Şubat 14, 2025

Meeting the hottie at Gold’s Gym

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Meeting the hottie at Gold’s GymAmanda from Gold’s Gym Hi all, My name is Chris. I am 25 years old, and I in Information Technology for a manufacturing company, and never really had time for a long term relationship. However, I met Amanda while working out at my local Gold’sGym, and she changed my thoughts on women who work out alot. This story is about the relationship I had with her while I worked that job. I worked down the street from this Gold’s Gym in the midwest that was pretty plain and drab…It seemed pretty dirty, in fact. It was a big 40 foot by 50 foot room.It did not have anything that the newer cooler workout centers have. It was essentially a big room with a lot of free weights, stationary bikes, cross-trainers, some universal equipment (Lat Pulls, etc), and mats for whatever you use mats for. Other than that, they hada mens and womens shower area, and that was it. I joined because the owner of it, Marcus, had a sign up that if you join and commit for 2 years, it was only $20.00 per month. I wanted to tone up, so I joined.I let my manager know that I was going to work-out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at lunchtime, and would probably take over an hour to an hour and a half those days, and would work through lunch the other days. He didn’t care. I also learned our company reimbursed us up to $20 per month to join a workout center, so I actually worked out for free! I was QUITE surprised my first day I went to workout. I saw Marcusbehind the counter, and only 3 ladies there. That was it! No guys at lunchtime…Two of them were on the stationary bikes, and one was on a cross-trainer. I wanted to try to burn calories as fast as possible, then lift weights, so I hopped on a cross-trainer, next to a young lady that was already on one. (They only had 4 of them, and she was in one of the middle ones.) I put in my 20 minutes at level 6, burning about 200 calories, then tookoff to lift weights. The lady who was next to me soon finished, and shecame over to the free weight area as well. I wasn’t too much in the mood to chat, as I was trying to figure out what kind of a plan to do, being my first day and all. The lady walked up to me. “You really went fast on that machine over there.” She said to me afterI had set down some weights I lifting. I wasn’t expecting to talk to anyone there, so I was almost a little put off by being bothered. “Oh, thanks for noticing. I only get about an hour for lunch, so I haveto work as hard as I can as fast as I can. How are you today?” I said to her. “Doing well. We don’t have new people come in here too often. Do you come here much?” She asked. “Nope…This is my first day. I will be here at lunchtime 3 times per week. I need to get rid of these 10 extra pounds” I told her. “Oh, you look fine. My name is Amanda.” She said. Amanda had blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, which was fairly long. She stood about 6 inches shorter than me. She was actually pretty attractive, but I wasn’t really in the mood to be chatty. She was thin, not really curvy at all, though she did have about average sized ass and boobs.She smiled some, though. She had on the typical new moisture absorbing clothes. “Hi. I’m Chris.” I replied, looked down back to the weights I wanted to do another set with. I reached down and grabbed them, and did another set of 12 curls with them, then dropped them down again. I knew I was running out of time, as I wanted to take a quick shower and get back to work without smelling up the place. “I will see you soon, Chris.” She said, smiling to me. “Same with ordu escort you, Ma’am.” I replied, and headed to the shower. When I got out to leave, and I noticed she was gone. For a couple of weeks, I would say a few sentences to her, but otherwise our conversations weren’t too much to think about. It was early November, and the temperature was starting to drop quite a bit. I went into work a week or so later on a Monday that was the coldestmorning of the fall. The temperature was in the single digits. I headed into the Gold’s Gym at lunchtime to work out, and it was the usual ladies there. I still was amazed that a “Gold’s Gym” could be so old and run-down looking. I remember seeing Arnold Schwartzenegger working out at one back in the 1970’s on videos in a HUGE building. This place was only about 2000 square feet. The music Marcus played was crappy. It was a bunch of Nickleback, and music like that. I keep my headphones on most of the time. I finished up, and noticed Amanda was outside of her car as I walked out. “Have a nice day.” I said to her. “Oh, you too. I have to get a jump. It didn’t start easily this morning, and now it won’t start.” She said. “Dead battery?” I asked her. “I don’t know, I turn my key, and it just clicks.” She replied. That tells me this cold morning turned her weak battery into junk, and she wouldneed a new one. I wanted to get back to work, but she was a nice lady, so I decided to help her out. “Let me jump it with my cables, and see if it will start.” I told her. “Oh, that is okay. I can get a wrecker and get it to the dealership.” What? That would cost her a ton of money! No way would I let them screw her. I actually decided to really help her out when she said that. I hooked up my cables from my car to hers, and after a few minutes ofrevving my car up, she could start her car. Once I disconnected my cables, I told her to shut hers off. After a minute, she tried to start it,and it would not turn over. That proved to me her battery was dead.”Amanda, this test proved you do have a dead battery. How old is it?”I asked her.”Oh, this car is 8 years old. I think it is the original.” She said. No wonder it was bad. I have never gone that long on a car battery.”There is an auto parts store up the road. If you would like, we can go get you a replacement. I have some basic tools in my trunk, and we can get you back on the road in 20 minutes.” I told her.”No, that is okay, you need to go back to work.” She replied.”No sweat. Would you like to ride with me? I see this is a Honda CRV. Itis 8 years old, right?””Yes, it is. I will go with you. Do you know how much it will be?” Sheasked.”I cannot imagine it being more than a hundred dollars, maybe less.” I said to her. “Is that price okay?” “Yea, that’s alot, but I can pay for that.” After going to get the battery and putting it in her car, I had her back onroad, and on her way. She thanked me a bunch. Even Marcus cameout to ask if he could help. It made me feel pretty good that I could helpher. I told my boss about it, and he saw my filthy fingernails, and he just laughed about it.A couple of days later, I walked into Gold’s Gym, and Amanda immediately jumped off the cross-trainer to thank me again. I told her it was my pleasure, and I was happy to do it. I worked out some, and she kept looking at me and smiling. I wondered if anyone had done anything nicefor her in a long time.”Are you seeing family on Thanksgiving?” She asked me.”No, my family is mostly in Florida, except for a sister of mine in Texas.I will be probably sleeping escort ordu in, and just watching television.” I told her.”Oh, that’s a shame.” She said.”What about you, Amanda, are you cooking a big spread?” I asked.”No and I live too far from my parents in South Carolina and I am having it alone. I plan on cooking, but have no one to share the food with. Would like to be my guest tomorrow?” This was kind of sad to hear. I could not imagine being a young woman like this, and having no one to have Thanksgiving with. I supposed I could spend an hour with her, and then head back to my place to watch some football.“I would be happy to join you. What would you like me to bring?” I asked her.“Oh, nothing, nothing at all. It is just a traditional Thanksgiving. Do you like that?”“Of course. Are you sure you don’t want me to bring anything?” “Oh, no, just be at my place at 2pm. Let me tell you how to get there.” And she told me how to get to her apartment. She was pretty trusting, I thought. She only knew me from the Gym. I showed up at her apartment about 10 minutes early. I stopped the night before to get a nice bouquet of flowers and nice box of chocolates for her, for inviting me to eat with her. I went into her apartment, and it was pretty much what I expected for a young lady. There was a bunch of pictures on the walls, and various nick-nacks. I also noticed the great smell of food.“Hi Amanda, this is for you.” I handed her the flowers and the chocolates. “Thank you for inviting me today.” I said to her.“Oh, don’t you look all cleaned up?” She said. I had on a nice pair of slacks and a shirt and tie, to show respect to her on Thanksgiving. I never really dressed up on Thanksgiving with my family, but I figured I would do it since she was being so nice to me, and I was probably kind of a jerk to her a few times. She was also dressed nicer than she typically was at the gym. She had a nice skirt on with a nice blouse.We ate and talked, and I had to admit, she was a great cook! I decided not to rush out of there, and ended up spending nearly 2 hours with her. I even offered to help with the dishes, which she and I did together. We hit it off so well!!! After awhile, I told her I was going to leave soon, and she thanked me again for eating with her, and she said it made her day.“Thank you so much, Amanda. You are a great cook. Can you tell me about some of the pictures on your wall?” I figured I would ask about her friends and family, since she was such a nice hostess. She told me she has never been married, She had a brother, whom she was not in contact with. We walked to her door for me to say our goodbyes, and I kind of reached out to give her a hug, and she reached to me to give me a full hug. She really squeezed me tight. In fact, we held each other tight for about 15 seconds. It was long enough for my cock to start rising in my slacks. I wasn’t thinking dirty thoughts or anything, it just was a natural reaction. With me being taller than her, it pushed against her pubic hair area, around her belly button. She looked up at me.“I am sorry about that, Amanda, I hope you aren’t offended by that reaction.” I said to her. She started to laugh a little.“Oh, my. I am not offended. I am sorry I am laughing, but I am wondering why you aren’t married or anything?” She asked.I told her more of my story of my life, basically telling her I was a workaholic and loved my job and so much was demanded of me.”I had a great time with you today. Maybe it was a natural reaction to having good food and having a good time ordu escort bayan with you today.” I had an idea… I was attracted to her. She had gorgeous long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes and a killer body! As I was talking, I noticed she looked down at the bulge in my pants. It kind of surprised me.“Well, I am not offended at all. I am quite surprised, though. Don’t you even have a girlfriend?”“No, just too busy for one. That’s all.” I told her. “Thanks again for a great day.” I told her, and I was on my way. I was actually a bit embarrassed!!!We kind of had nothing to say, so I decided to make a move. I tried to kiss her. She kissed back, and hugged me tightly again. This time, I could feel her abdomen rubbing against my manhood.“I see you work out at the gym, and I daydream about having you cum inside of me.” She was asking me to make her pregnant!!! It was more like she was telling me to do it.“I would be happy to.” I said to her.She led me to her bedroom. I could not believe what I was about to be a part of. I never got anyone pregnant in my life. We hugged again, and she looked up at me and reached up at me, and we started kissing. Her lips were pretty soft. Immediately, she reached for my belt. As we kissed, she worked to loosen my belt on my pants, and reached for my cock inside of my jeans. She rubbed it on the outside of my pants first, then reached in. I was pretty nervous. I had not had attention like this in a long time. She was full of lust right now.. I reached down to grab her breasts while we hugged, and I gave them a squeeze and then reached down to pull her shirt up. I got her shirt off and she was standing there in her bra. I could tell she had smaller breasts. I reached back to take her bra off and got it off and looked down.”Do you like small boobs?” She asked.”I really like yours.” I replied.”They aren’t quite a mouthful.” She said.”Yes, but they stick straight out. I bet 99 percent of women would kill to have a pair like yours. They are amazing!”I didn’t wait to get her on the bed. My cock was sticking out thanks to her messing with my pants. I reached down to her skirt and pulled it up. Then I slid her soft panties over and pulled her next to me. I lifted her left leg up and we started making love while standing up. “Be careful, I have never been with anyone before.” She said.Now she tells me. She was quite horny for not ever having sex before. I went from being very physical with her, to slowing down and being rather tender. I stopped making love to her while standing up and guided her to her bed, and with her legs hanging over the side, I entered her pussy again.”I love your blonde hair down there.” I told her as I climbed on top of her. I decided to see if I could go really deep inside of her, and I raised her legs up in the air, and started making love to her. This might have been a little too much for her as she started biting her finger real hard while I pounded away at her tight pussy with blonde hair. This kept going on and I was getting closer and closer to cumming. “Are you sure you want it inside of you?” I asked her.”More than anything” She said.I got really close, and as I was about to start to cum, I grabbed her by the legs and pushed them closer to her body so I was even deeper inside of her and her gorgeous pussy became even tighter. I started ejaculating inside of her and I looked down to see the pulsations in my cock.”OH MY GOSH.” She said, out of breath. “I can feel it squirting inside of me.” “You are so small down there that I bet that is easy to do.” I told her.We stopped making love, and we both stood up from her bed. As she stood up, the semen started draining out of her insides. “No,No, No! No! Stay in there” She said with a serious tone.”I am serious. I need a baby soon!”

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