Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
older maif obsesion { true story }when I was a young lad I developed an interest in shall we say the more mature woman.Sure I had the odd kiss and cuddle behind the bike shed with girls of my own age, but as time went by I got more and more interested in bbw type women.I still lived at home and liked to kick a ball about in the garden/ the fences in between the properties were very low and often the ball would end up over the fence at the bottom of the garden, I had seen the lady who lived there a few times and had the occasional smile. On this day the ball went over and broke a window in her greenhouse. I had to go to her front door and explain what had happened.I rang the bell and waited a few moments and was greeted with a lovely smile and, what can I do for you love, dont you live at the bottom of my garden. Yes I replied, and told her what had happened.Come in and lets have a look she said, we güvenilir bahis şirketleri went through to the back garden to assess the damage. Oh dear she said I will have to get someone in to fix it. I will pay for the damage I told her, she said that would be ok. It then started to rain and she had a line full of washing so I asked if she needed a hand. Yes please, she said, and we rushed in with her washing in our arms.We were both soaked . Tea, she said, and went into the kitchen , I stood there on my own and just looking into space when I noticed one of her bra”s on the chair, without any thought I picked it up and started feel the material. It was white with large cups, What are you doing, came a voice from behind me, Im sorry I said and hung my head in shame. You young lads are so curios at your age,Have you got a girlfriend, she asked, No I replied, well I think you should youwin güvenilir mi be feeling their bra”s as long as they are in it at the time, and then laughed out loud. Come and sit down and drink your tea, she said, Ive seen you looking at me over the fence, she said, do I intrigue you, Yes I said, I think your nice and cuddly. So you like looking at my body do you, I hesitated. Well if that”s the case I suppose you should see it she said. She then slowly undid the buttons on her blouse, giggling as she went. Do you like what you see, she asked. Still unable to speak I just nodded, she continued with the buttons, Her blouse was now open and her ample assets were on show, I gasped at the fullness of her breasts and asked her, “can I touch them, of course she said, and with one swift movement lifted the front of her bra and her breasts were now in full view.My hands perabet were trembling as I placed my hand on her right breast , it had a blue vein running through it and the nipple was a dark brown in colour, go on then do something she said ,I have not got my tits out for nothing, I caressed them and then lowered my lips onto her nipple, I sucked in the flesh and she moaned a huge sigh as I changed sides and sucked the other one only harder, her hand then went to my crotch and unzipped my jeans. My my what have we got here, she said as she extracted my cock from my boxers.Lay back she said and relax, she stroked my balls and slowly her hand went up my shaft to the top and then back down again, faster her hand movement got and then slowed down again as she sensed my climax, stand if front of me she said, and put your cock in here, motioning for me to place my cock in between her breasts. She squeezed them together and I started to push hard between them. Fuck my tits and come on my face she demanded, I was passed the point of no return as I gasped out loud and emptied my come down the side of her face and in her hair. Are you glad you came round ,she said, oh yes I replied.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32