Şubat 17, 2025

Another wife fucked while in Jamaica. Poor cuckold

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Another wife fucked while in Jamaica. Poor cuckoldOur vacation last year started almost like every other. After 9 yearsof marriage, we were looking for a change of pace . . . some kind ofadventure. We found it!You see, our sex life had been pretty dull. At least until Susanturned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was amovie we had seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea.Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracialscenes. The sex was so torrid; we actually watched that movie twice,Our first day in Jamaica, we lay out by the pool, Susan had on a smallbikini that really accentuated her great figure. She is 5’5″, about120 pounds, has long brown hair and an athletic body that won?t quit.Susan’s breasts are natural and more than a handful, with thick darknipples.The resort was one Susan had found on the Internet. The place was alittle run down, but very inexpensive, and big with Europeans.While lying out, we noticed a number of single white women, who hadtaken up with the local men. Several of the men by the pool weresporting really incredible bulges which at one point drew a remarkfrom Susan to the effect that the myths about black men were surelytrue. I thought little of that remark at the time.That night we decided to go clubbing. We had gone to a couple ofplaces and had a few drinks. Feeling buzzed, Susan asked the taxidriver to take us to a local’s hangout. Susan was wearing a shortlittle sundress that showed off her great figure and ample cleavage.The driver who took every opportunity to check Susan out, suggested asmall club, not far away.”I’m sure you will like the place Miss, not sure about the Mister,” hesaid with a wink and a smile that exposed a gold tooth.Susan was slightly buzzed, and said she felt adventuresome, so weagreed to go to the place. The bar was small and dark. We ordereddrinks and as our eyes adjusted to the light it became apparent that Iwas the only white guy in the place. On the other hand there wereseveral white women in the club who had hooked up with locals.I later found out it was a place tourist women went to go native.In fact, right next to us in a booth was a young petite redhead, whowas getting mauled by a Rastafarian. Based on the way she was grabbinghim, she was loving every minute of it. Sue was facing their directionand was getting quite a show.”Honey I think she’s going to fuck him right here. She just unzippedhim and, oh my God he’s huge,” Susan said, gulping down her drink.I got up to get another round and to get a better look at our amorouscouple. Sue was right the guy was big. The redhead had her right handcurled around his shaft and was pumping away. Ordering a drink, Iturned around to see a tall black man talking to Susan. He offered hishand and Susan took it, following him on to the dance floor.They danced one fast, then a slow number. During the second dance Icould tell he was holding Susan close to his body. The man was about6’5″ and seemed to tower over Susan by a foot maybe more. I’m not thejealous type and really thought nothing of it. In fact, I’ve seen lotsof guys hit on Susan and if anything, have always found it strangelyexciting.When Susan returned to the table I jokingly asked if her new friendwas as big as our friends in the next both. “Believe it or not he maybe bigger,” she said. She then proceeded to tell me that she couldfeel his cock up against her and that it was very hard and very . . .very large.My wife seemed animated, as she described her dance with the tallblack man. I was about to ask her if he had turned her on, when thewaiter walked up with a couple of shooters. My wife new friend hadjust bought us a round. Susan lifted her glass to him and swallowedthe shot.A few minutes later our friend walked up with a couple more shooters.”Since you enjoyed the last ones, I thought why not a couple more,” hesaid in a deep voice. He introduced himself as James, and with a bigsmile asked if he could sit down. Susan was quick to insist that hejoin us.We made small talk for a while; during that time James did little tohide his attraction to Susan. As I said, my wife is a stunner, andJames never took his eyes of her. Susan at the same time appearedmesmerized by him, staring at James and totally enthralled with hisevery word.After a couple more shooters, he asked Susan to dance again. I couldtell Susan was tipsy from all the drinks she had had. As James led herby the hand out to the dance floor, she swayed from the liquor. Susancan be quite provocative when she has a little to drink and James wasquick to take advantage.The first song was a fast number and by the time the song was overJames had pulled Susan close to him. James had his leg pushed upagainst Susan’s cunt and was grinding away to the beat of the music. Iknew Susan was getting turned on; by the way she opened her legs asthey danced. I probably should have interceded, but I was excited bywhat I was witnessing.During the next slow dance Susan’s eyes were closed as she rested herhead on his chest. I was starting to get a little alarmed as James lethis hands drop to her butt. I expected Susan to stop him, but ifanything she seemed to pull him closer.I could see that James was saying something to Susan, as he would,from time to time, nuzzle her ear. When the dance ended I lost the twoof them in the crowd. The last I saw of Susan was James leading heraway from our table, towards the other end of the club.After five minutes I decided to look for them. There was a darkhallway at the back corner of the lounge.I entered the hallway and as my eyes adjusted to the dark I could makeout a couple leaning against the wall. The man, black, had his back tome and his shoulders prevented me from seeing the woman’s face. Icould tell she was white because I could see her tanned shoulder andpart of her breast. The top half of the woman’s dress had been pulleddown around her waist.The man was leaning over the woman and was sucking her tits. The womanmeanwhile was working on his pants in a frenzied manner. The man’shand was between the woman’s legs, when I saw him tear her flimsilypanties off, discarding them to the floor. Then the man crouched downand the woman lifted her left leg high in the air as the man dipped,eased his hips forward and moved his body up into hers.I realized they were about to fuck right there in the club. Thethought never entered my mind that the woman was my wife. This womanwas wild with lust.My dick was very hard as I watched the man lift the woman effortlesslyoff the ground with his first long stroke. In the dim light it wasdifficult to see how large the guy’s cock was, but there was nomistaking the pleasure it gave the woman as he entered her. It was hervoice that I recognized first.”Oh god, you feel so good,” the women moaned out loud. I did a doubletake as I realized the voice belonged to Susan. “Oh fuck that feels sogood, fuck me with your big cock,” she exclaimed. I had never heardSusan talk like this before.James lifted Sue off the ground easily all the while pumping his cockin and out of her. Susan’s moaning increased, announcing her firstorgasm. James moved with powerful strokes as he fucked Susan; bringher to an incredible orgasm. Every now and then he would stop, almostteasing Susan to ask for more. “Don’t stop, please, it feels so good,”she would say.The scene was so erotic that suddenly I felt my cock start to spurt. Itried to keep myself from cumming by grabbing my dick, but I stillcame. Meanwhile Susan was already getting off again, “Oh don’t stop,fuck me, keep fucking me! Oh your cock is so good!” she keptrepeating.Jame’s movements began to quicken as he came closer to cumming. “Youlike black cock don’t you girl? Tell me the truth!” James demanded.”Yes, fuck me, oh yes you?re soooo fuckin good.” Susan slurred as shecame once more.Suddenly, James bellowed and he slammed Susan against the wall impaledon his cock. His deep became short, quick jerks, as he shot his hotcum deep into her cunt. I wondered for the first time if they had usedprotection. I knew it was too late to change things now, as I watchedJames continues to pump my wife full of his seed.My mind reeled with what I had just witnessed. Confused, I hurriedlywent to the men’s room where I cleaned the mess I had made of mytrousers.When I returned to the table, James was sitting there with a sly smileon his face. “Susan is in the ladies room, bucak escort fleshing up. We wentoutside for some air, you don’t mind, do you?” James said, more of astatement than a question. I mumbled that it was okay, and for thefirst time I was a little frightened by his demeanor.When Susan returned to the table she was quite drunk and told me shewanted to go back to the room. We said goodnight to James and grabbeda taxi. In the car Susan passed out and I literally had to carry herback to the room. Laying Susan on the bed I began removing her dress.Her panties were gone! Her pussy lips were swollen and had cum wasstill oozing out. There was a large amount of cum drying on theinsides of her thighs. Susan’s left breast had a large bite mark nearher nipple, which were also swollen and extended. We had been tryingto have a c***d for the last two years, now I couldn’t help wonderingif James had given her his.I felt a strange mixture of rage and excitement as I placed my fingerto Susan’s cunt lips. The light brown hair of her neatly trimmed bushwas matted with dried cum. Susan’s pussy was sopping wet as my fingerpenetrated her inter folds. Susan stirred and turned over as Iwithdrew my finger. My finger was coated with thick stringy cum. Justthen I wanted Susan more than ever.Spooning up behind her, I easily slid my dick into her hot cunt. Susanstarted to protest, mumbling she was tired, but I was too hot to stop.I was buried to the hilt on my first stroke. Her pussy was so wet andloose I couldn’t believe it.The vision of her fucking James in the hallway filled my mind, causingme to cum in just three thrusts. I came very hard mixing my sperm withthat of James. Susan immediately turned away from me, forcing my dickto slip out of her pussy. I lay there and watch her fall asleep withinmoments.The next morning, I awoke to find Susan fresh out of the shower, inher bikini. “I’m going down to the pool and get a bloody Mary, my headis pounding. Please don’t let me drink like that again. I got so drunklast night I fell against the bathroom stink bruising my boob. Look,”Susan said, showing me the dark purple hickey James had given her.Susan didn’t mention our having sex and I realized much to my chagrinthat she didn’t remember. I reminded Sue that I had set up a golflesson and 18 holes for the remainder of the morning and most of theafternoon. Susan gave me a kiss and left for the pool.I still hadn’t decided how I would breach the subject of Susan’sindiscretion with James when I received my next surprise. There,sitting in a lounge chair next to Sue was James. James had removed hisshirt and even from the window I could see his lean, well-muscledbody. His skin was blue-black in the sun. I could tell Susan looked alittle distressed.I saw Susan gather her things and start heading back in the directionof the room. She had gotten about half way when James got up andfollowed. I didn’t know what to think, so I decided to hide out in thecloset. Susan entered shortly thereafter, and went into the restroom.Moments later there was a knock on the door. Sue asked who was at thedoor and James answered.”I told you what happened last night can never happen again. I wasdrunk and you took advantage of me,” Susan said through the door.”Open the door,” James commanded.Susan cracked the door and James pushed his way in. “Don’t give methat shit girl, last night you couldn’t get enough Jamaican cock. Youknow and I know that now that you had a taste of this cock, all youcan think about is when you?re going to get it again,” James said, allthe while walking closer to Susan.”I’m married, my husband could be back at any time, please don’t,”Susan started to say, when James took her in his arms and kissed her.At first Susan’s arms were hanging limp by her sides, but James wasnot to be denied. Holding her tight his thick lips smothered her mouthand when she tried to speak James worked his tongue into her mouth. Atfirst, Susan brought her hands up against his chest in protest.Then as the smoldering kiss continued, I saw Susan’s hands begincaressing the coal black arms of her lover. James moved his hand upher back and untied the string to her top. Breaking the kiss, Susansaid, “I can’t do this, I could get pregnant.””It’s a little late for that girl after last night, but if you want meto pull out, I will. Now take that bathing suit off, so I can takecare of you good.””This is crazy, I mean,” but before Sue could finish her sentence,James pushed her down on the bed. Then throwing her top to the floor,James kissed his way down to Susan’s nipple and began licking andsucking in earnest. Susan’s dark nipple’s thickened and grew from theattention James was giving them.Susan loves to have her nipples sucked on and any pretext ofresistance was soon gone. Her hands went to his head, as he sucked hernipple to full extension. At the same time he worked her bathing suitbottoms down to her knees. Susan then kicked them off, signaling Jamesthat his conquest was complete.James probed her pussy lips with his large fingers. As his fingersdipped in and out of her pussy, I could see they wet with Susan’smoisture. Susan in the mean time had started groping at James’ cock.”You’re so big, I’m so amazed I took it all last night,” Susan saidher breathing becoming more rapid.I knew she was rapidly approaching orgasm, as was I. Susan’s bodyshuddered with an orgasm as she came all over Jame’s hand. O God I’mcumming so hard,” she moaned as she bit down on James shoulder.”Undo my pants,” James said.Susan quickly untied his shorts. For the first time I saw his cock. Ihave always thought of myself as being average about 5 to 6 inches andabout 2inches thick. James was a good 9 inches long and at least 3inches thick.Susan’s hand could barely wrap around the base of his cock, as shelovingly caressed him. Susan’s nipples were rock hard and her pussywas making sucking sounds as James worked two fingers in and out ofher.”Last night was like a dream, I mean I knew you were big, but I justthought it was my imagination. Now laying here with you I can’tbelieve this is actually happening. I want you so bad, I just can’thelp myself,” Susan moaned in resignation.Smiling, James rolled on top of my wife and with one hand placed thehead of his cock against the folds of her swollen womanhood. Then hestarted rubbing it up and down her slit. The effect on Susan wasdevastating. She was looking down between her legs at what James wasdoing.I’m not sure if it was the contrast of their skins or just the massivetool James was rubbing on her clit but she was rocked by an incredibleorgasm. I too could no longer hold back and came, and came hard.At the same time Susan was rapidly getting frustrated. Please Jamesdon’t tease me “‘she begged, as James rubbed more vigorously. Ithought you were afraid of getting pregnant?” James said his voicedripping with sarcasms.”Just pull out before you cum.” Susan was rocked with yet anotherorgasm as I watched. To say I had placed myself in a difficultposition would be an understatement.Now that I was over the initial excitement of watching these two, mythoughts turned to more serious matters like; was my wife falling forthis guy, was he about to impregnate her. I probably could havestopped both these things from happening, had it not been for the factthat I was standing in the closet in my underwear.I watched helplessly as James began sliding his big cock into my wife.Inch by inch pumped it into Susan. Susan was completely enthralled, asshe watched him work that black cock into her pussy. “You areincredible, it feels so good,” Sue kept repeating.My jealousy was forming a huge knot in my stomach. Susan had neversaid these things to me. As James rammed himself deep into her cuntshe wrapped her legs around his hips and came again, very hard.James had worked his entire cock into my wife’s cunt and she was morethan enjoying it, she seemed crazed. Susan’s pussy lips seemed tocling to James’s cock with every stroke. James began picking up thepace, his balls slapping up against her ass, was quite audible, evenfrom the closet. “Yes it’s so good, don’t stop,” Susan startedrepeating.Suddenly I watched James tense and I realized he was about to cum.Susan seemed to be saying cum in me and James was there oh too happyto oblige.Instead of pulling out, James plunged his cock deep into Sue’s pussy.Then, groaned like a bull as he sent his seed flooding into her pussy.Susan’s escort bucak eyes glazed over as he continued pumping his cum into her.”OH yes! That’s it, cum in me! I feel you cumming in me! Don?t? stop!”Sue cried out.The pulsing jets of hot cum, sent Susan into a mind numbing orgasmthat left her body convulsing in pleasure. Rivulets of his cum beganappearing around the base of James’s cock as his strokes slowed.Finally James collapsed on Susan, but he didn’t roll off.James holding Susan tight, rolled over on his back, holding Susan inplace. They laid there some time, Susan on top, with James’ semi hardcock embedded in her cum soaked pussy. Susan then began coveringJames’ face and neck with kisses, all the while telling him how goodhe was, and how great she felt.After about five minutes, Susan tried to get up, but James insistedthat she stay on top of him. James claimed he wasn’t finished, that hewanted to make love to her again. Susan said she could feel his cockstill pulsing from time to time as his sperm shot deep into her hotpussy. James said that he wanted to make sure that she stayed wet anddidn’t want any of his cum to leak out.”Do you want me wet or pregnant? I can’t believe I let you cum in me asecond time. What if I’m pregnant, how will I explain a black baby tomy husband,” Susan moaned in frustration.”Sorry girl, but it felt to good to pull out. Now admit it, you lovehaving this black cock fill you up with cum. Besides it’s too late toworry about getting pregnant, let?s enjoy ourselves,” James answered.I realized then, he wanted to get Susan pregnant, but like Susan said,after the previous night it hardly made a difference. James kept hismassive cock fully embedded in Sue for about ten minutes while theymade small talk.Then I noticed a slow rhythmic movement to Susan’s hips. James wasgetting hard again. Now stretched and well lubricated from the largeamounts of cum James had deposited in Susan’s pussy, she had noproblem taking all of him.Susan moved into a crouching position and placing her hands on hischest and began pumping up and down on his black meat. Susan wasstroking her cunt up and down the entire length of James’s cock. Susanloves this position and while she has tried it with me several times,she clearly liked it more with James. I have a tendency to slip outwhen Susan really gets going.James on the other hand was so big, that even with Sue taking largestrokes, his cock never slipped out. Susan soon worked herself into asweat that left her body covered with a thin sheen of moisture. Thebase of James’ cock was white from the juices of his and Susan’s cum.I had never seen my wife so excited.After about five minutes, James, smiling up at Susan told her he wasabout to cum. I could tell James was supremely confident that Susanwouldn’t stop. James was right. This time it was Susan who told him tocum. “I want to feel you cum in me,” Susan exclaimed as she too begancumming again.”You want me to cum in you,” James taunted.”Yes, please,” Susan kept repeating.James obliged, flooding her once again with his baby making sperm. Thescene was so erotic, that I to had come again, in spite of the fact Iwas insanely jealous. Susan collapsed on top of James totallyexhausted. After what seemed like an hour, the two lovers went intothe shower together. I used that time to leave the room through thesliding doors out the back.Returning later to the pool, I found Susan and James having drinks. Istill didn’t know how I was going to handle things. I certainly didn’twant to confront Susan in front of James. Mainly because I didn’t knowhow he would react. Additionally, I never really considered the factthat Susan might actually fall for the guy.Finally, the fact of the matter was that I found the entire sceneincredibly exciting. I was sure neither James nor my wife realized Ihad seen them. I was surprised to find Susan drinking soda. Susanloves a drink when lying by the pool, but this time she said shedidn’t feel like drinking.James then suggested that we try a beach up the coast from the hotel.Susan wanted to go, so I agreed. The beach was off the beaten path andfairly deserted. There were two other couples, down the beach from us,who were quite nude. Susan never hesitated, taking her clothes off assoon as she laid down her towel.I guess the shock registered on my face, because Susan said, “Ithought you knew this was a nude beach. After all you said you wantedto go to one.”Of course Susan was right; we had talked about it before we arrived atthe island. I just thought it would be the two of us, and not withsome guy who had just fucked the hell out of her. On the other handthe shock which registered on my face came from the fact that Susan’spussy had been shaved clean as a baby?s behind.Susan catching my stare, explained “Oh I did it for you, you like?”What could I say? Susan had no doubt, shaved for James. Susan’s clitand pussy lips were still swollen and red. James took off his clothsand I followed suit. The rest of the afternoon was strange to say theleast. I felt like a third wheel, the way the two of them carried on,talking and laughing.At one point I had just come out of the water, when James had Sue takea picture of us together. I realized, a little late, that James wantedSusan to compare us, physically. The asshole wanted to humiliate me.There I was with two inches of water-shriveled dick, next to thistall, chiseled, black man, with a thick 6-inch cock, and he wasn’teven excited.Pissed, I decided to get something to drink, leaving James and Susanalone. I walked to the car, drove half a block and returned to watch.Sure enough James didn’t waste any time. Susan was crouched over him,sucking his big cock. I was too far away to see well so I leftreturning an hour later. Walking up I was surprised to almost catchthem fucking again. James rolled off Susan, when I was less than 100yards away.Walking up, I could tell they were nervous, but I didn’t say anythingto them. I caught a glimpse of Susan’s cunt as she turned over on herstomach and saw a large glob of cum dripping down her slit. James sawme staring. I wondered what he was thinking. James invited us fordinner. I protested, claiming I was tired, but Susan really wanted togo, so off we went.James had a modest home, clean, and sparsely furnished. He wanted touse the shower first, so that he could prepare dinner. James walkedinto his bedroom and without hint of modesty striped to his birthdaysuit, all the while speaking to us. After he entered the shower, againleaving the bathroom door open, I commented to Susan about his lack ofmodesty.Susan quick to take his defense, pointed out we were just on a nudebeach with him. It was hard to argue with that logic, and so I had toput up with the same behavior from Sue. When James came out of thebath, he casually toweled dry in front of us. Susan then proceeded totake off her swimsuit in front of James, and then she got in theshower.The strange thing was that between being jealous, I was also gettingexcited again. I wanted to see them together again. I knew given thechance, James would fuck her again, so I devised a plan.At the same time seeing my wife parade around nude left me wantingrelief. I followed Susan into the bathroom, removed my cloths andjoined her in the shower. Susan had just started to soap herself andwas surprised by my entrance.”You?re not angry I see,” Susan said, glancing down at my semi harddick. “I thought you were angry with us because of the cloths thing.It really was silly of you, leaving us at the beach, and then gettingangry just because James took off his cloths in front of me.””I’m not angry, I just felt left out and the way the guy is flirtingwith you, I became a little jealous,” I said.Taking my dick in her hand, Susan quickly had me hard and asked, “If Ididn’t know better I think it turns you on watching James flirt withme, does it?”At that moment it was difficult to respond and staring into Susan’sbeautiful eyes, I kissed her. My dick became very hard as Susanstroked it. The image of Susan fucking James began to flood my mine. Iremember trembling with desire as my hand worked between her legs. Myfingers slid between her pussy lips, finding her vagina saturated. Iknew that Susan’s pussy was filled with her lovers cum, but when shegently nudged my shoulders I went down on my knees.Susan then uncharacteristically placed her leg on the tub edge,causing her cunt bucak escort bayan to slightly gape open. Then she placed both handsbehind my head and pulled me into her cunt. I could smell the strongscent of sex. I licked at her clit, a salty taste, perhaps the sea, orwas it the taste of another man. My mind raced with different thoughtsas I buried my tongue even deeper.Suddenly, I could have sworn I heard the door, and feeling a rush ofcool air. I attempted to look back, but Susan held my head firm. Shestarted trembling as I lapped her pussy. I felt as if someone waswatching us and became even more excited as I sensed Susan becomingmore excited.”I want you to play with yourself, I want you to make yourself cum,are you touching yourself,” Susan asked.All I could do was shake my head and groan. I had never heard Susantalk like this to me before. Looking up at Susan’s face I could seeher looking towards the door and smiling. Then she closed her eyes andshuddered, as she started to cum.I too came, though this was my fourth time in 24 hours, and was littlemore than a dribble. I heard the unmistakable sound of the doorclothing just then. “Did James see us?” I asked Susan.Sheepishly she nodded yes, “Don’t be angry, He caught me by surpriseand your kisses felt so good.” I told her I wasn’t angry and wasactually turned on thinking he was watching.James prepared a nice dinner and kept my wine glass full. We wentclubbing for a while, and then returned to the hotel for after anightcap. Susan and James wanted to go to the hot tub, but I declinedtelling them I was tired. I followed them out to the hot tube minuteslater. From my vantage point I could not only see them, but was closeenough to listen. Susan was telling James, how exciting it was to haveJames watch us in the shower.”I wonder if he knows. Steve has been acting weird lately. Last nightI tried to act like I was asleep and he started feeling me up. I wasstill soaked with all your cum. I’m sure he could tell, but he didn’tsay a word, in fact he put his penis in me and came very quickly. Thenthis afternoon I was sure he saw us. Again instead of saying anything,he ends up eating me out.””I have a friend who recently became involved with a white marriedcouple. The husband it seems, liked to watch his wife get fucked byother guys, then he would eat her out. Today at the beach I caughtSteve staring at your pussy. I’m sure he saw my cum running down yourleg. Maybe he likes the idea of me fucking you, since he hardly hasthe tools to do it himself.””James, don’t say mean things, my husband has more than enough to satisfy me.”I was happy to hear my wife come to my defense.James lifted Susan effortlessly on to the edge of the hot tub. Then,spread her legs wide exposing her hairless pussy, still dripping fromthe hot tub. Taking his cock in his hand he started rubbing his cockhead up and down her slick pussy lips. Susan was fixated, and bit herbottom lip as he continued the teasing.”What was that you were saying about your husband satisfying you,”James said as he slipped the head of his cock into Susan’s wet pussy.”Dam you, you?re so good,” Susan moaned.”Do you want me to stop, or do you want all of this black cock”.”Don’t stop; put it in all the way. Stop teasing me please,” Susan begged.”Then tell me what you want me to do with this big black cock. If youwant me to then you have to say it.” James demanded.”Yes I want you to fuck me, I want your big cock in me, I want you tofuck my pussy. I want you to cum in me.” I was stunned; my wife wasliterally begging this guy to fuck her, to make her pregnant.At the same time I was incredibly excited.The problem was that my dick was hurting from cumming 4 times in lessthan 24 hours. The same could not be said for James, who was nowslamming his cock so hard into Susan, that his balls were making aloud audible slapping sound.Susan became so vocal, that I was afraid someone would come to the tubto see what was happening. The sight of Susan fucking that big blackcock was too much for me and I came. This time only a drop or two ofcum came out.My dick and balls literally ached. I zipped up and was about to leave,when James billowed like a bull. His seed was once again filling mywife’s fertile cunt. Susan too cried out in orgasm, as her nails duginto her lover’s ass in an effort to drive him deeper. Jet after jetof hot sperm was injected deeper into my wife’s pussy than I had everbeen able to deliver.Returning to the room, I got in bed and pondered the situation. On theone hand the whole scene was terribly erotic. On the other hand I’mnot naive. My wife was falling for this guy hard, not to mention thefact, that there was a good chance she was already carrying his c***d.I heard them come into the room and faked being asleep.Sometime later Susan slipped into bed and fell fast asleep. The nextmorning seeing Susan’s nude tanned body was too much for me. Pullingback the sheets I looked her over. Her breast’s now had a couple ofsmall bite marks along with the hicky James had previously given her.Her Pussy now cleanly shaved was even redder and more swollen thanbefore.Susan stirred and smiled up at me, then with her hand extended,invited me back into bed. How could I resist. I knew almostimmediately what she wanted. Susan gently nudged me into eating herpussy.”You?re getting good at this, it feels so good to have you lick mypussy out. Go deeper, I want you deeper in me. Does it taste good?”All I could do was moan affirmatively.”Now play with yourself again. I want you to make yourself cum againwhile you lick me. C’mon, do it, do it,” Susan repeated.Even though my dick was aching, I couldn’t help myself. Susan wasworking herself up to orgasm when she felt me start to cum. A drop ortwo of an almost clear liquid shot out. At first, Susan though that Ihad not cum. Of course she was conciliatory, telling me it was okaythat I came so quickly. But, I could sense her disappointment.I had another early tee time, and couldn’t miss this one. What Iwasn’t prepared for was James having spent the night on the sleeper. Ireally had no alternative, but to leave the two of them alone. When Ireturned they were out by the pool.The next few days were much the same, except that little by littlenone of us were could refute what was going on between Susan andJames.A day before we were to leave, I played just nine holes and decided tocall it quits. Thinking that Susan and James were by the pool Ireturned, I returned directly to the room. Entering the bedroom Isurprised them in bed.I, for whatever reason acted like I had walked in on strangers,excusing myself and leaving. Susan quickly threw on a t-shirt andfollowed me outside.”We were going to tell you, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to findout this way,” Susan went on, “If you want a divorce, I understand andwon’t fight you”.Susan was very emotional. So was I. I told her I knew about them forsome time, I still loved her, and that I didn’t want a divorce. Shetold me that she loved me, but that she had also become quite seriousabout James. This was no surprise to me. During the last few days, Icould see how infatuated she had become with him.The big surprise came when Susan told me she would be staying on for afew more days. I tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted. Sheleft the hotel that morning and moved in with James. I stayed on inJamaica for an additional week, but couldn’t persuade Susan to comehome with me.She returned home two weeks later. Of course she was pregnant. She letme know that as much as she loved sex with James, she missed ourrelationship.We spent months talking and crying together and eventually got backtogether stronger than ever.Susan gave birth to a healthy baby boy a couple of months later. Iwould be lying if I told you that at first I didn’t feel someresentment every time I saw ?Susan?s son? . . . he looks like James.That was a year ago, things change. I love ?our son? now.Susan has been working out and looks great. Her nipple are a lotlarger, do to breast-feeding, but otherwise, you never would know shehad a baby. She quit her job, and now is a full time mom.Sex is better than ever between my wife and I. I never told her, abouthow I watched her and James making love. Somehow, I feel partiallyresponsible for the whole affair since I could have prevented it anddidn’t.We do get lots of looks whenever we go out with our son, as you canimagine. Of course the knowing looks we get from some black men areless than subtle. Many of them openly stare or make passes, right infront of me.Once you go black, you can’t go back.? I wonder if the saying is trueand how much she misses going native

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