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Subject: “Luck On The Border” Gay – Adult/Youth The story below is pure fiction, and not intended to reflect upon any actual person, present or past. If this story is unlawful, or is offensive, please refrain from going any further. Please note that the author does not condone any unlawful act(s) upon children. Please help Nifty to keep these stories free, and your contribution will be greatly appreciated. My other stories posted on Nifty is under the authors section, posted under “Shawn.” “Luck On The Border” To start off with, my name is Mark, and at the time of this story, I was 47 years old. The love of my life, my all, and my everything was Travis. He and I became lovers when we were 16 years old, and lasted all the way up until we were 45. Cancer took him away from me unexpectedly. Travis and I had a glorious life together, and it was his idea that we retire early, and move close to the Rio Grande River. We purchased 112 acres, and together, built our home ourselves. Without telling a lie, Travis was definitely the brains, and I was the muscle. The man could construct anything he put his mind to. We dug our own well, and put in our own septic system. Thanks to Travis’s ingenuity and know how, we supplied our property with wind and solar power that he and I fabricated and installed. Travis couldn’t stand paying any form of a utility bill, so he went out of his way to design various things so we didn’t have to. We built an enormous barn/garage, and farmed about 10 acres. We had, and still have, a bunch of egg laying chickens. When we built our home, per Travis’s design, it was a little over 2000sq ft, and single story. It’s a 3 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom home. Why we needed that many bathrooms was always a mystery to me, but since it was Travis who designed it, I never questioned it at all. We built our home so that the “U” shaped inlet from the Rio Grande was less than a 100 feet from our backdoor. The “U” shaped inlet spans across 20 acres, and when we first purchased the land, somebody had constructed a makeshift “cowboy” fence completely around it. Travis literally despised the shabby looking fence, so one day he and I went out, and started taking the fence down. It was hot, and we were both drenched in sweat. From the distance, we saw a cloud of what looked like smoke, but it was getting closer and closer to us. It was almost just like in the movies when we heard the thunder of the horses hooves as they came towards us. There must have been over 20 cowboys headed our way, so I stepped in front of Travis, and waited for whatever next was going to happen. When the cowboys rode up to us, the leader with a wild looking black and gray mustache asked what we were doing. I told him that we purchased the property, and didn’t like the fence blocking the water. His name was Hank, and he was the owner of the property next to mine. He let me know that if we took the fence down, then by law, we would declare our property to be free range. Travis nor I knew what that was, so Hank explained it to us. In other words, if we take the fence down, Hank’s cattle could come on my property and drink the water, and there wasn’t any recourse we could take. Neither Travis or myself cared if his cattle came on our property, and once we told Hank that, he told us our work here was done, and his men would finish removing the fence. From that day until present, Hank makes it a point to supply me with steaks. Also, to add to our view of the water, Travis had me rent some heavy equipment, and I dug a canal that was about fifteen feet deep, and went roughly two acres out before I connected it to the “U” bend of the Rio Grande River. A while back, I purchased a 16′ fishing pontoon boat that we keep tied up to our dock. In our eyes, our home and property was simply put, our little slice of heaven on earth. The last thing Travis designed and constructed was an enormous antenna. I always called the thing the antenna from hell, but once we had it in place, and ran the wire to our home, we were now able to watch over 200 television channels, plus free WiFi. When I asked Travis if this was legal, his only response was, “Fuck em!” Anyhow, that’s where I am now, so living here means I am pretty self sufficient, and rarely have a need to venture into town. After Travis died, I keep myself busy tending to the crops, chickens, and doing a lot of fishing. I’ve heard the many stories about illegal immigrants sneaking across the border, but after living here all these years, not once have I ever seen anyone crossing my property from Mexico. Just so you know, I’m a fairly big guy, and always have been. I stand 6’4″ and weigh a solid 275 pounds. I have short brown hair, green eyes, and not a hairy person at all. I do have hair on my chest and stomach, but that’s pretty much it. My arms, and legs, have very little hair at all. I keep my pubes closely trimmed, and mainly out of habit now, but I shave my balls and butt crack hair. Travis in his glory years stood 5’7″ and barely tipped the scales at 145 pounds. He had bright curly red hair, and in our relationship, he was the bottom. Travis loved taking my nine inch ramrod up the butt, and I sure as hell loved giving it to him too. It was on a Tuesday afternoon, and it was hot as hell outside. Even at 6:30pm, it was still 103 degrees outside. I was in my recliner watching some television when I heard my chickens start raising all kinds of hell. I initially thought it was a coyote, so I grabbed my rifle, and walked out the backdoor. The chicken pin door was about 50 feet from the corner of my home, so I stood still to see if I could see what all the fuss was about. The noise was coming from the hen house, and I could see some hens flapping their wings, and running as if their life depended on it. For one thing, when Travis and I built this chicken pin, we did so making it virtually predator proof. Since the gate was closed, I was somewhat baffled as to how a predator could even get inside. I eased towards the entrance of the coop, and had my rifle at the ready as I stepped inside. At first, I was startled beyond belief as to what I was now witnessing. Crouched about 10 feet from where I was standing was two boys. They were drinking the yoke out of the eggs, and from the looks of them, they both looked like they hadn’t eaten in weeks. The older of the two cringed, and nervously said, “Please mister, we didn’t mean any harm, I swear we didn’t sir. We were just um, um, hungry sir!” The boy spoke perfect English, and then the younger one said, “We’re sorry sir, honest to God sir, we’re very sorry sir! Please sir, please don’t turn us in, please sir!” The younger spoke perfect English as well, and that was a good thing considering I don’t speak a lick of Spanish. I took my rifle off of them, and then asked, “What in the hell are you boys doing here, and where’s your parents?” The older boy answered, “Sir, we were trying to get to America sir, and our parents, well they are um, uh, they’re dead sir. It’s just me and Fernando sir. I’m Daniel sir. Please sir, please don’t turn us in, and we um, we can work off what we owe you from eating your eggs sir.” Fernando chimed in, “Sir, we’ll work off what we owe you sir, but please sir, please don’t turn us in sir, please!” I looked at both boys, and they were dirty from head to toe, so I said, “For starters, I ain’t gonna turn you in, so get that notion out of your heads! You boys come inside, and get cleaned up, and while you’re washing the dirt off of you, I’ll make us something to eat.” When the boys stood up, my heart sort of fell. They were scraggly looking, and their clothes worn and battered. Their black hair was unruly and in a mess, and above all, they stunk to high heaven. As we walked back to the house, the oldest boy, Daniel, looked to be in his early teens, but he was just too dirty to tell at this point. I figured him to stand about 5’2″ and couldn’t weigh no more than 90 pounds. The youngest, Fernando, could have been anywhere from 8 to 12 years of age. He stood around 4’10” and probably weighed somewhere close to 70 or 80 pounds. When we got into the screened porch, I stopped them and said, “Boys, this is probably gonna sound real bad, but I mean you no harm, but you boys smell something awful. You wait here, and I’m gonna get you something to cover up with so you can strip out here. Those clothes you have on need to go straight to the garbage can.” I went inside, and brought them two large towels to cover their nude bodies up. The boys stripped out of their nasty clothes, and even though I was standing just a couple of feet away, both boys managed to conceal their privates with the towels preventing me from seeing their goodies, had I had an inclination to do so, which at that time, I most certainly did not! I took the boys to the first shower, and in walked Fernando. While he was standing there, I opened up a new toothbrush and placed it on the counter next to the toothpaste. I then took Daniel to the other shower, and did the same for him. Both boys were very polite and grateful, and I closed the bathroom door behind me. While they were in their perspective bathrooms, I went to my own bedroom, and rifled through some of Travis’s old clothes. Yes, I still had all of his clothes because I just couldn’t bare the thought of throwing them away. I found a couple of his old gym shorts, and placed them in front of each of their bathroom doors after telling them what I had done. I went into the kitchen and started fixing us a meal. Knowing the boys were starving, I put three steaks that I had been marinating on the grill. I made a fresh garden salad, corn on the cob, baked beans, and had put 3 large baked potatoes on the grill along with the steaks and corn on the cob. I poured three large glasses of sweet tea, and placed them on the kitchen table. I set the table, and began placing the food items on it so when they finished up, hopefully the food will be ready. I had just finished bringing in the food from the grill, and had placed the steaks on our plates when Daniel walked in. Seeing him now compared to the first time I saw him was a difference between night and day. The gym shorts were a little baggy, but the young boy was clean, and smelled clean too. His black hair was thick, and brushed back, and his slender face was downright gorgeous. Looking at his bare chest, I could see his tiny nipples, and not a shred of hair anywhere to be seen. His belly was flat, and his belly button slightly poked inwards. Looking up and down his legs, again I saw no signs of hair life at all. With Daniel being sparkling clean now, I guessed him to be 12 or 13, possibly even 14. It was hard to tell because he looked so damn young. He was standing at the table when I asked, “So, are you and Fernando brothers?” Daniel smiled, and replied, “No sir! I met him months ago on the trail to America.” About then, Fernando walked in, and he too looked and smelled clean. He too was hard to figure out an age because he looked so young, so I guessed him to be anywhere from 8 to 12 years old. As he stood before me, I saw no signs of body hair anywhere on his naturally tanned body. His belly button looked to be nothing more than a couple of squiggly lines running together. Knowing the boys were hungry, we sat down and got busy eating. I watched them as we ate, and I felt bad seeing just how hungry they were. I had long since finished eating, but both boys were chowing down like ferocious young lions. I wanted them to eat, and do so until they were both full. Fernando was the second one to finish eating, and a short while later, Daniel finally got his fill too. The boys helped me clean the kitchen, and then we went into the living room to watch some television. We were watching a movie, and both boys seemed to be completely consumed in watching it. Even though I had some questions, and a lot of them, I figured it would be best to give the boys some freedom, and ask my questions later on. Sitting there, glancing at both of them, I couldn’t help not to notice their overwhelming beauty. Both were naturally tanned from their Mexican heritage, and the longer I admired their beauty, the prettier they seemed to be getting. I couldn’t understand why I was thinking the way I was, but I put it in my head that I missed Travis, and was just lonely, and appreciated having some company for once since Travis’s passing. Each boy went to his own bedroom, and I was in my bed, tossing and turning, while my mind constantly rambled on over their unquestionable beauty. When I awoke early the following morning, I went into the kitchen, and began making a hearty breakfast. I cooked grits, eggs, bacon, ham, toast, and pancakes. The three of us were sitting at the table eating when I looked at Daniel, and asked, “So Daniel, how old are you?” Daniel smiled as he replied, “13 sir!” Fernando eagerly stated, “I’m 11 sir!” Well, I at least knew their ages now, and as we ate, once again I began admiring their breathtaking beauty. After we finished eating, it was Daniel who said, “I’m sure you have lots of questions, so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to go ahead and get them out of the way sir.” We went into the living room where I sat down in my recliner while both boys took a seat on the sofa. I was facing them, and was only about four feet away. Fernando’s baggy gym shorts leg openings were so baggy that I was almost able to see his goodies. I could see, what I thought to be, the smooth hairless side of his little right marble. Fernando was sitting about a foot away from Daniel, on Daniel’s right side. Daniel cleared his throat, and began speaking, “Let’s see, might as well start from the beginning. A few months ago, and because it was getting so dangerous due to the drug cartel, my parents paid some coyotes to smuggle us to America. This was not a journey, more so, a nightmare! This is when I met Fernando here. Everyone was exhausted and hungry, but two of the coyotes decided they wanted to have some fun with me. My parents objected, and the coyotes murdered them right on the spot in front of me. They um, uh, forced me to perform oral sex on them, and they saw um, saw Fernando, and wanted to have sex with him too. Just like they did with my parents, they murdered his, and made Fernando perform oral sex on them too. For the next two or three weeks, they made us ummmmmmm, made uhhhhhhhhh, made us their sex slaves. We either had to do it, or they would kill us. They made us stay naked so we wouldn’t runaway, and uh, made us do sex stuff with other boys as well as each other. Sometimes, there would be four to five men taking turns raping us. We waited until one night when it was storming, I stole us some clothes, and me and Fernando escaped. We’ve been on the run ever since, hiding from everyone, because if the coyotes find us, they will kill us for sure. That’s why we snuck into your chicken yard, and was drinking the eggs. It had been a long while since we had anything to drink or eat. That pretty much sums it up sir. If you have any questions, I’ll be more than happy to answer them for you sir.” Hearing all that he had just said brought me to tears, and I was doing everything I could to not break down and cry. Nobody, much less a child, should ever have to experience such an ordeal. These boys are now orphans, and after hearing the abuse they had to endure was just heartbreaking. After finding my composure, I replied, “No, I really don’t have any questions, but I give you my word that you are safe here!” Fernando spoke up, “Thank you sir, but the coyotes are ruthless people, and they are searching for us, and if they find us, they will not hesitate to kill us.” As he spoke, I saw his little body start to shake, so I got up, and picked him up into my arms, and while looking into his gorgeous brown eyes, I said, “You let me worry about the coyotes! If they come a calling, they won’t like what they find, so you don’t worry yourself none about them at all!” Holding the boy sent chills racing up and down my spine. He buried his face on top of my left shoulder while hooking his little feet onto the small of my back. My right hand caressed his silky smooth back are while my left hand cupped the small of his neck. His body felt electrifying to the touch, and it didn’t take long before my nine inches of manhood began tenting the front of my shorts. Fernando couldn’t see my hardened cock, but Daniel sure as hell could, and he was looking right at it. The next three days, nothing at all happened. I did go online to Amazon, and with the boys help, order them some new clothes, underwear, and new shoes. Neither boy would make an effort to go outside during this time, and both boys cautiously kept on looking out of the windows. I knew they were scared, and for good reason, and I kept on reassuring them that they were safe with me. Also, during this time frame, my mind kept taking me places I had no place to be. For some odd, and unexplainable, reason, I was now looking at both boys as objects of sexual desire. Amazon dropped off the packages on a Friday morning, and both boys were eager to try on their new clothes. Still, neither one would dare venture outside, and I wasn’t about to push them either. The boys tried on their new clothes, and for the first time in a long time, their excitement reminded me of Christmas with Travis. Travis always loved opening up package, and for me, watching him tear open the packages was all the Christmas I ever needed. Now, the boys with pure excitement in their hearts, tried on one piece of clothing at a time, and couldn’t wait to parade around in front of me, showing off their new attire. I was sitting in my recliner, having the time of my life watching the boys run back and forth from their bedrooms to me, showing off their new clothes, but I wasn’t expecting Daniel to do what he did next. The 13 year old little bundle of beauty ran into the living room with nothing on but his new underwear. The underwear he was now parading around in front of me were bikini style, low cut, and bright blue. I couldn’t see any pubic hair, but I could clearly see his half inch tube being tightly restricted under the thin fabric. From the looks of it, it would appear that Daniel is uncut, because I wasn’t able to clearly see the head of his cock. When he Giresun Escort spun around, his marvelously naturally tanned butt cheeks present themselves to me for my viewing pleasure, and I was certainly doing some viewing. These bikini underwear were also thongs. The thin fabric disappeared into his butt crack leaving very little to the imagination. Just as Daniel was finishing up showing off his underwear, Fernando came running in with the exact same style of underwear, except his were red in color. Seeing the boy gyrate his hips, and taunt my eyes with his pure beauty caused my cock to become harder than a slab of bricks. When he turned to show off his backside, I could see myself doing a face plant inside that tiny crack, and eating out his ass for days on end. Neither boy had a single blemish on their tanned butt cheeks, and that only added to my overall sexual perversions. When Fernando was strutting his stuff in front of me, I wasn’t able to make out his hidden cock for the life of me, and believe me, I was definitely straining my eyes to detect something. I could see a little bulge, but that was all. Shockingly enough, after they finished trying on all their new clothes, both boys elected to remain in their underwear. I didn’t object in any way, but was having one hell of a time doing anything without springing a throbbing boner. Almost two weeks had gone by, and I let the boys get used to every day living at my place. They still would look out of the windows, and I understood why, and they still haven’t stepped foot outside either. I went out on the pontoon boat to catch us some fresh fish for our evening meal. Upon my return, I was outside cleaning them, and could see the boys looking at me from the living room window. When I was finished, I carried the fish into the house, and washed them off once more before putting them in a covered bowl, and then placed them in the fridge. I informed the boys I was going to take a shower. Per Travis’s design, the master bathroom is rather large. The shower itself is a walk-in, and as soon as you walk into it, you will need to turn right, and cut the water on from the side, and then walk a few more feet before you actually can stand under the shower head. There was no need for a shower curtain or door, and it was plenty big enough for six people, much less, just me. I was under the shower rinsing off, and had just applied some shampoo to what little hair I have when I felt small hands caressing my back. At first, I damn near jumped out of my skin, and when I opened my eyes, and turned slightly to see who it was, there was Daniel in all of his naked glory caressing soap all over my shoulders and back area. I was about to say something when Daniel said, “Shhhhhhhhhhhh, it will be okay!” I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, and then took a couple of steps backwards to get out from under the shower head. Daniel’s hands caressed the soap all over my backside, and when he got to my butt, I felt his soapy fingers slide into my butt crack, sending goose bumps popping up all over my body. His fingers lightly wiggled all over my asshole, and did so for quite some time, causing me to moan from the sheer delight of it all. When he soaped up my crack, and caressed the soap all over the back of each leg, and foot, his little hands guided me to turn completely around. The first thing his eyes went to was my throbbing nine inches of angry man beef. The head of my cut cock is shaped like mushroom, and a little thicker than my thick shaft. My cock is about as thick as a cucumber, and had a slight downwards arch in the middle. While eyeing my erection, Daniel’s hands soaped up my neck area, then onto my heaving chest, and was now soaping up my flat stomach. As soon as his little hands landed on my cock, I felt my body propel upwards on my toes while making a loud moaning sound. Slowly, and I do mean slowly, Daniel softly caressed my cock with his soapy hands, and then moved onto my three inch dangling walnut sized nuggets. Daniel’s caressing hands literally were stealing my very breath, and at some point, I managed to force my eyes open wide enough to take a good long look at his 13 year old erection. I could see a few little black hairs hovering around the base of his breathtaking cock. Jutting out from his tanned body was a good four solid inches of pure boy pride. I’d say it was as thick as a Vienna sausage, and the foreskin draped over his cockhead, and dangled downwards a good inch or so. Below his erect cock were twin hairless pearls, each being the size of grapes. From the looks of his hard cock, and just like mine, his too has a slight downwards arch in the middle. Just like the rest of his naturally tanned body, his cock was also the same tanned coloration, and the longer I looked at it, the more my mouth watered. When Daniel finished soaping up my body, his soft hands guided me backwards back under the shower head. I had just finished rinsing off, and once again his little hands guided me to step forwards, and as soon as I was out from under the shower head, the boy shocked me by grabbing onto my hard cock with both hands, and then began licking all over my sensitive precum oozing cockhead. My legs buckled as his tongue completely swabbed the entire head of my cock, and then he slowly inserted my cock into his mouth where he slowly began rocking his mouth back and forth while his left hand held onto my shaft while his right hand cupped and caressed my balls. It had been so long since I last felt Travis’s hot mouth on my cock, and now, once again, I was reeling from the sensation of having it once more inside a hot mouth. Daniel wasn’t able to take it all in, but he did manage to swallow about four inches. His little mouth worked back and forth, over and over again while his tongue slithered and slapped at my twitching cock. I’d love to say I was able to last for a long, long time, but in all reality, I lasted for about four minutes until my cock began unleashing one hell of a load, and much to my surprise, Daniel wasn’t allowing a single drop to escape from his cock filled mouth. I was grunting while he was moaning, and it felt as though I couldn’t stop blowing my load. When Daniel slurped and sucked until the last of my cum had been vacuumed out of my cock. He let my cock fall out of his mouth, and while looking at me, he grinned, and then said, “Mmmmmmm, I love your cum Mark!” I could feel my body still shaking, and didn’t even ask as I dropped to my knees, and in one quick move, had all four inches of uncut teen meat gliding back and forth between my lips. Daniel placed his hands behind my head as he let out a long moan. My left hand began fondling with his hairless jewels while my right hand started groping his little tight ass. My tongue slid under the hood of his foreskin, and slowly worked its way to the point that it was now swabbing all over his cockhead. It felt like it was in the shape of a plumb, but tasted so awesomely delicious. At some point, the fingers of my right hand pried themselves into his tightly sealed crack, and had dug deeper until my fingertips were now taking turns striking his sealed butthole. With each touch of his butthole, Daniel would let out a prolonged grunt and moan. He leaned over as his cock expanded, and then I felt the warmth of his teen cream as it fired rapid bursts, one right after the other, into my cum hungry mouth. When the last of his warm cream had entered his mouth, it was at that time that I sampled his cum. I could hear myself from the overall luxuriousness of his soothing offering. It was warm, nicely gooey, and barely had a hint of salt, but it was amazingly delicious none the less. I quickly found myself gulping down his sweetness until the only thing left was the wonderful aftertaste. I released his cock from my mouth, and stood up. I towered over the boy, and as I looked down upon him, he slowly raised his head up to where our eyes met. Daniel smiled, and then softly said, “Thank you Mark! That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had!” He stepped out of the shower, and dabbed himself dry while I used another fresh towel and dried myself off. I watched him as he put his skimpy bikini thong underwear back on, and then walked out of the room. Just watching his hot little butt dance before my very eyes as he walked away was enough to make my mouth water profusely. Had I been thinking, which I obviously wasn’t, I should have bent him over in the shower, and showed him what it really feels like to have your asshole eaten to completion. The boys were in the living room watching television when I walked in wearing just some old gray gym shorts. I saw Fernando’s eyes studying my muscular physique, and watched him grab his crotch, and give it a gentle squeeze. Daniel looked at me, and flashed me a sexy wink as I took a seat in my recliner. Later that evening, per their request, I made us spaghetti, a fresh garden salad, and garlic toast. While we were eating, Fernando caught me by surprise by asking, “Hey Mark, how long are you going to let us stay here with you?” I swallowed my food, and then replied, “For as long as you like I suppose!” We finished eating, and the three of us were in the living room watching a movie. I was in my recliner, and the boys were sitting on the sofa. My soft cock was resting peacefully along the left side of my inner thigh. I intentionally positioned it that way in case I was to get an erection, and with any luck at all, the left armrest would hopefully conceal it from their entrancing eyes. I don’t even recall what movie we were watching, but the boys seemed to be enjoying it. Midway through the movie, Fernando surprised me by plopping down on my lap. His body was balded to his right with his right butt cheek on top of my thigh, and the right side of his face was nestled up against the left side of my neck. His knees were curled so that they were on top of one another across my left leg. I could breathe in the refreshing scent of his hair with every inhaling breath I took. His left hand lightly began caressing my lower stomach, and from smelling his sweet aroma to feeling his light touch caused my cock to react, and was now as hard as a slab of steel. My left hand, be it intentionally or instinctively, rested itself onto his perfectly shaped, plump little butt. It felt like pure silk to the touch, and this wasn’t helping my cause any. My fingers began lightly scouring his silky smooth butt cheeks as if they had a mind of their own. So far everything was going along just fine, that was up until my fingertips decided to venture into his slightly parted butt cheeks. Knowing where my fingertips now were was absolutely electrifying, and the crevice itself wasn’t moist at all. In fact, it was dry and felt like silk. I could feel the tiny cloth of his thong bikini underwear as my fingertips slowly explored the interior of his smooth crack. If Fernando had a problem with what I was doing, he sure didn’t say, or do, anything to object. In fact, the fingers of his left hand eventually strayed farther left, and was now resting directly on my hard cock. I could feel his fingers as they lightly squeezed my shaft while exploring the length as well as the thickness. He leaned his face up slightly, and whispered, “Mmmmmmm, you got a big one!” Feeling his fingers through the gym shorts was one thing, but that was obviously not good enough for Fernando. As soon as his fingers touched my bare cock, I damn near jumped out of the seat. His touch alone was electrifying! He had managed to allow my cock to slip out of the leg opening, and now his hand was all over it, and each time he reached my sensitive cockhead, he used his palm to smear my oozing precum all over it. Now, he had both of his little hands on my cock, and both were busy exploring while gently stroking it. I glanced over to check on Daniel, and he was on the verge of falling asleep. Taking the bull by the horns so to speak, I eased my left middle finger under the thin fabric inside Fernando’s crack, and instantly landed right on top of his tightly sealed little anus. I heard the boy moan softly as my finger began gingerly rubbing his tiny pucker. I didn’t try and force my finger inside, but was pleasuring myself by pleasuring him just by caressing his tiny butthole. Once again, Fernando leaned his face closer to mine, and whispered, “Mmmmmmm, that feeeeeeeelllllllllsssssssss soooooooooooo gooooooooooddd!” I honestly didn’t know where any of this was going, and not once did I even consider that I was feeling an 11 year old boy’s hairless butthole. That thought never once popped into my head! I could feel his hot breath beating down on the left side of my neck, and this too added to my already soaring high. Then, Fernando whispered, “If you want to, you can kiss me Mark!” As I turned my face towards his, Fernando planted his lips on mine, and my tongue immediately raced out, and entered his minty fresh mouth. Seconds later, I felt his tongue slither into mine. It had been a long time since I last kissed Travis like this, and it didn’t even dawn on me that I was sucking tongue with an 11 year old boy. Right now, his age meant absolutely nothing to me!” Our kiss was long, and exceptionally passionate, and after about ten minutes of constant tongue sucking, our lips finally parted. Fernando whispered, “Let’s get Daniel to bed so we can have some real fun!” He slid off of my lap, and as he did, I raised my left finger up to my nose, and gave it a few good whiffs. The scent shooting into my lungs was one of sheer sweetness, and didn’t have any resemblance of anything foul smelling. I fought to stand, and walked over to Daniel who was softly purring. I picked him up, and carried him to his bed. After I tucked Daniel in, I closed his door, and Fernando was in the hall, and I walked behind him into my bedroom. The lamp by my side of the bed was on, and as Fernando stood at the foot of my king sized bed, I was now in utter awe as he dropped his bikini underwear, and was now standing in front of me as naked as the day he was born. With exception to the hair on his head, the boy was completely hairless. His hard three inches of uncut Mexican beauty raised itself from his perfect body at a perfect 45 degree angle. The head of his cock was definitely a lot thicker than his slender shaft. The shaft itself was about as thick as the top portion of a carrot, but the cockhead looked as though it was damn near three times thicker. The head was so thick that the foreskin wasn’t able to completely cover it. I could see the purplish piss lips as they looked like they were blowing kisses. The portion of cockhead I could see appeared to be a purplish pink color, and below his hard preteen flute were twin pea sized rounded balls. The hairless shiny sac trapping his little jewels looked awesomely tight, and barely gave the boy’s balls any room to breathe. I could barely see his pea sized balls hovering close to their socket. Nevertheless, what my eyes were now feasting on was pure priceless! While my eyes were mesmerized by his naked beauty, I somehow managed to free myself from my shorts. Fernando’s eyes went straight to my nine inches of rock hard meat, and I watched him as he began licking his lips. His soft, boyish voice sounded, “Oh my, now that’s a big one!” I walked over to where he was standing, picked him up, and started tongue fucking his mouth as I gently placed him on his back on the bed. While I was sucking his tongue, I knew what I wanted to do, and could feel myself losing self control with each passing second. Something inside me snapped, and the next thing I knew, I had slung Fernando’s slender hairless legs into the air, pinning both of his ankles behind his precious head, and was now entranced at glaring directly at his appetizing little butthole. His crack was just as naturally tanned as the rest of his breathtaking body, and the silky smooth skin surrounding his butthole was no different. Without so much as taking the time to breathe in his boyish anal scent, I slammed my tongue right on it, and like a blood thirsty lion, I began licking and lapping all over it. Fernando grunted and moaned, and I could tell that this was his very first time having his young asshole dined on. His little body tried to squirm, but my tongue pressing onto his bunghole held him firmly in place. Now, Fernando was hissing and mumbling softly, but I wasn’t able to understand anything coming out of his panting mouth. Within a short time, my tongue beat down his anal barricade, and was now venturing inside. Instantly, my anal diving tongue was greeted with the bite of his fiery anal heat, and powerful crushing anal muscles. Fernando was slinging his head from left to right while making a constant hissing sound. Deeper and deeper, my tongue dove to its deepest depth. The further it traveled, the hotter the boy’s anal canal became. I could feel his body shaking as this never before experienced pleasure exploded throughout his balled up little body. I ate the boy’s ass like a hungry bear lapping up a fresh batch of honey, and probably sounded like one too. After almost a full hour of dining on his ass, I licked all over his sweet tasting taint, and then easily sucked in both of his tiny balls. While I sucked and licked on his little marbles, I used my right middle finger to toy with his saliva drenched butthole. His little body thrashed and shook, but I kept on fueling his body with more and more pleasures. Moving upwards, I started licking all around the base of his hard boy stick, and steadily licked upwards until my tongue worked itself under his foreskin, and started licking all around his thick cockhead. Using the fingers of my left hand, I eased back the foreskin, and took the time to stare at his majestically thick cockhead. It was mushroom shaped, and purplish pink. The head alone was at least three times thicker than his slender shaft. After eyeballing his cockhead for a few short seconds, I hungrily began sucking his three inch beauty. He must have been worked up a little too much, because it certainly wasn’t long before he sang these lovely words, “I’m, ohhhhhhhhhhhh gaaaaaawwwwddddddd, I’m gonna cuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm!” I felt his cock swell, and timing it just right, I inserted my right middle finger straight Giresun Escort Bayan up his ass, and quickly located his prostate. Before he had a chance to object, his watery honey came bursting into my mouth, one powerful spray after another. His anal muscles immediately clamped onto my prostate stimulating finger as his watery cream rocketed into my anxiously awaiting mouth. When the last of his watery offering was safely swimming around inside my mouth, I took the liberty of tasting Fernando’s cum for the first time. I sounded like a bear growling as I cherished his cum sliding down my throat. It was warm, watery, and didn’t even have a dab of salt taste whatsoever. His cum was absolutely perfect, and undeniably delicious! I eagerly drank his watery cream until there was no more to swallow. I was still orally working on his preteen boner while massaging his prostate, and within about four minutes, Fernando was serving me up another round of his virtually tasteless cream. With no more watery honey to offer, I eased my finger out of his butt, and then released his softening cock from my mouth. I unhooked his ankles from behind his head, and gently guided his silky smooth legs onto the bed. Fernando was slowly slinging his head from left to right while making the most precious moaning sounds any ear could ever hope to hear. The boy’s hairless body was still shaking as I sat up on my knees. My cock was so hard that it actually was hurting, and I knew I had to blow my load, and blow it soon. For whatever the reason, I straddled his stomach are by swinging my left leg across his body, and was now facing his gorgeous face. My right hand grabbed my aching cock, and began slowly jerking away while my eyes absorbed his breathtaking beauty. Fernando mumbled something, but I wasn’t able to make it out, but then he spoke once more, and this time a little louder, “In my mouth, cum in my mouth please!” He adjusted his head onto the pillow so that the head of my cock was within inches of his already open little mouth. His tongue raced out, and tenderly began licking my puffy, precum, dribbling piss lips while his soft hands began caressing my thighs. I could feel his hot breath strike my cock with his every exhale, and within a few heart pounding seconds, I had reached the point of no return, and was now in the process of firing long thick ropes of cum into the boy’s open, and moaning, mouth. His bottom lip was tucked under the underside of my cockhead, and I was beating my cock as if the damn thing owed me money. I could see the ocean of cum all pooled up inside his open mouth, and then watched as he chugged down a good portion, and as he did, he moaned, and moaned loudly. I pumped every drop of man love into his mouth, and then squeezed out the rest. Fernando was moaning as he swallowed my cum, and it looked like he was wanting more, but I was spent, and spent completely. It took a little effort, but I swung my left leg back across his little body, and in one quick motion, collapsed on the bed, laying to the left of Fernando, on my back gasping for oxygen. Fernando rolled onto his left side so that his face was within inches of mine, and his soft angelic voice sounded, “Mmmmmmm Mark, I love the taste of your cum!” He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and that was the last thing I remembered until I awoke early the next morning. When I did wake up, I was pleased to find Fernando snuggled up to me, and snoring like a precious little kitten. Even though I didn’t remember him sleeping with me, I have to admit that it sure did feel mighty good to wake up with someone in my bed, even if it just happened to be an 11 year old boy. I was in the kitchen making us some breakfast when Daniel came in. He walked up to me, smiled, and gave me a loving hug, and then sat down on a chair at the kitchen table. I poured him a large glass of pineapple juice, and sat next to him sipping on my juice. Daniel smiled, and in almost of a whispering voice, said, “This juice must be why your cum tastes so good! I hope mine tastes as good as yours does!” Whispering back, I replied, “Oh, you have nothing to worry about! Your cum tastes great, and taking it a little further, I bet your butt tastes just as good too!” Daniel was flinging his head from right to left while shrugging his shoulders as he said, “My butt? Tastes good? Ewwwwwwwwww, c’mon Mark, now that’s kind of nasty don’t you think? I mean, it is a butt after all!” I swallowed down some juice, smacked my lips, and then fired back, “Well, there’s an old saying, and you may have heard it before. It goes like this! Don’t knock something till you’ve tried it! I guarantee you that once you feel a loving tongue working on your backdoor, you’ll feel a whole lot differently about it, and that’s a fact Jack! I’m telling you, when a tongue gets to performing magic on your butthole, you’ll think you’ve died and gone onto Heaven, yes sir, straight to Heaven I tell you!” About then, Fernando walked in, and plopped down on a chair in between me and Daniel. We ate breakfast, and after cleaning up the kitchen, the boys went into the living room to watch television. They were still only dressed in their bikini underwear, and I for one, certainly didn’t have a problem with it at all. I still had work to do outside, so after I got dressed, I went out and tended to the crops, and then fed and watered the chickens, and collected the eggs. It was brutally hot outside, and I was soaking wet from sweat. When I entered my home, both boys met me at the backdoor. I let them know I will fix us some lunch after I take a shower. I showered, and after drying off, I decided to put on one of my shorter gym shorts. With these on, my floppy cock will dance before the boys eyes, and if I’m lucky at all, I just might be able to get one of them in the mood for some fun. I had already tasted Fernando’s ass, and wanted more, but now I was also curious about Daniel’s ass. I wanted to feast on the 13 year old’s ass for hours on end. After I made lunch, both boys, still in their tight fitting underwear, joined me at the table. After we ate, we went into the living room to watch television. This time, as I sat in my recliner, I intentionally positioned my cock on the inside area of my right thigh. By doing this, now both boys could easily see the outline of my flaccid 4.5 inches of man muscle. Daniel sat at the closest end of the sofa, near the armrest while Fernando sat in the middle. At some point in the movie, I felt a light touch on my left forearm, and as I turned my head to see who it was, I was now looking straight into Daniel’s lovely brown eyes. The boy was smiling, and once our eyes met, the boy surprised me by shoving his lips onto mine. His tongue darted into my mouth first, and then my tongue shot into his. His left hand was softly caressing my chest while my left hand was groping his hot little tight butt. After a couple of minutes kissing, Daniel backed away, and then whispered, “Fernando’s sleeping, so we must be quiet. Come with me!” I eased out of my chair and followed Daniel into my room. I had just locked the door, and upon turning to face him, my eyes went straight for his perfect naked body. His four inches of boy pride was already twitching, and he was looking at me with the most sexiest of smiles known to mankind. He quickly walked in front of me, and yanked my shorts all the way down. I stepped out of the leggings, and Daniel’s mouth went straight for my cock. Within a couple of seconds, the boy’s mouth and tongue were being greeted with nine inches of hardened meat. Daniel hummed as he licked and kissed all over my swollen cockhead while his fingers performed magic on my thick shaft. Daniel even took the time to make sure he licked and kissed each of my dangling balls before going back to work on my cock. After a good four or five minutes of his oral action on my cock, I could feel my cum working its way through my body, so I yanked my cock out of his mouth, and then hoisted him high into the air, and gently placed him on my bed, flat on his back. His legs instinctively spread, and as my mouth eagerly devoured his hard cock, my fingers of my left hand toyed with his hairless balls. I worked on his teen cock for a good three minutes before going after his jewels, and then after a couple of minutes, went back to work on his hard love muscle. Daniel was whimpering, grunting, moaning, and purring as my mouth and tongue lovingly worshiped his cock. I sensed he was getting close, and for the next half hour, I rotated from sucking his cock, to giving his lovely hairless balls a proper tongue bath. The entire time I was sucking his cock, and dining on his balls, I had something else in mind I knew I had to do, and I had reached the point where I knew I had to just go for it. I pushed Daniel’s legs over his head so that his knees were just above his ears, and was now peering directly at his exposed asshole. It was just a dot, and very much the same as Fernando’s, and the closer my nose got to it, the sweet faint smell of soap greeted my nostrils. Daniel softly said, “That’s my butthoooooooooooooo…ohhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ummmmmmm!” After breathing in his intoxicating anal scent, I simply didn’t have the power to resist, and was now using my tongue to whip it as if giving it a well deserved spanking. Daniel started hissing while his body was starting to squirm, but my tongue glued to his asshole wouldn’t allow his body to squirm away from it. My hands gripped around his thighs as my tongue fiercely went to battle on his tightly sealed anal entrance while my eyes remained fastened onto his gorgeous face. His anal fortress put up a worthy fight, but my attacking tongue was just too much, and was now slithering inside his fiery hot anal oven. Daniel was literally coming unglued as my tongue dove deeper and deeper up his butt. His little hands grabbed at the bed cover, balling each into a tight fist while flinging his head back and forth. He was making a constant hissing sound while whimpering with each and every panting breath. Daniel’s anal muscles got in on the action as well, clamping and snatching onto my tongue as if they wanted to crush my tongue into powder. However, as painful as it may have been to my tongue, I was thoroughly enjoying dining on the teen’s mind numbing, delicious ass. Within minutes, Daniel’s body exploded with the shakes, and I saw his eyes roll into the back of his head as the overwhelming pleasures seduced him to the core. With just my tongue darting in and out of his ass, and my fingers toying with his young balls, and no hands on his cock whatsoever, Daniel cried out, “I’m, I’m, ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwdddddddd, I’m gonna cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Hearing those angelic words, I quickly sank my mouth onto his hard cock, and did so just in time as ropes of teen honey shot into my mouth. Not only did it feel rejuvenating feeling the power of his cum hammer the interior of my mouth, but the exquisite taste was nothing short of spine tingling. I drank every delicious ounce of his cum, and was still craving more. I had temporarily drained him dry, and was still sucking his cock when he softly whispered, “In me Mark, put it in meeeeeeeeeee! I wanna feel it in me, all in me Mark!” Those words were magical as far as I was concerned, and as I greased my cock up with lube, the thought of whether or not my nine inch hammer would rip his small ass in half never once crossed my mind. With my cock good and lubed, I placed his heels on my shoulders, and placed the head of my cock up against his butthole. The first three attempts failed, but as I reared back, and gave a harder thrust, my cock shot straight into his ass, forcing Daniel to screech, and whimper while grinding his teeth. The scorching heat cooking my cock seemed to get hotter and hotter the deeper my cock traveled. Daniel was showing signs of the pain as well, slinging his head from side to side while doing his best to not scream. Even though I could see the pain in his eyes, and on his gorgeous face as my cock kept diving until it finally struck bottom. I held my position still for as long as possible, but the flesh melting heat, and constricting anal muscles, was almost too overwhelming to endure. Doing my utmost best to go slow, I slowly withdrew my cock almost all the way out, and then just as slowly sank it all the way home. In and out, going slow, I worked my cock into the boy’s ass while basking in the pleasures my cock was providing me with. Within a very short time, Daniel winced, and then with a loud whisper, said, “Now, Mark, now give it to me!” His voice sounded so very far away, but I heard every single word, and was now plowing his ass like some crazed maniac. My balls smacked his butt crack with each and every bowel busting thrust, sending loud slapping sounds bouncing off the bedroom walls. The harder I slammed my cock into his ass, the more Daniel seemed to be loving it. From looking at his gorgeous face, or while listening to the angelic sounds coming out of his mouth, to the awesome feeling of my cock pile driving in and out of his ass, and while factoring all that in, I was now firing rope after rope of man cream deep into Daniel’s incredibly hot rectum. Lust had me in a rage, and firing glob after glob of cum had me in a mystifying stupor. If Daniel was saying anything, I was completely deaf as to my surroundings. The only thing I could hear was the noise that I was making. Much to my own disbelief, but even after having just one heck of a load up his hot little ass, my cock remained stiff as a board, so I didn’t slow down as I tore my cock into his ass fast and furiously. Several ass ramming minutes later, I watched as Daniel’s cock, with no assistance from any hands whatsoever, start firing spurt after spurt of pure honey all over the boy’s chest and stomach area. While he was unleashing his load, his anal muscles went buck wild on my thrusting cock, and in turn, my own cock began shooting ropes of thick man goo into his already cum filled bowels. As the last of my seed was slung into his ass, my cock began to rapidly deflate. Even as my love muscle was fighting against exhaustion, I was still hammering his ass with all my might. With one last flesh slapping thrust, my now lifeless cock plopped completely out of his butt. Even with my eyes open, I was blind, so I rolled to my right, and sprawled out onto the bed on my back with Daniel on my right. I was gasping for air, and could faintly hear Daniel’s sweet humming sounds. I must have laid there for a good fifteen minutes before being able to stir around, and caught hell getting out of the bed, and trying to stand on my feet. Looking at the naked 13 year old, I could see that he was still clearly out of it, so I proceeded to take a shower. I was drying off when he staggered into the bathroom. As soon as our eyes met, Daniel smiled while saying, “Oh my God Mark, that was freaking awesome! It felt like my mind left my body, and I was in a place I had never been before. Thank you, thank you so much Mark!” I kissed his lips, and slid my tongue into his mouth. We kissed for only about a minute when Daniel yanked his mouth away from mine. He didn’t have to say anything, because I knew what he had to do. He didn’t want to sit on the toilet and shit out my cum in front of me, so I closed the bathroom door behind me as I walked into my bedroom. I put my shorts back on, and walked into the living room. Fernando was slumped over, fast asleep. Nothing noteworthy transpired until that night. I was in my bed all sprawled out, with the covers close to my neck, and as naked as the day I was born. I was right on the very edge of falling to sleep when I felt a hand on my flaccid cock. When I opened my eyes, there was Fernando standing at the side of the bed, and his hands were under the covers, and now playing with my growing love organ. When he saw me look at me, he grinned, and said, “We have to be quiet!” Fernando quickly pulled the covers completely off of me, and within a flash, the boy’s mouth was all over my cock while the fingers of his right hand busied themselves on my balls. I realized that Fernando was naked as well, so I placed my right hand on his plump little shapely ass, and was kneading my fingertips into the silky smooth muscular flesh. It was then that I also noticed that Fernando was greasing my cock up with the lube that I had left on top of the nightstand. My fingers dipped into his sealed crack where I discovered he had also applied lube to his butthole. My middle finger snuck inside, and as it did, Fernando let out a long moan while continuing to make love to my cock with his mouth and tongue. He worked his mouth on my cock for about a couple of minutes when he re-positioned himself. All I could do was watch as he straddled my body facing me, and now I was looking straight at his gorgeous cock. Fernando reached back with his right hand, and guided my cock up to his asshole. I felt him rock back onto my cock, and did so numerous times. I realized that Fernando was actually trying to impale himself on my cock, and I for one thought there was no way in hell his little ass could take my nine inch love hammer. But, Fernando moaned and grunted, and seemed hellbent on getting my cock into his anal chamber. Still holding my cock, and after numerous failed attempts, Fernando forced his ass onto my cock, and the head of my cock along with about three inches forced its way into his smoking hot anal oven. The boy slung his head backwards while crying out, “Ewwwwwwwwww, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, ow, owwwwwwwwww, oh God, owwwwwwwwww!” Entering Daniel’s ass was tight as fuck, but holy sheep shit, entering Fernando’s tinier ass was even a hell of a lot tighter. It almost felt like the flesh of my cock was being peeled off, not to mention, the burning heat straight from the gates of hell roasting my cock as well. With some of my cock inside his rectum, Fernando released my cock with his right hand, and now had both of his hands clutching at my stomach. He was whimpering with every breath while his body began shaking feverishly. Fernando sank his ass down on more of my manhood, and as he did, he started slinging his gorgeous 11 year Escort Giresun old face all over the place while doing all he could to fight back the urge to scream. He was biting his bottom lip, hissing, and doing a hell of a lot of grunting and moaning. Nevertheless, the little boy pressed on, and lowered his ass onto more of my thick ass shredder. In a shocking moment of disbelief, Fernando winced and grimaced as he forced his ass all the way onto the remainder of my nine inches of ass clogging meat. I saw the tears drip from the corners of his eyes, but it was Fernando who was in total control. After a few seconds of sitting still, the boy forced himself to get off of his knees, and was now on his feet with my cock fully lodged inside his flesh melting anal oven. Now, with his feet planted on either side of my body, the boy began riding my cock up and down. He started off kind of slow, but after a few seconds, Fernando went stark fucking crazy, and began fucking his ass onto my cock a mile a minute. As Fernando bounced wildly up and down on my cock, I took the liberty of using my right hand to latch onto his hard boy cock while my left fingers chimed in by clinging to his little hairless jewels. It was still somewhat hard to believe just how thick his cockhead was compared to the slenderness of his shaft, not to mention, being considerably thicker than Daniel’s own four inches of teen pride. Anyhow, I was slowly jerking his cock as Fernando apparently was slipping off into his own pleasure packed world. The boy was constantly humming as he pile drove his ass onto my cock, and every so often, he would stop long enough to gyrate his ass, and then go right back to work frantically bouncing up and down on it. It was somewhere around the four minute mark when I felt his cock swell, and then watched as his piss lips burst open as ropes of watery preteen honey came gushing out, and began splashing all over my chest and stomach. With his cock firing ropes of love juice, Fernando went stark raving mad as he really began bouncing up and down on my cock. I pumped out the last droplet of his cum, and since his cock was still hard, I kept on jerking it. Giving credit where credit is due, but when he was spiraling off somewhere into orbit as his cum came rocketing out, his constricting anal muscles coiled around my cock as if trying to devour every square inch of my cock, and my balls too. He had just finished releasing his load when my own orgasm tore through me like a searing hot bullet from a rifle. All I could do was grunt as my cum valve opened, and wave after wave of man goo shot deep inside the boy’s rectum. Somehow or another, even after having deposited one giant load, surprisingly enough, my cock was still hard. Fernando was plowing his ass onto my cock while his mind was somewhere far, far away. A few minutes later, I again felt his cock swell, and then watched as about four spurts of watery goo shot onto my chest and stomach area. After having milked the last droplet out, Fernando’s cock tapped out, and was now a lifeless little noodle. I released his cock, but kept my fingers toying with his hard shriveled up little nuggets. With my right hand now free, I took the liberty of tweaking each of his little hard nipples. I could tell from his moaning reaction that he loved having his little nipples pinched and tugged on. I have no idea how long it was, but the boy’s ass had done its job, and I was now in the process of depositing a second load of man cream up the boy’s hotter than hot ass. As my third rope of cum shot into him, Fernando began flinging his head wildly while mumbling something I wasn’t able to understand. It was then that I felt, and saw, his lifeless swinging cock start squirting out some more watery juice, but it wasn’t until the fourth squirt had struck my body that I realized that the watery juice coming out of his cock wasn’t cum. Now, there was a steady stream of hot piss pouring out of his cock, and all of it was landing on my chest and stomach, and dribbling onto the bed. I knew he was pissing, but from the sounds he was making, and by the way he was wildly slinging his head all over the place, it was clear to me that Fernando was under the impression he was now experiencing the most intense and prolonged orgasm of his young life. The mess that was now being made by his piss wasn’t even something I was concerned with. I was just finishing up depositing my second load as his piss started streaming a lot harder, and a lot faster. My entire chest and stomach area was completely soaked from Fernando’s hot piss, but I didn’t care not one single bit. When his piss slowed to a trickle, that’s when Fernando’s wild bucking motions started to slow down. Once his piss had completely ended, the boy bounced on my cock a few more times, and then he just rolled to his right, collapsing onto the bed. His entire body was shaking wildly, and he was still making soft mumbling sounds. He was on his right side, and sort of in a modified fetal position. I had to force myself to scoot out of the bed, and damn near fell thanks to my two rubbery legs. Holding onto the wall for support, I staggered into the bathroom, and took a shower. After drying off, I walked back into my bedroom, and Fernando’s little body was still shaking, but not near as bad, and he was still in the same position as I had left him in. I retrieved some clean bed sheets and blanket, and placed them in the chair that was in the corner. I was in the process of stripping the bed around him when Fernando started coming back to the world of reality. He struggled to try and sit up, but once he managed to sit on his butt, he slowly raised his shaking head towards me, grinned, and softly said, “Thank you! I’ve been wanting that Mark!” I had to help him off the bed, and just like in the case with Daniel, Fernando closed the bathroom door so he could have some privacy shitting out all the cum I had deposited inside his hot little ass. While Fernando was in the bathroom, I finished stripping the bed, and put the dirty sheets and blanket in the washer, and then put the fresh stuff on the bed. Fernando had been in the bathroom for well over thirty minutes, and since I was waiting for him to get out, I had enough time to place the freshly washed bedding into the dryer. When I walked out of the washroom, I ran into Daniel, who looked at me, and was all smiles. Daniel gave me a quick wink, and then softly whispered, “Uh huhhhhhhh, I know what you’ve been doing! How did Fernando like your cock up his butt? (I paused) C’mon Mark, you can tell me! It’s not like I don’t already know what happened. We both wanted to feel your um, your cock up our asses, so you see, it’s really no big deal. We don’t have to pretend anymore, so now we can be open about it. So, how did Fernando like your big ass horse cock up his butt?” Looking into those brown puppy dog eyes, I replied, “Okay, okay, he loved it, and um, so did I! Both of you boys have smoking hot asses, and you both are as gorgeous as the day is long! I am the one who is truly lucky!” Before walking back to his bedroom, Daniel flashed me a wink again, and then said, “Good, so tomorrow we can start off fresh then!” I had just walked back into the bedroom as Fernando was exiting the bathroom. I asked, “How do you feel?” Fernando smacked his lips, smiled, and then replied, “Ummmmmmm, it feels like I just had a telephone pole stuck in my butt! It hurts, but uh, it hurts ohhhhhhhhhhhh soooooooooooo goooooooooooooooddddd!” He walked up to me, and we kissed passionately for a good five minutes. Fernando went to his room, and I was now back in my bed, buck ass naked, and all sprawled out. It was then, right here at this present moment that I realized I had just had full blown sex with an 11 year old boy. Not only did I have sex with him, but I absolutely loved every second of it as well. Early the next morning, I was in the kitchen making breakfast. I was wearing my blue gym shorts when both boys entered, and neither was wearing anything at all. Daniel looked at me, and then said, “Me and Fernando were talking, and we um, we don’t see why any of us should have to wear any clothes at all. It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked before, and besides, we um, we like to be naked. How about it Mark, huh, will you be naked with us too?’ As Daniel was finishing his last words, Fernando was busy dropping my shorts. Now, all three of us were bare bones naked, and while their cocks were somewhat flaccid, mine was starting to chub up. Seeing both gorgeous boys, standing side by side, bare ass naked was reason enough for my cock to start swelling. The boys quickly came up to me, and both started hugging me. Feeling their silky smooth flesh up against mine was cause enough to make my cock rock solid hard, and both boys placed their hands on it, and that certainly wasn’t helping my cause any. After our loving embrace ended, the boys helped me to finish making our breakfast, and while we were eating, Fernando spoke first, “Hey Mark, just curious, but how big is your pecker when it’s hard?” I answered, “It’s right at nine inches!” Daniel joined in by adding, “Yeah, and it’s a beautiful nine inches at that!” After we ate, I had just put in the last dish in the dishwasher when I felt the boys hands all over my butt and dangling balls. I’m not sure which boy did it, but the next thing I felt was a small slithering tongue slapping at my asshole. My balls were being toyed with, and now I felt a small hand latch onto my cock, and draw it closer to whoever hand their hand on it. The tongue lapping at my asshole sure did feel good, and from the sounds of my growling moans, the boys knew it as well. When one tongue traveled up my crack, another tongue dabbed at my butthole. I could feel their hot breath on my ass, and their tongues were driving me absolutely insane with mind altering pleasures. Out of instinct, I placed my right knee on top of the counter, and now the boys had a lot more room to operate, and they were doing just that. When the tongue in my asshole slid down my crack, and onto my taint, another tongue quickly began flickering on top of my puckering pucker. The boys took turns wiggling their tongues on my pooper, and then I damn near died as soon as I felt one of their tongues pry itself into my anal corridor. The feel of the tongue inside my ass took the very breath from my body, and now my entire body was shaking rather harshly. It was I who was grunting and whimpering while the two boys were moaning and making loud slurping sounds. With a tongue having worked itself inside my anal chamber, another tongue began licking all over my hard cock. I have no idea just how long the boys spent eating my ass, and licking my cock and balls, but I could feel my orgasm racing through my shivering body. Then I heard Fernando speak, “Let’s go in the bedroom, so we can have lots of fun!” Daniel replied, “Sounds like a plan to me! C’mon Mark, let’s go into the bedroom!” I don’t think I uttered a single word, and caught hell getting my shaking leg off of the counter. When I turned around, both boys were already gone. When I got to the entrance of my bedroom, I stopped dead in my tracks while my eyes absorbed the breathtaking vision my eyes were now witnessing. The boys were on the bed, and in a full blown 69 position with Fernando on top. Fernando was facing the foot of the bed, and the slurping sounds caused from them sucking each others cock rang heavenly into my ears. When I finally forced myself to move, I walked to the opposite side of the bed, and once I got in the bed, I walked on my knees so that I was now staring directly at Fernando’s hot little ass. While Daniel was sucking passionately on Fernando’s cock, I spread the boy’s silky smooth butt crack, and showed no mercy as I drove my tongue onto Fernando’s sweet smelling little honey hole. As soon as my tongue struck his butthole, Fernando let out a loud grunt while humping his cock in and out of Daniel’s cock slurping mouth. It didn’t take long at all for me to steer my greedy tongue deep into Fernando’s hot anal cavity. As he fucked his cock in and out of Daniel’s mouth, he was also fucking his ass onto my tongue. After two or three minutes of this, I felt the urge to take things to a much higher level. I poured some lube onto the palm of my right hand, and while my tongue was working in and out of Fernando’s hot hole, my right hand was greasing up my throbbing manhood. It took a little work, positioning Fernando’s little body into place, but once I had the boy right where I wanted him, and Daniel not letting up sucking on Fernando’s cock, I knelt in behind Fernando, and placed the head of my cock onto his shiny little pucker, and began pressing. Fernando was already grunting and moaning as he thrust his preteen nail in and out of Daniel’s mouth, but his grunts and moans grew a lot louder once my cock started diving deep into his anal kingdom. Fernando freed his mouth from Daniel’s cock long enough to scream, “Ahhhhhhhh, oh God, oh God, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yesssssssssssss!” Bottoming out, my fingers locked themselves onto each of his shoulders, and I drove him backwards while hammering my meaty cock home. Rapid thrusts, one right after the other, I slammed my nine inches of ass packing cock fast and hard into his scorching hot anal oven. Even though I couldn’t see, I could feel Daniel’s eyes watching my cock plow Fernando’s ass while his mouth remained fastened on Fernando’s thrusting cock. Somehow or another, Daniel had reached his right arm over his head, and while I was bashing Fernando’s ass with each and every thrust, Daniel shoved his right middle finger straight up my ass, and then forced his right index finger into it as well. My world exploded feeling two of his fingers darting in and out of my ass while my cock whipped in and out of Fernando’s majestic butt. I held on for as long as possible, but my cock exploded, spewing hot globs of man goo deep into Fernando’s bowels. I was lost in my own world of orgasmic bliss to notice, but as I shot globs of cum into the 11 year old’s ass, Fernando was just as lost as his own preteen cock drenched Daniel’s mouth with his watery honey. With both me and Fernando spinning from our powerful orgasm, it was Daniel who took control. He rolled himself, and Fernando, to his left, and they remained in their 69 position with Daniel now on top. Even as my legs shook, I walked on my knees, and did a face plant on Daniel’s silky smooth butt. Using both of my hands, I pried his butt cheeks wider apart, and immediately went to work swabbing his asshole with my tongue. Seconds later, Daniel literally howled as my tongue snuck deep into his anal region, and as he thrust his cock in and out of Fernando’s mouth, he was also fucking his ass onto my tongue. My cock was still good and hard, and after about three minutes of dining on the 13 year old’s ass, Daniel yelled, “Now Mark, now put it in me!” Obeying his wishes, I hopped up onto my knees, and guided the head of my cock up to his sealed pucker, and pushed. The thick head dipped inside, and Daniel let out a loud screech as I kept on pushing my cock deeper and deeper into his cock choking bowels. Daniel flung his head back as he yelled, “Yes, yesssssssssssss, oh God yesssssssssssss!” I slammed the last three inches into his ass, and just like I did to Fernando, I grabbed each of his shoulders, and used his own body as a weapon against him as I pulled him onto my hammering cock. I was so hellbent and focused on plowing Daniel’s piping hot ass that I wasn’t able to hear any sounds around me. At some point, Daniel pumped his cum load down Fernando’s throat, and Fernando awarded Daniel with another round of his sweeter than sweet cum. There was no doubt about it, I had been brutally fucking Daniel’s ass until I finally managed to work myself up into serving his smoking hot ass another round of thick man goo. I grunted and groaned as I power slammed my cum into his ass with every ounce of strength I could possibly muster, and as I reared back to hammer his ass one more time, my limp cock plopped completely out. With what little energy I could muster, I laid down on my back, and Fernando snuggled up next to me on my right side while Daniel snuggled up next to me on my left side. I was seeing nothing but stars as I gasped for every breath, and couldn’t tell what either boy was doing at this point. I was simply too far out of it to pay the boys any attention. Several minutes had passed, and it was Fernando who struggled to get out of the bed, and held onto the wall as he staggered into the bathroom. Shortly after Fernando went into the bathroom, Daniel held onto the wall as he staggered down the hall towards another bathroom. While they were busy shitting out my cum, I was starting to come back around. After getting out of the bed, it was now my turn to hold onto the walls for support as I stumbled and staggered into the kitchen. It was a little after noon, so I began preparing us some lunch. After we ate, we all went back to my bedroom, and while in each others arms, took a little power nap. Later that evening, and after the boys eagerly insisted, I was going to grill us some cheeseburgers. I have to admit that if felt pretty weird standing out in my backyard bare ass naked, but surprisingly enough, both boys joined me. This was their first time going outside since I first discovered them. They stayed close to the backdoor, but I wasn’t about to say anything since we were now making some progress of them feeling comfortable enough to venture outside. For the next month, the boys began staying outside a little longer, and venturing further, and further, onto the property. Also, there wasn’t a day gone by that we did not share some wild sex, often times, multiple times per day. By now, both boys had no problems whatsoever taking my nine inches of butt splitting cock up their asses. We now sleep in the same bed, and the boys help me with the upkeep of the property. From then till now, something else miraculous has happened. Both boys are now officially diehard butt munchers! Be it my ass, or the other boy’s ass, but each boy loves to eat ass, and I for one, certainly don’t have a problem with that at all. Also, nobody has ever came onto my property and inquired about either boy, and as each day passes, our love for one another or seems to grow that much more. Nobody knows what the future has in store for us, but as for me, right now at this very moment in time, I’d have to say that I truly found luck on the aol Shawn

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