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The Black Vultures (Part one)Black VulturesThe siege of Pencower KeepThe Nordeon, Southairian war started over a petty dispute on land ownership, taxation & shipping rights… The Violet Queen of Nordeon demanded more tax & High Lord Master Tasion, elected ruler of Southairian told her to shove it up her arse. The Violet Queen took exception to this vile insult & sent the messengers severed cock stuffed into a pig’s anus back to High Lord Master Taison, attached to a declaration of war…which was duly accepted.Pencower Keep is a small fortified outpost on the Eastern border of Nordeon. The Keep is built into the steep jagged cliffs leading to the Cardegeon Sea. On the other side of the Keep is the small town & shipping port of Pencower.“To get to the port, we must go through the Keep”… He makes it so sound simple I thought,Gerrant, pulled the pipe from his mouth, spat a large gobbet of black saliva on the floor in front of him and grumbled loudly at the Southairian guard sergeant “What’s up with the South’n navy? Can’t they take the port from the other side?”The stocky sergeant turned to face us, he shifted his gait, lent his right arm on the sheathed hilt of his sword, tilted his head back & let out a long sigh..His head snapped back quickly, the movement was over exaggerated & aggressive, he glared at Gerrant, then abruptly snapped out “What fucking unit are you with?” his top lip ending in a sneer of contempt. Gerrant held his stare & replied casually “the Black Vultures”, again the guard sergeant sneered, then through gritted teeth said “you fucking mercs have been paid in full, once the keep has been taken you can fuck as much cunt as you can find…Engineers are scouting the defences at last light tonight, the siege begins at first light tomorrow. Set camp & wait… when the wall is breached you & your scumbags have just volunteered to be first in, is that clear enough for you?” He ended his brief outburst with a cocky smile before turning on his heels & spurs clanking, decisively marched off back towards his own unit.Jinny kicks off, “Gerrant you big hairy prick….can’t you keep your gob shut? What’s up with the South’n navy? “ she repeated mockingly , Gerrant looked down & stared at Jinny, then in a low growl said “ get the fuck away from me witch” Jinny starts to mutter incantations under her breath, Gerrant clutches his ears with his large grubby hands & starts bellowing “make her stop.. I swear I’ll fucking burn her …make her….” I punch Jinny in the guts, she blows out, collapses on her knees head down, before Gerrant can finish his sentence the tip of my sword is pressing on his cheek, he stops his rant, pulls his hands from his ears raising them up in surrender. I tilt my head to one side, look down the length of my sword to Gerrant and in a low tone say “ you…settle the fuck down..” I raise my tone so the others can hear, then continue “ the rest of you bring güvenilir bahis şirketleri the wagons up & make camp…Is that clear?” ….I hear the remainder of the group grumble “yes Svadick” as they move away to following my command. Gerrant grins at me then steps back off my sword, a trickle of blood runs down his cheek where the tip punctured the skin an inch below his eye. He turns & moves towards the wagons. As I walk away Ginny is getting off her knees.I am Svadick, I lead the Black Vultures, a group of cut throats, r****ts & murderous mercenaries with one plan…. to fight, drink & fuck our way to the Violet Queen… Or die trying. We draw our wagons up & begin to set camp near a rambling fresh water stream, far enough away from the main lines to be left alone, close enough to be protected if needed.A dark horse & rider clomps up next to me, I look up at the rider, he is partially hidden under his dark leather hood, he has a black bow strung across his back, at his hip is slender sword with a distinctive black pearl ornately bound into the hilt… Yaegar, I think to myself, “glad your back old friend” I say to him.. He says nothing, he rarely does, I ignore his silence & continue “take whomever you need to help, go into the surrounding wood land, map out any locations for food traps, wood supply & holding positions for counter attack” I glanced up at him, his only reaction to my order was to pull the reigns of his horse to the left & clomp away.By nightfall I walk around to ensure the camp is set & sentries are posted. Dirty canvas conical tents & yurts covered in skins are arranged in a tight hexagon, inside the hexagon campfires are lit & the smell of burning wood & cooked meat is in the air. Those men who are not on duty are eating, drinking, fornicating with the whores or gambling,I make my way back to my own tent, as I reach the large canvas door & nod in acknowledgement at the sentry outside, I can hear Gerrants laughter booming through the material. His laughter is infectious & it brings a smile to my own face as I full back the door & step inside.In the blinking candlelight & glow of the iron fire pit, Gerrants’ hulking form is sat at the table on a sturdy oak bench, he has a large stone mug of what I can only presume as ale in one hand & his pipe in the other, he looks up at me as I enter “Aaaaah!” He booms with a large grin across his hairy face “Our glorious leader returns… Look what Yaegar has found for us”, I look over to the corner at the wooden chair in the shadow where Yaeger is sat, at his feet are two bound, wriggling bodies with hessian sacks over their heads. I remark with a smirk, “you’ve brought me a gift Yaegar”, I pull off my gloves, fur cloak & discard them upon my large wooden bed. “What have you found?” I ask, Yaegar says nothing, after a loud slurp from his ale mug Gerrant grins & says thunderously “SPIES!….He’s trapped canlı bahis şirketleri some spies, so tonight’s entertainment is lets torture the spies”. The two bodies at Yaegar’s feet writhe vigorously at this, however, a few vicious digs with the heel of Yaegar’s boot settles them down again.I drag a wooden chair out & unceremoniously plonk myself in it, I pour a large goblet of wine from the stone jug & tear open one of the roasted chickens served in a metal dish on the table. As I chew on the hot roasted chicken & gulp on some wine I turn to Gerrant & in a sarcastic tone say “well what are we waiting for Gerrant? Unwrap Yaegar’s gifts”. Gerrant lifts the heavy stone mug to his face, he rapidly gulps down the remainder of the dark ale, some of it spilling down the sides of his shaggy black beard, once drained he slams the mug on the table & steps up from the bench. Letting out a loud belch he struts across to Yaegar. With one hand he grabs one of the bound spies by the scruff of the neck, steps over to the middle of the room, fetches down a large hook on a chain secured to the cross beam with his free hand & attaches it to the thick leather collar securing the hessian sack to the spies head. He notches up the chain link, ensuring the captured spy is stood on their toes but not enough to choke.Gerrant pulls a razor sharp knife from the sheath at the back of his black leather belt & with a deft skill slits the hessian sack away from the collar & tugs it free. As the bag slips away a mop of blonde hair drop down, Gerrant drags it back revealing the face of a young woman.Gerrant steps back & almost seems to do a little dance, turns to face me at the table & says “gentleman we have a winner… & she’s a pretty little fucker to!” The girl is roughly in her early twenties, it was difficult to tell because her mouth was gagged by a tight piece of brown leather. With her hands bound tightly behind her & dangling by the chain hooked into her collar she also seemed to dance as she struggled to gain purchase on her tip-toes, her nostrils flaring in an attempt to gain breath. Gerrants enormous form towered above her, he bent down & pushed his large hairy face into hers & said in a deep growl “ don’t expect any mercy here…!” The girl was visibly shaking as she struggled for breath, there was nothing she could do as Gerrant used the knife in his hand to cut the buttons free from her leather tunic, eventually the last button gave way, Gerrant ripped the soft leather material back over her shoulders & down to her bound wrists. Gerrant laugh allowed & said “What a cracking pair of tits on this bitch” his big dirty hands mauled & squeezed at them roughly, her squealing was muffled by the tight gag as Gerrants heavy handed treatment of her breasts brought tears to her eyes. He pulls her roughly towards him by one tit, she’s gasping at her gag for breath & whilst she’s canlı kaçak iddaa struggling for purchase on one foot, he sneers “let’s have a look at your little cunt”. Again his deft knife skills quickly slice through the leather belt loops holding her green cotton breaches up & once free he rips them off. He thrusts his thick grubby hand into her groin, once again he laughs out loud and says” there’s some fight left in this bitch yet, don’t waste your energy clamping your thighs together slut, it’s fucking happening…besides what are you trying to hide in there?” He steps away leaving her to fight for balance & breath.He picks up a horse crop that’s resting in front of me on the table & swishes it aggressively through the air in front of her. Then with a loud crack he leaves a solid red stripe across her breasts. She instantly increases her vigorous stepping from foot to foot, again her screams are muffled as the crop leaves another burning red stripe across her tits & the tears stream down her cheeks. He growls at her loudly “open your fucking legs slut”, another stripe joins the second but this time she drops down in her collar. Gerrant is quick to react & in a defiant tone says “oh no you don’t, fucking bitch has flaked on me!” He grabs her by the crutch & lifts her from the hook on her collar, then lets her slump to the floor. He kneels his giant body over her, cuts the gag from her mouth & places his ear next to it.A couple of seconds pass, I can only hear the crackle of the wood burning in the fire pit close by & the muffled whimper of the other captive spy. As I pour myself another goblet of wine & pick at the last of the chicken, Gerrant leans back on his haunches & says nonchalantly “Meh!… She’s still breathing, just u*********s, I can’t fuck them when they’re u*********s it’s no fun”, he pulls down a leather cord & tightly binds her ankles saying “I can’t have you escaping now slut, I’m just getting started on you”. He stands up and uses his big boot to roll her naked bound body out of the way.He wanders over to the other wriggling bound body laid on the floor under Yaegar’s boot. Laughing allowed & prodding at it he says “now it’s your turn”. One handed he again grabs the spy up by the scruff of the neck, adjusts the chain hook on the central beam to fit the collar & with nimble skill cuts the sack free. It reveals pretty red haired woman. She to dances from toe to toe as Gerrant forcefully cuts her clothes free until she is naked & struggling for breath in her bonds.Gerrant circles the red head, she’s in her early thirties & has a fine physique. The crop slashes down across her thighs leaving a scorching red trace. He viciously swipes it across her arse & her squeals are muffled in the gag. He stops behind her & runs his big grubby hands over her body, aggressively squeezing at her breasts & tugging at her nipples. His thick fingers work into her cunt then slide into her tight arse. Her struggling subsides as he continues to whip her & force his fat fingers into anywhere he pleases. The uncomfortable reality hits her, she trembles uncontrollably. These filthy bastards are going to fuck her…& there’s nothing she can do to stop them..
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