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From Closet Queen To PRISON Queen!Well, even during my marriage I used to fantasize being a black guy’s bitch. When Daniella and I were fucking, I kept it hard by fantasizing that I was with a man! She thought it was her that was making me so hot. Back then I felt so trapped. I knew I was a homosexual, but I didn’t want to admit it to anyone – even myself. I had so many fantasies in my head, but I never thought that they would ever be realized. It was just SO frustrating!When Dannie got hired at the bikini bar, it gave me hours to just watch porn and jerk off. Dannie is Filipina, and she has these gorgeous athletic legs, long silky black hair, a nice set of tits, and just the thought of her hustling drinks in heels and a bikini turned me on so much. And then, when I found out what was really going on after hours, I got even hornier. Dannie would leave at around 4 p.m., and not get home until 3 or 4 a.m., and sometimes not until the next day. So with all that free time I got restless.Then I found this DVD in one of her handbags. I popped it in. I was surprised to see my beautiful Filipina wife, sitting on a sofa in what looked like a bare set. She was wearing one of the black 2-piece string bikinis that they wear at Gobblers. Seated across from her was a woman I later found out was the director. She remained off camera, but Dannie told me later that she was in charge of in house entertainment for Gobblers. Dannie had told me that they ran sports and porn on the TV monitors in the club, and that most of the porn was their own and starring the house girls. Every girl, apparently had to do several shoots a month, and the one I was watching was her first. I could tell she was a little nervous, but at the same time, being the outgoing exhibitionist that she is, I knew she was loving being on camera. Female Director: ”Do you like him, Dannie? Is he handsome?” Daniella: “Mmmmm – He’s got a beautiful body!” Female Director: “Oh so you like black men, Annie? ” Daniella: “I LOVE black men,” she gushed!” Female Director: “What do you want to do to him, girl?” Daniella: “OMG! I wanna FUCK him!” Female Director: “Really, Dannie? But what about your husband? You’re married, aren’t you? Daniella: “So what?”Eventually I noticed Dannie’s gaze looking to her left, and she began smiling even more, and a big black guy came on the shot and he was wearing just a towel. He sat down next to my wife and put his big tattooed arm around her. The director suggested that Dannie unwrap the towel and see what a surprise he had for her. When she saw the man’s huge curved cock, she looked delighted She stood up and took off her top and let the man strip off her bikini panties. She got down in a lewd squat between his legs and began sucking him off. Watching my own wife blowing a black man got me so fuckin hot and I jerked off until my dick was sore. After a while he picked her up and carried her to a bed and they had sex in different positions, with her getting on her knees to take a sloppy cum shot all over her beautiful hot face!One really hot day, right after Dannie left for work, I got in the car and drove to an adult bookstore about a half-mile from the bar where she was working. It was called Secrets, and was located on San Pablo Ave. in El Cerrito. It was so hot, and I remember how cool kurtköy escort and dark the video arcade was. I was wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops. I got a booth way in the back and began flipping through the selections. I had a hard on already – in fact my hard on had never gone down since I left the apartment. I was so horny that I just stripped completely naked and began stroking my cock. Suddenly the door to my booth opened slowly . I had thought it was locked, but I found out later that the lock didn’t work. So there I was, stark naked in a video booth, and a guy was standing there, staring at me. He was an older guy, and he was wearing a black leather Greek fisherman’s cap, a black leather vest, black t-shirt, and black jeans. He just looked so – gay!I just sat there, unsure of what comes next, when he stepped in, closing the door behind him. He didn’t say anything. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. I remember how white his cock looked against the background of his jeans. My head was reeling with thoughts. Like I was born to do it I got off the bench and knelt at his feet. I took his stiff cock and gave him a blowjob. All kinds of stuff were going through my head.What the fuck was I doing?? I was a married man! What if Dannie found out?? What if I got a disease?? What if I got AIDS??Suddenly He grabbed the back of my head and ejaculated his semen into my mouth. And I swallowed it all! He zipped up and quickly left, not even bothering to close the door after him. I slammed it shut, still thinking the lock worked, and sat back on the bench, the taste of his cum juice fresh in my mouth. My head was reeling. I had sucked another man’s cock! I began masturbating furiously and I shot a load so big it hit the video screen. I dressed hurriedly and left the arcade. As I stepped out into the glaring light of day, I felt so ashamed. It seemed as though everyone was staring at me. ‘What a loser I am,’ I thought as I drove home. But as soon as I got in the apartment, my dick was hard again. I had a weird feeling – almost a sick sensation in my stomach, and I turned right around and got in the car and drove back to the adult bookstore. I purposely drove by the bikini bar, knowing that Dannie was inside, maybe sucking some guy off right that minute. I remember thinking, ‘I want to be just like her!’I went right back to the booth I had been in earlier, stripped completely naked, and waited. I ended up staying in that booth until 2.a.m. – after giving blowjobs to 15 men! I had brought some of Dannie’s lipstick and a pair of high heels, and had fluffed up my hair. One guy looked in and saw me, and with my smooth skin and small tits, he thought I was a girl. As soon as he saw my dick he looked startled and stepped right back out. That’s when I knew that from now on, when I came here I would wear heels and lipstick. Several guys had wanted to fuck me, but I wasn’t ready for that – yet. But 2 weeks later, I got my ass cherried, right there in that exact same booth by a black guy with dreadlocks and a huge cock. I had it all planned out. I stopped at the Secrets on Georgia St. in Vallejo, and bought a tube of Anal-Eze, which is lube that contains a topical anesthetic. I bought it there because I was afraid that if I bought it in ElCerrito, they might ataşehir escort not let me in the back, thinking I was having sex back there. I laugh about that now – God – was I really that naive?When I got to Secrets in El Cerrito, I walked hurriedly from the parking lot to the store. I paid my 5 dollars and went into the arcade. As soon as I got in the booth I locked it while I beautified myself. I stripped down, put on the high heels, applied my lipstick, and fluffed out my blonde hair. I applied a thick gob of the Anal-Eze to my anus and worked it in with my fingers. Now I was ready. I unlocked the door. I sucked a few guys off, and then “he” entered. I had never seen him before. “He” was a tall, wiry black guy with dreadlocks and a beard. He was wearing athletic gear – shirt and shorts, and basketball shoes. I couldn’t tell how old he was, but I’m guessing around late 30s. He pulled his shorts down and I saw his semi hard cock in the light of the video screen. It was huge – at least 10 inches, maybe even 12! The thought entered my head that he was the one. Why I chose him I don’t know. My original plan was to take it easy, pick a guy with an average sized cock and later work my way up. But the more I sucked his cock, the more I wanted it to be him. He was hard as a rock and as I sucked him, he leaned forward and began playing with my nude buttocks. “You wanna fuck me?” I said suddenly, before I could stop myself.”Yeah,” he said. “But are you sure you can take it? Because I’ma tell you right now, once I start I aint gonna stop until I nut.”I was inflamed with horniness. “Yeah, I can take it, honey,” I said.”Get on the bench, he told me, face the wall. That’s it – wiggle them hips! Yeah, girl – what a beautiful ass!”I was nervous as I felt him come up behind me with that hard thing. I felt it poking near my fuck hole and I reached back through my legs and guiding to the mouth of my bare rectum with my 3 fingers, like it was the most natural thing in the world! He was gentle – thank god – and he worked it in slowly. My anus was numb from the Anal-Eze, and I was amazed how easily his cock went into me. And even though I couldn’t feel much, the psychological effect of having a man’s hardon inside of me was magical! I reveled as I felt his strong arms, and felt his kisses on my neck, ears, and back! And no – he wasn’t wearing a condom! And I didn’t give a fuck! It only took a few minutes before he came, deep inside of me, pulling out of me slowly, so that it felt like I was taking a shit! I felt like I had to fart, so I tried to sneak one out, and when I did a river of cum flowed out and ran down the backs of my thighs. I dropped to my knees and cleaned his dick off with my mouth, the bitter taste of the anesthetic in my mouth. After he left I stayed another 4 hours and fucked 2 more men.I drove home, my head reeling. In my head I was a faggot now. There was no more denying it; no going back. As I drove by the bikini bar I heard loud rap music booming from inside, and I saw a crowd of thug looking black guys out front. I remember thinking then that my marriage was over. Because there was no way I was gonna deny who I was any longer.After that I spent every free moment at the adult arcade. A few days later I went to Target and bought more sexy high heels. bostancı escort Then I went to Wal-Mart and bought some more red lipstick. There was a wig shop in El Cerrito that I had spotted before, so I went in and told the owner what I was looking for. She was a Filipina lady named Marlene, and she was really cool. She brought down several wigs for me to try on. When I went in the store I was not in drag, and was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I had brought Annie’s black silk Frederick’s of Hollywood shorty robe and a pair of high heels in a bag, and I asked Marlene if I could use a dressing room to change. You should have seen the look on her face when I stepped out of that dressing room, wearing one of her wigs, the silk robe, the high heels, and a coat of sexy red lipstick on my full lips! She couldn’t believe that I was the plain looking little blonde guy who had just gone into the dressing room! She was so amazed by my transformation from man to lady! All it takes for me is a coat of lipstick and high heels, and I’m a completely different person! Before my transformation, she had been sort of cool to me, but now she was like, “WOW! I ended up buying my first two wigs that day! One was a honey blonde shoulder length, and the other was a short red bob. I thought I looked very sexy in them, and so did Marlene! Thinking back on it now, going to jail was the best thing that ever happened to me, because my marriage wouldn’t have lasted anyway. I found out later that when I was locked up, Dannie was fucking one of the owners of the bar and had even moved in with him. She found out what was going on because one of the guards at the jail had pulled her aside when she came to visit me, and informed her what I had become behind bars, all the things I was doing with men. “Your husband is what is known as a prison woman, ma’am,” he told her. He said that he felt it was his duty because he didn’t want to see her catch any diseases from when I got out. In reality he was a fuckin player hater, and was trying to get in her pants! Anyway, she confronted me during the visit. I tried to deny it, but I got so emotional, and suddenly I spilled my guts. I was sobbing and begging her to forgive me – begging her for understanding – to understand that I could get hurt, even killed if I refused. She looked at me through the window and hung up the phone. I will never forget that look – it was of total and utter disgust. I watched, crying as she walked out the door. A half hour later I was sucking a Latino man off in the shower next to the dayroom.See, when you get turned out as a bitch in prison, you will use the name your man gives you. During my time, the first guy who owned me gave me the name “Cindy,” and later, the next man I was sold to renamed me “Pretty Pinkie.” After my release, I began calling myself Dannie, using my wife’s name.Eventually Dannie and I reconnected, and gradually we became friends again. I know that Dannie like gay people, because she had always had a lot of gay friends growing up in the Philippines. She accepted me a woman, and soon we were going out shopping together, and sometimes just sitting around, talking about men.She told me stories about working in a brothel in Manila, how the women and girls in there – many of them quite young – catered to the customers – small things, such as keeping a warm damp cloth handy to clean off a man’s genitals after sex – things like that, I learned from Dannie. I also imitated her over the top girlie-girl mannerisms. I really owe her a lot.
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