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My beginning…part 2It wasn’t more than three weeks later that Alice called and asked me to take care of the dog again – I eagerly agreed. She asked me to take care of the dog when I got out Friday and said I could spend as much of my time there Saturday as I wanted. She said she’d feed max before they left so all I’d need to do is let him out to do his business.I was over by 830 and looked at the yard…it hadn’t rained much and since I took care of it last weekend I didn’t see a need to do it tomorrow. Max was all over me when I opened the door and turned off the house alarm. He wanted to play a little and I didn’t mind. I opened the fridge and found she made me more pudding and a note on a small pitcher “Jim you can have this too but it does have a little alcohol in it…don’t worry it won’t make you drunk…but you sip it not gulp it – it’s a margarita” with another note on a glass “use this glass.” I had never tasted it but I decided I would tomorrow. I wanted to see those pictures of her again. I went to her studio and opened the drawer to find the magazine gone and nothing of interest. I was disappointed – but maybe when I had more time tomorrow I’d find something.I was over by 830 and let max out checking his outside food and water. I set the alarm so that only a loud beep would sound if a door or window was opened. I went straight to the bedroom and saw the bed wasn’t made and green satiny sheets showing. I had to see how that felt and immediately stripped down laying on it pulling the sheet over me…it felt as silky as the gown I had worn the last time I was alone here. I remembered it and was going to go put it on when I now noticed a rather large box sitting on the dresser half wrapped as a present.I opened the box and saw a note. “Dear Julie…Happy sweet 16th birthday! I talked to your mom about the contents of this box. At first she wasn’t too happy about the suggestion but I convinced her. You’re a young lady and soon to be young woman so you should start to enjoy the image. I love you – Aunt Alice!”A light, flimsy colored paper sheet covered the contents…I pulled it out to see a back full cup bra and two what seemed to be breast falsies capped by puffy arolas and thick nearly çankırı escort 1” long nipples. I lifted one, soft yet firm and couldn’t resist running my tongue over the tip and sucking it wondering why it tasted salty. I pulled the bra out – it was 38-C two chest sizes larger than me. I pulled it on and was surprised and excited that it fit. What surprised me what that the center of the cups was open holes. I shoved one of the falsies in seeing the areola and nipple stand out from it and felt my cock harden even more. I worked the other falsy in and my chest in the mirror now looked like I had breasts! It was wiping time and I grabbed another of Alices panties.I pulled out the next colored sheet and found another note “the suspender hose goes on first, then the garter belt, then stockings then panties…the black seams run up the back of the legs” …there was a matching garter-belt, an open package called “suspender hose” and an open package of black seamed stockings. I wasn’t going to stop…I eased the suspender hose up one leg carefully working both and loved the feel of it on my legs. As I pulled it up to a snug fit on my waist I realized my buns hung free and my rigid hardness was nudged down a little. I pulled the garterbelt on and was pleasantly surprised at how easy the hose went up, looking in the mirror to make sure of the seam placement then snapped the garter straps onto them. I liked seeing the way my cock was hanging so I just laid the panties aside. I was really beginning to enjoy myself!There was a note in the box “you take SMALL steps” – the next colored sheet had been taped to a cardboard insert – I pulled it off and there were a pair of black heels…at least 4” in heels, a full but slanted side for the heels that rose about 3” high with three straps. I didn’t think they would fit but I tried one on anyway – I felt my calve muscles pulling and closed the straps snugly. I put the other one on and carefully stood wondering how any women could walk in them – but the image in the mirror my legs looked fem! These panties were going to be well soaked by the end of the day!The next colored sheet came out and there was a booklet “How to properly apply makeup” I pulled the book çankırı escort bayan out and there was an assortment of sealed face makeup and lipstick. I looked at the mirror…I looked like me in womens trimming…I wondered if the makeup would do anything. I decided I needed some more pudding and go through the book.It was ackward trying to walk in those heels, but I took smaller steps to balance myself and managed to get to the kitchen. I took some pudding and sat down at the table. I began reading the booklet – it was very detailed about what makeup did what and it made sense…I never thought there was much to it. There was a makeup table next to the dresser with a lot of items neatly arranged…I thought I had all day and wouldn’t be interrupted so I decided to find out what this was all about. I carefully walked back to the bedroom and sat down. +++I wasn’t about to take a long time with this…I just started with the a foundation that seemed close to my tone then used concealer on darker areas. I followed that up with a semi-bright peach color on my cheeks expanding it a little under them. Next I used black liner on my upper and lower eyelids and some green eyeshadow from the eyelid to the crease. Already I could see my male features slowly change. I went to my brows next brushing in a darker color following the contours of what was shown, then blue eye shadow from the crease of my eyelids up to the points of my brow…I was really beginning to like what I saw! I took bright red lipstick and carefully applied it using a red pencil to refine the edes…I couldn’t believe it – I didn’t look like myself at all! I needed something more…a wig…and Alice had several. I selected a shoulder-length one and put it on…my cock ached with hardness! I was feeling quite different when I looked in the mirror again…I was looking at a different person…a young woman, but one with a raging hard-on and I loved it! I went back to the box to as I didn’t think it was empty. Pulling out the makeup I laid it down in the same order it was in the box and pulled another sheet out to reveal a silky but transparent blouse. Again I didn’t expect it to fit but I pulled it on, seeing almost clearly my nipples, dark escort çankırı areolas and bra showing through the blouse. There was also a skirt – I pulled it on…it was slit up one side and so short my cock almost forced it up – I loved what I was seeing!I was thirsty remembering the pitcher and carefully walked to the kitchen. I didn’t know if I’d ever get the change to dress like this again but I was going to master walking in those feet traps! I used the glass she left for me taking nearly a mouthful…It had a slight burn going down but I liked the taste. A lip-print had been left and I giggled to myself…I’d better remember to clean it before I left.Alices studio had an almost all mirrored wall…I walked into the room admiring how I looked, taking positions I’d seen in the magazine continuing to use Alices panties to wipe with. I was in no hurry to leave…I was enjoying myself.I remembered that waist strap thing and went to the closet…it was still on the maniquin. I took off the skirt looking at how all those straps connected then took it off the maiquin, setting into it pulling it into position then began to adjust the straps…I felt my cheeks pull apart with a breeze hit up the crack. I tighted it even more then walked to the mirror to see – a bubble butt! My balls had been aching – I figured it was I needed to piss but had been so excited I didn’t bother. I knew I had to start putting things away…the wig went back to where I found it. The butt straps I pulled off and put back on the thing adjusting them. I carefully folded the skirt and blouse replacing them and putting the sheet back. Piece by piece I refilled the box satisfied I had everything in order now staring at the male body with the female face. The only satisfaction I had was that her 16 yo niece would be putting what I had worn on. I used the towlettes on the makeup take to remove the makeup surprised at how easily it came off. I threw the towlettes into the kitchen trash and set the now empty pitcher into the kitchen sink with the glass after wiping the lipstick off.I let max out for the last time as I went through the places I’d been checking to see if everything had been put back. I folded the pair of Alices panties that now were dry and put them back on the top of her stack. After letting Max in I was confidant I hadn’t forgotten anything and left.I went over the next day and Alice hugged me as usual giving me $40…a surprisingly large amount for doing mostly nothing
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