Şubat 12, 2025

Angel at halloween party

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Angel at halloween partyI was walking down the aisles of the mall with my girlfriend who had beenshopping for what seemed like an eternity for a friend’s birthday party.The mall had never been my favorite place and I would just as soon not havegone with her. But girls always like to have guys with them so they cantorture them by asking if they like or dislike everything they pick out.After walking through just about every store including Victoria Secretwhich always makes me feel out of place we finally stopped in a smallnovelty store called Spencer’s. As we walked in I started looking aroundat all the new things that had come in for Halloween which was about twoweeks away. There were all the same old gory costumes with blood streamingout everywhere and deranged body parts. My girlfriend, Janet, went andstarted looking by the game section. I then came across a sexy littledevils outfit that looked about the right size for my girl. I looked backat her with her long black hair and dark eyes and back at the costume. Ithad a pair of high red heels that went with it going up into some redfishnet hoses. Above that was a red miniskirt that looked nice and tightand a top the left room for some belly to show as well as some cleavage.Also, there was a pair of devil horns that went on the head and a redtriton staff.”Hey, hun,” I called over to her. She looked up at me with a smile. Shelifted up a card game that was sort of like truth or dare, but all thequestions were sexually based. “Yeah, that would be great, hey, what doyou think about going as my little devil for Halloween?” I asked her.She walked over and looked at it smiling. “I thought you didn’t likedressing up for Halloween?” She asked me.”Well, I don’t, but I like when you dress up for Halloween,” I said and putmy arm around her waist and squeezed her a little.”Hmmm, I don’t know,” she replied. “I like it, but what are you going togo as?” she asked. “I’ll go as your boyfriend,” I responded with a smile.She rolled her eyes at me and smiled too.”How about you come with me wearing this?” She asked as her hand reachedout and touched the costume next to it. Hanging beside the devil outfitwas its counter-part the angel outfit. With white heels, white knee highs,garter belt, and a tight dress that was pretty reveling. It also had asmall pair of wings which came out the back and a golden halo to top itoff.I smiled at her, “Very funny Janet.” I said and made a reaching motion tograb the devil costume.”I’m serious Chris,” she retorted, “it’d be fun and you never dress up forHalloween you need to go all out this year.””Yeah, but not all out of the closet,” I said and smiled again proud of mywitticism.”Come on Chris, why not, it’s about your size and it’d fit great. You’realways trying to explain to me why men find lesbians so attractive and nowyou get a chance to be my lesbian date Halloween night.” She pulled inclose and put her arms both around me and looked at me.It’s never easy to tell a beautiful girl no, but it wasn’t too hard thistime. First of all I really didn’t have much interest. Second, she hadtouched on my sense of insecurity. The truth is I’m only about 5’9…well,5’8 and have a pretty small frame. My voice is pretty soft for a guys alsoand half the time when I talk to someone on the phone who doesn’t know methey thing they’re talking to a girl. I’m athletic but it doesn’t reallyshow in muscle just tone. Janet was eye to eye as tall as I am and exceptfor the breasts on her and the penis on me we’d about have the same body.”I don’t think so hun.” I said flatly and grabbed the devil costume down,but not without a quick side glance at the angel costume and I saw Janetgive me a smile that told me this battle might not be over. I bought hercostume and she bought the card game and we left the store and went home.Halloween was on a Friday this year Janet seemed extra anxious for the dayto come. That Friday I got home from work and went inside to see Janetalready wearing the devil horns and had her hair all done with curls andred streaks put in. She loves dressing up for Halloween. She also had afair amount of make up on to make herself look naughty since she was alittle devil. I smiled and walked over to her getting ready to give her abig kiss, but she backed away from me. “I’m not kissing you till you getdressed,” she said.”I’ve got a suit and tie on, how much more dressed do I need to be?” Iasked and tried to kiss her again, but she backed up another step.”No, babe, dressed for Halloween,” she responded.”Janet, I’m going as a young ambitious business man, and it just so happensI wear that costume to work every day.” I reached out and pulled her inand moved my lips to hers but she put a hand up blocking my face.”Not tonight, I got you a new costume.” She reached around the corner andpicked something that was hanging on the chair. She then produced theangel outfit that had been at Spencer’s. “You’re coming as my angeltonight.””What are you doing with that?” I asked, “Are you serious?” I was a littleshocked that she had gone out and bought this for me and was completelyexpecting me to wear it outside.”Of course I’m serious; you’ll look great in it. Besides, I’m a lesbiandevil tonight, so I’m not going with you anywhere dressed as a man, and ifyou don’t come with me than I’ll just pick up some other girl at a party.”She said. All this talk of having my girlfriend picking up on other girlswas getting me aroused. I smiled at her to try and weaken her defenses,but she looked determined.”Janet, I don’t need to spend the next 10 years of my life explaining toeveryone I know that I’m not a shemale and it was my girlfriend who made medress up like a girl.” I told her.”No one’s going to think anything, besides we’re just going to go cruisingdown Mill Ave. You probably won’t see anyone you know and if you do theywon’t recognize you anyway.” She then began pleading, “Come on, it’sHalloween you can be whatever you want just for fun and no one’s going tocare. It doesn’t mean anything Chris.”I made a hesitant face and grabbed the angel costume out of her hand andshook my head. “OK, but if there’s a girl out there who wants to have athreesome with us then you have to agree to that, you are a lesbian devil.”I told her.I took the costume and walked back to the bedroom. She came running afterme. “You can’t just put it on and be ready to go. You have to getyourself all ready.”I resigned myself to knowing I was not going to have the best night of mylife, but Janet seemed really excited about this and I figured I’d let herhave her fun. Besides the idea of having sex with my girlfriend as hergirlfriend sounded like it could be fun. “Alright Janet, do your worst,I’m your Barbie doll for the night.”With that she smiled and it all began. She took me to the bathroom andtold me the first thing I needed to do was to shave. Not too hard becauseI don’t grow a lot of facial hair anyway, but I got my face nice düzce escort and smoothand came back out. “That was quick,” She said.”Yeah, well, I shaved this morning, just a little touch up work.”She shook her head and sighed, “Get back in there Chris; you need to shaveyour whole body.” She said and pushed me back towards the bathroom. I’mnot a very hairy guy, but I’d never shaved my whole body before. I shavedoff all my stomach hair, which was nothing more than a little strip and thefew chest hairs I had. Then I shaved my legs. Once I was done I held aleg up and looked at it in the mirror. I looked like a pretty sexy leg allshaved. I nodded contently at myself.Once I was all done shaving I jumped in the shower real quick to wash offall of the residue and got out to see Janet sitting in the bathroom withher make up kit. She motioned for me to sit and I did. I had a feelingall of this was coming and she was extremely excited to get started.Before beginning on my face she applied some false nails which were whiteand pretty long. She told me to hold my hands pretty still while she didmy makeup.As she did up my face we talked about how I needed to walk and shake myass. I didn’t really pay too much mind. I knew I wasn’t going to be veryconvincing. I’d seen other guys dressed up as girls and it was alwaystotally obvious they were men and I told Janet that.”Well, some are easy to tell, but did you ever think that there are a lotof other men dressed as women that you have no idea about.” She replied,but I doubted very much that was the case.She put a lot of foundation on and a heavy amount of sparkling lipstick.She told me the idea was the make me look very angelic, blue eyeliner, butnot too heavy and a lot of other stuff that I really don’t know what itwas. I kept trying to look at the mirror behind me, but she would keepgrabbing my head.She smiled and laughed as she did it and kept telling me how great Ilooked. I could smell the makeup all over my face and couldn’t believe howmuch work girls had to go through every morning.She put some more finishing touches on and said, “Before you look I’ve gotanother surprise,” She reached under her chair and held out a box. Iopened it up quickly and saw a blond shoulder length wig. I put it on, andJanet put a white ribbon in it that pulled the hair to one side. She had ahuge smile on her face as she pronounced me done.I turned around and looked in the mirror. I couldn’t believe it for asecond. It looked like a totally different me. Only the eyes seemed toshow that I was underneath all the makeup and wig I now had on. “See, youlook beautiful.” Janet said to me.I touched my lips and saw the reflection of a girls hand with land nailsrise up to touch her lips. I smiled and it was warm and attractive. Ifelt my cock jerk slightly under my towel and I thought about my shavedlegs and felt the urge to cross them, which I did. I turned around and sawJanet staring at me. I got behind her and looked at us both in the mirrorand suddenly couldn’t wait to play out the night as a lesbian angel.I went to my drawer to grab a pair of underwear, but when I pulled out mydrawer there was a white lace thong and bra on top of all my otherunderwear. “What’s this?” I asked amused.”Well, you couldn’t go in men’s briefs dear,” she said to me. I hadresigned myself to thing and noticed they were from Victoria secret.’Nothing but the best from my girl.’ I slid them up my legs and tucked mycock inside. It was getting a little stiff from the feel of lace andhaving a small pair of panties ride up my ass. I thought it didn’t feelbad though. I put the bra on and Janet handed me two breast forms.”Your costume will fit much better with big breasts,” she said. They werepretty large. The bra was a C cup and the breast forms felt s littletight. I looked at the mirror and saw that I looked more like a girl thanI wanted to admit. My slender form looked feminine and petite. I wasgetting more excited about this night by the minute. I went and startedputting on my angel costume. I began with the dress which had a fairly lowcut but didn’t show that I had fake breasts. The bottom of the dress wascut at a heavy slant so my right leg was exposed almost all the way up tothe panties and my left leg was covered all the way to the knee. Then Iput on the knee highs and the garter belt, on the right side so it waseasily seen. Then I put my heels on.Janet told me this was going to be the hardest part of the night. I put myfeet in them and began to walk around. They were only 3″ heels and I foundI had a pretty good knack for them, I liked how much taller I seemed. Idid a couple of turns around the room and liked the way my ass moved as Iwalked. Then I put on the halo and Janet walked in fully dressed as mylittle devil. “Tonight you’re not Chris; you’re Kristen, my long timegirlfriend.” She smiled and I looked at us both in the mirror. We werelooking good. I wanted to have sex with her right there, but also didn’twant to ruin my makeup so I just gave her a kiss on the mouth and we walkedout to the car to go see what kind of commotion we could stir up.In Arizona the best place to go for Halloween is Mill Ave. There is partyafter party and everyone is dressed up for a good time. We drove over andparked our car. Suddenly I felt very self conscious. I was going to bewalking around in public dressed as a girl. Then I looked at everyone elsewalking around to see zombies, vampires and girls who might have been menand men who were probably woman dressed up. It really wasn’t that big of adeal.We got out of my car and I put my heels to the sidewalk for the firsttime. Stood up and straightened myself up. I looked again at my reflectionand had renewed confidence. We then started strolling down the street handin hand.I noticed we were getting quite a lot of attention as we walked, especiallyfrom all the guys. As we waited for a light to change I grabbed Janet andpulled her close for a kiss. Usually I have my arms around her waist andhers are around my neck, but she put hers around my waist and mine went toher neck. As she kissed me I knew we were getting a lot of attention fromeveryone around us. I looked up and saw a guy starting at me with a stupidsmile. I smiled at him back knowing what he was thinking. I loved seeingtwo lesbians making out, and he could eat his heart out.We walked down and found one of our favorite clubs and went in. We skippedthe bar and went right for the dance floor. The angel/devil combo was ahuge hit. We had guys all over the club staring at us as we danced aroundthem, and I found quite a few girls giving me seductive looks also.We continued dancing and got more and more heated as we went. Janet wasgrinding her ass into my crotch when a guy stood in front of her andstarted dancing with her. She made a quick look over her shoulder butdidn’t see her face because another guy cut in and started dancing with me.He looked down at me and smiled escort düzce a big smile. He was dressed like a WWIIsoldier. He was tall and good looking, but I was trying to get rid of himand get back with Janet. I sort of danced around him and looked at her,but she didn’t seem to be paying me any attention and was dancing with thisnew guy. She then looked at me quickly and shrugged as if to say, “Whatcan you do?” and kept on.I knew what I could do. I walked over and cut in the started dancing withher again. The two guys sort of looked at each other and smiled and thenmoved on. “You can’t leave me like that Janet.” I said to her.”Come on Kristen, you’re a big girl, you can handle yourself.” I shruggedand started dancing with her again. After that more and more guys startedtrying to dance with us. They were getting a little touchy feely too. Oneguy would grab my shoulder and whirl me around to dance with him and oneput his hands on my waist, but I jerked back before her started anythingelse.I kept trying to always move back to Janet though and didn’t spend too longwith anyone else. As we danced I saw the WWII soldier sitting over at thebar looking at me. He looked sort of sad and dejected. He tried to dancewith me and I cut him off, then I started dancing with other guys. Iinadvertently winked at him, I could feel my long eyelashes reaching out tohim as I realized I was flirting with him and was horrified with myself.He saw though and smiled a big, sort of hungry looking smile.As we kept on I found myself spending more and more time with the guys thatwould cut in with me. A couple of time I would laugh at their jokes anddidn’t mind if one of them got a little closer than I would otherwise.Then the WWII soldier came up and I figured now I could make up to him howI cut him off. I looked him straight in the eyes and started shaking myass a little as I walked over to him. He smiled and started moving hisbody. I put my hands in the air and started to move my body down next tohis. This is my favorite thing when a girl danced with me and I figuredI’d make him drool over me a little. Then I turned around and startedshaking my ass next to his crotch. I felt a strange rush of excitement asI felt his large hands grab my waist and bring me back towards him.For a brief second my ass touched his crotch and I shook it just a littlebit before I stepped away. My stomach jumped and I realized my cock wasgetting a little too excited. I looked around to see Janet dancing withsome guy pretty heavily. I felt a little too excited for being with a guy.I walked straight over to the bar and asked for a vodka. The bartendersmiled at me and said, “Anything you want sweetie.” I sat there andwatched Janet dancing the night away with yet another guy and I foundmyself not really caring too much, if anything I was a little envious.I looked down at my lap and saw my two breasts blocking my view. The whiteknee highs and high heels came into view and could feel my white pantiesunder my seat. I suddenly became very self-conscious. I looked up tocatch two guys staring at me. Then one of them walked over. “You wannadance?” He asked.I remembered the rush of excitement I got with I started grinding with thesoldier and looked at this guy. He was dressed like a devil which remindedme of Janet and made me feel comfortable somehow. “You can be my littleangel.”I smiled at him, not trying to be seductive or anything, but his face litup. I stood up and he grabbed my hand to lead me out on the dance floor.It took me a few seconds to get into the music again and even when Istarted dancing I was still having a hard time getting really into it. Theguy told me his name and I blurted out that my name was Kristen.After I danced with him I saw one of the girls who was giving me aseductive look earlier. As the new dance started I moved over to her andshe seemed more than willing to move with me. We made a pretty good coupleus two girls. She knew how to move her body. But for some reason I wasn’treally getting into it.Since I still wasn’t really feeling it I turned around and started dancingwhile looking around the room. I thought about how stupid I was. I mightas well just go home and wait for Janet there. Then I felt a familiar handreach around my waist and pull me back. I turned around and saw the WWIIsoldier dancing with me. “We never finished our dance.”I once again winked at him without thinking about it and he moved his bodyuncomfortably close to mine. I felt my body twist and curve up to his. Iwas suddenly very aware of my knee high which made a quick gesture andrubbed up against his leg.”Can I ask you something?” he asked and went on without waiting for myresponse, “Are you a lesbian are bisexual?”My eyes opened wide and I didn’t really know how to respond. I was afraidthe truth would get me a pretty swift ass kicking. I just smiled andturned around and began to rub the back side of my body against his. Ipushed my ass into his crotch again and felt another exhilarating rush, butthis time I felt like there was a little more of a bulge in his pants thanthe last time. I felt my own cock twitch. I was turning this man on.I’ve never gotten another man aroused before.I put my arms up around his neck and looked at him as I continued moving mybody. His leg moved up my dress and for some reason I thought maybe Ishould tell this guy the truth or I was going to wake up the next morningwith nothing but regret for doing something I shouldn’t. I leaned my headclose and said in his ear. “I’m not a lesbian or bisexual, I’m a straightman, and the devil is my girlfriend.”He held me back a little, but kept dancing with me. He shook his headdisbelieving and smiled. “I don’t believe that for a second,” he replied.”It’s true” I said, “she made me dress up like this tonight.” He gave me aquizzical look and then kept dancing with me. I didn’t really know whatmeant. Then he pulled me closer to him and reached his hand up my leg,past my garter and his finger twisted around the side of my panties. As helightly pulled on the string I felt the panties pull on my ass and cockgiving me a thrilling sensation. Without thinking I rubbed my hip into hiscock appreciatively. He then pulled a little harder and placed his wholehand on my ass, underneath my dress. My head suddenly snapped back inplace and I realized what I was doing.I pushed him back into a couple of people dancing behind him and gave him adirty look. He looked at me confused but then walked but up to me. Hemoved his face towards me like he was going to kiss me and I punched him inthe face, just above his eye. He stumbled back and I thought that I neededto get out of there. People were all looking at me and I wasn’t in themood for this any more. I walked as fast as I could in my high heels tothe bar to get my phone.The bartender looked at me saying, “nice hook darlin'” and handed my phoneto me. I looked at it and saw I had two text messages. düzce escort bayan They were bothJanet saying she was going to be longer than she thought and that I wouldhave to find my own way home, she was sorry. What a crappy night.I looked back and saw the WWII soldier holding his hand to his head andthere was some blood coming out. I suddenly felt really bad. It wasn’this fault as much as mine. I reached up and felt my wig and then lookedback at my reflection. Hell, I’d probably have done the same thing. Iwalked over to him. I didn’t know what to say. People went back todancing around us and didn’t pay us much attention. I don’t think Janeteven saw anything. At least, I didn’t see her.”I’m sorry,” I finally said.”It’s my fault,” he replied, “I shouldn’t have been so hasty.” It wasn’this fault; I was winking at him and grinding into him all night. He didn’tknow.”Let me help clean you up,” I said and without thinking too much I grabbedhis hand and led him off the dance floor. “What’s your name?” I asked.”John,” he replied, “you?””Kristen,” I said again without thinking.”Pretty feminine name for a guy,” he said and squeezed my hand. As I tookhim to the back there was a male and female restroom and a separatehandicapped one. I figured since I was all over the gender board I’d justuse the handicap one. We walked inside and I looked at the mirror to see ahot young angel leading a WWII soldier across the bathroom. I also caughthis eye as he was looking at me.I grabbed some paper towel and held it to his head. “Hold this there,” Isaid. He reached up and grabbed my wrist holding it in place. I felt myheart start to race. He looked at me again with that hungry smile I’d seenacross the floor. I thought about how his pants had bulged underneath myass. He moved me back a little so he leaned against the sink. I lookedover his shoulder and saw a pretty angel again looking back at me. She wasbeing held by the hand by a large handsome soldier. I moved my body alittle closer to his as if I was examining the cut above his eye.”How does it feel?” I asked.”Pretty good,” he said and his hand moved back to my leg. I grabbed hishead in both my hands and pulled it down. I brought my lips up to his eyeand kissed the cut. There was a light taste of blood, but I didn’t mind.I could feel my cock getting hard underneath my dress and my pantiesweren’t going to hold it in.I then kissed a little lower on his face and then a little lower. I kissedjust above his lips and then backed away. My hands reached around his neckand he pulled me close to him kissing him deeply. I’d never kissed anotherman before. I opened my eyes and realized I wasn’t kissing another man; Iwas a girl kissing a man.His tongue went deep inside me and I felt myself give way to him. Hestarted to pull down my panties when he realized they were stuck onsomething. I blushed deep and red. My cock had been sticking out of themand was blocking the panties from coming off.He looked at me in surprise. “You really are a guy,” he said and took astep back. I just stood there blushing like an idiot. He didn’t make amove toward me or toward the door but just stared. For some reason I gotthe feeling he really wouldn’t care too much and I know that I didn’t careat all at this point.I walked over to him as close as I could and pulled off the panties gettingmy cock untangled. Then I reached out and undid his belt while looking athim. I put my hand down his pants, and felt his briefs. There was a largehard cock waiting for me. “You don’t seem to mind too much.” I said to himand squeezed the cock. It was the first time I’d ever held a cock otherthan mind, but I found myself getting more turned on. His breathing wasalso getting heavier.I pulled down his pants and then knelt down in front of him. He put bothhands on the sink as if he was going to pass out and I pulled down hisunderwear. I saw his large dick pop out in front of me like toy waiting tobe played with. I took it in my hands and saw my long white fingernailsgrabbing at it. My mouth moved in closer and I almost came just bythinking about having it in my mouth. My lips opened up and I took hiscock in my mouth.He slowly pushed his manhood past my lipstick covered lips and into mythroat. His hips started moving with the music that we could still hearfrom outside. I thought if Janet walked in right now then this would befair treatment for her making me come as a girl. I had joked about findinganother girl to bring home, but found myself a man. I could taste hispre-cum and I sucked hard on him. I could hear him moaning with delight.Then I stood up. His cock was standing straight in the air and I felt alight draft under my dress. I got him down on the ground and felt the urgeto have his cock inside my ass. As I got him down I knelt on top andgrabbed his dick getting it into position. He looked at me with eager eyesand reached under my dress to find my dick hard as a rock. There was asmall wet spot from all the pre-cum I had already leaked out.I pushed his dick into my ass hole, but it only went in a little and hurtquite a bit. I tried again, but without any luck. He started stroking meharder. I reached up to the sink and got some liquid soap. Desperatetimes call for desperate measures.I got a good amount and rubbed it all over his cock. Then I rubbed more onmy ass and slid a finger inside. It went in nice and easily. I worked myway back onto his throbbing dick and this time I could feel it start toslide inside of me. I worked it in little by little letting it fill me up.He then pushed and shoved the rest of it inside of me. He had to be atleast 7″ and it still hurt having it go into me. He started pumping hiscock in and out and I started moaning without being able to stop. As hestarted fucking me harder and harder in my ass he stroked my cock faster.I laid my body down on top of him and started kissing him heavily as heworked my ass. The music and noise of everyone outside seemed to make theperfect rhythm. Finally I could feel all his muscles tense up and shoot aload of cum deep into my ass. As soon as it went in my own load shot allover his costume. He made a few more quick movements of his dick in my assthen slowly pulled it out. I felt raw. I slowly got off him and stood up.I looked in the mirror and saw a pretty angel with the look of ecstasy onher face. I walked over and picked up my panties which were on the floor.”Can I keep those?” He asked.I took the panties and soaked up some of the cum on his costume and thenhanded them over to him. He stood up and looked at me for a second. Ididn’t know what to say, neither one of us wanted anything more than whatwe got, but we just kept looking at each other. Then I kissed him on thecheek, fixed my dress and walked out.Janet was waiting at the bar and asked me where I was. I told her I wasn’tfeeling too good and was in the bathroom. She looked at me for a sec andwe left. As we drove home I could feel John’s cum leaking out of my assonto my car seat, but I didn’t care. Later when I was having sex withJanet she asked me what happened to my panties and I just smiled and toldher I must have left them in the bathroom at the club.

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