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Dressed like a girlIt started by accident as a nessity.I was playing with a friend of mine by the drainage ditch. We dared each other to do acrobatic stunts. There were two pipes what went across the ditch, one was over three foot round and the other was less then one foot. I dared Tom to cross the largest one. He crossed it, then dared me. I went over it easily. Then he dared me to cross the smaller one. I was nervous about it but I didn’t want to be called a chicken. I was half way across when I lost my footing and fell. The water was deep so I didn’t fall far. I climbed out soaking wet, Tom was laughing so hard he fell on the ground. I told him I needed to get out of my wet clothes and dry off. He lived closer then me so we went to his house. His mother said to get in the bath and she’d find me something to wear. Tom was larger than me,and none of his clothes would fit. His mother came in and said to put the clothes on she brought in. I got out of the tub and dried off. Looking at the clothes I realized they were girls clothes. The pants and shirt looked ok, but she brought her daughters panties to put on. I didn’t want to walk out of the bathroom naked so I put them on.After I dressed and came out,Tom seen me and laughed again, his mother yelled at him to stop. We went back outside to play and I noticed how the panties felt. They were smooth against my skin and held everything together. I liked the feeling. I forgot about what I was wearing when my mom called to say come home for dinner. When I got home mom asked why I was wearing different clothes, I told her what happened. After dinner I changed into my pajamas. When I put maraş escort my underwear on they didn’t feel the same, so I put the panties back on and went to bed. The next morning I put on clean clothes, but the underwear still felt funny so I put the panties back on and went to Tom’s house to play. His mother said she had to take his sister to the dentist and be back in a couple of hours. Tom and I watched t.v. for a while then he said he had to go to the bathroom. While he was gone I went into Ann’s room ( his sister) to look around. Soon I found her underwear drawer and put some in my pockets. I was sitting in front of the t.v. when he came back, and didn’t know what I did. When it was time to go home I ran to my room and hid my prize.After dinner I changed for bed. Looking at what I grabbed I found that I had five pairs of panties and what looked like half a tank top but thicker, and softer. I put them on under my pajamas and went to bed. The next day was Monday and had to go to school, I didn’t think I should wear the under clothing I took to school, so I put my underwear on and my school uniform. I didn’t like the feeling but didn’t want to take any chances of getting caught. At lunch Ann came over and said she knew what I did. I told her I was sorry about it and not to tell anyone. She said only if I came over to their house after school. I agreed, and went to class. After school Ann waited for me and went walked together to her house. Tom was a couple years ahead of us and went to a different school. We went in and her mother asked if we wanted a snack before we did our homework. After eating Ann told her mother escort maraş we were going to her room to study.We went to her room and she closed the door. She said she wanted to see me in her panties, I said I had boys underwear on. Ok then she said, take them off. I was shocked, and said I couldn’t take my pants off in front of her. She said do it or she’d tell the whole school. Imbearised I pulled down my pants and took them off. Ann opened her drawer and picked out a pair of panties that had flowers on them. She said remember I’ll tell the school if you don’t put them on. I pulled down my underwear and stepped out of then. She looked at my little dick and asked if she could touch it,I said only if I came see hers. She pulled her skirt up and pulled down her panties. I never seen a girl naked before. I looked at her, she didn’t have a penis, only a little slit between her legs. I pulled up the panties she gave me, she said to turn around. That soft smooth feeling felt good, I turned around letting her look. She hooked her thumbs under the waist band and pulled up. The fabric formed tight against my butt and dick. She giggled and said your peepee is poking out. I didn’t care,it felt good. I asked her about the half shirt,she said it’s for girls starting to grow their boonies. Oh ok I said, it feels nice. She giggled and asked if I put it on, I said yes. Her mother called out saying that my mom called to say come home. I told Ann I didn’t have time to change and pulled my pants up and left. The next day at school Ann asked if I had them on,I said no. I didn’t want anyone to know. She said I looked pretty in them and I should maraş escort bayan wear them. I said I wish I could because they felt good. She giggled and went to class. After school Ann asked if I wanted to come to their house, I said yes. We ate our snack and went to her room to study. After a while Ann asked if I wanted to put on another pair of panties, I said ok. After putting them on she said I should put my pants back on. After dressing she went back to her drawer and picked out a cover top and said to put it on, I said only if I came see hers boobies. She said ok,we took off our shirts,I put the top on,and she took hers off. Her chest wasn’t that big,but her nipples were puffy and stood out a little. When it was time to go home I gave her, her under clothing back, dressed and left. That Friday Tom said he had to go on a campout with the scouts and we couldn’t play. I said no problem. He asked if I wanted to spend the night and get up early with him. I said I’d have to ask my mom. She said it was ok with her. I went to their house and we watched tv. When Tom went to his room for something Ann said to go to the bathroom and look under the stack of towels. When he came back I said I had to go to the bathroom. When I went in, I locked the door and looked under the towels. I got excited, there was a pair of white panties with clowns and balloons on them and a matching top.I quickly undressed and pulled them on. I went to Tom’s room and put on my pajamas so he wouldn’t see. The next morning after breakfast Tom went to meet up with his scout troop. Ann and I stayed home. Her mother said she had to go shopping and wanted to know if we wanted to go, Ann and I looked at each other and said no. When she left Ann said to come to her room. She had a few girl clothes sitting out and said to try them on. I said panties were bad enough, but I won’t put on a dress.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32