Mart 12, 2025

Emily’s Public Adventures Ch. 07 – Group Sex…

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The late afternoon sun streamed through the window bathing the women in a warm glow. Anna cleared her throat and said, “I don’t know about you girls but I could use a good dicking.”

Ryan and Emily laughed. Emily said, “What do you have in mind?”

Anna said, “I have a fuck buddy I haven’t seen in at least a month, I could give him a call. Emily, if you are willing you could call your library guy.”

“I am game but if we bring them here then Brian will know where I live. I am really enjoying keeping him in the dark. I like that he doesn’t know my name.” Emily responded.

Ryan added, “I have a bunch of free nights at that new hotel that faces the lake. I could get us a room with two beds.”

Anna and Emily quickly agreed. Ryan called the hotel. She got a room with two queen beds and was able to check in. She got the room number that they would be staying in. Anna reached out to her FWB first and confirmed he was available and wouldn’t mind a second guy joining the mix. She never told him that there would also be two other women but she knew he would welcome the surprise.

It was nearly closing time at the library when Emily called Brian. “Do you have plans tonight?” Emily asked.

Brian responded, “No, I am free.”

Emily asked, “Do you want to meet me at a hotel? But before you answer there will be another guy there.”

Brian answered with excitement in his voice, “I will be there. Just tell me when and where.”

Emily told Brian the name of the hotel, the room number and let him know that he could come by any time after 8:00.

The women were all sitting cross legged on the bed. Evidence that they were all very excited about their night was clearly visible. Emily could feel herself getting wetter thinking about the evening and looking at her two naked friends. Anna’s nipples were so hard that even her areolas had texture. Ryan moved her hand down to her pussy. It was so wet. She slid two fingers inside. She slowly slid her finger in and out taking turns maintaining eye contact with Anna and Emily. Ryan lifted her hand up her excitement visible on her fingers. Anna and Emily looked at each other and moved towards Ryan. They each took a finger in their mouths. Their cheeks touching as they licked Ryan’s cum off of her fingers.

They pushed Ryan onto her back spreading her legs. They each started kissing a leg working their way up past her knees. Ryan reached down and spread her lips for her friends. They moved in working their tongues together over her clit. They had their tongues on either side of Ryan’s clit. Anna and Emily enjoyed the sensation of moving over Ryan’s clit while their tongues were in nearly constant contact. It didn’t take long before they felt Ryan tense up beneath them her orgasm running through her. They all took a turn getting licked and cumming under the touches of two tongues.

They all headed to the shower together. They got cleaned up with lots of giggles being heard from the shower stall. Then they all got ready. They went through Emily’s closet looking for things to wear knowing that they wouldn’t be wearing it for too long. Emily put on panties and a bra before finding jeans and a t-shirt. Anna found a pair of panties and smiled at wearing someone else’s panties. She found a sports bra that fit her. She put on a pair of Emily’s stretchy pants and a t-shirt. Ryan was a lot smaller than the other two so she had a harder time finding items that fit her. She found a pair of booty shorts that fit her pretty well and a dress that would be skin tight on the other two but was just a bit loose on her.

They all piled into Ryan’s car and headed off to the hotel. At the hotel Ryan picked up the room card. They took the stairs in the lobby up to the second floor. The room overlooked the lake but with it being on the second floor it wasn’t the best view. The sun was starting to set so the view didn’t matter and they didn’t come here to look at the view.

Emily unpacked two boxes of condoms. She placed a bottle of lube beside the condoms doubting that they would need it but better to have it and not need it. Emily was excited to see how the night would unfold. She heard a knock at the door. Anna went to open it. Her FWB Andrew was standing there holding a bottle of wine.

Anna said, “Andrew, come in.”

Andrew walked into the room and noticed two other women there he said, “You said there would be another guy but you didn’t mention that there would be more women.”

Anna responded, “Well we wanted that to be a surprise. We do have one request though. There are to be no use of names tonight. I am not going to tell you their names. Deal?”

“Works for me.” Andrew said with a smile.

Andrew walked to the table and twisted the cap off of the wine. He found some plastic cups and poured them all a wine. They all took a sip of their wine when they heard another knock at the door.

Emily walked to the door to find Brian with a nervous smile. She welcomed him in. She kızılay escort heard him gasp when he saw that there were two other women there. Emily took him over to the table and got him a glass of wine. He took a nervous sip eyeing Andrew. Andrew gave Brian an awkward smile which Brian returned.

“We aren’t using names this evening.” Emily said looking at Brian.

“Understood but one day I do hope to learn yours.” Brian responded.

Emily walked over to her bag and pulled out a deck of cards. “Strip poker?” Emily asked.

Everyone quickly agreed that would be fun. They all sat around the table. To Emily’s right was Anna, sitting beside Anna was Andrew. To Emily’s left was Brian. Ryan was sitting between Brian and Andrew. Emily explained that they would be playing five card stud. After the deal they could look at their cards and if they liked their cards they would bet an article of clothing to stay in the hand. Once they were naked they could bet a sexual act of their choosing. Everyone understood the rules of the game. As Emily dealt the first round of cards she noticed Brian shifting in his seat. She smiled knowing he was sporting an erection.

Brian looked at his cards and folded. Ryan bet a shoe. They all laughed. Andrew folded as did Anna. Emily also bet a shoe. They flipped their cards over. Ryan had a pair of sevens but Emily had a pair of nines. Ryan smiled and removed a shoe. She knew that she was at a disadvantage because she was wearing a dress instead of pants and t-shirt and she didn’t have a bra on.

Brian dealt next. Ryan looked at her cards and folded. Andrew bet a shirt. They were all surprised; someone called out “Big hand!” Anna bet a shoe. Emily and Brian folded. Anna and Andrew flipped their cards over. Anna had a pair of jacks but Andrew had a pair of aces. Anna took her shoe off trying to be sensual and nearly fell off of her chair.

After shuffling the cards Ryan dealt. Andrew folded after seeing his cards. Anna folded quickly as well. Emily bet a shoe and Brian called her. Ryan folded. Emily and Brian flipped their cards over and Emily won the hand again. Brian took his shoe off.

A few rounds later Ryan had lost her other shoe, Andrew was wearing jeans and whatever might be under them. Anna was down to her sports bra and panties. Emily had lost her shoes and her pants. Brian still had his jeans and t-shirt on. It was Andrew’s turn to deal. He dealt the cards, Anna folded and Emily bet her shirt. Brian also bet his shirt. Everyone was shocked when Ryan bet her dress.

They all flipped their cards over. Ryan had three nines. Brian had a straight but Emily had a full house.

“Damn, I thought three of a kind would be a winning hand.” Ryan said standing up. She looked over to Brian who had removed his shirt in record time not wanted to miss the reveal. Ryan grabbed the hem of the skirt and lifted up just enough to show her booty shorts. Andrew was able to see the outline of her pussy through the shorts. He shifted as his erection strained against his pants. Ryan shrugged and pulled the dress over her head revealing her perky little breasts for the first time to the guys. Ryan sat back down her little breasts bouncing slightly.

Anna shuffled and dealt the cards. Everyone folded until they got to Andrew. He bet his pants. Anna bet her bra. They flipped their cards over. Andrew was happy with his straight until he saw that Anna had a flush. Andrew stood up undoing his pants. As he lowered his jeans his cock sprang out. The girls got their first look at Andrew’s dick. He had to be over seven inches long and he was hard as a rock.

“I didn’t know we would be playing strip poker or I would have worn underwear.” Andrew said with a chuckle.

When Andrew sat down both Anna and Ryan stole glances at his cock. Emily grabbed the cards and dealt the next hand. Anna lost her sports bra followed shortly by Brian losing his pants. It was Anna turns to deal. Emily bet her bra, Brian bet his underwear and Anna bet her panties. Brian won that hand. Anna was the first woman to get completely naked.

Ryan and Emily bet their panties on the next hand. Emily won so Ryan had to remove her booty shorts. She got up and turned away from the table. She bent at the waist slowly pulling her shorts down revealing her cute little ass and pussy. She let her shorts fall on the ground before she kicked them away from her. They could all tell that she was wet.

Anna liked the cards that Ryan dealt her. She bet thirty seconds of oral, when she said that she looked over to Andrew. She saw his cock pulse with excitement. Brian called her by betting his underwear. He lost that hand and soon was naked as well.

Emily was the only one still wearing her panties. Andrew dealt cards and Anna again bet thirty seconds of oral. Emily bet her panties and Brian called. Brian won the hand again. He watched both Anna and Emily stand up. Anna walked behind Emily and kolej escort pulled her panties down for her. Anna continued over to Brian and got on her knees. She said someone start counting. As Ryan and Emily started counting down from thirty Anna started sucking Brian’s dick. When she heard the room chant ten she tasted a bit of pre-cum from Brian. She moaned in excitement. She felt Brian’s balls pull up close as he was getting close to cumming. She heard zero before he shot his load. She got up from her knees smiling at him. He knew that she could tell that he nearly came.

Emily bet thirty seconds of French kissing and Ryan bet thirty seconds of finger action. Andrew bet 30 seconds of oral. He won the hand. Emily and Ryan smiled at each other as they got up from their chairs. Andrew moved his chair away from the table. Brian started the countdown as Emily started kissing Andrew and Ryan slid her hand up and down Andrew’s shaft. To Andrew that was the quickest thirty seconds of his life.

Brian was first to bet, he bet thirty seconds of oral. Ryan bet thirty seconds of kissing. No one else liked their cards. They flipped their cards over and Ryan won. Brian got down off his chair and got between Ryan’s legs. He heard the countdown start. He got his first taste of Ryan. She tasted wonderful. He explored her pussy with his tongue delighting in how wet she was. He moved her wetness up to her clit. He just placed his tongue on his clit when he heard someone say zero. Disappointed Brian moved out from between her legs.

“Jesus! That was hot!” Andrew exclaimed.

Ryan enjoyed the oral action so she bet 30 seconds of oral. Anna called her as did Andrew. Andrew won that hand. Both women got up and moved over to Andrew. Emily started counting down. Ryan and Anna put their lips on either side of Andrew’s dick. Together they moved up and down his rod their tongues dancing over his cock and touching each other. The thirty seconds were over before any of them wanted it to be.

Anna was first to bet. She really liked her cards so she bet an orgasm. She specified that if she lost she would give the winner an orgasm. Andrew looked at his cards and called her. Emily also bet an orgasm and both Brian and Anna called. Anna had a full house beating every other hand at the table. She moved over to the bed and lay down closing her eyes. The other four circled around her and started kissing her all over her body. Anna was enjoying the sensation of four people touching her. She felt a tongue on each nipple. Someone had gotten between her legs and started licking her clit. The last person began to kiss her in the gentlest way possible. She was unable to tell who was kissing her. She lay there motionless letting them have their way with her.

The person that was licking her pussy moved out from her legs. She heard a condom wrapper being opened. She felt a cock start to slid into her. As soon as the cock was fully inside of her she knew that Andrew was fucking her. She loved how he felt inside of her. He was pounding into her in a steady rhythm. She felt a hand trail down her body and start to play with her clit. She felt her orgasm rise up quickly. She screamed out as she came. While cumming she opened her eyes to see Brian was the one kissing her gently. Ryan and Emily were on her nipples with Emily playing with her clit.

When Anna was finished climaxing Emily grabbed Brian. They moved over to the second bed. Emily grabbed a condom and put it on Brian. She had him lie down. She lowered herself onto his waiting cock. She felt a shudder run through him when her hips landed on top of his. She moved slowly on him letting him get used to the new sensation. She enjoyed how he felt inside of her. She leaned down to give him a kiss.

“I bet you didn’t see this happening when you woke up today.” Emily whispered in his ear.

“Thank you for calling me. I will probably cum soon but I have a quick recharge time.” Brian said.

“I remember how quickly you got hard when we fooled around in your office. It’s okay, you cum when you are ready.” As she said that she could feel his cock spasm inside of her. She kissed him as he was cumming.

On the other bed Ryan was on top of Andrew riding his cock. Anna was lying beside them watching in a euphoric state. Anna had watched Ryan bouncing on Andrew for a while. She reached her hand out and found Ryan’s clit. She timed her movements with Ryan’s. She could see a flush move over Ryan. Ryan called out as her orgasm hit her full force. She kept riding as Andrew grunted. Andrew and Ryan rode their orgasms out together.

Andrew and Brian got off the beds at nearly the same time. They walked together to the bathroom condoms full of cum hanging off of their deflating dicks. In the bathroom they pulled the condoms off and through them in the toilet. The both grabbed wash clothes and cleaned themselves off.

“This looks to be our lucky day.” Andrew said maltepe escort to Brian.

“Absolutely!” Brian responded.

They walked out of the bathroom to see Anna going down on Emily. Ryan was on the bed beside them watching. The two guys walked over to the bed. Andrew ran his hand over Anna’s ass down to her pussy. She moaned from Emily’s pussy. Brian moved over to the other side of the bed and put his hand on Ryan’s knee. He looked at her making sure she was okay with him touching her. She smiled and nodded at him. He slid his hand further down her leg to her wet pussy. His fingers slid easily into her. She moaned as she got finger fucked. She turned to look at Brian and could see his cock starting to rise. She leaned forward and started to suck his dick. He grew to full mast very quickly. Brian looked across the bed to see that Andrew had moved up to Emily. She was sucking on his dick as he started to get hard again.

Anna got out from between Emily’s legs. She moved over to the other bed. She grabbed a condom for Andrew. Emily and Andrew followed her. Emily and Anna put the condom on Andrew’s dick. Emily got on the bed lying on her back pulling her knees up. Andrew got on his knees and slid his cock into Emily’s pussy. Emily felt Andrew’s balls slap against her ass her tits moving on her chest in motion with his thrusts. Anna started kissing Emily. Emily reached her hand out below Anna and cupped her pussy. She started playing with Anna’s clit.

Emily could feel herself getting close to cumming. She looked at Andrew, “Fuck Anna for a bit.” Andrew pulled out of Emily as Anna lay down on her back. She pulled her legs up as Andrew got ready to fuck her. He slid into her wet pussy and resumed his pounding.

Brian had gotten a condom. He was slow fucking Ryan. Her pussy was so tight. He focused on keeping a steady pace. He didn’t want to nut too quickly. He was pinching her nipples while kissing her. Ryan was enjoying the slow fuck. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter. Ryan looked over at the other bed. Andrew was fucking Anna. Emily still had her legs in the air finger fucking herself. Ryan heard Anna cumming. She looked back at Brian and continued kissing him enjoying the rhythmic motion of Brian’s cock.

Anna started coming down from her orgasm. She got Andrew to move back over to Emily. Andrew found his pace with Emily. He put his thumb on her clit moving it in tempo with his fucking. He could feel Emily working his cock with her kegel muscles. He was watching her tits sliding across her chest when he noticed a deep shade of red flush over her chest. He knew she was about to cum. He kept his tempo going as she started to cum. Emily felt like fireworks were going off inside her body. Being fucked like this and having her clit worked made every nerve ending come alive. Andrew felt Emily’s pussy spasm on his cock. He exploded as well. He let out a loud primal scream as he came from Emily’s spasms.

Brian had started to pick up speed thrusting into Ryan. She came violently beneath him. He could feel her orgasm rush out against him. This caused him to cum pumping into Ryan they enjoyed the sensation of both cumming.

A thin coat of sweat covered everyone in the room. As they all came down from their orgasms Anna was the first one to shiver a little bit. She giggled running her hand over Emily’s sweaty breast her nipple still hard. Anna reached over and licked Emily’s sweaty nipple.

“My god, even your sweat tastes amazing.” Anna said in astonishment.

The guys went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. Emily went to her bag and dug out some water bottles. The girls sat side by side leaned up against one of the headboards enjoying their water. The guys came out. Emily was always amazed at how different a dick could look hard versus flaccid. Erect they were highly desirable. Flaccid they looked kind of funny. She handed each them a bottle of water. The guys sat down on either side of the bed near the foot of the bed. Neither of them wanted to make the first move to get dressed.

Anna turned to Emily with a wicked grin on her face. Emily smiled knowing Anna had a wild idea. Looking at Emily Anna said, “I dare you to run naked to fill up the ice bucket.” Turning to Ryan she said, “I dare you to film her using her phone. That way she controls the video.”

The guys looked at each other with shock on their faces. Emily looked at Ryan and said, “I am game if you are.”

“Let’s go!” Ryan said smiling.

Emily found her bag and got her phone out. She opened up the camera app and handed the phone to Ryan. She got the ice bucket and started walking to the door. She turned and looked at the guys and said, “You better think of something to do if you want the games to continue.” She took a deep breath and opened the door. She walked calmly out into the hallway. She turned back to make sure that Ryan was following her.

“Which way to the ice machine?” Emily asked Ryan.

“At the end of the hallway turn right it is a bit down on the right side.” Ryan responded.

Emily took off walking down the hall. Ryan followed behind her focusing on Emily’s amazing ass. Ryan touched the button to turn the camera on herself to show that she was walking down the hallway naked as well. Emily started to round the corner when she took a step back.

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