Mart 13, 2025

Misti’s Adventures

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Misti’s AdventuresMisti was amazed at how much Mrs. Hinkle was enjoying the young delivery boys dick. She was acting as if she hadn’t been laid in years. Also, try as she might, Misti couldn’t see a single grey hair ANYWHERE on her. The only possible sign of her age was, possibly, her breasts. They hung down a bit, but, as large as they were, that was to be expected. They HAD to be 38 or 40 DD. They were absolutely HUGE!The others had stopped what they had been doing so they could watch the women pull a train on the youngster. He had to be getting tired. This was his third pussy in less than an hour, and they knew Misti wasn’t going to let him leave without fucking her, too.Just at that moment, Mrs. Hinkle gasped out loud, and he groaned. She fell forward, and they could see a thin stream of fresh jizz leaking out of her pussy. Misti held a glass of cold water out to him, smiling, and told him, “Rest a second and catch your breath. I can wait for a minute or two. THEN you can fuck me, too.” He smiled at her, and told her, “Thank You. I need a break.” Misti sat down on the sofa where her pussy would be at eye level to him, and began to play with herself. She had never met a man who didn’t get turned on at this sight. Sure enough, in a matter of seconds, his dick was standing straight up, and visibly throbbing. She spied a tiny drop of pre-cum on the head of his dick, and slid down in the floor beside him. He sat there while she straddled his legs, hugging him, and putting one of her nipples in his mouth. He sucked on it hungrily, switching back and forth between them both. She felt his cock rubbing against her ass, and raised a bit to allow it to find her hole. When she felt him touching the right spot, she lowered slowly, engulfing his entire length. She whispered in his ear, “Let Mama do all the work, Sweetheart. I will take GOOD care of you.” She began to rock slowly, letting him feel her tight cunt. She wanted to take her time with him, so she would be the one he remembered best. She knew exactly what he was feeling. She could feel her pussy contracting around his dick, and knew if would feel, to him, like something was biting his pecker very gently. She also knew that if it wasn’t for the fact that he had already had 4 women, he wouldn’t be able to hold his cum, She was enjoying this more than anyone, except Michael, knew. The only thing she enjoyed more than sex, was being watched WHILE she was having sex. She rode him for what, to her, a long time. She would, each time she felt him trying to cum, stop, and let him relax, then, resume her ride. She made him last for probably 30 minutes. Long enough for her to have 5 orgasms. She was breathing nearly as hard as he was, so she decided to let him pop his cork. She started moving in an entirely different direction, and was soon feeling his cock jerking inside her, and knew he was about to cum. She rolled over on her back, with her legs as wide as they would go, and gyrated her ass until she felt his cock explode, spraying his cum deep inside her pussy. She allowed him to roll over on the floor next to her, and rolled over to suck his dick clean. He had cum so much, there wasn’t much left inside, but she made sure that she cleaned everything he had.He laid there on the floor, resting. Suddenly he asked, “What time is it?” Dave told him it was nearly 6:00. “Oh My God!!! I’ll have to pay for the other 2 pizzas I have to deliver.” Michael laughed out loud. “How much will they be? I’ll stand good for them.” The boy told him, and Michael took up a collection. There was enough to pay for ALL the pizzas, plus enough for güvenilir bahis siteleri him to have a generous tip. The boy hugged all of them, plus getting deep kisses from all the women, thanked them all, again, for EVERYTHING, and left. Misti took the cold pizzas in the kitchen and nuked them to make them hot, and they sat down to eat.They all started sharing stories about what had brought them to this point in time. Their intimacy had made them so they didn’t feel they had to hide anything.Mr Hinkle, his name was Jerry, had been raised on a farm in southern Oklahoma. He had been drafted right out of High School, and had served 2 years in the Army. He went through his training and had been sent to Korea. He had been sent TDY to Japan once while there, and had stayed for 2 weeks. He rotated back to a post in Texas, spent the rest of his time there, and got out just in time to start college in the fall. He had enrolled, majoring in Business Administration, and about 5 weeks in had met Mrs. Hinkle. Her name, then was Mary Thomas. They had several classes together, and had gone to the snack bar for something to drink a few times, started eating their meals, together, and, finally, he had worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. She accepted, and they went out a few times before he had enough courage to try to cop a feel. He swore that, even to this day, never to have met such an exciting woman. He had been driving an old GMC Panel Truck he had completely restored, and took her out in that. He stopped there, and told them SHE would have to tell them the rest.She laughed at him, and started HER part of the story, telling them she would save the prequel for another time.”I had seen him in his truck several times. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! It was deep, deep blue, with white sidewall tires. It had white canvas curtains on the sides and the back. They were lined so it would be warm in cold weather, and he had removed the seats, and had a thick mattress on the floor, with lots and lots of pillows. I had looked back there one time when he didn’t see me. THAT thing was an out and out pussy wagon. I just knew I had to try it out.””We went out 5 or 6 times, and he was a perfect gentleman. He opened doors for me, he held my hand when I got in or out of the truck, and he NEVER used strong or off-color language, but, worst of all was, HE NEVER LAID A HAND ON ME!!! He never tried to touch my butt, he never tried to kiss me. He never even TRIED to feel my tits. I wondered if he was normal. Then, the night we went to the Drive-in, he FINALLY put his hand down inside my blouse. I let him have a good, long feel, and let him know I wasn’t wearing any panties. He felt up my pussy, and, after he got me hot, I suggested we go to the lake and watch the submarine races. “We went to a secluded place on the lake, and we got in the back of his truck. I knew everything was going to be okay when he started fucking me for the fourth time. He fucked me so good I fainted 3 times. The next day we only had one class, and as soon as it was over, I suggested that we go to the lake for a while. It was early October, but, it had been over a hundred every day, so I wanted to go skinny-dipping with him. We went out and there were three or four other couples already there, and they were already naked, so we joined them. One of the girls asked me if I would mind if Jerry fucked her, and I told her I wouldn’t mind a bit. Before we went home, he had fucked all 4 of the other girls, and all 4 of the boys had fucked me. I asked him if he had tried any of the Korean or Japanese pussy while güvenilir bahis siteleri he was there. He admitted to getting a little of it, but had been too busy to do much. I was impressed with his honesty, and decided I wanted to spend my life with him. I haven’t regretted it one bit in the 25 years we have been married.”Jerry told her, “You ought to tell them about your time, before we met. They will like that.”Mary sat back, gathering her thoughts. “I lost my cherry when I was 13. Our neighbor took it for me, with more than a little help from me. His wife and their daughter, she was 6, had gone to her parents house. Her Dad had been hurt, and her Mom had needed help. They left, and a day or two later. he had to work late, so I stayed with Jimmy, his son. He was 9. My parents both had jobs and had to be at work at 5:00 in the morning, so they told me if “Uncle” Charley came home too late, for me to stay the night at his house. I was over there every day, with him and “Aunt Mildred” so it wasn’t anything new. I had spent so many nights over there with them that I had my own room, and even kept a few clothes over there.””Uncle” Charley didn’t get home until it was after 9:00 that night. I had fed Jimmy, helped him take a bath and brush his teeth, and put him to bed. “Uncle” Charley came home, and went straight upstairs to check on Jimmy, and when he came back down, I had put out some food for him to eat. He ate and we talked a bit, and he asked if I wanted to sleep in my room, or on the couch. I liked sleeping on it. It was coming up a storm, so I told him I would sleep in my room so I would know he was next door, and Jimmy would be across the hall. Storms scared me, bad, back then. They still do, just not as much. He kissed me on the cheek, and went up to take a shower and go to bed. He was REALLY tired. I sat up for a little while longer, and decided to go up and take MY shower, too.”I went up to my room, and “Uncle” Charley had known I didn’t have anything to wear to sleep, so he had got one of “Aunt” Mildred’s nighties out for me. We were almost exactly the same size. I wore her clothes, and she wore mine, sometimes. All the clothes I had there that night were a couple of bras, and a couple of pairs of panties. My clothes were sweaty, so I needed to change. I remember that it was a pale, yellow, baby doll nightie. It was totally shear. That was all “Aunt” Mildred ever wore to bed. I teased her about it, and all she ever said was that I would understand when I got older. Mom had already told me about the “Birds and the Bees,” so I knew what she was talking about. Besides, sometimes Mom and Dad didn’t close their door good, or forgot to close it, at all, so I had seen them in bed several times. I had my first period when I was 11 years old, and Mom had explained it all to me. I had also grown 8 inches taller, my boobs had grown until I was a 36 C, and I had grown a VERY thick bush on my pussy. All this happened in 6 or7 months. Anyway, I went to the bathroom, “Uncle” Charley had his own bathroom and shower, and brushed my teeth, and took a shower. I used “Aunt” Mildred’s shampoo. It smelled so nice. I wrapped a towel around me and went back to my room. I guess I forgot to close my door good. I took off my towel, and was looking at myself in the mirror. “Aunt” Mildred has full-length mirrors in every bedroom, and was using the mirror on the dresser to look at my behind. I heard something, and turned around. Jimmy had woke up and was standing in the hallway looking at me naked. I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, so I called him in to see what bahis siteleri he wanted, He told me his parents talked about me, a lot, and called me THEIR little girl, but sometimes his Dad, when he was alone got out a picture of me that he had taken through my window one night. He had looked at it a few times when his Dad wasn’t home. He said I was standing in my room naked. He had heard his Dad call me a “Little Hottie,” and that he would like to nail me. I told him that just meant he wanted me to be HIS little girl. Jimmy told me that he loved me, and I was ALREADY his big sister. He hugged me and went to the bathroom, and back to bed.””I dressed and pulled on my panties, but the storm was coming in, and I was a little scared, so I went down to the living room, and turned on the TV to see the weather. They said it was a “Severe” storm, with thunder, lightening,heavy rain, and hail. This scared me even more. I was already seeing the lightening, and hearing the thunder, but then the wind and rain started. I jumped in my bed, and pulled the covers up over my head. It didn’t help, and I was trying not to cry, but, had already wet my panties. so I pulled the off. I was so scared it was unreal. I had to have somebody, so I ran into “Uncle” Charley’s room, and jumped into bed with him. He was asleep, so I got umder the covers and got as close to him as I could. I didn’t know it until later, but my nightie had bunched up around my tits. I was completely bare below that. I had my behind pushed against his stomach, and had pulled his arm around me. He must have been having a dream, because, his dick was hard, and it was wet. Anyway, I was laying there, and felt something pushing against my butt. I raised my leg up, and it was “Uncle” Charley’s dick, and when I raised my leg up, his dick slipped into my pussy. He never even opened his eyes. He was fucking me in his sleep. He fucked me good, and didn’t wake up until he started to cum inside me. When he woke up, he saw what had happened, and tried to apologize. I had liked it, and told him I wouldn’t say anything if he would do it, AGAIN. He did what I wanted. He got on top of me, at first, then he showed me how to do it doggy-style, then he had me do him with me on top looking at his face, then at his feet. Finally, he got on top of me and finished. He did me three more times that night, and in the morning we took a shower, together. He got me a pair of “Aunt” Mildred’s shorts, and one of her tops to wear while I washed and dried my clothes.””It was kind of funny, though. I had washed and dried my clothes, and was changing. My door opened, and Jimmy was there. I was naked, again, and he asked if he could touch the hair on my pussy, and squeeze my tits. HIS words. I let him, and he told me mine were softer than his Mommies, and I had more hair. I didn’t say anything to anybody. “Uncle” Charley fucked me about twice a month for the next 3-4 years, and one day “Aunt Mildred” asked me if I enjoyed when “Uncle” Charley fucked me. I was surprised, but, I told her I did. He had made me cum, almost every time. She told me that she had known as soon as she came home that time. Jimmy had told her that my tits were softer, and that I had more hair than she did. It turned out that she was teaching Jimmy the facts of life, and when she saw that HE was growing hair on his cock, she let him take a bath with her. She answered ALL his questions, and let him put his fingers into her pussy, and a little later, had shown him how to fuck her. She said he had gotten quite good at it. She also told me that the nights when “Uncle” Charley was working late, were really him fucking some of the women he worked with. It worked out because she had three or four guys that came to the house and fucked her. She introduced me to them all. It seemed that the only ones that weren’t fucking someone else, were MY Mom and Dad.”

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