Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Nowhere to cum!We were over at my wife’s brother’s house, and they had recently put in a pool. It was supposed to rain that day, but miraculously cleared up. So as me and my wife, sat with her brother and his wife on the deck, they suggested we all try out the new pool. We had not brought any swim suits, so they went to their room to see what they had for us to borrow. A few minutes later they came out, having already changed themselves. My sister in law handed my wife a swim suit, and she headed to the bathroom to change. My brother in law tossed me some trunks, and said, you can change in our room if you want. So I headed to their room to get changed. Once I got into their room, I immediately noticed my sister-in-laws clothes rolled up in a pile on the floor. I knew her panties had to be in there, and instinctively, I kaçak casino ran to them for a sniff. My god, they were still warm and damp with her sweet pussy juices. I was instantly hard, and began stroking myself while I sniffed her cunt on her panties. I realized that I couldn’t head back out to the pool with this raging hard on, so I knew I had no choice but to hurry up and finish. As I stroked myself faster and faster, I didn’t think about one important fact. I had no where to cum. I was not in a bathroom, so there was no sink or toilet to shoot in. I scanned the room quickly but they didn’t have any tissues on their nightstands. But I had reached the point of no return, I knew I was seconds from blowing my load. Then I saw the lotion. It was a nice bottle of girly smelling lotion, with a nice big opening on casino oyna the top. I knew by the scent of it that it was what my sister in law used, and that got me even harder. I carefully opened the top and positioned my cock head towards it. I took a final inhale of her pussy and ass smells from her panties and unloaded directly into her lotion bottle. For the most part it all went right in. A little dribble down the side, which I scooped up and put inside with the rest of my cum and her lotion. Then I put the top back on and gave it a few shakes to hide my cum. After we all finished swimming, they went back to their room to change. She came out a few minutes later, and smelled exactly like the lotion. She had clearly just rubbed my cum all over her unsuspecting body. I wondered if she had put it everywhere. canlı casino siteleri Did she rub some on that perfect pussy? My wife emerged from the bathroom, after changing herself. She said the chlorine had dried her skin, and asked if they had any lotion she could borrow. A few second later my sister in law was standing in the kitchen, handing her the bottle filled with my huge load of cum. I watched as my wife squirted some onto her hands and rubbed it all over her arms, and legs. Then I saw my sister in law take a little more, and do her hands and arms again. Needless to say, I was hard as a rock, and had to excuse myself to the bathroom. I pumped out an even bigger load this time, looking for something else fun to cum on or in. I pulled open their shower and saw two bottles of shampoo. One was a suave for men, clearly not what she uses. The other a shampoo for colored hair, clearly the one my sis in law uses. I filled it with as much cum as I had and put it back. When I got home I jerked again imaging her with my cum running down her soaking wet head.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32