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Mrs. Smith {Part II}Mackenzie:The next day I stayed late at work finishing up some paperwork I’d been putting off. I didn’t want to give tom any excuse to complain. Although he wasn’t in a position to fire me, he could still give me a hard time.At home I grabbed my mail and threw it on the table to deal with later. It was already getting dark and I was famished. After dinner I went to my bedroom to undress for my shower. I began to unbutton my blouse when I looked up and spotted Ponti watching me from his window. “Christ” I said, ” doesn’t this k** have a life?”Still I had to admit I was flattered by his infatuation. I knew he was just a k**, though of legal age, but still his constant attention made me feel desirable.Feeling wicked, I decided to give him something to jerk off over. Nothing too improper, but enough to tease him.I knew he had to be disappointed as I pulled down the shade, cutting off his view, but then I turned on the lamp behind me, knowing that doing so would cast my silhouette against the shade.Standing by the window I finished undoing my top and slipped it off, standing sideways so he could see the curves of my breasts. Reaching behind me I undid my bra and let it slip off. Running my hands over my tits, massaging out the marks left by my bra, I knew he had to be fully erect by now and I wondered if he was jerking off yet.I then shimmied out of my slacks and did the same with my panties, running my hand over my ass. For good measure I made a point of slipping my hand between my legs, rubbing my mound.I knew I had teased him enough so I went and showered.After my shower I decided to tackle the mail. There was one heavy envelope with no return address so I opened it first. My jaw hit the floor as I looked at the pictures. My stolen panties were wrapped around an erect penis. I immediately assumed it was Ponti’s doing and couldn’t believe his boldness. But when I looked at the pictures again, I began to have my doubts that it was him. Although I hadn’t seen a teenage boys erection since I was a teenage girl, I didn’t remember them being so big. This one was almost adult size.But if it wasn’t Ponti, then I knew I should be worried. If it was someone else who went to all this trouble, who knows what else they would do. I thought maybe I should call the police but if it was Ponti I didn’t want him to get into trouble since it was partly my fault for teasing him.As I studied the pictures more closely I discovered a small scar on the side of the swollen dick. I didn’t know how I could make it happen, but if I could somehow get to see Pontis erection, then I would know for sure.Ponti:“Pokey” my mom yelled from downstairs. “Get out of bed! It is summer time and you should spend the day outside and doing things, not in bed.”She woke me up from a sweet delicious dream about Ms. Smith, my raging hard on was proof enough of that. I wish that she would call me my real name Pontius. I guess that she did bahis şirketleri not like my father who was a Roman History professor before she caught him fucking his TA when I was young.“OK, MOM! I’m up” I yelled back down at her. I got out of bed and had to pace around for a few for the erection to die down. Could not go down there with my pajamas tenting like they were.Before I headed down I made sure that my stash was safe and hidden and bounced down the stairs to see what she wanted.“Sup” I said as I grabbed a piece of bacon off a plate.“Good, you’re up. You need to get out of the house and do something this summer.”“OK, OK” I said, can I at least shower before I go?”“Yes, but you need to leave”.“I will” I said as I rushed up stairs to get ready for the upcoming day. I wish that it was a weekend, because I could try to find a way to see what Ms. Smith was up to. Too bad she was at work. I guess I will just have to find another way to entertain myself.While I was in the shower, I had a wonderful idea. I would take all the skills from my AP Computer Science class and put them to good, well, actually bad work. After my shower I walked downstairs dressed. “Hey mom, can I have some cash?”“Sure, Pokey, just get it from my purse.”Digging in her purse I got more than I needed, but hey, who cares. I also grabbed the car keys and headed out.I knew what I needed and were I could find it. After getting all the stuff I needed I raced back home to get my lap top and put my plan into action.“Back so soon?” It was mom again.“Yeah! but just to get my laptop.” Christ I wish she was not a professor having her around all summer could be a bummer. “I was just going to write some code down at the coffee shop.” I replied and headed out the door again.I took the long route next door just to make sure that no one saw me hop Ms. Smiths fence. I tried her patio door, but she locked it. Next I tried her kitchen window at thankfully that was open. Pulling myself through the window I finally got to work. The first thing I had to do was get into her network. That would keep the frame rate high and the stream good.I sat down and wrote a quick script to hack her password. It did not have to be too hard, I doubt that she knew anything about encryption or strong passwords and let my laptop do its work while I got everything else set up.I went up the stairs and found her bed room. Thankfully I knew which one it was because it was in a direct line from mine. Her bathroom was attached to her bedroom. After I knew where her bathroom was I got into the attic.Taking out my pinhole drill I put a small hole right above where her shower head was and ran the camera down. Then I shimmied over to the attic window and put the small solar cell there so the battery pack could charge during the day. She would not even see a blip on her power bill from that.Back down to the laptop. Cash money it only took 5 minutes to find her “password”. I now illegal bahis had access to her network. Setting up the relay was easy, now I could push the data to me in realtime with no need to buffer, I could also turn on the camera from my phone.Back up to her bedroom I decided to get one more thing for me. Her drawer was full of panties seeing them all folded there made me hard. I did not want to take a pair off the top so I got one from the bottom and shoved it into my backpack.Out the kitchen window again and over the fence. I did end up going to the coffee shop, but that was just to test the connection and set up. Everything was working 100% and I could not wait to see what I could get from it.The sun was starting to set so I decided to go home and wait for her to show up. After a quick dinner with mom I went up to my room to “read”. Pace was more like it, it was getting late and she had not come home yet. I began to wonder what could be causing my dream woman to be so late.Finally I saw the light in her bedroom come on. I got to the window as quickly as possible. Either she knew I was watching or she had that rough of a day. She was putting such a show my cock was getting hard again. When she stopped and walked away from the window I picked up my phone and clicked on the camera.I could see her hand reach into view and turn the shower on. Then the rest of her body got into view. My dick was screaming to be touched. I could not help but touch it and jerk off watching her shower and wash her breasts. As she started to wash her pussy I could feel my orgasm growing.I pulled out the fresh pair of panties I took today and came in them. My body was shaking from the release. If it felt this good imagining her, I wonder what it would be like with her.As I was cleaning up she got out of the shower. I stopped recording and saved the video to my laptop for later use. I was still awake and decided that I should not waste a good password cracking program.I got on her network and into her computer. Again so easy, and thankfully she did not log out of her email. I took a photo of her now cum covered panties and sent it to her from her.Mackenzie:I decided to pour myself a stiff drink to calm my nerves and sat down at my desk to check my emails to get my mind off those filthy pictures. It was then that I remembered that I was supposed to Skype John, my on again/off again boyfriend in the army. But the Skypes usually turned sexual, with him talking me into showing him my tits or other parts. I wasn’t in a sexy mood so I sent him a quick e mail about working late and going to bed.I scanned my mail. Half of them were from pontes mom. Even though we lived right next door she insisted on filling my in box with lame cartoons and dirty jokes. I deleted them without opening them. I wondered if there was any way I could casually ask her if Ponte had a scar on his dick but naturally I couldn’t.I then saw an email from myself. illegal bahis siteleri Puzzled, I considered deleting it figuring it to be junk mail but instead I opened it.My whole body shook when I saw the pic of my cum stained panties. Those hadn’t been on my line so they had to have been stolen from my drawer, which meant someone had been in my house.I jumped out of my chair and ran around, making sure every door and window was locked. They all were except the kitchen, which had a broken catch. I was still shaking, wondering what could have happened if the pervert had been in the house when I was home.I ran to the bedroom and opened my underwear drawer. Nothing seemed disturbed. Knowing that the panties in the pic were from the bottom of the pile, it nauseated me that someones hands had been touching my underwear. I scooped up every one of them and threw them in the washing machine. Realizing he might have also touched the ones I had just put on, I stripped them off and threw them in too.Hurrying back to my bedroom I checked my nightstand drawer and breathed a sigh of relief that all my sex toys were still there.Again I considered calling the police but without evidence of a break in, I knew they wouldn’t take it seriously and would even get a kick out of it.I decided that no matter what I had to do to pull it off, I had to see pontes dick.Ponte:Saturday had finally come. I was excited for a day of watching Ms. Smith. There was nothing more I wanted now than to see her ass clad in her panties. Just sitting in my bed thinking about it made me get hard. I pulled my laptop out and started to watch the video of her in the shower again. “God she had a hot body” my mind kept saying as I stroked myself matching her tempo as she washed her tits and mound. I could feel myself starting to reach orgasm.“POKEY!” FUCK, it was mom again. “Get down here and have some breakfast.” she yelled up the stairs at me.I had to shut down the computer and try to hide the erection. Pulling on some shorts and a shirt. I headed downstairs to see what she wanted. “Sup mom.” I said as I entered the kitchen.“Mackenzie just called and said she is having some issues with her computer and was wondering if you could help.”Shit, maybe I let me dick think for me too much. “Well, I’m not sure what could be the problem, mom.”“Look, I want you to have some breakfast and scoot your ass over there.”“I’ve got other things to do.”“Like hell you do, you’ve got nothing to do, and I already told her you would help.”“Ugh, fine mom”I scarfed down the yogurt and granola she made and went back to my room to change into something else. “You’ve fucked up this time” my mind was saying as I got my shoes on. My hands were actually trembling with fear, but there was nothing I could do about it.After I got dressed I made sure to transfer all the files and photos from my computer to an external hard drive and wipe the partition they were held in. I knew that Ms. Smith was not good with computers, but better safe then sorry.Walking over seemed to take hours. Reaching out I rang the door bell. “Coming” was the response that came from the other side. “Well, here we go” my mind said as I heard the door knob turn.
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