Mart 13, 2025

Anne Henderson

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Anne Henderson”Hey, Anne. Fancy a drink tonight?” Asked Kevin, while picking up boxes of feed, for his daughters pony. “Kevin, how many times have I told you. I don’t go out with married men!” “Aw come on. Just two drinks, I’ll be the perfect gentleman.””Don’t believe you…anyway I’ve got a boyfriend. Me might object” she giggled. “Spoilsport. Hope he’s looking after you, anyway” and as he walked past her, gave her bottom a playful squeeze. He did it every time. “Hoy…don’t touch what you can’t afford!” “Oh, I can afford it darling….you know I can” quipped, the Irishman, as he walked towards the door. “One day, Anne….one day, you’ll be mine!” After the door closed behind him, the young woman, smiling as she always did after Kevin’s visits, walked to the door and locked it up for lunchtime. Her boyfriend Rob, had asked her to lunch at the Red Lion for a bar meal and she was excited to see him again. This would be their fifth ‘date’ and she was hopeful, this man would be ‘the one’. As she walked to the pub she found herself comparing the two men. Kevin and Rob. Kevin was a successful businessman, big house, trophy wife, daughter. Rob, driver, lived at home, and few prospects. She pushed these thoughts aside, and pushed the bar door open and went inside. The bar was busy. Anne Henderson…25 years old was not happy walking into bars on her own. Even though it was 1985, she still liked to be escorted wherever she went. A modern girl, with old fashioned ways. She was an attractive girl, with long wiry, jet black hair…a complexion, that burned in hot sun, and a figure that often turned men’s heads, and often ladies. She stood at 5’7″, and had everything in the right place. Her breasts weren’t huge, a B cup at best, but they were perfect on her. Her bottom, which had been given to her by her mother, was as near perfection as could ever be described. If she had been famous, the ‘Rear of the year’ trophy would only have one home. It was perfect. Firm to the touch, and wonderful on the eye. When she walked into the bar that day, 30 years ago, a hush fell down on the lunchtime drinkers. A wolf whistle was heard, then men giggling. She just didn’t like walking into bars on her own. Her boyfriend was at the end of the bar waiting. Rob Broom, was three years older than Anne, at 28. A nice guy of 5’11”, but could only be described as ‘average’…’Mr Average’. He was a driver for a meat company and worked long hard hours. As honest as the day was long, he was destined to go… nowhere. But was happy with his lot. “Hi Anne.Your looking nice today. Here sit here.’ greeted the young man, graciously offering the girl his seat. “Thank you Rob. You ok? Enjoying your day off. “Always enjoy my day off, haha. Still woke up early though. Was weeding mums garden at six this morning.””Good for you. How is she? Ok? It’s her birthday soon isn’t it?” “Yes she’s fine, thanks. Fifty on Saturday. Wow. We’re having a surprise tea for her. Wwwould you like to come?” he stuttered, still getting to grips with this dating malarkey. “Yes, that’s wonderful. I’d love too. She replied. “I could bake a cake”A few feet away, sitting just out of eyesight, Kevin O’Leary was nearly vomiting. ‘What a fucking waste’ he said, under his breath. ‘What a fucking waste.’Aged 32, O’Leary was an opportunist. If he saw a gap somewhere, anywhere, and he liked it, he took it. Business or pleasure, it didn’t matter. He was what is known as an entrepreneur. No set job title, just a man who earned very good money, by wheeling and dealing. Not always law abiding, but not bad enough to raise suspicion. He was known best at the time as a bit of a ‘jack the lad’. He hadn’t quite learned the art of being faithful, either. His wife, also called Anne, was a very good looking woman who owned a hairdressing shop. It had been her grandmothers, and had been passed down to her when the old lady died. She ran it but didn’t work there. She turned a blind eye to her husbands flirting but didn’t know how far he went. She was foolish that way. The courting couple, made small talk, while eating their tuna sandwiches, sipping soft drinks and being generally…dull. That was Kevin’s take on it anyway. He would so like to walk up to her, tell him to fuck off and die, then lay her over a table and ram his 7” cock right down the young girls throat. Subtlety was probably a better idea. “Hello,again Anne. And who’s this young fellow….your new boyfriend?” He asked knowingly. “Hi Mr O’Leary…yes this is Rob Broom. Rob, this Kevin O’Leary, a customer of ours.” she introduced, unsure why her tummy was in knots. The two men shook hands, Robs being nearly crushed by the older mans powerful grip. He was unaware of the power game that had just begun. Anne looked at the two men before her, and found herself, again, comparing. She shouldn’t be doing that and chastised herself for doing it. Rob was a good hardworking man, and would, she was sure, be a good provider, that is, should their relationship get that far. She doubted the excitement levels would ever be that high, but, as her mum had told her often, ….’What you’ve never had, you’ve never missed’. Kevin, on the other hand, was the devil incarnate. A bigger, stronger man, all together. And not just in stature. He had a confidence she’d seen in few men, an easy wit, with a silver tongue, he always had her laughing. The feeling in the pit of her tummy, now that worried her. She was no virgin, but had only been with three boyfriends in her time and none of them were experienced. She’d had sex a number of times, and although enjoyed it, she didn’t really see what all the fuss was about. With her boyfriends past and present, non, turned her tummy the way that Kevin O’Leary did. Sitting in the bar right then, looking at the two men, she could feel her cotton pants getting a little moist, and she squirmed. Also, her nipples seemed to be tingling. Her first thought was, she could be starting her period. Her nipples did that, when the curse appeared. However, she had that last week, so it must be something else making her body respond. She knew, oh she knew alright. She just wouldn’t admit it. Nice as Rob was, he didn’t make her nipples, hard like that, or, make her tummy churn like it was, right then. “Pint of Guinness, and drinks for these two love birds, Walter please.” Kevin asked the landlord. “And, to be sure, make them alcohol…not these pop things they have now” “Oh Kevin. I’m going back to work in half an hour…ill be slurring my words if I have a drink” Anne protested. Rob was saying nothing as he was a little bit uncomfortable in the bigger, older mans company. He knew of him, and knew he was a player, and, way out of his depth. “Anne, bejezzers, one drinks not gonna hurt ya…I promise” he replied winking at her. “Ok…ill have a glass of cider. Just one mind. And Rob can’t have one he’s driving”. “Ach, that’s foin” he replied. Anne loved his accent, and knew that that was what made her like him so much. She’d been to Dublin burdur escort once, on a hen weekend, and fell in love with the smooth dialect of the people from the south. It wasn’t lost on Kevin, that Anne had made that decision, for Rob not to have a drink. Wimp. No woman would ever dare to to make an announcement, about him like that. “And a glass of strongbow for the lady, cheers Walter. Get ya self one if ya want” he asked, handing the landlord a £50 note, peeled from a role of notes, an inch thick. Rob saw the fistful of money the other man held, and thought of what he had in his own pocket. He had been to the cash point, before coming here, and had about half the value of the note Kevin had just cashed, left in his pocket. That itself hammered home an inadequacy which just joined the list of the other ones. “So Rob, where you taking this beautiful colleen tonight then…dancing, nice meal…pictures maybe…no wait….it’ll be all of them…won’t it?” “Er…no. Actually Friday’s my night at darts night. I’m in my dads team””Darts…on a Friday. Too be sure, I’m well, shocked. A gorgeous thing like Anne and your away playing darts. Come on there….ya can’t be serious. Are ya?” “Oh I don’t mind, Kevin. We haven’t been going out long, and everybody’s entitled to their own space.” There she goes again, answering for him, thought Kevin. What a wimp. “I, I, I take Anne out during the week normally.” Said an embarrassed Rob. “Oh well, that’s something I suppose.”Kevin stood slightly to Annes right, his hand on the bar behind her. Rob was on the other side. Anybody watching would think that Anne was with Kevin, and Rob was the spare part. He felt that way as it was. Rob decided to say nothing, as what he did say, just seemed to make him sound…inadequate. It was a very good observation. Kevin was called away to speak to someone, and Rob asked if they could go and sit at a table…by themselves. Anne scolded him for being silly. “He’s just bought me a drink. That would be so rude.!” “Sorry about that. Wheels of industry…never stop turning” he said as he pushed a thick envelope deep into his front pocket. Anne followed the action, and then noticed the bulge, accompanying his pocket. He must have something stuffed in there. It couldn’t be natural….could it. She dragged her eyes away. Anne felt something tickling her back, and shivered. She was wearing a blouse, which was quite thin but wasn’t see through. The feeling was that of one, when someone drags their fingernails over your flesh making you have goosebumps. She couldn’t move or complain, because that might cause a scene. She certainly didn’t want that. The finger nail, halted at her bra strap, and for one horrible moment she thought he was going to snap it open. He just traced a line, on both sides, teasing her. She hoped her bra was padded enough to hide the evidence she was so obviously feeling. All the time he teased her, he talked in that accent, making it sound as if he were serenading her. She giggled a bit to much, and laughed a bit too long, but, Rob being Rob…didn’t notice. And then it was time to go back to work. Rob was on days off, but he was in an even bigger hurry than Anne to get out of there. “That’s it Kevin. Thanks for the cider…it’s gone right to my head. I feel…light headed.”Rob had excused himself a moment earlier to go to the toilet, and Kevin moved in, taking full advantage. “Bejezzers that’s the time I should be setting against ya. Ya defences are down, and I should be eating ya up. Haha. Anne, lassie, ya a fair beautiful woman, and I’d run away with ya tomorra if yeed have me. Haha. We’d make babies all day long and, probably half the night too. I can see you being a passionate woman, so I can”….all said, with a smile that would melt the polar icecap. His hand, now that she was standing, had moved south, to just on the waistband of her work dress. He saw Rob returning, and unseen by him he dropped his hand just a few further inches, taking one of those perfect globes in his big hand, squeezing it gently. Their was an intake of breath, barely noticeable, but the 25 year old, never flinched a muscle. Kevin kept his hand there, teasing her,unseen by her trusting boyfriend. “Come on, then Rob. You’ve shopping for your mum to do, don’t forget.”and extracted herself from Kevin’s wandering hands. Rob was saying goodbye to Walter the landlord, and Anne moved in close to Kevin, and whispered….”behave”. He might have done if she’d been more forceful, but her smile gave her away. “Oh oi….oi will, if I thought ya meant it” he said, quite openly, not giving a jot that her boring boyfriend was only a few feet away. “Meant what?” Asked Mr Boring. “Oh er Kevin was just saying er, that we should……””Oi I was just saying I meant to be home an hour ago….the wife promised me some afternoon deloight if I’d been home earlier. I’ve missed that. Never moind”. Annes toes curled every time he spoke. “What’s afternoon delight?” asked a very confused Rob. “You explain!…. Right you love birds, be good. If you can’t be good, be careful.” And Kevin was gone. “Sorry, Anne, he’s lost me. What’s he on about?” “Doesn’t matter. Come on. I’m late””Oh….ok. Bye Walter””Ok you two. See youse next time””Afternoon delight….Anne, is that a sweet?” “No, Rob…it’s not a sweet” she answered, as they left the bar, saying under her breath “give me bloody strength”A car horn peeped as the couple walked towards Robs little Ford Fiesta. They both saw Kevin’s Datsun 260ZX roar by as he waved at the couple. Annes nipples hardened again, as once more she realised she had missed so much, so many times in her short life. Something she feared poor Rob was not somehow up to. XxxAt thee o’clock that same Friday, Anne Oleary was lying face down, over a large solid wood table, an 8″ cock filling her pussy at such a force, she could hardly breath. Her long dark hair was jerked back at every thrust and she forced her arse back to show her appreciation of the pleasure she was gaining. Kevin Oleary gazed at his wife’s round arse at it wobbled every time he banged into her. He had one hand on her hip and one in her hair, as he pounded the fuck out of her. He’d arrived home just a few minutes earlier, to the delightful sight of his wife of 9 years, stretched over the table, cleaning up after their daughter Nicci, had been baking on it. Nicci was now out, until teatime and wasn’t in danger of returning and spoiling what was about to happen. It being summer, and warm, Anne OLeary was dressed for the weather. An old sleepless tee shirt and skimpy shorts were all she wore, with a thin pair of bikini briefs below. No bra. Kevin could see the swell of her breasts as she wiped down the table, and said…”Just hold that pose there Annie. I’ve something for you” as he ran a hand up the inside of her leg and under her shorts. “Mmm, that’s nice baby.””Anne, these pants are….wet. Have you been diddling””Mmm, maybe. You were supposed to be here two hours ago. What’s burdur escort bayan a girl to do. Yes…just there…this heat…you know what I’m like. Fuck…aha. Yes!! Nicci wanted to bake. Ah ah!!! It….distracted me. Come on, baby…I need fucking. Need it bad!!”Kevin pulled his wife back a little till she was straight legged and bent at 45 degrees to the table. With his thumbs he lowered her shorts and briefs, noticing the soggy mess in the crotch area. He leaned forward and raised the tee over her head, leaving her completely naked. Her body was in excellent shape, and maintaining that shape was paramount to her. She knew if she didn’t scrub up, she’d be shipped out. Simple as…..He swiped a finger through her labia, and finding no need of foreplay, fed his thick 8″ cock into her folds, as easy as a knife, through melted butter. ‘Fucking hell, this bitch is in heat!’ Kevin said to himself. He picked the pace up, and she responded as she always did, meeting his thrusts with a fervour he never tired of. He looked down at her puckered hole and wished she’d let him have it. It was always a no, know matter how pissed or horny she was. “Come on, lover….you can do better. Ugh ugh. Fuuuck!…, yes yes yes. Good…that’s it…good.””I want ya arsehole””Haha….fuck off…now….FUCK MEEEE!” Annie came, flooding Kevin’s cock with squirted cum, running down her legs like a running tap. Kevin however was still good to go. With Annie slumped over the table, breathing fast, trying to recover, Kevin, continued, using his wife’s cunt purely for his own pleasure. He slapped his wife’s backside, making her sigh, and gasp. Looking at her, temporarily unresponsive, he saw his cock ploughing the cunt of someone else called Anne. A shop girl, a girl, who he was convinced would be his next notch. She wouldn’t say no. She wouldn’t. She’d say….yes Kevin….yes…do my arse!..I want you too. Do it. Do it. Back in the real world, Kevin, feeling the tightening in his balls, knew. He just knew. He knew, that soon, he had to have this same feeling, the feeling he was having now, as his cum filled his wife’s cunt, with Anne. Anne Henderson. She was next. XxxEdward Henderson, Annes dad, had money. family money. The shop Anne worked in, was his own, as were the other four he had, which were sited in neighbouring towns. Anne worked, or rather managed, the shop, and was reasonably good at what she did. He had to keep an eye on her though , as she hadn’t inherited his business acumen or ruthlessness. She was…to nice! Her mother Audrey, had passed away not long after giving birth to her, and he had never remarried. Work was his God, and it was all he really lived for. Sure he loved his daughter, but a son would have been better. He’d have preferred a boy, a man to take the family name forward. Anne wasn’t really up to it. He lived in an apartment on the quayside, having given up the family home years ago. Anne had a room there, but also had one on the flats above one of the shops. He saw her maybe three nights a week and most days when he called to check on things. Edward had met her new friend Rob, and was not impressed. Just another loser was how he described him. Nice but dim. A typical Anne boyfriend. He often recalled his life with Annes mother, Audrey, a very sexual woman who was as good at business as she was in the marital bed. She never refused him. He knew Anne wasn’t a virgin, he’d witnessed it. Well, he thought he’d witnessed it. She was 18, and cooking a meal for her boyfriend at Edwards apartment, while he was supposedly in town entertaining a client. That’s what he told her anyway. He’d watched this girl become a woman, knowing sadly she would never be a businesswoman, and inwardly chastising her for not being a man. She was, however, a good looking woman, and possessed a body most females would die for. He wasn’t proud of what he did that night. He crept back into the apartment, and found them, fucking on the floor lying on a very expensive Persian rug. He had watched with disgust at how little effort either of them were putting into it, making it appear like they were only having sex for reproduction purposes only. There was no passion, or spirit, and thankfully, it was over as quick as it had started. When her lover had pulled his average sized penis from Annes vagina, Edward had been totally astounded at the amount of hair on his daughters mound. Even from his vantage point, he could tell it was an absolute jungle down there. His thoughts drifted back to her mother, who, years and years before, had been exactly the same. She was so hairy, and Anne had the same type of scalp hair, that when he was eating her pussy, it nearly cut his tongue. Like a paper cut. He had suffered it, for so long, then he bought her some proper men’s hair clippers. Thinned out, he ate that fun pot…uns**thed. Best £5 he’d ever spent. Seeing his daughters mons made him wish even more Audrey was still alive. Approaching her with advice about sex was just something that wasn’t in him. If it had been a business problem…easy. Deal with it, logically, while keeping a financial implication sensible. Discussing the hair on your daughters cunt….way out of his league. Then something else hit him. That bastard had just fucked his daughter without protection. He was seething. This was the era of AIDS. Everywhere all people were educated regarding casual sex and proper contraception. And as he stood there looking at goo leaking from his daughters cunt…onto the Persian rug. He was near apoplectic but fear of destroying his daughters respect, saved him from bursting in and ripping his fucking head off. He had quietly left and went for a drink in a local bar, returning at midnight and retiring immediately. He hadn’t slept much that night, and at one point realised he had an erection. He was disgusted by that. Foolish man, didn’t even question why he’d played voyeur in the first place. XxxTwo weeks later, Anne was lying in bed one Sunday morning, pleased it was a rest day and she could please herself what she did. Rob had come round with fish and chips the night before, and they’d ate them while watching some mindless Saturday night television. She was bored. Her friends were all out at discos, ending up in some boys car, making out and sometimes even having sex. Rob, she guessed, was probably just as scared about sex as she was. Probably worse. He’d not been a virgin when they met, but was as confident as a wet fish, and twice as wimp. When they had sex, it only lasted minutes, sometimes only seconds. She was fed up. They’d had their fish suppers, had a cup of coffee, snuggled up, he’d fingered her for about 20 seconds, pulled her jeans and pants off, and just stuck it in. Wam bang thank you mam, twenty minutes later he was away for a game of darts with his dad. It was 930pm. What a waste. He’d asked her if she wanted to go with him, but, sitting on her settee with jeans and a knickers hanging off one ankle and sperm running escort burdur out of her pussy, being asked to go to play darts…Mmm no thanks. So, off he’d went. She went to bed, and thirty minutes later with a hairbrush handle inside of her, she climaxed with thoughts of a certain Irishman making her cum properly for the first time. She slept well that night. That Sunday morning, it was beautiful. A light breeze, making flowers in town gardens sway gently, as bees tried to do their duty. Anne was walking, mindlessly going nowhere, not bothering anyone nor wanting to be disturbed. That’s when she was awakened from her reverie by a shout….”Hoy….sexy. Yallright there gorgeous” in a familiar, knicker dropping accent. “Hi Mr O’Leary. No church today?” She hailed back, seeing Kevin in running gear. “To be sure, I’ve no sins to be forgiven!” “Better get there quick, then””Sure, and whys that?” “Because my face is up here, and your not looking at it, that’s why” she quipped with a naughty smile. “Got me there girl. Hands up…captured”Annes own thoughts weren’t her best ones for a Sunday morning. She fleetingly took in Kevin’s well kept muscular body, guessing he must do weights, as manual work was not on his job resume. He was very sweaty and took a long drink from a bottle of water. “So where’s the boyfriend today. Oh. Surely he doesn’t do darts on a Sunday as well. Jesus mother of god…he is isn’t he?” “No, for once he isn’t. He’s working, all day, away till Monday.” she answered, trying not to make it sound as if she were pleased. “Oh that’s a shame for you. A lovely day like today, and you’ve got to spend it on your own. Days like this are made for lovers. In Ireland on days like this, I would spend it in the woods, or on the beach…deserted of course. Make love in the sea, on the sand…in the woods. Oh those were the days. Haha….makes me feel old…and I’m not before you start” he laughed, smiling the smile of happy memory’s, making Anne curiously envious. “Oh well, I can only dream.””Not at all. Listen, the wife’s away to some horsey thing with Nicci. If ya fancy some company I’ll take ya for a glass, at lunchtime. Just friends, mind. I don’t want you seducing me and having your wicked way….I know what you feed merchants get up too” said with such a straight face she nearly blushed. “Oh you….well, oh I don’t know. What would people think.” came out before she’d had time to digest his offer. She should have said ‘certainly not’, when what she was saying was ‘well yes as long as we don’t get seen’. It was too late to take back. “I’ll pick you up at the ‘wheatsheaf’ in an hour. Well go to a little place I know. In the country. Don’t worry it’ll be fun.””Oh god, Kevin. Your married. What about your family””Look lassie. We’re both at a loose end. It’s just two friends having a drink. That’s all. Promise””Well, OK. What should I wear” again the words were out and were unable to be put back. “Oh I’m sure you’ll find something. Haha. An hour!” Anne watched him run, until he was gone from sight. She didn’t move. She stood there for nearly two minutes. Wondering. Wondering what she had just gotten herself into. And….why her nipples were so hard. Xxx”And then me sister appeared from a tree fort, and caught me peeing on the camp fire….”The tears were running down Annes cheeks so much, her makeup was a disaster. She didn’t care. She’d never laughed so much in all her 25 years. Kevin was regaling stories from his c***dhood, and each one was funnier that the last. They were sitting in a beer garden in a bar called the Robin Hood, miles from anywhere, and it was full of motor bikers. People were eating Sunday lunches outside and their was even a barbecue going at the other side of the bar. She wondered about drink driving, but it wasn’t her business. Kevin had picked her up, on time and 30 minutes later they were sitting drinking beer in this quaint place. Kevin had dressed in light coloured chinos and a polo shirt, while Anne had plumped for a short flowery summer dress and a pale blue blouse. She even wore matching underwear, something she rarely did for Rob. Her choice of clothing, had taken a lot longer to pick that Kevin’s. Why, she never even considered. Their conversation was easy, continuous, and very funny. It contained no horrible awkward silences, often the sign of an uneasy friendship, even when she talked of her life, he added things to spice it up, which made her happy and contented. She was eating out of his hand. “So, this lad of yours. He all right, is know. In the bedroom department. Eh? Must be…gorgeous young thing like you.” He asked, knowing it might embarrass her, but thought he’d got his timing just about perfect. He’d been telling her about some of the sc****s he’d gotten into, with girls, when he was a lad. And, how some fathers had chased him from their doorsteps, threatening acts of v******e. He omitted to tell her that a lot of the times, it had been the wives who he had been fucking, not the daughters. On more than one occasion it was both. “Oh Rob…he’s…ok. I suppose.””Oh sorry. Doesn’t sound good, shouldn’t have asked. I’m just a nosey old bugger…ignore me!” The bottles of cider seemed to have loosened her tongue, somewhat, so, instead of changing the subject as offered, instead, she heard words coming out of her mouth that shocked her. “Oh Kevin. It’s no good, in fact it’s awful. I’m in my mid twenties, I am…and am still wondering. Wondering what it’s like to be in love. What it’s like to make love…it’s just so sad. So fucking sad! Do you know, it’s three years since I was at a proper night club. Tiffany’s. 1982… three bloody years ago. My friends club it every weekend. Sometimes twice. Me…last night I had a fish supper, watching fucking Dallas. Last Saturday was Live Aid, that was ok, but….I should be out, having fun. I’ll tell you…right…I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this, but, I will. He attempted to make love last night, on the floor, right, he didn’t take any clothes off, never mind any of mine. What’s that all about? Lasted about a minute…then fucked off to the pub. Darts!!” “Anne, that’s terrible” he said, making it sound like sympathy. He took her hand, and soothed it. “You know, you can’t have good sex without a happy heart. I’ve thought for a while now, that you look like your going through the motions. If the lads not right, for you, as a person or as a lover, get rid. That’s my advice. Get rid. Life’s too damned short girl, believe me. Start living. Come on we’ll go for a walk. Clear your head a little. How’s that sound. ‘Now or never’, went through his head as he took her hand and helped her to her feet. “Yes. That sounds lovely. Thank you Kevin. I’ll just pop too the loo, won’t be a moment.””Ok gorgeous. I’ll wait over there by that gate. Ok?” “Sure thing” Kevin adjusted his cock into a more comfortable, less noticeable position, then headed for the woods. He knew exactly where they were going, exactly why they were going, in fact, he knew pretty much, exactly which tree he’d fuck her against. His knife was near ready to carve the next notch. He waited patiently, they had all day. All day to put a permanent smile on the girl from the grain shop. Bring it on.

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