednesday evening, and usually stayed till closing. Rod, whose father owned the construction company, was the foreman Jeff and I had worked for back on the construction site, and Rod had turned us onto the bar. We became friends and were invited to join Rod at his father’s country club. Neither one of us had ever played golf, much less owned a set of clubs, but we played tennis there maybe a half dozen times. It was there, in the men’s shower after a match, that we discovered why everyone called him Rod when his name was Broderick. It wasn’t an abbreviation for Broderick as I had thought. It was because of his dick! Rod was the proud owner of the biggest cock I have ever seen, and you see a lot of them in the service. We’re talking almost John Holmes territory – almost!I was sitting in Charlie’s when it occurred to me that my wife’s Twenty-second birthday was almost two months away and if Rod hadn’t let his body go to hell I was thinking that he would be the perfect gift. The following Wednesday evening, after a fourth meeting with that same customer, I drove over to Charlie’s and walked in just after six. I spotted Rod and headed to the far end of the ‘L’ shaped bar where he was seated, next to the wall. He spotted me, jumped up, and greeted me warmly. Rod was a couple of years older than my thirty-four, a few inches shorter than my 6′-3″ but about the same weight, still single and, to be honest, solid as a rock and in much better shape than I was. It turned out that Rods uncle had mentioned that I’d been in and he had hoped that I would stop by to see him. We had a repeat of my reunion with Charlie, except for taking turns buying each other beers. Charlie had refused to let me pay. So Rod and I sat and reminisced, until almost eight o’clock when I jumped up and told him that I had to get going.Let me pause now to give you the requisite description of my wife and get that out of the way. My wife is half french and half Vietnamese. She’s tall, five foot nine in thigh high stockings, with a small muscular frame, but she’s not skinny. She still weighs a pound or two one side or the other of one hundred and forty pounds, and fills a 34C-cup on the rare non-working occasions when she wore a bra.. Her hair was waist long and naturally jet black. However, she’s changed colors so many times over the years that I’m pretty sure her roots were confused as to what color they really were. During this time she was an almost silver blonde that really set off her deep no-lines tan.I returned to Charlie’s every Wednesday for the next month before his curiosity finally got the best of him and the next time I came in he pressed me for where I was off to in such a rush each week. As far as anyone at Charlie’s was concerned I was single, so I made Rod work it out of me about the beautiful young married nymphomaniac that I had been screwing every Wednesday night on a regular basis. (Which is mostly all true! My wife is beautiful and was young at the time, at a month shy of her twenty-second birthday; she is married, to me; and, although maybe not clinically be a nympho, she does loves sex, and with lots of different guys!Then either Charlie must have overheard me talking about the ‘beautiful young married nympho or Rod must have said something about it to him; because one Wednesday as soon as i walked in Charlie warned me to make sure that my young woman never met their well-endowed resident cocksman, indicating Rod with a nod of the head. Rod laughed and said not to believe him, because he wasn’t a resident, he lived in Silverado! Then he went on to remind Charlie about how Jeff and I used to party; all the different women, and how we were almost always stoned! I laughed and ordered us each a beer. Then until I left, each time I changed the subject to baseball or the NBA season that had recently ended, the Washington Bullets had won in seven games, Rod would turn it back to the beautiful young married nympho that I was seeing.The following Wednesday, as soon as I sat down, Rod started in with the questions.”When did he get to meet my beautiful young married nympho?””I don’t know.”Why don’t I bring her to Charlie’s?””I don’t know.””Is there any reason you don’t want us to meet her?””No!” (Just the opposite!)”You’re saying that her husband lets her go out on her own?””Yeah, he’s quite well off and a lot older than her. He gives her one night a week to ‘sow her oats’ as he puts it.”There were a lot more questions, but you have the gist of the evening.Fast-foreword three weeks of me making excuses about why my wife’s not going to be there and I’m back at Charlie’s.No sooner had I sat down than Rod asked “So is she coming?””Who?” I ask, knowing who he was talking about. I just didn’t want to make it easy for him.”That beautiful young married nympho you’ve been boning.””Oh, she’d already made plans for us tonight.””Damn! That’s too tekirdağ escort bad” Rod said, and swung back to face the bar, looking like a k** whose dog had just died.”But she’ll be here next week,” I said, then I took a long pull on my beer.So the day of my wife’s twenty-second birthday finally arrives; Wednesday July 26, 1978. All day at work, every time I thought about her and Rod, I got a hard-on. Right before I left for the day I called her at home to wish her a happy birthday again and to ask if she needed anything. Her mother and older sister had just left from taking her out to lunch so we, and she thanked me for the beautiful gold bracelet and charm, and Grateful Dead tickets. I had to explain that the gold chain, with its large gold charm of the word “YES” was an anklet. I’d purposely let her sleep and left her gifts, wrapped in gold foil paper and a red bow, next to the coffee pot where I was sure she would find them and then left for work. At least the tickets were something she could show her family. The tickets were to see the Grateful Dead at Winterland in San Francisco at the end of October. She was a huge Dead fan. That will be another story.Once I got home from work I couldn’t leave my wife alone. Maybe it was because of my now constant erection. She had obviously given the evening some thought because she had even called for a cab so we wouldn’t have to worry about having two vehicles at the bar; and I could only imagine what the nearly thirty minute cab ride would cost. I would take her car, a ’76 Lincoln Town Car that had a huge back seat that had to be close to six feet wide. I showered and then got dressed while my wife filled the tub. When I walked back into the bathroom she was just finishing up shaving her pussy. As soon as she was done and had put the razor aside I leaned down and kissed her as I ran a finger between her pussy lips and teased her clit.”Thank you for the beautiful bracelet and the Dead tickets. I wore the bracelet to lunch with my mom and sister. We just couldn’t figure out the ‘YES’ charm.””For starters it’s not a bracelet. It’s an anklet. According to an article I read it signifies that you’re a hot wife.””OH MY GOD!” she said, putting one hand up to her mouth and then she started laughing. “My sister kept looking at the charm and giving me this funny look. At least now I know why!””Do you think she knew what it really was?” I asked, concerned.”I don’t know. Maybe. I think so. Yes! That would explain all of the sly looks she was giving me all through lunch.””Do you think your sister and … Do you think Hoa (pronounced HWA) and Dan play?” My wife’s older sister Hoa, is a three year older version of my wife, that doesn’t look near her age and still got carded on occasion.”I don’t know. Maybe! It would explain a lot,” she said, with this little evil grin she has.”Well, I’m taking off” I said, kissed her again and locked the front door on my way out to the garage.I parked around back, the only car back there, and walked into Charlie’s. There was an empty beer glass at his spot but no Rod. He was wasn’t there. Great, I thought, as I made my way to the far end of the bar and called out to Charlie for a beer. Just as I rounded the end of the bar I saw Rod turn the corner from the back room and smile. He’d been in the john. He greeted me like a long lost brother and then sat down in his usual seat near the wall. I left an empty stool between us and sat down and took a drink of the beer Charlie had put down in front of me. The empt\]stool was in the opening of the bar where the top hinges up so the bartender can pass through without having to bend down and crawl to get behind the bar.No sooner did I sit down and Rod was looking down at the empty stool between us and asking, “So, where’s that beautiful young married nympho of yours?” he asked.”She’ll be here. It’s her twenty-second birthday today. I told her all about you and now she can’t wait to meet you!””Really? What did you tell her?””Mostly that you were an asshole” I replied, and nudged him in the ribs, then quickly added, “Nah! Just k**ding. I told her you’re a great guy. Oh, and I might have mentioned that huge cock of yours too – just in passing.””How come she isn’t doing something with her husband on her birthday?” Rod asked.Good question! All I could come up with on the spur of the moment was “He’s taking her someplace special for a long weekend. Wouldn’t tell her where. Since Wednesday is her regular night out anyway, they discussed it and he told her to go out and have a good time. She said that she would be here,” I said. “So she’ll be here. She’s due any time now.”I tried to change the subject. The Dodgers were home, playing the Cubs, and the pre-game was on the televisions at each end of the bar. No big screen TV’s back then. Every time I tried talking about the Dodgers Rod would bring the conversation back to asking more questions about my nympho. I was hesitant, but I knew Rod well enough, so I finally gave in and told him that she was insatiable (which was absolutely true – especially lately). How, after I’d already fucked her two and even three times, she would still want more and jokingly threaten to find someone else to ‘finish the job’ and that I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not.Rod and I are still talking about her; well, I am, he’s listening and asking questions, when the inimitable Vince Scully says ‘It’s time for Dodger baseball’ and the front door opens. My wife takes a couple of steps in and pauses. There’s a spot light pointed at the front door, to see who’s entering, and she was temporarily blinded. She stood there for a moment with the door open. The low setting sun was shining straight in behind her. The sun seemed to shine right through the dress she was wearing so that she looked to be standing there in silhouette, naked except for the high heeled sandals she was wearing. She spotted me and let the door close and the illusion was gone. As she walked towards us she had that extra sway in her hips she always seems to have on Game nights. Rod pulled her bar stool a little closer and whispered ‘Hot damn!’My wife was wearing a finely knit beige halter mini-dress and her breasts bounced in rhythm with each step she took. She had put her hair up, baring her long graceful neck. A gold necklace and dangling earrings comprised of varying lengths of individual gold chains framed her face. I glanced down. There was the gold anklet and charm I’d bought for her! She gave me a huge smile as she walked up and threw her arms around me. She kissed me way harder than I’d expected. I dropped my arms and slid my hands up under the back of her little dress and was pleasantly surprised to discover bare skin. Either she’d left her panties at home, a first, or she was wearing tekirdağ escort bayan a G-string.She broke the kiss and stepped back. I started to introduce her to Rod, but she broke in and said “Hi! You must be Rod. I’m Cecelia, like in the Simon and Garfunkel song, but my friends all me Ceel. So please call me Ceel.” (My wife had obviously given this a lot of thought; the cab, a fake name! I would have used her real name.) “I’ve heard so much about you that I feel as though we’re already friends!” Rod took a step closer and stuck his hand out to shake my wife’s hand. She moved past it and gave him a way more than just friends kiss. After she broke off the kiss we all sat down and my wife spun towards Rod, put a hand on his thigh and said “I was told that you’re my biggest fan!”Rod looked over at me, smiled, and said “I’ve heard a lot about you too! He’s always bragging about you.””Oh! Nothing too naughty, I hope,” my wife said as she turned and patted the top of my hand on the bar.”No! No. Nothing too naughty” Rod replied, looking guilty.Charlie approached. I introduced them. She smiled graciously and ordered a Boodles martini, if he had it, dry, with extra olives. He did. On his way back with her drink my wife had crossed and uncrossed her legs for the second or third time. Charlie’s eyes were the size of saucers and he nearly tripped over his own feet. Either beauty or the flash of a bare pussy affect his inner ear.Martini in hand, my wife spun away from the bar and said “didn’t you say there’s a pool table here? You keep promising to show me how to play pool. How about now?” She knew the pool tables were in the back room.Rod was up off of his stool with his beer in one hand and the other around my wife’s waist, leading her into the back room, before I could say “but you know how to play pool.” She really must have put a lot of thought into this!Rod walked her to the far back corner, well out of the line of sight from the bar area, to a small round table just large enough for our drinks and an ashtray. They put down their drinks and then walked over to the wall mounted rack of cue sticks where my wife asked him “Is there a difference between the cue sticks because they all look the same?””Oh yes,” Rod said, “there’s a lot of difference if you look closely. Some of them are longer than others, and some are thicker. It’s a matter of preference.”Oh, okay!” my wife said, “then I’d like to try a long thick one.”Rod turned to look at me, arched his eyebrows, and mouthed ‘She is fucking hot!” turned back, and said “then you should try mine!” and handed her the cue he’d chosen. He racked and put his arms around my wife to show her how to hold the cue and break, then sat down opposite me at the table.My wife had her back to us as she bent over from the waist to break. Her left hand was on the table as she leaned over, sliding the cue back and forth through the ‘V’ formed between her thumb and forefinger. Her pussy was showing below the back of her dress. She looked back over her shoulder at Rod and asked “does this look okay to you?”Rod looked from me to her pussy again and said “Yeah! That looks perfect!”My wife broke and didn’t sink anything. Rod missed an easy shot, on purpose I think, which left the cue ball almost in the center of the table, where she would have to bend over again to make the shot. She flashed us her pussy again as she missed that shot and passed the cue back to Rod. Instead of shooting he put the cue ball back in the general area where it was for her shot and told her to try again. We both got another crotch shot and then Rod was up with his arm around her again, showing her how to line up her shot as he ran his arm along the side of her bare breast.As soon as the game was over they came back and sat down next to each other, across from me. My wife asked if I would mind playing the jukebox. She felt like dancing. I went up front for quarters and stopped at the jukebox to play every slow song I recognized, then went back through the list again to use up my plays and to give them some more alone time.I started to sit down but my wife stood and we walked over to the small area that was used as a dance floor on the weekends when there was a live band (two guys with guitars). “So what do you think?” I asked as we were dancing.”He’s quite handsome” she whispered.”Good” I said, “cuz he thinks you’re Fucking Hot!” I spun her around so her back was towards Rod and lifted the back of her dress up over her ass.My wife rested her head on my shoulder and whispered “Why don’t you go get us another drink after this dance.” She was smiling. The song ended and I told Rod that I was going for another round. I came back about ten minutes later. I’d stopped to watch the top half of the first inning.When I got back my wife was sitting on Rod’s lap at the table. He had one hand under the front of her dress and the other had one of her breasts surrounded. She spotted me, blew me a kiss, and adjusted the narrow band of cloth so that it was covering her breast again, then sat down next to him again. Rod and I were talking for a little while when I noticed that my wife’s eyes were closed and she was sliding lower and lower in her chair. I realized that Rod had his hand under the front of her dress again. I looked over at him and he had this big grin on his face as he mouthed “I owe you buddy!” I gave them another minute or so and then cleared my throat. My wife opened her eyes and sat up straight. She looked guilty for a moment then smiled and downed about half of the martini I’d just brought. Another minute or so and it was my wife’s turn for saucer eyes. Evidently she’d been running her hand along Rod’s dick over his slacks and I’m pretty sure her idea of big and mine weren’t the same until then. She downed the rest of her drink, stood and leaned over the table and gave me a kiss. Then she announced that they were going out to my car and could she have my keys. They would be back in a while. I walked up front with them and sat at the bar as they continued on out the front door.I ordered another beer and then went back and took a leak between the top and bottom of the third inning while the Dodgers prepared to bat. When I got back the Dodger pitcher was on second base. Charlie was there to inform me that he’d been bunted over. There were a couple of walks to load the bases and Steve Garvey came up to bat. He fought off a couple of borderline pitches until he got a hanger that he drove for a grand slam. As Garvey was circling the bases I remember thinking that Rod was probably out back circling the bases with my wife too! The next guy was out and it was four to nothing Dodgers! The Cubs had a couple of men on when Rod and my wife walked back in.They were both smiling and talking, escort tekirdağ his arm around her waist as they walked over. Rod slapped me on the back and said “She’ll will be right back” as my wife kept on walking back to the ladies room. As soon as she’d turned the corner he half whispered, “You were right buddy!” Then when he sat down he added “She is insatiable! I fucked her twice and she was still trying to get me hard again by sucking my dick. I told her I wasn’t a k** anymore and needed to rest. She made me promise that I’d fuck her one more time after I rested a while. I tried to fuck her in the ass the second time, but she said her ass was only for her husband. Lucky son of a bitch!” In reality her ass was still a little sore from our last Game night or she probably would have let him have it. But maybe not. Rod does have a huge cock!When my wife came out she slid up on her bar stool almost like it was a horse; careful that her dress hung down around the outside of the stool rather than under her ass. Afterward, when I thought about it, I realized that it had left her bare-assed on the stool. Her hair was down now too! Charlie asked her if she wanted another drink and she told him she would like a cola.As soon as Charlie left she looked to each of us with this evil little grin she has and asked “So … What were you boys talking about?”Rod actually blushed, looking like he’s guilty of something, but then quickly recovers and with his best ‘I’m innocent’ look says “Oh, nothing too naughty!” and we all laughed.Charlie brought her soda and after a few minutes of silence Rod asked how the Dodgers were doing. I said, “same as you; they scored, and scored often.” My wife gave me this funny look and then she challenged us to another game of pool and spun around and climbed down off of the stool in reverse of how she’d climbed on, by swinging a leg up and around like you would get off of a horse.When I looked over at Rod to say something I saw him with saucer eyes, looking down at the stool she’d just climbed off. I looked down to see what he was looking at. There was a silver dollar sized puddle of spunk glistening in the subdued light of the bar and Rod was giving me this ‘cat that ate the canary’ grin.Rod called out “Clean up in aisle one” to Charlie, who didn’t have the slightest idea what he was talking about.So I said “we need a bar towel Charlie.” That he understood and tossed a damp towel onto the bar in between us. I took the towel, opened it up, and d****d it over the top of the seat as I told Rod “Clean up your own mess” and walked to the back and left him there.I sat down across the table from my wife. She looked at me for a moment and then asked “Are you okay?””Yeah. I guess. Maybe. There’s just no way I can compete with a cock like that!””Are you mad?” she asked. She must not have liked what I said or the way I said it. “Because we can stay or we can go home right now. I don’t want to do anything to screw up what we have – no matter how fucking big and awesome Rod’s dick is.”I looked up and she had that same evil little grin again. That kind of put everything in perspective and my moment had passed. “We can’t leave yet. Rod told me you made him promise you one more fuck before we left.”My wife’s turn to blush! “Yes” she said, “but we can go any time you want.””Okay, how about right after he bones you one more time?” And that’s how we left it…My wife had the table racked and was waiting for Rod when he came back. For the next twenty minutes or so she did everything in her power to get him hard again. She was constantly bent over the pool table; facing us with her breasts almost hanging out, or away from us with her swollen pussy on display. It was her pussy on display when my wife finally stood up and grabbed Rod’s hand and led him back to the ladies’ room.I didn’t want to sit there by myself so I walked up front and sat down at the bar just in time to watch Davey Lopes rounding third for an inside the park home run with two men on. Dodgers seven, Cubs zip, and Rod was scoring inside too! We knocked in one more run and between innings my wife, with Rod right behind her, came over to say that it was time for us to leave.Rod wished her a happy birthday again. My wife gave him a goodbye kiss and thanked him for the birthday gift.”I’m here every Wednesday,” Rod said, as we were getting ready to leave. “Stop by if he’s crazy enough to leave you alone on your night out!”As soon as we drove away I asked my wife “So, how was it?”She said “it was like sleeping with Thor*” which was a reference to a joke told to us in a bar, after her best friends wedding reception, by the first ‘stranger’ she’d ever had sex with. We both laughed.I got to hear all about each fuck during the drive home. Their first was a combination missionary and doggie style. The second was cowgirl; my wife’s favorite. The last one was with her bent over the sink in the women’s washroom.Almost nine months later I quit working for Walter to start my own business. My wife went to Charlie’s two or three more times over that time so that Rod could ‘fill in’ for me, before we both quit Charlie’s place for good! Once I was actually on a business trip.(*The reference to Thor was part of a punch line to a joke told to us in the lounge of the Mission Inn, in Riverside, after her boss’s wedding reception by the first stranger my wife ever fucked! The Norse god Thor is sitting around talking to a bunch of his fellow gods one day and one of them is telling everyone how he’d just returned from screwing a beautiful young Viking woman. Thor says to his fellow gods “Yeah! You know it’s been a long time since I’ve had any strange pussy. I think I’ll take on a human form to go down and fuck!” So Thor takes over the body of a handsome young man and begins his quest to find a beautiful human to fuck.He enters the area surrounding a large village and all of the women are out working in the fields. Thor combs through the fields in search of the most beautiful woman he can find. He finally finds the prettiest woman he has ever seen just as the sun is setting and everyone is leaving the fields for the day. He singles her out and starts to woo her but then she opens her mouth.Her squeaky voice was like fingernails on a chalk board and she had a horrible stutter and an even worse lisp, but she is so beautiful that Thor decided to overlook her deficiencies. He goes ahead and woos her, and they end up making love in a barn all night long. They both lost count of how many times he make love to her over and over all night; five, six, ten? After all he is a god!The next morning, while they’re laying there in the clear light of a new day, on a bed of straw in her father’s barn, basking in the after glow of all night mind blowing sex, Thor gets a guilty conscience about having tricked the pretty young thing. So he tells her “Listen, I’m sorry, but I have a confession to make. I’m really Thor!” The totally fucked beauty looks up at him, kisses him on the cheek, and says “Tho am I, but it was worth it!”)
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