Mart 13, 2025

British Museum – A Brief Encounter

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A story about a brief encounter between an older gentleman and a pretty University student in the British museum. A story written about an author on who inspired me to write this.

I walk across the centre of London preferring to see the hidden parts of town rather than suffer the tube. It’s an early spring day cool but with a bright blue sky and the first spring flowers starting to bloom. My walk across Bloomsbury lets me see bits of history, blue plaques on buildings showing its significance – that’s where Darwin lived ohhh and the beautiful architecture of London around me.

I stroll along my head taking in the history surrounding me until I reach the crowds outside the British Museum, so unlike the rest of Bloomsbury which normally sits as an oasis of calm. I walk confidently past the tourists into the bustling foyer. Where to today I think, not the madhouse of the Egyptian room filled with tourists. I always had a soft spot for the book room on the right with its first editions of Thomas Hardy, Shakespeare and other gems but alas much of which is now up the road in the British Library. British history I think and head off to the less thronged part of the museum.

I stroll past case after case of amazing artefacts thinking whoever found this was probably the highlight of their life and who was the person who last held this in their hands thousands of years ago.

I wander about and eventually reach Sutton Hoo section and as I read one card I clumsily turn to my right without looking. Bump! then a clatter on the floor disturbing the quiet as a phone falls. “Oh I’m sorry” I mutter embarrassed by my clumsiness, at that point I look and see a beautiful young woman look up at me, at first she looked slightly annoyed then as she bent down to retrieve her phone little beautiful smile came on her face as she shyly looked at me. Her face was beautiful and so young and shy but the old man in me glanced at her legs covered in sheer black tights and leading to a pretty little pleated grey skirt, well it’s embarrassing to admit a certain primal feeling I had from that wonderful sight. I have no idea how long I stared at those wonderful legs but she had stood up by the time I jotted out of whatever place my mind had gone and I spluttered out “I’m so sorry my dear is your phone ok”?

She looks at it and then back at me and says “it’s ok only a slight scratch” as she looks rather shyly at me. The look between us seems to last forever and I want to say something but fail miserably this is one of those random events that I may look back on and regret my lack of action. But before I can say anything we both turn round to look at the exhibits and then wander slowly away to view others. My mind is kicking itself why didn’t you say something but what you are an old man and she is a beautiful young woman about 19 I’m thinking maybe a university student?

Then something got my mind going – you only live once Pete and too many times have let things slip away in your life. So before I knew it I had strolled over to her and like in an out-of-body experience I approached the petite young woman and quietly said “excuse me could I treat you to a cup of tea and some cake in the way of an apology to you”

She looks surprised but thinks for a second as she looks at me and says “I wouldn’t normally but ok I’m a little hungry”

A sense of relief comes over me and I say “there is a cafe at the back we can go to”

“Ok” she says “shall we go now”

“Yes let’s” as I hold out my hand my and say “I’m Pete pleased to meet you young lady”

“Sarah” she replies with a friendly “oh and don’t worry about the phone it’s ok”

I lead you through some galleries glancing back at you, about 5’2 I think slim with a dark brown ponytail and as I keep staring at the most wonderful legs and cute little arse. Her top has a simple cream tee shirt with a black jacket over the top and then a simple grey pleated short skirt and then her legs encased in sheer black tights and white trainers she looks simply beautiful. A youthful spring in her step makes her more adorable.

Eventually, we get to the cafe where I get her a cup of tea and a slice of cake and follow her off to a quiet table at the back of the cafe. As we walk I can’t stop myself from looking at her little skirt lifting slightly şişli escort and your beautiful black sheer tights-covered legs which make my heart pound slightly.

We sit at the table and start to chat about the exhibits and she tells me about her archaeology interests and being at university for a couple of years. I listen intently looking at her pretty face as she becomes less shy and more excited about our conversation as we chat and drink our tea.

Sarah gently stretched her legs out from the side of the table and my eyes are attracted to them again I can’t resist them. She picks this up I think as she then decides to push them out further which causes such a complete distraction to me.

Our conversation goes so well it’s so nice to talk to an intelligent well mannered young lady and I almost forget I must be the age of her grandparents and even get a little flirty in my comments. I watch her intently flicking her hair and brushing her soft lips as she eats the cake, the little shy smiles as she looks down with those beautiful blue eyes. Sarah then suddenly asks ” would I like more tea”

I say “yes please”

She smiles at me then stands and walks off to fetch it and in my mind I almost think she is slightly wiggling her bum at me and my mind pictures me raising that skirt and bending her over. Oh gosh, I think you shouldn’t be thinking that way, 30 or 40 years ago maybe but… As Sarah comes back with the tea there is something slightly flirty in her walk, she smiles and watches me this time as she puts the tea down and pulls her chair slightly out. She sits down she stretches her legs out towards me before lifting one to cross the other one. I realise she is watching me and there is no denying it now I’m starting at her legs causing my heart rate to rise now. She shifts her legs again and slightly raises her skirt by the action and watches my eyes follow every move as I look at her beautiful tights-covered legs desiring them massively.

Her voice suddenly breaks my dream “you seem to like looking at my legs Pete”

It’s not angry but more teasing I splutter my words out so embarrassed I’m shocked “oh dear please I’m so sorry it’s so rude of me please forgive me”

Sarah leans forward slightly with a pretty smile, looking at me and catching my eye “it’s ok I’m quite flattered” she says in a low but sensual voice.

I still feel so guilty but her statement emboldens me “well if you don’t mind then they are very pretty well actually you are very beautiful” I correct myself.

Sarah just smiles and stretches out her legs closer to me and slightly parts them causing her little skirt to rise slightly up I’m sure I can see the trace of her white knickers, or maybe that was my wishful thinking.

After this, our conversation gets more flirty and open and Sarah tells me that she thinks older men can have a certain attractiveness

I say “I could only dream to spend time with such a beautiful girl like you”

Eventually, she pulls her legs back under the table and I feel a slight regret about that.

She sees that on my face and must feel a little guilty possibly? as suddenly she says “you can touch my legs if you want”

It’s another jolt “Really” I say shocked and elated so many emotions and getting more turned on as my hand goes under the table and finds her smooth tights covered knee. I start to touch it and the back of her thigh before she smiles at me and her leg moves forward and encourages me to side further up to her skirt. At this point, I realise I’m getting hard and pray it doesn’t show.

She looks me in the eye and studies me, blushes and then says quietly “you can go higher if you want” I catch my breath and push my hand under her little skirt up the top of the thigh feeling its soft flesh through the tights and looking at her pretty but blushing face.

I ask “can I” and she just nods and my hand slips down onto her crotch gently exploring it and rubbing her legs which just part further to allow my hand more access and showing me her consent. I touch her cunt through the tights and knickers. I’m surprised she is wet already I can feel the dampness seeping through the material as she gently pushes onto my probing hand.

“Gosh you feel so good Sarah” l say my hand finding a home between her legs beneath taksim escort her skirt. “You are wet my darling girl how delightful for an old man”

She smiles and blushes more as her eyes avert my gaze and she just says “I do like older men and you seemed to like me”

I quietly say “you are a beautiful woman to be able to touch you is a dream but to see you would make my year”

She looks at me and I can see her mind working on something she seems to make up her mind as she looks straight at me with those beautiful blue eyes “you want to see me Pete I need the toilet follow me”

“Emm ok” I say as we both rise me trying to hide my erection which she notices I’m sure and smiles leading me away to the bathroom.

As we go down a corridor she turns to me and says “look I don’t know why I’m doing this I just feel like it and want to let you see me” At that you raise your arms in a shrug of I can’t explain which has a certain freedom about it that only the young have.

“Only if you want to I say” praying you won’t change your mind. Luckily the toilets are unisex and this part of the building today is quiet. She goes in and finds the disabled toilet. Sarah checks it and then looking around beckons me in with a slightly nervous but excited and mischievous smile.

I slip in and close the door behind me, standing in Infront of you a bulge in my trousers showing my eagerness. I stand a good foot higher than you my white hair contrasting your beautiful dark hair and your pretty but blushing face looking up at me.

I’m standing there like a statue in a gallery frozen in time all my years of experience doing me no good it’s all too soon and perfect for me. I think she senses that and she puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down to kiss her on her luscious lips. They feel so soft against me and then they part and her eager tongue invades my mouth, the sweetness of her mouth takes my breath away and I kiss her passionately back. My hands slid down to her arse and lifted her little skirt to feel her perfectly cute arse. My hands explore her pert arse cheeks then part her legs to explore her arse crack probing for her bum hole through the tights and knickers as we continue to kiss passionately. I find your bum hole and press against it pushing the tights and knickers slightly in causing her to gasp slightly.

Before pulling away flushed and asked me “would you like to see me Pete”

I reply “God yes Sarah”

She then takes a step back and lifts her skirt and pulls the tights down kicks off her trainers and removes the tights. Then to her little knickers her fingers in the waist slipping them down her beautiful legs as I stand and watch transfixed by her body. I see the crotch of the knickers soaking with her juices and I realise her excitement.

She bends showing her naked arse provocatively and places the tights and knickers on the floor before slightly parting her legs and lifting her skirt blushing intensely.

I stand and watch saying “beautiful”. Take in your toned legs your pretty little cunt with just a small patch of cropped wispy hair on it and your lips pink glistening and moist.

I ask “can I touch” Sarah doesn’t reply but just bites her lip looks down and nods. She continues to hold her skirt up for me and my hand starts to gently touch her cunt opening her lips slipping a finger at first slightly into her and making you tremble slightly before pushing deeply in and gently fucking her cunt making her groan and part her legs more. My actions bring her close to cuming I sense as I brush her clit and my other hand starts to gently massage her breasts through the top. I withdraw my finger and sniff and suck it tasting her sweet beautiful juices before I offer it to her and she takes it into her pretty mouth savouring herself.

“Wonderful” I say and she just nods, eyes closed and sucking my finger with a blissful look on her face.

As the finger comes out of her mouth Sarah bashfully says “I need to pee do you mind” As she looks away and blushes more.

I’m taken by surprise and lost for words and eventually say “Yes but may I watch” emboldened by my exploring of her body. She looks back at me and looks into my eyes with her beautiful blue eyes she then silently nods and sits down on the toilet.

I beşiktaş escort kneel before her and part her moist lips so I can see, looking up at her face I ask “is this ok” Again she nods and starts to release her beautiful sparking piss into the toilet I watch closely as it escapes her and splashes into the bowl, feeling the erotism and intimacy of the act.

Towards the end I reach out and start playing with her clit making Sarah gasp “please Sir” she suddenly says and her calling me Sir just makes me harder, where that came from I have no Idea.

Her pee covers my hand and as she finishes I lick my hand a little and say

“never believed I would taste your pee or see your cunt Sarah” I offer her my hand and she delicately but hungrily licks her pee from my hand while looking seductively down at me.

I then say “can I pee” and she nods and goes to stand up but I say “no” and pull my still hard cock out letting it soften until I can start my aim between her legs into the bowl my smell pee less sweet than hers but charged with my desire she instinctively opens her cunt lips and looks down before I aim my pee stream at her clit. She feels the warm pee hit and stimulates her before using her finger to play with her clit, I then see her tremble as she cums, biting her lip to keep quiet as my last pee spurts hit her exposed cunt and belly.

“Oh god” I say as I watch her sitting below me “I loved you calling me Sir” I admit to her.

She is recovering from her orgasm slumped slightly back and still gently stroking her clit before looking at me and saying “Thank you Sir” with a pretty and seductive smile.

My cock starts hardening again at that, a beautiful young lady I’ve just met and peed on calling me Sir.

Emboldened I pick up her white knickers and ask “can I have these”

She replies “of course Sir if you want them”

I say “good girl” and take them and wipe your cunt clean with the knickers drying the piss and cunt juice from her.

At this point her hand has reached out for my cock and she starts playing with it and it grows hard to its full 9 inches then she pulls the skin back and looks at me with a big smile on her face and says “we can’t have Sir like this can we may I ” as she lowers her mouth towards my cock without waiting for an answer.

“Of course the darling girl I will be honoured if you do” I say sounding pompous and lost for the right words.

Sarah then takes my cock into her beautiful soft mouth her tongue caressing it, sucking and licking and making my knees go weak. I see her beautiful lips engulf my cock shaft as she takes me deep into the back of her mouth. My hand goes back between her legs rubbing her clit as she continues to rhythmically suck me before taking me deep into her mouth again.

This is not gently taking our time exploring our bodies time this is just sexual both needing the release from this brief encounter. Eventually, I cum flooding her mouth with my cum as she orgasms again. She savours my taste on her tongue before swallowing and then gently licking me clean. Her tongue ran the length of my cock and her sucking the last of my cum from my pee hole. I pick up her knickers again and wipe her cunt clean for a second time with them feeling the damp stickiness on the material.

The excitement is over we have had the passion that came from out of nowhere and now released.

As we both then dress my eyes are still taking in her body as she pulls her tights up her legs. I slip her dirty knickers into my pocket and tell her they will be below my pillow tonight as I think about you Sarah “you have made this old man very happy”

She comes forward and kisses me with those soft lips and says “it was my pleasure Sir” with a little shy but cheeky smile.

We slip out of the toilets and I wonder if the spell is broken that created this wonderful encounter but in the corridor, her arm goes around mine and she leans in and says again “Thank you Sir”

As we walk to the exit I turn to look at her thinking how beautiful she looks and how lucky I was to experience this and say “I guess this must be it” ( slightly questioning in my voice)

She turns to kiss me and says “maybe not” looking up at me and slipping me some paper, into my hand before turning and walking away her little skirt caught in the wind slightly showing me your cute tights encased bum. I watch her disappear wondering how this dream had happened before I look at the paper and there was your email address inside a heart with a note saying I like my older Sir – Sarah xxx

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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