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Molly the Manager, Part TwoThis is a true story, I changed the names; Geographical locations and names of stores long out of business are real.We entered her townhouse and she turned on the lights, other than having a nice carpet, couch a floor lamp and a coffee table, it was pretty bare. I asked where the bathroom was located, so I could change. As she walked down the very small hall, Molly pointed to a door and said “Help yourself…I’ll be out in a minute. I did not hear her close her bedroom door, maybe she was going to see if I was going to take a peek or follow her. At that time, I felt this was just a couple of adults having a get together and nothing more, I changed fast and sat on the edge of her couch. Then Molly emerged from the hallway. I almost fainted as she looked totally transformed. Gone were the frumpy, oversized polyester knit clothing. She shed the frumpy old lady shoes . Gone were the nerdy looking horn rimed glasses and her hair was down. “Gee” I thought to myself, “Get her out of clothing that looks like she ordered it by mail and received a free prize,mind she looks nice.” It was like she floated to the kitchenette, grabbed a couple of glasses and pulled down from the shelf a bottle of wine. She opened a drawer, pulled out a bottle opener and said, “Do the honors?” Fortunately, cruzing through the student union one day, Good Morning America had a guest that talked about wine etiquette. I watched, thinking one day this may come in handy. It did. As I sniffed the cork and gave it to her to sniff, I poured a very small amount into one of the mismatched wine glasses and swirled it around, Molly stood there, mouth agape. “Wow. Are you full of surprises. You did that kaçak iddaa like I have only seen once, at Alioto’s in San Francisco.” Well, we need to put the glass away, no glass by the hot tub.” Not being a “hot tub” person, I did not know what alcohol and a hot tub do. I was not a big drinker, After that one glass, I was a little dizzy. Our conversation was small talk. I found out that Dave (the friend of mine that turned me onto the job at Weinstocks) was a mutual acquaintance. As she asked me questions, I kept it lite. I did not know what our mutual friend told her, nor did I really know what type of relationship they had. She kept on starring at my chest and stomach. At one point she reached over and ran her hands on my chest and stomach, mentioned how she was jealous of my Girlfriend. I mentioned I did not have a girlfriend nor am I seeing anyone on a regular basis. “My goal is to finish school and get a job that will pay a little better so I could get a house and live the American Dream. I realize you are a manager, but Weinstocks is not the end of my career search.” “Well, it isn’t mine either. I have been promised a job working for the International Olympic Committee once I finish my Masters Degree.” The hot tub turned off, our hour was up. Molly mentioned she was ready to have a night cap. We dried off as we walked into her townhouse. Once inside, Molly mentioned where a bottle of Yukon Jack was in the kitchenette. She suggested I get a couple of shot glasses bring the bottle and join her. While I fumbled around, I noticed the lights go off and a a steadily growing glow from the front room. as I walked into the front room I could see her face in the flow of the candles, she bahis siteleri did look nice, not playboy magazine nice, but nice none the less. As I sat, she poured the drinks, held up the glass and said, “Here is to new friends.” Not being a drinker, I sipped the shot she took on one gulp. Molly stood up and I very gently arose, as if on que. she gently grabbed by hands and put them on the top straps of her bathing suit and pulled the suit off. Molly then dropped to her knees, she took off my gym trunks and held my penis in her hand. I looked down as she twirled around my pre cum with her forefinger. She looked up and said, “I am doing a good job, you are just about ready to explode. Before all that, I know I asked you for a ride home. Everything else that has happened sort of happened. What I would like you to do is inject a couple of shots of the Yukon into my ass hole.” Molly reached underneath the cushions on her couch and pulled out a blue squirt bottle and some KY lube. As she handed me the bottle she got on her knees and laid across the couch with her butt in the air. I filled the bottle with a shot of Yukon Jack and rubbed some of the KY jelly on the tip. That is when I received a quick lesson from Molly.”Put a generous amount of the lube on your finger and put it in my butt hole. “. I had read more than my share of Hustler Magazine articles on anal (remember no internet in 1982) so I knew to swirl around my finger and give it a little tease. Molly groaned in pleasure, She gave a little gasp as I inserted my finger. When I put in the bottle with the liquor she sighed. She wanted some more, so I did. After emptying the second shot into her bowels, I wondered what would happen canlı bahis next. Molly said there was a box of Kleenex in the drawer, so I took this as she wanted the liberal amounts of KY whiped off her butt, it was then, as I did her that little favor that in the glow of the candles I leaned down and kissed the small of her back and ran my tongue down to her anus. As I ran my tongue around her rosebud she moaned and moaned. Her breaths became deeper and she spread her legs. I did not have a condom handy, and throughout our talk,Moshe never mentioned having any precautions (remember I do not think either one of us had planned on a cool, crisp .november night was going to end like this) I separated the lips of her awaiting clam, separated all that hair (remember once again 1980’s women did not shave down there) found her dripping wet vagina and inserted by finger. I had read about the mythical “G” spot and from the description, I felt something different on the wall of her vagina. As I rubbed that spot and tongued her anus she got louder and louder finally just collapsing and breathing as if she had just ran a mile. As she lay on her back, still trying to catch her breath, Molly said, “I don’t know where you learned that. I don’t know if I had multiple orgasams or one long one, but you are the best I have ever had. Now, lay down on your back, it’s time I return the favor.” She used a Kleenex to wipe off the pre cum off the tip of my penis. She did not know a lot about giving blow jobs. Most of it was very light sucking and a lot of hand action. But,in was not having to do it myself. The only words she said were, “Dont cum in my mouth, I’m not ready for that.” As I was ready to cum, I warned her. As is the case with just about any 20 something, I shot a load on arm, and some in her hair. A quick wipe or two with a Kleenex did the trick and we were ready to basque in the afterglow of an unexpected evening.
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