Şubat 19, 2025

Showing Sanne – CFNM and FemDom

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Showing Sanne – CFNM and FemDomBefore we were married my wife (Dee) and I rented a nice 4 bedroom house outside of Brighton that we initially shared with 5 other people from University. Gradually people moved on and eventually we were left to just just the two of us. This meant that our rent was quite steep but having been there so long prices elsewhere had rocketed so it made sense to stay where we were. Our student contract meant that the landlord couldn’t raise the price for 5 years and there were still 2 years to run. Then one day out of the blue Dee suggested we take in a lodger to claw back some money. I was quite keen to keep it as just us two but even with our little office we still had two empty bedrooms. Dee said that a friend of hers whom she’d known forever was looking to move out of her student house and that Dee had sort of already offered a room to her. Dee went on to say that she was in her final year on a medical degree and so would spend 90% of her time either studying or at the hospital training. It wasn’t hard for Dee to persuade me as she knows she can get me horny and I’m putty in her hands.So a few weeks later Sanne was moving in. I had met her a couple of times but never really got to know her but thought she was ok and always had been friendly. She is half Dutch, half Norwegian; about 5ft 3” with blond hair, green eyes, dainty features and well built. She seemed to have a big ‘frame’ but you wouldn’t say she was fat; her most obvious feature (to me anyway) were her large breasts that seemed to defy gravity with how firm they looked. I remember saying to Dee that I was sure she’d had a boob job but Dee assured me they were real.I had always enjoyed the idea of exposing myself naked to others but never really had the nerve. I am pretty average really and about 25lb’s over-weight. I also felt that a larger dick would be better to have to strip off in front of others as although I knew my 5” was in the average territory; I think I had become blinkered by porn stars and their 10” monsters. However, I felt that with Sanne I could really push my boundaries as it could always be put down to ‘an accident’ if she was pissed about it or told Dee.Around the beginning of March I realised I had 10 days of holiday still to take and didn’t want to lose it so my boss said I could take it all now as it was quite quiet. Dee had non left as she had gone to Spain with her girlie friends in November so I was going to spend the time decorating the dining room, watching TV, going to the cinema etc. Generally just chilling!On about my 3rd day I got up quite late and knowing I was home alone didn’t bother to dress. I used to enjoy wondering about the house naked before Sanne came and decided it would be nice to get some naked time in. I went down and pottered about in the kitchen. As I came out with my toast I found myself face to face with Sanne who must have come in earlier from her night shift. I had no way to cover myself as I had a large glass of juice in one hand and a plate of toast in the other.Sanne said morning you two and grinned as she passed by to go upstairs. It took a moment for my morning brain to work out that the other person she was saying good morning to was my cock. She went up and I heard her in the shower so decided I would stay naked, eat my toast and see what happened. Sanne had usually gone straight to bed after a night shift so I guessed she’d do the same again.I put the TV on and relaxed into the armchair. About half an hour later Sanne came down with a towel around her head in a towelling robe and sat on the sofa near by. I had placed a cushion in my lap when I heard her coming to avoid too blatant an exposure. She said in her husky Dutch tone that I looked relaxed and asked how I was filling my time off. I told her I’d been doing very little and we made small talk for a bit. During a lull in the chatter I apologised for my nudity before and she said it was nothing. She went on to say that it was my house after all and that in her work she had seen a fair few “Willies” in her time. She went on to tell me stories from her days in the wards doing intern work for her qualification; stories of bed-baths, injuries, removing unusual from peoples orifices and the like. It was the longest time we had chatted together without Dee and I came to realise she was happy with swearing and the like. The used the words, “Raging hard-on”, “Stuffed Cunt”, “Glistening cock-head” and described a couple of doctors she would definitely FUCK if given half a chance.Hearing such things come from this woman’s’ mouth had the inevitable effect of sending blood to my groin and as I grew more and more I was having to fidget in my seat to try and keep it hidden and not let on I was getting a full on erection.It was about this time too as she pulled her knees and feet up onto the sofa that her gown gaped a little to expose a fair amount of those firm breasts. I was lost at sea and was now fully hard and throbbing too. I was a little nervous and at the same time excited by my situation, unsure as to how Sanne might take me exposing a “Raging hard-on!” Sanne said that she really didn’t mind if I wanted to be naked in the house and said it was nice to see somebody who was naked through choice and not because their surgical gown had ridden up. She pushed a little and said that there was no need to “cover-up” with the cushion if I didn’t want to. She also said that she goes to mostly nude beaches where she can and nudity is beauty not “dirty!”I had to explain it was probably best if I did keep covered up for a bit longer and she knew what I meant laughing and saying that she thought I had been squirming about a bit. Sanne then asked if Dee knew of my naked days in the house. I told her she didn’t and probably best not to make a big deal of it in case she gets the wrong idea. I felt now that I could get away with more with Sanne. Her European upbringing had her far less inhibited than me but I was desperate to be more like that. I was keen for her to now not only see me naked but see her as she looked at my “Raging hard-on!” Just then the phone began to ring. This was it… I knew now I could do it and probably get away with it for sure. I had to think fast and threw caution (and cushion) to the wind and jumped up. My stiff cock wafting in front of me as I ran for the phone. I picked it up and spoke to the person on the other end only to realise it was just next door asking if their cat was stuck in our coal bunker again. I wasn’t going to look now so I said I’d look, kept silent for a moment then said no as if I’d looked (did check later though).. As my neighbour put the phone down I realised I was now only semi hard and slowly began to turn so that Sanne would be able to see me. I pretended the conversation was ongoing and my movements were just the way people are on the phone. It took me a minute or so before I was fully exposed to Sanne and I could see she was looking at me as I continued my fake phone call. I eventually finished and hung up. As I went to sit down Sanne got up and in doing so gave me a brief glimpse of her right nipple. It was perfectly formed and very swollen, the whole nipple was puffed up not like my Dee who’s nipples went very pointy. Sanne said she had to get some sleep before she passed out from tiredness noting she might do one more thing before going to sleep. She didn’t say it but I hoped and guessed she was going to get herself off!Although fairly tame, I had now exposed my cock and loved it and wanted more. I didn’t like the idea of being a flasher or pervert but naked in a suitable context, like today. It was another month before I got to expose myself to Sanne again. Despite every effort there was just never a good time to make it innocent. I didn’t want Sanne to think I was coming on to her and I also wanted to see if she would tell Dee what had happened and what Dee might say or do if she found out. As such it was good to get the lie of the land, so to speak, before my next time showing to Sanne.The second time was actually an accident of sorts. I had been looking for opportunities but this one just happened by luck. I had got soaked on a survey job I was doing so decided to nip home and change before I went back into the office. I was in quite a hurry and feeling the, cold so went straight into the bathroom, stripped off, jumped into the shower to warm up and washed away the field I’d been in. In my haste I hadn’t shut the bathroom door and the noise of me showering must have woken Sanne who, again, was sleeping off a night shift and I’d forgotten she might be home. Our shower cubicle is quite small with frosted plastic walls/door. As I showered I heard Sanne call to me. Once she was happy it was me and not a random stranger breaking in to take a shower she gave me grief for waking her. I apologised and said I’d forgotten she was on nights again. Sanne said not to come out of the shower whilst she had a quick wee. I watched as a pink and white blur walked past and sat on the toilet. illegal bahis siteleri I heard her and she must have been desperate and at that moment realised but it was too late. The blur rose up and flushed. This caused my already fairly hot shower to go nuclear and I had no choice but to jump out. Sanne laughed at me as I said to her how flushing the toilet when the shower was on was a problem. She was staring at me and looking at my groin as stood I dripping on the bath mat covered in soapy bubbles. “You must be washing that extra carefully!” She said as she pointed at my cock. It did seem to be very bubbly, my balls hanging low from the hot water. It was a little awkward as for Sanne to leave she would have to squeeze past me or wait for the cistern to fill and me to climb back in.It was awkward for a moment then Sanne started to ask me about the reason for being home and explained how I’d got wet surveying in an exposed field. I felt the water and it was fine again so I stepped back in and closed the door behind me. Unexpectedly Sanne sat back down on the toilet and continued the conversation as I showered. As I told her about what I had been doing I rinsed off and was ready to finish. I had to decide if I wanted to expose hard-on to her again as last time she had only got a brief glance and by the time I’d showed her it was only a semi-on.I decided to go for it and it wasn’t hard to get myself to full erection. In fact it was one of those where you are like a throbbing iron bar it’s so pumped up, so much so that my foreskin had ridden right back. I turned off the water and called to Sanne to say I was getting out, giving her a chance to leave, but she just said, “O.K.” and continued to chatter as before, but I was lost. I wasn’t thinking about the words coming from her mouth, just about how I was going to expose myself to her. I said it again just be sure and to give me a few extra seconds of courage building and she just said that she’d seen it before and not to be a baby. I opened the shower door and stepped out in all my glory. Sanne finished what she was saying then said, “Ooooh… Very nice Tony. Do you always jack-off in the shower?”I explained that I didn’t ‘always’ jack-off in the shower but the heat often got me hard. She looked right at it as I reached for a towel. As I leant past her she d****d a hand towel over my hard-on covering me as I stood upright again.“Well then Tony you can clearly pass the ‘towel test’ now can’t you!” Sanne said as she looked at the towel dangling off me. I told her that I would like to think so at my age. I closed the shower door and headed out of the bathroom. Sanne followed me into our bedroom as she continued the conversation from before, sitting cross legged on the end of our bed and in doing so exposing acres of thigh. I deliberately took ages to dry myself off, even drying my hair with Dee’s hair dryer (which I never do). My erection didn’t subside for a moment and it throbbed and twitched constantly, a fact not missed by Sanne who made a couple of comments about it, such as, “I bet that thing will be hammering Dee’s pussy later, twitching away like that as you pleasure her!” All the while continuing the inane conversation from before. I wanted to jack off for her then but lost my bottle. Was she just messing with me or could I do more? I didn’t want to fuck things up with Dee so I didn’t and eventually got dressed. The next time was only a couple of days later. Enough time to sort out the dilemmas in my head!Right after the shower incident I raced back to work and was a complete waste of space for the rest of the day as my mind was reliving what had happened. Part of me was pissed with myself for not having stroked for Sanne the rest of me was unsure what to do next. That night Sanne asked if Dee and I would like to have dinner with her and her boyfriend at a local restaurant as her treat for us letting her stay with us.This was fine and although I’d never met her boyfriend, John, we got on right from the off as we supported the same football team and had other similar interests. During the meal we all got quite drunk and as we ordered our 5th bottle of wine it happened! Sanne told the story of catching me in the shower. I was horrified and must have gone even redder than I already was from the booze. Dee was laughing thankfully and Sanne told an abridged version that didn’t include seeing my erection or watching me dry and dress.John teased Sanne saying it was probably deliberate as she is such a pervert and was always looking at cocks when she could. Dee then recounted a story of how when Sanne was 18 she had tricked half the college rugby team into going out onto the field naked and then locking them out of the clubhouse. Dee went on to say she would only let the ones with hard dicks back into the clubhouse, so of course being the horny teenagers they were they obliged giving the girls hockey team quite a show.That night when we got in I asked Dee what she thought about Sanne wanting to eye me up naked. Dee said she didn’t really give a shit provided nothing came of it, stressing that if I fucked her she’d castrate me! We then had some pretty amazing sex (considering how drunk we were) as we listened to John making Sanne scream with pleasure.The next day I threw on my silk robe and went down to the kitchen to nurse my hang-over with coffee and toast only to find John cooking bacon and eggs. It took a few moments but I realised he was bare-ass naked. It was a lovely summer’s morning and the thunder storm from the day before had cleared the air nicely. I asked John where Sanne was and he said she was taking a shower and had sent him down to make breakfast. I suggested he cover up so as not to burn his ‘todger’ but he said that Sanne would be pissed at him if he did that without permission. I realised she had some kind of hold over him but he didn’t seem too worried about it at all, in fact he said it with a sort of glee in his voice.As he plated up their breakfast I couldn’t help but realise he wasn’t that ‘big’ in the dick department, perhaps similar to mine, which seemed odd for a woman fascinated by cock like Sanne. John saw me look and I apologised saying that I did it without realising. He laughed and called me a ‘Gay Boy’, a sarcastic tone in his voice. I laughed it off and he said he’d better run along as Sanne would be waiting for him. He asked if we had a tray he could borrow as he had made a fair bit of food: two plates of bacon and eggs, two plates of toast and marmalade and two glasses of apple juice. The tray wasn’t in the usual place so I offered to help him carry it up.We took it all up and John suggested he check Sanne was decent before I went into her room. I said she’d not offered me such a privilege and he said it was best for us both to do as he said so I waited outside. He took his plates in and I heard him speak to her and her voice came from her en-suite bathroom. John called me in and I set down the breakfast on her dressing table. I looked towards her bathroom and the door was slightly ajar allowing me to see Sanne bent over the sink brushing her teeth. She had a towel around her but it was barely big enough to cover her backside, the leaning over process allowing me to see the crease of her buttocks where they meet her legs and the faintest sight of her crack. Her legs are too big to allow any view to her pussy but it was a nice view none-the-less. I felt a stirring and my cock rose a little under my gown. I then noticed she was looking at me surreptitiously in the partly steamed up mirror so I went to make a quick retreat.“TONY!” Sanne called me back and as I turned around she walked towards me and pushed the bedroom door shut to keep me in her room with John.“You dirty little fucker!” She called me. “You were trying to sneak a peek of me weren’t you?”I tried to deny it but was caught and knew it. “I suppose you’ve got a stiff cock now don’t you?” She stated in a stern voice. I denied that too but she was having none of it and then suggested I thought she must be ugly then. Again I was at a loss for words and looked over to John who put his hands up in a sort of surrender and mouthed that I should leave him out of this.I tried to escape by suggesting I had better get Dee some breakfast, my headache now lost to a sort of ‘butterflies in the stomach’ feeling. “What if I told Dee you were spying on me?” I didn’t know what to say so just said that it was probably best not to. Sanne then boldly said that as a penalty I must remove my robe so she can have revenge.I did explain that she had seen it all before but she insisted I must else she would go and see Dee right now. I pointed out that John was in the room and she called me a homophobe and that I had seen his so what would it matter anyway. I was actually quite keen to get ‘it’ out for Sanne again but having John there made me a little apprehensive. Sanne sensed my apprehension so took the lead and pulled the string on my gown then pulled it off my shoulders canlı bahis siteleri leaving me totally naked with a semi erection that had arrived without me really realising.“You fucking dirty pervert Tony! I bet you were about to go and jack off over what you saw weren’t you!” Sanne was grinning as she belittled me. I said I wasn’t and again she suggested I thought she was ugly but I told her she was very sexy. Sanne stepped back and sort of posed in front of me, wafting her towel to show as much leg as possible without showing any pussy, then turning and lifting the towel totally giving John a view of her pussy and me her bum. As she turned back to me she covered up again then moved her towel a bit to show more of those awesome tits just short of exposing a nipple though. By now I was fully hard and saw that John too was totally hard too. Sanne made a comment about having two hard cocks for her to tease, then looked between us back and forth like she was watching tennis then looked at John and said to get her tape measure from the needlework bag in the bottom. We looked at each other knowing exactly where this was going but he didn’t disobey her and found it quickly, almost as if he’d done this before. Sanne went back into the bathroom and gave me a little treat. She bent right over as if to pick up her dressing gown but deliberately kept her ankles quite far apart to show me her pussy. It was just perfect! Plump and puffy with a soft appearance, a shaven mound and clear glistening of moisture. Sadly it was over in a second or two as she stood with her back to me, dropped the towel exposing her backside for a brief second before covering up with a big towelling dressing gown.Sanne took the dressmakers tape measure and ordered John to stand next to me. He too was a hard and I was now throbbing again. Sanne knelt in front of him and measured his cock carefully from the underside and taking far longer than necessary. She called out that John was 16.2cm and then shuffled over to me, my cock just inches from her face as she grabbed my cock and began to measure me. Like with John this took ages but I wanted it to go on forever. Sanne berated me for twitching too much and I apologised saying I couldn’t help it, that my cock had a mind of its own. Eventually Sanne called out 15.7cm. She gave my dick a mild slap and stood up.“Sorry Tony but you lose. Fuck off and sort yourself out. John wins so he gets a hand-job!” I was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to do. “Come on Tony, fuck off!” Sanne said again as she began to stroke Johns cock. I picked up my robe and left them to it. I went to see if I could get a fuck out of Dee but she told me to fuck off too as she felt like shit from all that booze so I went down and had a monster wank in the lounge. I shot a huge load into the air as I relived the scene from before.I saw Sanne and John very briefly before they went of to his parents house and I had to spend the day nursing Dee’s hangover. Mine miraculously was gone!The next couple of weeks were odd with Sanne, almost as if she was trying to avoid me. She did have some big exams coming up so we never saw her in the evenings, she would stay in her room to study long into the night, popping down occasionally to grab a sandwich or to natter with Dee briefly.When she came down the last time she did make eye contact with me and smiled, making a distance sign with her index fingers clearly showing my cock size (Dee couldn’t see it as her back was to Sanne). I gave her a sly smile back and then she was gone. Nothing more happened until about 10 days later. I’d hardly seen Sanne as work was busy and she had her exams. It was John who I spoke to one evening as he came looking for Sanne to see how her last exam went but she wasn’t back yet. He and I chatted for a bit and watched a EURO match (Portugal beat Croatia 3-0 if I remember). As we chatted John apologised for Sanne’s behaviour during the measuring incident telling me that she was still drunk as a skunk and was horrified at herself that night when they chatted about it. We both agreed that it was just a bit of fun and we laughed about it as we watched the game.When Sanne did come back she sat with us for the last few minutes of the match giving us a brief review of how her exam went then went to go upstairs saying the guy with the biggest cock in the building should follow her up to give her a massage, John grinned at me and got up to sort out his girlfriend.I wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that Sanne was drunk for our last encounter and wondered if she would have done it sober; or was John just saying she was drunk out of embarrassment? Either way I was enjoying being her play thing!It was exactly a week later and I’d taken the day off to watch the Football as England were playing Germany in the Euro semi final. I was at home all day although the match wasn’t on until that evening but kept myself busy and went down the pub at lunch time with mates to loosen up. When I came back in to shower and dress to go back out for the match at a mates house who had a huge TV, I bumped into Sanne whom I’d been teasing all week as England had thrashed Holland earlier in the competition. When I said I was just back for a shower she said. “Oh good, I’ll watch!”I wasn’t at all upset at her choice and the beers had given me more courage than usual. She followed me upstairs and sat on our bed again as I undressed in double quick time. Sanne clapped as my semi-hard cock sprung free from my boxers and I took off my shirt. I grabbed a towel and was about to go through when Sanne suggested a bath instead. I said ok and went to run the bath. As the water was running Sanne disappeared into her room. When she came back out all she had on was her underwear which was plain black but fitted nicely and showed off her curves nicely enough to have me fully hard. I kept the bath shallow so that I would be exposed and jumped in, now fully hard. Sanne said she didn’t want to get her favourite dress wet and I wasn’t complaining. Despite the great situation I was aware that I had to get ready in under an hour as my lift was picking me up at half four. Sanne chatted and asked how I was going to feel when England were beaten that night and I said that we were going to win. This went on for a bit then I made sure I was all wet and stood to soap up. Sanne was sat on the toilet seat next to me as I put the shower gel in my hand and began to soap up, my hard-on swinging in front of me and I was imagining Sanne might give me a hand job. I offered her the soap and said I could do with a hand. “Go fuck yourself Tony you dirty pervert. Do it yourself!” I took that as a ‘no’ and was slightly disappointed but got on with it and when I got to my cock began to wash/wank it slowly. I lay down and rinsed off then reapplied the gel to my groin as my hand slid up and down. I decided to give Sanne an ‘out’ and said that I always had a wank in the bath if it was ok with her. She smiled and said it was my house and it was a free country so I got on with it.I really made a mission of this wank, the slippery soap making it easier to hold off for longer. Sanne had stopped talking and all that could be heard was water sloshing about under my arm and the soap squelching in my hand as I jacked off. Sanne got off the toilet and knelt next to the bath sensing I was close and just starred right at my cock. I was so fucking turned on that I couldn’t hold back and sprayed three huge shots of spunk into the air; the first landed on my upper lip the second on my chin the third on my belly. Sanne was mesmerised and looked at me with a look of glee. I was breathing hard and had my spunk dripping down my face, my hand still making ever so gentle up and down motions as I came down from my orgasm. Sanne put her finger to my face and smothered my spunk about my face, pushing some between my lips which I instinctively licked off. She smiled at me, called me a ‘fucking dirty wanker’, stood up and left.I quickly rinsed off and finished washing, got out and ready in double quick time. Sanne came into our room just as I was finishing off and asked if I was still confident. I said VERY confident England would win and she suggested a wager. I was well up for it! The bet was that if England did win she would let me shave her pussy for her as it needed a trim, but if they lost and Germany won then I would have to wank off for her whilst she video taped it and I was to make sure I did whatever she said for the making of ‘her little wank movie’. I agreed without considering any possible repercussions and left.Anybody who watched Euro ’96 will know what happened next!So I am in the pub surrounded by my friends and pretty drunk. The penalty shoot-out had the who pub in silence until it happened……… MISSED! Germany had won. At first I was gutted as I really thought England were going all the way……. Then ‘OH FUCK’ Sanne’s wank video was now most likely a reality. This thrilled me somewhat as I enjoyed showing myself off to her, but bahis firmaları at the same time this was going to be on tape for anybody she saw fit to show it to!I was at pains to know what might happen because of this result but very keen to get into it. My biggest issue was going to be with Dee as I didn’t know what she might do if she found out. I was fairly sure Sanne had never spoken to her about anything that happened as Dee had never said a word about it and I assumed she would have if she did know.I didn’t get in until gone eleven that night and was more than a little pissed, drowning my sorrows. I walked in to find Sanne and Dee on the sofa watching the late night news, one of the headlines being England’s exit in the penalty shoot-out. Dee looked over at me and cave me consolidation and said things to try and make me feel better. Sanne however had a huge grin on her smug face, “Told you!” was all she said as I stumbled out into the kitchen to get a coffee and think about what I was going to about our bet. Sanne came into the kitchen asking if I’d do her a coffee too. I called through to offer one to Dee but she said she was just off to bed as she had to be up early to take her friend to the airport. Once made I sat on the sofa to watch something that wasn’t news or football and ended on a sci-fi movie. As I sat there Sanne came in with a black canvas bag and said, “I’d better make sure the batteries for this are all charged.” She held up the bag allowing me to see the Panasonic logo and making sure I knew it was her camcorder bag.I decided to front her and told her I didn’t think I could go through with it and had assumed it was all a joke. She finished setting up her charger then stormed over to me with a look of thunder on her face. “You fucking little worm…… you will do it or I will fuck you up!”From Sanne this was really odd behaviour and I could tell she knew I was taken aback. She then stood, smiled and walked away saying that I would do it or Dee might be told of everything that had already happened. A part of me (guess which part) really wanted to the show for Sanne but the sensible part was telling me that showing is one thing but leaving a permanent record of it on tape was different.I was in a bad state due to the lost bet and the lost game so went to bed still a little too drunk to sleep properly. I tossed and turned all night with so much crap in my mind but as I thought about the video I got very hard and had to have a sly wank as I lay next to Dee. It was a very slow one and my orgasm was immense, so much so I shot onto the wall above the headboard then my chest. I cleaned up and slept like a log.It was a full week before I had a chance to speak to Sanne again as we were both so busy with work and other things. It was Sunday and I was on my own because Sanne was on the night shift and Dee had gone see her mother in London. I’d just finished lunch when Sanne walked into the kitchen looking more than a bit tired wearing a white robe. We chatted for a bit and I made her toast as she told me about her night shift. As she told me about it the story got to a chap who she had caught wanking on the ward. She told me how he’d broken both his legs in a car crash and was stuck in bed and as such couldn’t get to the toilets to do it like most guys on the ward. She went on to tell me how she stood in the shadows (the ward is fairly dark at night) and watched for a minute or so then went towards him. She explained how he stopped as she neared but a distinctive tent was visible in the sheets. She said that she didn’t want to embarrass him but she would pull the curtains for him if he wanted. She said she was expecting him to be all coy but instead thanked her and before she’d finished closing him in he’d pushed the covers down to expose what she referred to as a monster cock, reddened, swollen and throbbing. She said the cheeky fucked asked if she wanted to stay but she thought it best not to ruin her career for it and left, all be it slowly. She laughed as she told me how she asked a nurse to check up on him and give a bed bath ten minutes later and how she’ll be interested to hear about it tonight.I suppose the story had an effect on me and I too was tenting, my cotton boxers misshapen by my hard-on. Of course Sanne was quick to notice (not that was hiding it). “Pants off Tony…. Show me that hard little dick!”As you’d expect I was unable to resist her demands and was naked in seconds, my hard dick pointing right at her. She actually thanked me and ushered me into the lounge where I sat in the armchair. Sanne came over and took my legs hanging them over the arms of the chair leaving me spread-eagled and exposed, my heavy balls hanging over the base of the chair. “Don’t FUCKING move!”Sanne then ran across the room and grabbed her video camera. I knew that if I wanted to bug-out this was my chance but I decided that I was just going to enjoy it.Sanne fiddled for a minute with the camera then pointed it at me and started speaking what I guessed to be some kind of introduction but she was speaking in Dutch and I had little or no clue as to what she was saying. She came closer and signalled for me to start wanking with the usual hand signal. I slowly brought my hand to my cock and it was swollen beyond anything I can remember as I slowly began to stroke. I knew this was going to be difficult to maintain as I was so horny and really up for this. Sanne continued with her commentary as she circled around my chair to show my cock from every possible angle, finishing with a close up of my balls slapping against the edge of the sofa. I watched her intently as she moved away and just stood their filming hardly moving, her eyes looking at me stroke but looking at the screen every now and then to ensure she was not missing anything.I slowly wanked myself off, trying to make it last as Sanne stopped her commentary, not more than five words of which I understood. She began lowering her stance to a squat to get a lower angle on the filming. As I looked her way I noticed that this squatting position gave me a clear and unobstructed view of her pussy, the robe parting either side of her thighs. This was just what I wanted to see, the wisps of dark blonde hair glistening in the light as she squatted there. After another minute or so had passed she looked me in the eye and saw were I was looking. I wasn’t expecting it but she shouted at me calling me a fucking pervert and slamming her legs tight together to obscure my view. She spoke in Dutch again, briefly pointing the camera at her face then to my face. She got up and came closer to me and slapped me across the face! I was taken by surprise and stopped jerking to touch my face. Sanne stepped back and shouted at me in Dutch followed by what I assumed to be the English translation.“Don’t you fucking stop stroking that little dick!”I grabbed a hold of myself again and continued my stroking but I’d lost track of time now and wasn’t really sure how long we’d been doing this. I knew I was close and said as much to Sanne. She came in closer with the camera, leaning in to get a close up of my cock head as I slowed my strokes to boost the impending orgasm. As Sanne got closer she leaned further forward which again allowed me a view of her flesh. The robe gaped a little allowing me to see her breasts as they hung free in front of me and her movements were giving me brief glimpses of her nipples that were puffed out and swollen looking like small dark pink seashells. I was now past the point of no return and felt the familiar rush of my orgasm, my slow strokes making last until I eventually shot a huge string of cum into the air, landing on my shoulder, belly and the last of it oozing over my hand. I could feel my heart pounding under my skin and I was totally spent! Sanne continued her commentary then turned the camera on herself as she continued to speak, her speech broken up with little bouts of laughter at what she was saying, all of which was alien to me. I looked over to the clock on the DVD player and realised I’d lasted over 25 minutes so felt quite impressed with myself but was brought back to the video as Sanne put the camera back on me, coming close again to show my cum dripping down my body. Sanne next put the tips of the fingers from her left hand and scooped some of my cum up and smothered it around my cheeks and lips, then did it again from another pool of my cum further down. Whilst I’m not a fan of the taste of my own cum I instinctively licked my lips and didn’t give a fuck about the taste. I was still very turned on and my hard-on hadn’t gone away yet, it was tender and pulsing away with little drips of cum still oozing out the end, not missed by Sanne and her camera as she wiped my cum off her hand in my hair.I brought my legs around to stand up and Sanne didn’t stop me so I headed upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. I noticed she followed with the camera still recording and she ran past me just before the stairs and walked up backwards in front of me, filming my still hard dick jumping left and right with my steps. Once on the landing Sanne stopped and spoke again in Dutch before telling me to give a bow, which I sort of did and she stopped the camera.“Well done Tony…… that was excellent! Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

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