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Dutch Dating Sites [1]: VIRGINS-1I learned a lot about the state of sex in The Netherlands and Belgium by my experiences at two Dutch Dating Sites since early WinterI mention here first what amazed me most – after the third wave of feminism, I am from the first – is SHAME: for virginity or little titsI am a philosopher, who never had a boss: all the time of my life in Amsterdam to reflect – after a quarter of a Century of my official studiesI blame it on American Cultural Imperialism, including Christian religions and other strange beliefs like wide-spread C(R)APITALISM——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I will start by telling the worst part: my first date did not show up for a talk and a drink in the cosy cafe of The Movies, just a few blocks awayI know by now the main tease and tool of success is talking money: “I am among the ten richest women in our Province”, as an introductionI malatya escort double their number for other women over fourty, rich widows or lucky divorcees, who try to make their money talk, of no avail at me!I triple the last number of women who introduce themselves by complaining first about their rich – always off – husbands, in looking aroundI dislike dyed hairdos, like too much make-up and all the other unnatural attributes, especially silicone boobs, which I simply disgustI dislike dumb girls, who ask for things which are obvious. I do not understand why they disclose so much there, but lack guts to callI dislike the business model of those sites, I blame capitalism, but I fail to understand why so far no-one dared to call me on the phoneI dislike the shame of girls around twenty – so far between eighteen and twenty-eight – for their virginity, while all their girlfriends did ‘it’ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I escort malatya do like the guts of one teen, who still lived at her parents: she wrote me recently, just after midnight, she would climb out of the windowI did encourage her and assured her I can host her for a couple of nights, but unfortunately she lacked the guts to do what she wantedI was amazed in the first month by the number of virgins, who fancied to be made into a woman by an elder gentleman-hippie-scientistI was amazed their daily number slowly rose from average one or two to at least a handful of them – every day again! Can you imagine?I live on welfare, so I can not afford to write back to most of them, nevertheless I still do, about once a day, until now of no avail, not yet!I like my life full of freedom and all my intellectual qualities, I would like to teach the virgins a lot, for free, but they still lack enough gutsI do write back – albeit only once – to the virgins, telling them we will need at least malatya escort bayan a long weekend for all my intended lessons of loveI am of the opinion that the defloration is the culmination of what they will learn from me, not the start of it, as they all do expectI would not mind to explain in some detail how I would approach the matter, which depends on their earlier erotic experiencesI will consider to add a few more parts to this series, if my dear readers show any interest by their ‘ likes’ and best also comments———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I will wait and see, as I only write by inspiration, never on any orders, which yielded a dozen essays in Polish (Playboy) around 2000I will consider polite requests from friendly females, while I welcome them to tell me about their first time with a stiff prick inside themI wonder whether it hurt? Did you bleed? Was it enjoyable? Please leave a public comment, or else write me your details in privateI want to make clear here once more, that the turn this series will take, depends mostly on my friendly female dear readership here!I claim my Copyright: April 17, 2017 — Professor Poet-PETER
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