Mart 13, 2025


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The days and few weeks that followed our night of ‘dealing’ with my moment of forgetfulness were balancing in the way the experience was intended by Nick and accepted by me. His love, care, and support of me came through in that night as a force of experience reflective of the extraordinary path we had chosen to follow into our future. We were still uncertain what this extraordinary path would hold for us or what new and exciting experiences would await us, but we were unwaveringly certain of our commitment and faith in each other.

The immediate days following were a playfully re-immersion for me into the attitude of a ready, willing, and trusting submissive and slut, all within the framework of our understanding of the terms. In a time of our society when both Nick and I felt the labeling of people into categories identified by words limiting entire groups, it was none-the-less fitting for me to have these 2 terms in our understanding, even if they were expressed and used in our private reference.

The idea of using the vibrating egg in my pussy and the vibrating bullet in my anus was as a reminder for both of us as we went about our normal life in the world. That reminder was that both of us were dedicated to the experience of pleasure and erotic pleasure being the primary one. It was just me to be reminded. Yes, if the items were inserted and turned to a stimulating vibration level, it had a physical impact on me wherever I might be at the time. But, it also was a reminder to Nick of his responsibility to lead and control and provide an opportunity for that erotic pleasure for me. The vibrators were inserted and the vibration levels determined not by me, but by Nick texting or otherwise instructing me. Their use stimulated me but required the participation of my lover at the same time.

I went out for my morning run and it was a long one. I followed the meandering residential roads around the golf course until Harley and I reached the boundary of the preserve, at which point, I took a path direction into the hills. When we arrived back to the house, I immediately checked my phone on the kitchen counter and found the text I was assuming would be there. We had come to a compromise on the issue of the vibrators always being available in order to allow for situations like my runs or swimming laps. So, on finding the text waiting, I saw there were actually 2 waiting from Nick.

The first text, as expected, was to insert the egg and use level 2. The second text, which came 30 minutes later, bumped the level to 4. I smiled as I grabbed the egg and remote from the cloth bag next to the phone, inserted it and used the remote to set the level to 4. It was an immediate shock as it started at a higher level, but I smiled all the way to the bedroom where I stripped for a quick shower to rid my body of drying sweat. I wondered at some point earlier about the vibrators used in water and decided that my pussy got so wet that they had to be water tight, so I didn’t even hesitate to just step into the shower while experiencing the steady vibration inside my pussy.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I remembered laundry that was piled on the bed and needed folding. I was putting away my panties and bras when I encountered the case the egg had originally come in. I had kept it for some reason, but I couldn’t remember why, at the moment. But, my curiosity led me to re-read the packaging. Upon originally reading the marketing message, I remember being intrigued and excited at doing something like that. Now, reading it again, I merely smiled in recognition of how accurate the statements were. It described the contents as, “A vibrating egg. It is remote-controlled, wireless with a small decorative chain that hung out the pussy. It is 5 inches long and 3 inches in circumference. The remote control could vary the 7 settings from a low steady vibration, into a pulsing, and extremely steady. The best remote control vibe out there! This wireless, waterproof and 7 function bullet is discreet enough to take anywhere and powerful enough to deliver incredible sensations. With 7 patterns of vibration to choose from, the possibilities are endless! Tease your lover from across the room and control the fun!”

The little chain with the heart at the end hung outside and was an obvious indication for an observer if they knew what they were seeing. My phone beeped just then and I reached to the top of the dresser to look, with a lot of anticipation. It was, indeed, from Nick. “3”. That’s all, but that was all that needed to be said. I forgot the remote and walked to the kitchen and changed the setting from 4 to 3. The difference, though, wasn’t just a level lessening of vibration. The 4 level was pulsing, while the 3 was a steady vibration. It was the beauty of the damned thing, the variety of stimulation. Besides the vibration changes, something I discovered after some use was how the egg affected me by my body position. Certain positions pushed the egg into different positions inside me. When it hit my g-spot at a high pulsing setting, all hell was likely to let loose. And in public that would be interesting. I was often drenching wet much of the day, not daring to put pants or shorts on even for a short while without a pad to absorb some of the moisture. When Nick was feeling in a menacing mood, it made any kind of public life a challenge.

It had quite an effect on Harley, as well. Not directly, of course, but indirectly. Because I was always wet, my scent must have been continuous and inviting. He sometimes mated with me 3 times in a day and I might be tied to him when Nick came into the house. I might be near exhaustion and dinner would not even be a thought. On those days, though, Nick always seemed to understand. And, very often, I would be told to shower, he would lay out some short, exposing outfit, and we would go out for a dinner.

Whether it was Harley, the vibrators, Nick and Harley in the house or yard, Nick and Harley on the golf course at night, or showing me off in restaurants and clubs in some outrageous dress, I was enjoying our life. But, I was also waiting. Waiting for that next time Nick would set me up for something different. When it happened at the end of the couple weeks, it was something familiar, but not quite.

Nick approached me with an idea that came up. He received a call from Stan and Betty Grassley. They were the older couple who had the remote property where I had been shared by the older group and made available to the 3 dogs they put together plus Harley. Nick, Harley, and I had spent most of 2 days and one night there with the 2 older couples (Ben and Sarah Adamly, the other) and Abby Jorgenson, the lone single of the group. They had done some swinging together ages before and had gotten back together after Nick and I began an informational relationship with Abby about dogs; a relationship that blossomed into a sexual one.

The Grassley’s enquired of Nick if we might be interested in a repeat of our previous experience with them. They certainly were and had talked of that time endlessly. Their stamina might not be great, but their interest definitely was. The timing became problematic, however. Abby wasn’t available very much and other times when the 2 couples were available, it didn’t work with Nick’s schedule very well. Nick approached me about the scheduling conflict. We ultimately agreed that with Harley accompanying me, I would go by myself.

Going by myself for another 2 days and one night adventure was exciting for me. This was adding another level to an experience I had already had. In my mind, and I talked to Nick about this very thing, eventually we would be getting this very type of experiential decisions if we were to continue to up the ante for new experiences. I could tell Nick wasn’t excited about the idea of me going off by myself, even if Harley was with me. At the time, I don’t think I recognized the conflict for what it represented for our quest of erotic, slutty experiences for me. Our love was so intense, him letting go for me to fully experience, despite all our talk about wanting to do exactly that, could be a limiting factor. At the time, I expected that we would grow past that limitation. And, I thought this opportunity would be a good starting point for illuminating that pathway for us.

Despite Nick not being able to be with me at the Grassley’s, he was able to take me and pick me up. He felt it was a small consolation to missing the 2 days. Once, again, I was traveling in the car with Harley and the only items we were bringing with us were for Harley. Once we pulled off I-10 at the Benson exit, Nick indicated it was time. Time meant that I was to remove the only item of clothing I had on, one of his tee-shirts that was big enough to barely cover me as I sat in the car. It would have been very risqué if I was walking in public.

The small ranch-style house sat on the Mica Mountain slope across the valley from Reiley Peak at the end of a long gravel drive that was barely more than 2 ruts going up the mountain side. The layout of the property came back to me as we approached it. The house was flanked by a detached double garage and an outbuilding that is used for the 3 dogs and other equipment, most of which had been reduced to a couple of ATV’s for running around and over the mountains and desert. Once, it was a small ranch home, one of many that couldn’t make it in the area. In addition to those buildings, a newer stone building sat in back, slightly higher up the slope with windows exposing the entire front and sides, giving anyone inside views of the valley below in all directions. The roof extends well over the walls giving the windows shade at all times except early morning, but even then, Reiley Peak is in the way. This is their hobby shack. Stan and Betty busy themselves with any number of retirement activities they never made time for previously. The isolation and remoteness in retirement were the exact reason for choosing the site.

I remembered vividly our stay here last time, several months ago. I didn’t have anything with me by way of personal belongings or clothes and I wouldn’t need anything for these days. As was the case last time, I was going to be naked and available to the 2 older couples and the dogs. This time would be a little different since neither Nick or Abby were able to attend. That left experiences to come from 4 dogs, 2 men and 2 women. Although, they did mention that they were trying to arrange güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri a little surprise opportunity for me.

As we pulled up to the house, the 2 couples came out and stood on the porch that ran the length of half the house. Nick and I opened our doors and got out, I immediately remembered the gravel of their driveway in front of the house. Besides being naked, I was also barefoot. As Nick strode up to the couples, I lagged behind some as I picked my footing across the gravel drive and parking area. Even the grassy parts weren’t grass like we knew it; it was wild, natural grasses of the desert and it was rough to walk on, too. On the far side of the shed was a large, fenced area with a door to the shed. As we approached it, 3 dogs ran out of the shed into the fenced area. I was to learn; this was where they secured the dogs when they were not home or other predators were known to be in the area. Nick quickly greeted them, talked about the arrangements and his timing for coming to get me tomorrow.

Then, he came to me, took my chin in his hand and looked into my eyes. “You’re okay?”

I smiled at him, “I told you, this is fine. Go take care of your business in Phoenix and I will see you late afternoon tomorrow.” He kissed me and I held him tight. “I love you.”

He patted my ass as he moved back to the car. It felt strange to stand in front of these people. I was the only one naked and I was waving goodbye to Nick as he backed to the side and then drove back down the slope and out the valley. As I watched the dust plume moving down the valley, I felt one and then another hand on my bare ass cheeks.

I turned my head to each side, smiling at the 2 men. I then turned fully around to stand in front of them so I could also see the women. “Well … how do you want to start this?”

Betty Grassley seemed to take charge, whether because it was her place or because she just took charge, I wasn’t sure. Last time, things seemed to flow through Nick with more deference to him. That was missing this time. I might see a different side to the relationship and interaction. She took my hand and led me to the gate in the fenced in area by the shed. She opened the gate and stepped to the side, “Now it’s time for the bitch to re-familiarize herself with the dogs.” I walked in on my own with Harley behind me. The full impact of the possible difference in approach this time around settled in on me as I moved into the fenced area and the dogs came out of the shed. They may have been curious in coming out of the shed, but upon seeing me standing in front of them naked, their memories seemed to kick in. Rather than intimidated, though, I knelt down on the hard dirt ground of the pen and received each dog as they clamored over me, seeking pets and strokes.

It was a chaotic mess of excited dogs at having attention in a way they remembered, but in a way, they hadn’t experienced since. I remembered, they were cared for but not as pets like Harley was; so, when I lavished them with attention and petting, laughing and giggling at the frenzy of activity, they responded with excitement. I looked back to the fence and found Betty standing against the fence with Stan behind her, his hands on her shoulders, both looking expectantly at me in the midst of these dogs, just like Ben and Sarah who were a step or so back.

It was time to act. This was why I was here, so they could once again share that experience we had before. Did they want to watch a bitch in action with the dogs? That’s what I was for. They want a slut for themselves later? That’s what I was for, too. And more, if I could be. That might be a function of exposure and experience to be able to easily and comfortably give more. But, this was the life potential I had been seeking and wanting, and these steps were critical to attaining that life potential.

I tuned out the presence of the 2 couples outside the fenced area. As was true in the previous experience, going through these days was about each experience separated, at least that was how I went through it before. So, now, I focused on the dogs surrounding me. The frenzy could turn damaging for someone and I suspected I was the most vulnerable. I chose Harley, to begin with. For one thing, he knew what he was going to be doing with me and that might put the other dogs at some ease, to see the activities my appearance suggested and confirming they would actually start happening.

I reach underneath Harley and was relieved to feel his cock already sticking out of his sheath enough to start. I was relieved because bending over to prepare him would open up my ass to being mounted by one of the other dogs and I preferred to control this situation as best I could. I licked my palm and stroked his exposed cock and sheath, then used the pre-cum that was also present to stimulate him more with my hand. Then, I turned and presented myself to him, sticking my ass almost into his face so he would be the closest one to me in my mounting position. I kept my head turned to be sure Harley was successful and smiled when I saw him react first and felt him landing on my back. I guided his cock into my pussy and arched my back, rotating my pelvis as his cock sank into me with his initial thrust of penetration. I remained stationary as he quickly repositioned himself, clamping his front legs around my waist and pulling me onto him or himself into me … or a combination of both.

Once inside me, his thrusts quickly became frenzied. This was Harley, and I was assured of his actions in our mating. I attempted to entice one of the other dogs to lie in front of me so I could prepare him the way do with Harley, but I was getting very little cooperation from them. Since they were little more than strays except for being in the kennel for eating and sleeping, I wasn’t too surprised. And, the effort to coax the a****ls was detracting from my experience with Harley. So, they would be primal mating … the poking way.

Harley never stopped, though, through all that consideration going through my mind. His hips continued to drive into me with all the grace of a jackhammer. And, that was one of the things that made canine sex so extraordinarily unique. My attention went back to Harley and his cock inside and my mind tried to block the peripheral images of other dogs circling and prancing around me. But, I couldn’t, not completely. One thought that crept into my mind was what it would be like if I always had this many dogs. Would I try to mate with all of them as frequently or would I spread it out over days? This situation with 4 dogs was a challenge and so I would; if it wasn’t if it was just everyday life with 4 dogs, would I treat them different?

But, for this situation, the expectations were clear and the options few. And, right now, I was focused on Harley as his cock grew fully in its hardness and size and that meant that the knot was the next part of the experience. When I felt it on the outside, I pressed back hard, maybe harder than normal because there were 3 more dogs waiting for their turn at the bitch. And, I knew the humans had ideas for me, too.

Harley’s knot was pressing into my pussy, spreading my lips wider and wider as we both pressed in opposite direction to enhance the completion of knotting. When it happened, a sudden jolt of cock and knot into my pussy, I cried out, not a cry of hurting, but exhilaration. With his knot finally inside me, I felt it grow in size, assuming the size that would tie us together after we climaxed. My eye caught a movement to the side and it wasn’t another dog. I turned to look at it out of curiosity and found that Ben had Sarah leaning against the fence with her shorts and panties down. He was fucking her from behind as they both watched me being mated by the first of the dogs. I wondered if my being here was as much for the stimulation effect for them as the availability to use me for themselves. Harley’s cock jerked inside me, I left that curiosity in the background, but the scene of them fucking outside the fence was an added, unexpected, stimulation for me and I felt an orgasm rising just as I felt the cock inside me drive deep and be held there, a spurt of seed shooting into me followed by several more.

I caught my breath, tested the tie myself despite feeling Harley had just tested it himself and tried to coax one of the other dogs to come close, again. One did venture to me and I slid a hand under his belly to his sheath before he could move. The touch of my hand on his sheath gave him a flinch, but he stayed where he was and I continued to tease his cock, quickly feeling the tip and then more sliding in my hand. I pulled his hind legs closer to me and bent my head down to mouth his cock with my head sideways under his belly. He shifted and moved a half foot from me, just excited, but as I pulled on Harley to allow me to regain contact with the new cock, the knot popped out of my lips and I nearly landing on my front in the dirt. Instead, with quick recovery, I twirled around on my knees to put my ass in front of the next dog. He didn’t wait, possibly out of fear of losing his chance with the other dogs still circling us. He jumped onto my back and his hips drove into mine. My hand found his cock driving at me and I used it to funnel the cock to my pussy.

This was a wild fuck. All dogs are, but this one seemed more so, maybe because of the stimulation I had given him, maybe just in comparison to Harley who wasn’t threatened by competition or the unknown of getting more in the future. His cock was like a piston driving in and out of me. I threw my left hand back to capture his hind leg and hold him tightly to me so he wouldn’t pull himself out in the frenzy of his fucking. I felt his cock grow as he drove it into me and I released his leg, giving me a more stable position with both hands on the ground for support. Soon, I felt his knot on the outside and it seemed to be happening fast, but I went with the feelings and ignored the expectations. Again, I pressed back against him, assisting him in the drive and determination to knot, and we soon were.

It continued this way through the next 2 dogs, the sense of frenzied panic in the fucking, the cocks driving into me like a stuck jackhammer on high speed. Sometime during the second dog, my attention or awareness of anything else around me disappeared. All I had a sense of, any awareness of, was the cock and knot inside my pussy, the seed being shot in with spurt after spurt from each cock, the knots holding us together, bedava bonus veren siteler the streams of cum draining out of my gaping pussy when the knot was finally pulled out. But, also, the orgasms they all induced in me. Dog after dog I came, orgasming during each one, adding my own juices and fluids to their cum to drain from me as the next dog took its place on my back. When the last one pulled out of me, I allowed my body to collapse to the ground.

At first, the idea of falling to the ground didn’t make much of an impression on me. My body collapsed. In moments, though, opening my eyes and realizing I was on the ground of the kennel, I still smiled at the thought of the bitch with her males, well used and content. But then, I noticed something missing. The couples. They weren’t there.

I moved to my knees and then stood up. The dogs seemed content and quiet. Now, to find out what happened to the couples. I found them gathered on the porch drinking beer. One of them pointed to me as I approached along the worn path between the shed and the house. For effect, I jumped up a couple steps to make sure my breasts bounced and I had their full attention because it was very obvious to me as I approached that I was still the only one naked. I came up to Stan, looking at the bottle of beer in his hand. He held it out to me and I took the bottle, draining about half of it in a series of gulps.

He looked at the others, then back to me, “Where … you finished them …”

“I am supposed to be their bitch, right?” He laughed and the others did, too.

I was told to go in and start the dinner, which was set out on the counter. As I was walking through the door inside, I heard, “A bitch indeed! You see how dirty she got? The slut must really think she is the dogs’ bitch …” and more laughter.

As I went to the kitchen and began organizing the dinner, I pondered what just transpired outside. Being left to immediately take care of the dogs was nothing I didn’t expect. Mating with the dogs was part of the agenda for these days and I enjoyed it as much as the dogs did. The attitude afterward, though, was different. The last time, with Nick, they were supportive and interactive; the relationship they presented was friendly, caring, and intrigued. This almost felt as though there was an element of demeaning under the surface. It surprised me because I didn’t remember anything like it from the previous encounter. It surprised me with them because I thought I knew them, but the sense that if I was increasingly exposed to situations of being a slut and bitch for other people and groups, it might be expected to encounter different attitudes. As I continued to work, alone without any assistance from the other women, those thoughts of how I might be perceived and responded to were another step in self-awareness for the situations and actions I wanted to experience. It was something I needed to understand and accept, another thing to discuss and work out with Nick so we both were fully aware.

Later, the 2 couples began their activities in the little living room where I performed oral sex on each of them as they continued to talk and share their stories of the past. Again, it was a separation for me, a time where it seemed the situation was planned for me to be subservient, almost inconsequential to what was otherwise happening among them. It was different, too. Before, even if I was the main actor in a sexual encounter, the group was participating and encouraging, anxious and anticipatory. It reminded me of scenes from the Spartacus series with the female slaves taking care of the men while they talked business or politics. A demeaning and dismissive attitude. Whatever caused it with these people who I thought I knew, I decided right then it was an attitude I shouldn’t be surprised at finding in the future with people I didn’t know as well. Perhaps it was a function of a woman willing to perform any sexual act, including dogs, with them that brought out a dominant, dismissive reaction. Whatever, I hadn’t encountered it before and now needed to factor that into my attitude of this activity … and Nick’s. He shouldn’t be surprised at seeing me treated this way. But, he might be and he might not like it.

Once they were ready for bed, the activity shifted and they swapped spouses for the night. That night I moved from bed to bed. I was given a single goal for the evening with each couple: enhance their sexual play.

I awoke to the first light of morning. The house was quiet. I gently got out of the bed I had shared with Ben and Betty, and I pulled the top sheet back over them. I peeked out the door and tip-toed to the bathroom, then out the front door. I slipped into the shed and quietly called for Harley. I heard a dog shift and move and I hoped it was mine. It was and the others seemed quiet. I hugged him at the door and encouraged him out, closing the door behind us. I knelt on the ground and hugged him to me, giving him more loving attention than was normal for the morning. It felt good to be with just him, responding lovingly back to me. I looked around and chose the far back corner of the house away from the bedrooms. He followed as if he knew my intention. I think, given our frequent relationship, he probably did.

The Grassley’s had indicated to Nick that they were working on a potential surprise but it hadn’t been finalized. Surprises, in that type of context, are generally a positive thing and I remained curious what they might have planned. I learned after an early lunch when I was directed to their SUV. It was the 2 couples and me, not even Harley. I, of course, was naked and they were dressed in casual clothes. This made me more than a little nervous and I questioned them about it, but they assured me that we wouldn’t be going through any towns. They gave me a simple, “Trust us.” Inwardly, I registered this as already another step in self-awareness of these situations. Trust … being a slut might involve just that, and a feeling came over me that changing, fluid situations where I was vulnerable added to the excitement. I could feel it in me as they drove away from the house back toward the main roads. The feeling of the unknown and unexpected being added to the situation. Where were we going; what would I find there; what was going to be expected of me then?

I was wondering if I would be able to find my way, but it did not turn out too difficult. There weren’t that many roads in this part of the region. We drove back toward the Interstate, turned north back toward Tucson, but quickly turned off on a paved county road before then. That took us around more mountains heading generally north, but more east, then taking a gravel north, then another back west, which curved to the northeast. The road continued past a number of homes and homesteads and the further we went the narrower and less traveled and maintained the road became. After kicking up plumes of dust for miles, we came to a fence and gate across what was apparently no longer a public road but a driveway. The gate and fence were well marked with signs of warning against trespassing and hunting. Ben was sitting in the front with Stan, who was driving.

“You did get permission, right? Those signs don’t look very inviting.”

Betty, sitting next to me in the back with Sarah, called out, “It’s okay, I talked to him and he’s expecting us.” This was looking like less of a good surprise and more like a bad surprise. I was a long way from their place, naked and barefoot. At this point, there weren’t many alternatives but to see what was coming.

As the SUV we were in crested a rise in the dirt track, we found a small ranch house with several outbuildings and a barn. The barn had a corral off the back and a couple of the other buildings had fenced areas off them. Stan came to a stop in an open area in front of the house, the barn to the left and several other smaller structures to the right. The women in the back with me turned to me and smiled. I saw Stan looking in the rearview mirror as Betty asked suspiciously, “Are you ready for this?” She then opened her door and stepped out, holding onto my hand to pull me out with her. I stepped delicately on the hard packed dirt and gravel surface covering the entire area from the barn past the house and to the other buildings. This was a remote location. It had been miles since the last house or homestead along the dirt road. I looked out past the house and saw nothing but an open range. In the distance to the left was a mountain and trees, a unique sight in this part of the country.

As I stood with the other, the only one naked and in some stranger’s yard, “Ready for what? Who lives here and what is going to happen? Did you talk to Nick about this part?”

Stan turned around and looked at me, but mostly at my bare breasts and between my legs. “Don’t worry about it, honey. We’ll have you back in time for him to find you at our place. And, none too much for wear, I think.”

I looked at him, “You think?”

He laughed at my concern, but just then the front door of the little house opened and closed. It was the closing that drew their attention from me and my comment. The door was a wood screen door that seemed to be on a tight spring as it slapped hard on the wood framing of the doorway. It clearly didn’t have a closing cylinder to ease the door closed. This thing slammed shut like you saw on the old TV shows set in the country. Heck, they could have shot the show at this place.

The man stood on the low porch and surveyed the group. He stepped off the porch and walked towards us. There was no sign of recognition or welcoming. He either was about to tell us to leave or he knew what we were doing there and just wasn’t friendly. As he got closer, I guessed that he was in his early 50’s, which would put him smack dab between me and these couples. He looked like he had been on the land for a long time and there was no indication of anyone else.

As he came closer, he looked intently around those standing in front of me. Stan walked out to meet him, putting out his hand, but the man from the house didn’t extend his own in greeting. Instead, he motioned Stan to the side and they talked, animatedly. Soon, though, Stan came back to the group and the man stood where he was.

Stan looked at me and smiled. “He almost wouldn’t let us. We told him we had a woman who wanted to see a farm and someone told us about his place. I hoped to be able to convince him once we were all here to let you have some fun.” I looked yatırımsız deneme bonusu at him, then to the other man.

“What fun?” I was liking this less. It is one thing to have fun with a****ls, but when it happens by tricking the owner, I wasn’t so sure. Besides, I still didn’t know what they were intending.

“He has goats. Have you ever fucked a goat?” I shook my head. And, I had never contemplated trying it, either. “We didn’t think so.” He took my hand and we followed the man who was already moving to the right side and the smaller buildings.

I was walking delicately over the rough ground as the others kept trying to hurry me along. The man was standing at the back of one of the buildings along a rail fence. As I was led up to him, he eyed me curiously. And that was curious to me. He looked over my entire body, but as I got nearer, his attention was fully on my face and eyes. It was as if he was trying to determine the situation and my place in it. To be truthful, I was beginning to wonder the same thing, but at the same time, the idea of fucking a goat started me tingling, not to mention doing it in front of the others and this man who was a complete stranger.

The others stood along the fence as the man stood at the gate. He had not offered an introduction and, as far as I knew, no introduction was offered to him by us. His hand was on the latch to open the gate, but he looked intently into my eyes. He was making contact with me, subtly maybe, but he was. I felt at that moment that he was taking the moment to determine if this was my own will or something I was being forced into doing. I don’t think the moment could have given him that assurance, but he nodded and opened the gate, allowing me to enter ahead of him, then closing the gate behind us. I stood 5 feet inside the pen that wasn’t more than 15 feet square. There were no a****ls in it, but he moved to a small door in the back of the shed, opened it, and allowed one goat to exit. He closed the door on the second one as it tried to follow the other. I saw 2 other goats inside the shed. The one that came out was a male and had horns that stood up from his head and curved back and to the sides. He was white, standing about 3 feet. He looked about the same height as Harley but about half the weight, maybe 35 to 40 pounds. His ears pointed out to the sides and slightly forward.

I was curious about it, “What kind is he?”

He smiled as I kneeled to the ground in front of the a****l as he held it by the shoulders. “It’s a Saanen, the largest breed of the Swiss goats. His females are inside. I just recently acquired them. They should do fine here. They have a high production of milk, which is relatively low fat.” He watched me as I gently pet the a****l over the side of his face and down his neck. He seemed to take to me, remaining still and comfortable.

In a low voice, that I was sure was intended for only us to hear, he asked the question his eyes were trying to discern previously, “Are you okay? If you need help, I can protect you.” I looked at him in surprise and he reacted to it. “I don’t mean to intrude … unless I should. I have never encountered anyone wanting someone to … to … mate with an a****l.”

I moved one hand from the goat to his on the goat’s shoulder and smiled at him. “Thank you, but I am fine. Surprised, certainly, but I am fine.”

“You didn’t know this was going to happen?” I shook my head.

Just then Betty called out, “Is there a problem? We don’t have all day, here.”

I looked at him and shrugged. He glanced back at the others, then back to me. “I am serious. Say the word and I’ll take you into the house, then drive you anywhere you want to go.” I shook my head and mouthed, ‘thank you’.

Then we worked out how this was going to happen. I told him I mate with a dog and he decided this should be very similar, but since my dog was more familiar with me as a mating partner than the goat, the goat might need more assistance. So, he continued to pet the a****l, keeping it comfortable and calm, as I began investigating what he had underneath for me.

I slowly and gently slid my hand down his side to his belly, rubbing it and slowly working my hand further down until I brushed alongside his sheath. The a****l flinched and turned his head to me, but remained relatively quiet. I asked the man if it had mated with the females, yet. He assured me that he had and I smiled. He looked at me funny, but then seemed to understand. If I could get the a****l to understand what was going to happen, he should be willing to let it happen. One pussy should be as good as another … I hoped. It seemed to be true for dogs, at least.

I rubbed along his sheath until I felt his penis extend out, then licked my own palm before touching his exposed penis. Assuming the same was true of any penis inside a sheath, being more sensitive, I didn’t want to cause the a****l any irritation in the process of trying to stimulate him. When I felt his penis sticking out of the sheath, I bent down to look. I found a good 3 inches sticking out and I smiled, nodding to the man. He just shook his head at me like I was crazy, but there was a bemused smile on his face.

I went to all fours and looked over my shoulder, ignoring the couples at the fence. “If you can assist him onto my back. He is big enough for his hind legs to be on the ground and his front legs around me, just like a dog. I will help him enter me with my hand as a guide. Then, all things being right with the natural order of things, he should be ready to take over.”

He chuckled, “All being right with the natural order of things. This would hardly seem natural, but okay.”

I felt the a****l’s front hoof along my sides, first. Then, I felt the fur of his belly and the man pushing the a****l’s hind end into my hips. My hand felt the exposed penis slide across my palm and I guided it to my pussy. Once he felt my pussy opening around the tip of his penis, he thrust into me. I smiled. Yes, ‘the natural order of things’, indeed.

I gasped at the penetration and a smile came across my face. What is it about me that I like this so much? I do so enjoy being filled, but there is something about the different cocks that penetrate me, much more than the number of them, the variety is what thrills me. This a****l’s action in fucking was different than the dog. The cock was much different. It had some length to it, but it was narrow and a curve at the end. He fucked me with quick, sharp actions of his hind end, driving his spear-like cock into my pussy. It wasn’t like anything I had experienced before and, that alone was exciting. A different furry body on my back gripping my waist and a different feeling cock embedded in my pussy. It was really as simple as that for me, huh?

I heard comments coming from the fence and I tried to ignore them to focus on the experience I was having. But, as the comments came over the fence at me more deliberately and vocally, I noticed knees covered in worn denim settle next to my hands, his hand stroking my head, shoulders, and upper back. He had been comforting the a****l, now he was providing comfort to me. And, it had to be because of the comments, I was sure my reaction to the a****l was not indicating any sense of displeasure. Quite the opposite, I was enjoying the sensation, though I too realized the comments were distracting my ability to fully enjoy the experience.

If I wasn’t going to achieve an orgasm in this mating, and all indications were pointing in that direction now that I was hearing the comments more and more, I was determined to try to get the goat to climax. At least, if I could get him to cum inside me, I would have accomplished something here. I brought my knees together to tighten the friction sensation for the goat with his thin cock inside me. He hesitated for a moment, then started up his humping even more urgently, and I knew it was going to work. I continued to feel the comforting touch of the farmer on my upper back and hair. I arched my back up and down to change the penetration of the cock inside me and I felt the humping change from frantic to a strong, deeper thrust. When he drove his cock into me and himself against my hips, I smiled as I felt his semen spurt into my vagina, several spurts of goat seed dumped into me like the dogs and men had done earlier.

The a****l quickly jumped off my back, his skinny cock sliding down my pussy and glancing off my clit in the process. I lowered my body into a curl, my upper body on my forearms, my butt lowered to my calves. It took a moment, but I felt some of the goat semen drip from my pussy. Compared to the dogs, it was not much at all. Compared to the men, it was waterier, but seemingly the same volume.

I would have liked to savor the experience a little, but from the fence, the comments ringing out slowly broke into my reverie. They were telling me to thank the goat and get moving. That drew a laugh from the others. I raised my body so I was sitting on my heels and sighed. The man was still kneeling at my side. I looked down at my body, my breasts and front covered in the dirt of the pen and a small little puddle of fluid having leaked from my pussy. The comments calling me a slut, bitch, and a****l whore sank into my mind as I added the appearance of my body.

My eyes glanced to the side at the denim knees nearby. I glanced up at his face, then back down and started to rise. He rose with me and offered his hand for support, which I accepted. The couples at the fence had moved past the gate and were anxiously waiting to leave. The farmer gave them frequent glances that indicated his displeasure and I knew he would not be willing to grant this activity to them, again.

I started moving to the gate and the man stepped in front of me. He asked if I needed anything. I shook my head, but he didn’t move. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a plastic water bottle.

“It’s warm, but it might taste good now.” He twisted the cap to break the seal and I took a deep drink. “By the way, I’m Albert Finney.”

I handed it back to him. “Thank you. You were very kind and I appreciate it very much.” I looked into his face shyly, “I am Samantha. I am very glad you were so kind.”

He smiled gently at me, “I won’t pretend to understand what was happening here, but you were very gentle with the a****l and that made the difference to me. It seemed you put the a****l’s satisfaction above your own. The others only seemed interested in seeing you degraded, demeaned.” He raised my face to look at him, the same way Nick does with a finger under my chin. “I won’t allow them back here. It is not because of you, however.” He smiled with that gentle smile, again. He was an aged, hardened farmer living out here isolated without anyone. I wondered where such a gentle demeanor came from.

* * CHAPTER 4: ALBERT FINNLEY will follow * * Thanks for reading.

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