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Dear Mimi 2,The year is 2028, in San Jose, Ca And you and I are married some how. See Mimi this is what I dont understand, but letd do it the way you want to do it where we all live together and you have ruined everybody’s lives but your own. In your fantasy island you, Krystal, and Aimee aren’t sisters, you aren’t enemies, you are all, bi-sexual lovers that have completely tooken over my life and every aspect of my where I have absolutely no control of what I am going to do next but,,,,,, what ~ MIMI – AIMEE – KRYSTAL~ Want me to do. Let the story begin. The passion you and I wi) share is so insane and beyond this world and everything around us that Im not sure how to begin this story so let me try. We wake up in bed in eachothers arms and you say to me “Daddy, you wake, i love you so much I was dreaming about you last night, nigga hold me, hold these titties.” I “Come Here nigga, you kniw I’m awoke, and you know daddy love you, shhhhhhit, I’uh hold them titties, oooh-weeeeh I got 4 long wide fat ass titties, wake yo ass up to Nigga you aint sleep.” burdur escort Then your main girl Aimee big titty ass Sashaa her big Long ass Super wide titty ass across the bed in between us, she speaks “Daddy, Hey why are y’all up so early?” I “bc yo patna Mimi woke me up with them super long juicy jumbo monster Titties. Where is my bah bah at..?” You “She in the Kitchen making Breakfast for the 4 of us, daddy, Aimee take yo big titty ass in the Kitchen and help Krystal, while I give daddy what he need in the morning time, shoot.” Aimee “Aiight girl, what yall want to drink with y’alll breakfast, milk, vitamin water or juice of some kind.” You “Purified bottled water for both of us, thank you. Now go help Krystal in the kitchen, damn.” Aimee goes to the kitchen in our large luxuriously expansive Mega Mansion in the Almaden Valley hills of South San Jose, Ca you and I are still in the master bedroom about to get into something a little more intimate. We both lay back down on the black satin pillows you pull off your all black, gold, escort burdur and satin dragon robe revealing your delectable long thick wide fat juicy ass 42EEcup titties and Say “Daddy, I dont ever want you to get lonely or forget that these long saggy ass duffle bag Fun football titties is here for you today and everyday now put this baby oil all over these long sexy ass jump rope titties, so I can dangle’em between ya balls while I suck that juicy ass Python Cobra black horse gorilla donkey dick!” So I lather up them titties real good just soak’em with the oil then you start bobbin’ ya titties on my saggy hot balls, ooh it feels good. Then you say “Now let mommy go down and give you that long neck, Goafer Duck Shlurk throat Mob.” An begin to start the sucking extravaganza of my lifetime just long wet tight shlurky jerk slobber filled ripe sucking and sopping, totally taking advantage of that big black cock. You say “God daddy, I love that- Shlurkitch Shlurkitch Shlurkitch that pipe, ooh goodness, Im’a suck this long thick juicy black motha-fucka burdur escort bayan all morning, shlurky shlurky shlurky shlury-shlury-shlury-shlury,plop, ooooh slap me with it. Oooh Dadddy. I love sucking and slurping on ya balls… God damn just give me that turf neck nigga Got damn. Nigga just dogg my throat, Good God, Cant get get enough of ya long log down my throat Father , damn I love you father . damn dad give me your long rope down my throat, oh lord I love it. Shlurky shlurky shlurky shlurky shlurky shlurky shlurky shlurky. God dad just feed me your meat goodness yes more meat and balls in my mouth , oh God I cant get enough.” I “God Damn it Mimi you nasty litttle bitch you know daddy cant hang on, when ya slurp it like that, ya nasty little Asian little Chinese Big titty Punk Rock Slut you, Oh lord, Suck the Juices out that fat big black nasty mothafucka, ya freak bitch you.” You “Oh, no daddy, dont call me a Punk Rock nigga, don’t- call- me a – shlurky shlurky a pUnk rock you big black Gorilla Elephant Monster Dungeon Dick Mothafucka you, give me the sweet nigga nut blasts, out this cool California Congo King Kong cock, shoot that hot nectar down my throat daddy, good God dammit let this big daddy dick blow!” I “Baby take daddy’s nigga Nectarines. Awwwarhhw!!!!”
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32