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Caning Suzy-Jayne Part 2It was a Thursday evening and almost a week since I’d met Suzy-Jayne at Blake’s party, the one to one session I’d done with her had never been far from my mind. I’d copied her phone number into my diary using my unique, personal coding system which I guess was hardly necessary now that I was once more living on my own, but old habits die hard as they say. Rosalind, my nymphomaniac, but sadly, very vanilla girlfriend of two years, had moved out of my flat four weeks earlier. It was an amicable parting, but one which came with a deep sense of relief to me as she had seemingly made every effort to take over my life, eventually offering the ultimatum of marriage or calling it a day. I chose the latter, as deep down I knew there was so much more I needed to explore.Rosalind though, was back to collect a couple of boxes containing her remaining items which she hadn’t had room for in her car when she moved out. I carried the boxes down to the shiny new Renault Clio parked in the street (a perk of her new job in her home town of Telford) and then made her a coffee. We had sex on the rug in my lounge, our vanilla sex life had always been good but as I felt my release on what was to be my final act of intimacy with her, I wasn’t totally sure whether it was Rosalind’s delightful body that had brought me to the boil or the thoughts which percolated through my mind following my recent experience with Suzy-Jayne. As Rosalind left the flat for the 180 mile journey home, it was to be the last time I was ever to set eyes on her.With the weekend looming, I tried calling Suzy-Jayne but without success. The beginning of the following week proved more successful and I eventually got to speak to her and arrange a session. She explained that she had spent the weekend at a regular client’s house working as a maid and had been spanked, birched and caned a lot.A couple of days later I found myself driving to Suzy-Jayne’s house filled with excitement at the prospect of caning her wonderful bottom again. It was around a forty mile journey from my home, but with much of it along the M25, which for once was relatively clear, the miles were easily eaten up and I arrived well ahead of schedule knowing I would simply have to sit in my car and wait. With the house identified, I found a parking space a short way down the street, close enough for the house to remain in view.Suzy-Jayne had told me she had another client booked in before me and that his session would finish at 2.00pm, 30 minutes before mine was due to start, this would give her time to freshen up and change before my arrival. I hadn’t been waiting long when I saw a middle-aged, slightly overweight, balding man come out of the house before hurrying off along the pavement in the opposite direction.As I sat listening to the radio in my car, I wondered about Suzy-Jayne’s sexual status, she was living her life as a girl, a beautiful girl, but I wasn’t sure if that meant she preferred men to women, I really knew little about the intricacies of the transgender lifestyle at this time. My thoughts concluded that if she did like men she might find me attractive. After all, she had gone out of her way to tell me that she liked my bum following the session with her at Blake’s party and at the risk of sounding immodest, I had often been told by both men and women that I was a good looking guy. I questioned my thoughts, I was simply there as a paying client and whether she found me attractive or not was of absolutely no consequence.As I continued to wait, I began to study the houses along the street. In truth, it wasn’t the most appealing of neighbourhoods and was on the fringes of the town centre. Most of the houses appeared to have been built during the Victorian era, with some semi-detached and others terraced, and a mix of two and three storey, punctuated by the occasional drab looking shop which I struggled to fathom how such places remained in business. Suzy-Jayne’s house was an end of terrace two storey building with an alley separating it from the next property. I made the assumption, which I later discovered to be incorrect, that the house was probably divided into two flats.Suzy-Jayne had told me to watch for the venetian blind to be raised in the ground floor front window. It was her way of letting clients know when she was ready for them and avoiding any lack of discretion by them bumping into each other. With the blind still down I waited in eager anticipation until eventually it was raised. Leaving my car, I hastened toward the house kaçak casino and rang the doorbell, briefly wondering whether I should be there at all. Any doubts though were soon dispelled as the door opened and Suzy-Jayne, careful to shield herself from public view, greeted me in.As agreed on the phone, Suzy-Jayne was dressed in authentic school uniform and looked totally stunning. Seeing her again, made me realise that I hadn’t been wrong, she was every bit as beautiful as my memory of her at Blake’s party had told me she was. I’d made mistakes before and could think of a number of examples where I’d met a girl for the first time and following which, I’d conjured an image of perfection, sadly dashed at our next meeting. Perhaps euphoria or maybe alcohol had played a part.I was taken through to the back room which was next to the kitchen, “The bathroom’s through there if you need to use it,” Suzy-Jayne said, pointing towards a door at the far end of the kitchen. “I’m okay at the moment,” I replied as she switched on the kettle to make some coffee. I enquired how her previous session had gone, “Oh fine,” she responded. “He’s been a couple of times before, likes to be tied down and caned, isn’t interested in caning me so my bum’s in perfect condition for you to play with,” she chuckled. As I glanced through the window towards the back garden I noticed how overgrown it was. “I see you’re not exactly a keen gardener,” I commented with a grin as the kettle began to boil. “No, I only rent this place from a guy I know in the scene, let’s me have it cheap in return for free sessions, but he spends most of his time in Spain so he’s not around much. I’ll probably have to do something with the garden before the next time he comes back though.” With the coffee made, we sat and chatted for quite a while, with Suzy-Jayne explaining to me that her true passion was being submissive and being caned was what she liked the most, but to make a living she also did ‘dom’ and ‘switch’ sessions. Having flavoured a ‘switch’ session with her at Blake’s party, albeit brief, I could fully appreciate the appeal, but to be punished by her without taking the opportunity of attending to that delightful bottom of hers was beyond my comprehension, but then again, we’re all different I guess.As I visually savoured the delight of this stunningly attractive ‘girl’ I slowly shook my head, “You’re gorgeous,” I said. “Can’t understand why any guy given the chance wouldn’t want to cane your beautiful bum.” My thoughts drifted back to some of the submissives I had visited in the past, some were acceptable I admit, but more often than not I’d forked out good money to do little more than play ‘pat-a-cake’ with a pair of sagging buttocks that really had seen better days. Suzy-Jayne had informed me that she was twenty three years of age, so I had little doubt that it would be a very long time before Suzy-Jayne’s buttocks showed even the remotest sign of sagging.I felt compelled to tell Suzy-Jayne about my own passions, and explained that from an early age I’d been fascinated by spanking and especially caning, and fantasised about punishing the bottoms of women I found attractive. “Have you fantasised about my bottom since we met at the party?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. “Oh yes, quite a lot,” I told her with a grin, part of me wanting to tell her that I’d done so whilst fucking my ex-girlfriend, but deciding against it. “Well, I’ve got my school uniform on so what do you want to do with me today?” said Suzy-Jayne as she placed her now empty mug on the table. I’d thought up an idea, but nothing too detailed. “Well,” I began. “I thought that if you’d been sent to me to be punished for cheating in your exams by Miss. Hayes we could base things around that. In reality, Miss Hayes was a young woman who worked in my local bank, attractive yet abrupt in manner and in my strange fantasy world seemed an ideal candidate to be cast as a teacher. Hell, how I’d wanked myself stupid fantasising about Miss Amanda Hayes’s delightful bum, often visiting the bank far more frequently than I needed, just to catch a glimpse of her. “Obviously I want to give you a good caning,” I added. “But I’d like to try some other implements too.” Suzy-Jayne smiled, “I’ve got a range of things in the room upstairs, so just choose what you want to use. Shall we go and make a start?”After using the bathroom, I followed Suzy-Jayne up the steep and narrow staircase. My eyes were drawn to her delightful bottom so perfectly presented in white panties canlı poker oyna peeping out beneath the short, grey, pleated skirt that she wore, complemented by white knee-length socks, white, lace-up plimsolls and a navy-blue cardigan. This glorious sight, coupled with my anticipation of the punishment I was about to administer was enough to make me semi-erect before I’d even reached the top of the stairs!There were three rooms upstairs, and I was shown two of them. The first, she referred to as the schoolroom, like most Victorian houses it was a good sized room with a high ceiling. The room contained a teacher’s desk and a couple of traditional school desks similar to the ones I remembered from my own early years at school. A blackboard was fixed to the wall behind the teacher’s desk and a large map of the world was displayed on the side wall. My eyes though, were mainly drawn to the various spanking implements spread out on a large three seater sofa which was up against the back wall of the room. “I’ll show you the other room in case you want to try out any of the things in there,” said Suzy-Jayne as she stepped across the landing and opened the other door. As I looked inside my eyes scanned the equipment contained within; various restraining devices including a spanking bench with wrist and ankle straps, a St Andrew’s Cross fixed to the chimney breast, a pillory, ceiling pulley and various rings bolted to the floor and walls. I’d seen similar at some of the clubs I’d been to and had witnessed their use, but had little personal experience with restraint, but if Suzy-Jayne was my educator I was willing to learn.As we turned to go back to the ‘schoolroom’ my eyes glanced toward the third door. Noticing this, Suzy-Jayne informed me with a smile that this was her bedroom. Around two hours later I returned to my car for the journey home, my mind buzzing and my bottom stinging. The session had been mind-blowing, I’d spanked Suzy-Jayne, mostly on the bare, with a variety of implements, some used with her over my knee, others with her bent over the desk or chair. Following a thorough hand-spanking, she’d withstood a variety of paddles and straps, and a dozen or so strokes with one of the birches she’d brought back from her visit to the client’s house the previous weekend. Finally though, we’d reached the crème de la crème for me and it had been time to cane her.Suzy-Jane certainly had an amazing tolerance level. So often I had fantasised about spanking and caning the bottoms of girls that I knew, few attractive girls that I knew escaped the spanking fantasies that I frequently masturbated to, including Rosalind, who would doubtless have moved out much sooner if she’d had so much as an inkling of the fantasies I’d had about her own delightful bottom. Suzy-Jayne though, was not a fantasy and yet she was like all the fantasies I’d ever had coming together in one go. Suzy-Jayne was skilled at role play and guided me through the caning, telling me exactly the level and number of strokes ‘Miss Hayes’ had said she must be given. Well, I wasn’t going to argue with what Miss Hayes had said and with Suzy-Jayne’s pert, bare bottom at my mercy, I felt like I was in caning heaven.When I finally put the cane down Suzy-Jayne asked me if I wanted to receive some punishment myself. Although I’d received 12 strokes of the cane at Blake’s party I knew I was somewhat out of practice.In years gone by, the difficulty in finding genuinely submissive women, had driven me to experiment with being on the receiving end. I guess my passion for corporal punishment was such that although dominant by nature I needed in some way to fuel my desires even if that meant presenting myself for punishment. I’d been mercilessly spanked and caned on many an occasion by a variety of ‘mistresses’ and to my surprise, discovered that I quite liked it. The previous couple of years with Rosalind had curtailed my freedom and although I have always been fortunate not to mark too easily, I just didn’t want to take any chances. The only exceptions to this, being when Rosalind went on a ‘girly’ holiday to Gran Canaria and later the same year, a skiing holiday in Northern Italy with her sisters. On both occasions ‘home alone’ I’d made the most of her being away.With no such issues to currently concern me, I accepted Suzy-Jayne’s invitation and asked if we could explore some of the equipment in the other room. I’d never before been properly restrained but at this moment in time I felt a burning desire to explore.I asked to be punished canlı bahis in the pillory, I’d long since had a fascination for the pillory and had fantasised about many a beautiful ‘damsel-in-distress’ so vulnerably placed in one.With my head and hands secured, I was bent at ninety degrees as Suzy-Jayne ran her hands over the seat of my trousers, pausing to squeeze the flesh of my buttocks before undoing my belt and slipping my trousers and underpants down my legs. With my buttocks now bare, she ran her fingernails across them, an act which a number of girls had performed on me during vanilla sex and which somehow never failed to arouse me beyond control. Following this, I was hand spanked, countless slaps rained down on my defenceless bottom generating a feeling of pure bliss as my buttocks truly came alive. Suzy-Jayne then used one of the leather paddles I had used on her, a seemingly innocuous paddle that as I’d applied it to her beckoning bottom I’d imagined she could barely feel. As the same implement was now used on me, the sting it imparted soon made me realise how wrong I had been.I then endured a range of straps, just a few strokes with each but a culmination that certainly challenged me. Finally it was time to brace myself for the cane. Suzy-Jayne came to the front and let me see the implement that was very soon to further challenge my endurance, a medium thickness rattan cane with a crook-handle. After running her fingers through my hair she said, “I’ll give you twelve and then you can tell me if you want any more.” I nodded in agreement and then clenched my teeth in readiness for what was to follow. The dozen strokes which followed were pure agony, each one biting deep into my flesh and exploding within me. I wriggled and contorted wildly but immediately the caning stopped I was soon able to wallow in the pleasure of the aftermath. Suzy-Jayne put down the cane and with one hand, caressed the soreness of my buttocks, whilst the other reached beneath me and stroked my cock, instantly taking it from limp to hard.Such was my arousal I requested twelve more strokes with the cane, asking Suzy-Jayne to finish off by taking me in her mouth just as she had done at Blake’s party. The next twelve strokes were, if anything, less painful than the first, or so it seemed. Although they were no less hard, I was perhaps better acclimatised and with the thought of being sucked off when the caning was over running through my mind, I felt I could endure anything.With my own punishment complete, Suzy-Jayne vigorously rubbed my buttocks before releasing me from the pillory and with my trousers pulled part way up, I awkwardly followed her back to the ‘schoolroom’ where I was guided to lay on the sofa.Standing over me and working my cock to full hardness with her hand, she slipped a condom onto me, “Did you enjoy being punished in the stocks?” she asked continuing to work my cock. “Yes, I loved it,” I replied, not wishing to embarrass her by explaining the difference between the stocks and a pillory.“Did you enjoy spanking and caning my bum?” I asked in an attempt to gauge whether she in any way found me desirable. “Yes, of course I did,” she grinned. “It’s really nice to have someone young and nice looking to do a session with. Most of the blokes I see are much older and well, you really do have a nice bum,” she responded.Kneeling beside the sofa, Suzy-Jayne eased down her panties before taking me in her mouth. Unless I was badly mistaken, this was a clear invitation for me to gain further pleasure from the very bottom with which I was becoming increasingly obsessed. As she sucked me firmly using her hand in unison, she shuffled around so that her bottom was comfortably within my grasp.“You can spank it if you like,” she informed me briefly pulling her mouth away from my cock. My attentions to this beautiful bottom soon took my arousal to a new level as I slapped her buttocks with all the force my current position allowed, and as had been the case at Blake’s party, even though I would have liked this moment to last forever, I knew it was beyond my control to hang on much longer. Unsure whether I was approaching forbidden territory, I slipped my hand between her legs, brushing my fingertips against the smoothness of her balls before delighting in the fact that her cock was every bit as swollen as my own.As I made the journey home, the two hours I’d spent in Suzy-Jayne’s company seemed like the best two hours of my life. With my own bottom stinging and with the image of Suzy-Jayne and her delightful bottom so fresh in my mind I knew that it would be impossible to resist returning to see her in the very near future. This ‘girl’ had taken me to a new height, a height that I never wanted to come down from. To be continued…..
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