Mart 1, 2025

A night at the club

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A night at the clubOpening the cab door I can hear the music pumping out onto the street. There was a queue to get in but the doorman escorts me in, one of the perks of being the girlfriend of the owner I guess. I had been with Tony of nearly a year now, although at times I wondered why. Tony is a player – big time. He owns a string of clubs, is a ‘face’ about town and to be honest skates just this side of the law. But, despite his faults he had me hooked from day one. He is exciting, so sexual but also I love the fact I never know where I stand with him. One minute he’ll be kissing and flattering me, the next he’ll be knocking me around and treating me like a piece of crap. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not stupid, I’m an intelligent, independent woman, but something about this man turns me into a doormat that keeps coming back for more. Worst still he knows it.Walking into the club staff smile and greet me as I scour the room for him. He is usually wandering around, working the crowd, the king of the club, loving every minute of the attention he draws. His dress sense is impeccable, sharp expensive suits, hand-made Italian shoes, subtle but so sexy, and always smelling gorgeous. Tonight, I’ve dressed to match him. I have a short, sexy silver dress on. The sequins catch the light and the fabric shimmies as I walk. High, silver Laboutin shoes show my legs off well and make my posture upright and proud. My dark hair is just as he likes it, loose and tussled and tonight I feel confident and self assured. Unable to find him I wander over to the bar and catch the eye of Jimmy, Tony’s best friend and Club Manager. Jimmy is such a nice guy and has grown up with Tony. His brother by another mother, as they like to joke. ‘Hey there sweetie’ he smiles, kissing my cheek and giving me a friendly hug. ‘Looking good babe! Looking very good’Giggling I do a little twirl and smile. Jimmy was such a sweet guy. He is always there for the good times, and more importantly for the bad times. Although I know his loyalties lay with Tony he is always there to pick me up – sometimes literally when things go wrong between us, which they frequently do.‘Not looking so bad yourself’ I respond and run my fingers down the lapel of his tailored suit. ‘New threads?’‘Man’s gotta try hasn’t he?’ His smile makes his eyes twinkle like a naughty boy.After a moment he answers the inevitable question, leaning in so he can be heard over the thumping bass line. ‘He’s up in the office Jade, but I think he is a bit busy. You might want to give him a while’ The sheer fact he couldn’t meet my eyes told me volumes. Holding my head high I try to manage a smile and sip the cold champagne he hands me. Toying with the glass I scan the room, hoping my face was the mask I want it to be. I can feel Jimmy watching me and it really wasn’t helping. halkalı escort I know deep down he pities me and that’s just too much to deal with right now. Kissing him lightly on the cheek I put my glass down on the bar. ‘I’ll be right back Jim. I need the little girl’s room’‘Jade, wait a minute’ but his words are lost as I slip passed him.I head towards the toilets, feeling Jimmy’s eyes on my until the heaving crowd swallows me up. Winding my way through them I change tack and go towards the staircase that leads upstairs. The minder at the entrance opens the door and steps aside for me to enter. The door closes behind me, muffling the music as I start up the staircase. The CCTV cameras look down on me, announcing my entrance long before I arrive to his door. At the top of the stairs is a glass mezzanine level where you can see the whole club in its glory. Looking down for a few seconds I lock eyes with Jimmy, and am not surprised when he looks away sadly.Knocking on the office door I hear Tony’s voice beckon me in. He is sitting behind his huge desk, multiple TV screens on the back wall showing him everything that is going on. The office is as masculine as he is. A drinks cabinet, leather chairs and sofa, and an imposing desk. He is leaning forwards and after a while looks up as I enter. A slight incline of his head indicates he wants me to sit in the chair on the opposite side of the desk to him.Sitting down, I cross my legs, knowing my short dress will give him a glimpse of my thigh. I smile at him and my heart races as I take him in. His beautiful caramel coloured skin, piercing brown eyes and short hair. His tie is loose, top button undone and suit jacket open, unusually casual for a work night. And his hands, lord I love his hands. Big, well manicured and capable of inflicting pain or pleasure, unpredictable and so sexy against my white skin.‘Hi babe’ I purr in my sexiest voice as the music still pumps from downstairs. He looks me up and down, his chest rising and falling more rapidly than usual. The room seems electric somehow and my heart somersaults in expectation. We often make love on nights like these; the club atmosphere always excites him. He was alone, which was more than I expected and that in itself was an aphrodisiac for me.‘New dress?’ were the first words he utters, but there was no appreciative tone in his voice.‘Yes it is darling, I thought you’d like it’ Hating myself I knew that I was so eager to please him I sounded like a c***d, but the sheer fact he noticed it was new made me love him even more.Curling his lip and shifting forward in his chair he spits out, ‘Well I don’t. It looks cheap and tacky’His words sting and I feel my eyes tear up slightly. ‘But it’s from that shop in Knightsbridge, the one you…..’Before I can finish, the look on his face silences me. istanbul escort He just stares, without words he is able to reduce me to an insecure wreck. I thought I’d got it right tonight and don’t know how I made such a mistake. All I can mange is a mumbled apology.‘Take it off’ His words give me no room for argument. His eyes bore into me, daring me to object.I feel my cheeks redden, ‘Please Tony….’He leans back in his chair, still pushed in tight to the desk and rests his hands in his lap. Appearing to look right through me at the TV screens behind he simply shrugs.‘Do it or fuck off, I’m busy – your choice.’Not even looking at me, he treats me with such contempt I felt sick. Standing, I look from him, to the door and back again. I feel my lip tremble as I reach for the hem of my beautiful new dress. Hardly believing he has reduced me to this I pull it over my head and place it on the chair. Standing before him in just my heels and a skimpy pair of panties I try and regain some composure. After what seems like forever he eventually glances in my direction. I smile hesitantly at him, ‘Is that better babe?’Again he looks me up and down but there is no pleasure on his face, ‘You’re getting fat Jade.’The rational side of me knows that isn’t true, barely a size 10, but with full breasts there is no fat or cellulite on me. I work out every day, do sit-ups and am always on a diet, just for him.Before I can stop it a single tear escapes and runs down my cheek. ‘Show me your cunt and maybe I’ll ignore the state of you’ There is humour in his voice and I know my humiliation is exciting him. His hand is clearly rubbing his cock under the table.With the pounding music almost making the floor throb I slide my hands into the sides of my panties and push them down, stepping out of them. Why did I do this? Why did I do anything to please this man when he is such a bastard?I lift my leg and rest one heel on his huge desk. It is so high my standing leg is fully extended, making my balance precarious. Finally I am rewarded with a smile.‘You really are a fucking whore Jade; I don’t know why I give you the time of day. Look at you, standing there on display. Where’s your pride? Where’s your self-respect? Look at you, wet and ready? You disgust me sometimes. I have more respect for the street whores that charge for what you give away for free.’I hate him when he is like this, sneering, taunting, and evil with his words, but both of us know I am spell bound by him.‘You’re just a bitch for black cock huh? Rub your fucking clit you whore. Show daddy what a good girl you are’Chuckling to himself he looks me dead in the eye as my fingers reach between my legs. Crying silent tears I begin to masturbate for him, my cheeks burning as I circle my fingers in my bald hungry pussy.‘There you go, daddy’s good girl’ beylikdüzü escort His self important laugh rings in my ears as I look at him. Despite myself I know he will see I am getting wet and I can feel my pussy lips swelling, swallowing my fingers inside. Looking down at his cock, his hand begins to rub his shaft. At least I am rewarded by the fact I’m turning him on. But he won’t let me see it, hidden under the desk, teasing me, punishing me, even though I’m doing everything he asks. My fingers continue to strum my clit, pushing me closer, teasing me to orgasm.‘That’s it baby girl, make daddy cum. Make daddy cum, get ready, get ready…’Half expecting him to stand up and walk to him, or beckon me to his lap I’m confused when he doesn’t move. All I can continue to do is jerk myself off. Finger fucking my wet hole, I’ll give him what I think he needs. Ashamed but excited all in one emotion.Suddenly, hands grab between his legs and he holds me in a stare as he cums…..bellowing at the release, hips rising up from the chair, lips snarling as he spits out ‘Oh yes you dirty bitch you fucking dirty whore!! Swallow it! Swallow it!!Confused I look at him, not sure what to do or what he means. Stumbling I almost lose my balance, having to pull out my fingers and gab the desk top to stop from falling over.Then suddenly he is laughing, nasty, sneering and laughing straight in my face. Pushing back his chair he stands up, semi erect cock hanging from his clothing.‘Not you, you stupid cow…her’Reaching under the table, like some sort of sordid magician I see his hand is clenched in blonde hair. Pulling hard, out stumbles a young girl, her clubbing clothes bunched up around her waist, and worst of all his cum dripping down her face. She barely looks legal to be in the club, so petite and young, just his type.With a huge grin on her face she stands and pulls her dress down, Tony slaps her arse affectionately telling her to go get a drink downstairs. Walking past me the little bitch smirks – self satisfied and proud of getting one over on Tony’s woman.Lowering myself back into the chair I drop my head in my hands. How could he do that? How could he degrade and humiliate me like that? Bringing up some fuck bunny when he knows I was on my way, rubbing my face in his infidelity. Before I even realise he is standing in front of me. He raises my face, holding my chin in his strong hand. Leaning down his face is inches from mine as he says, ‘Did you enjoy that Jade because I know I did?’Tears flowing, his fingers hurting my jaw all I can manage is ‘No, no I didn’t’. The sobs catching in my throat.‘Well then bitch, next time Jimmy tells you I’m busy perhaps you’ll listen. Now get dressed and fuck off, I’ve got work to do.’Without another word he adjusts his clothing and goes back and sits down. Pulling on my discarded dress, cramming my underwear in my bag I stumble towards the door. Sick with shame at my need I can’t help myself,‘Will you be home later?’ I ask expectantly.‘Maybe bitch, maybe. Oh and close the door on your way out’

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

290 thoughts on “A night at the club

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