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Following for your perusal and enjoyment is a fictional story. All of the characters in this story are over 18.
The story was written by me, Steffan Stratos… internationally renowned amateur author specializing in the sibcest genre… whose stories have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Literotica. You’re welcome!
Kudos to my editor… Zoomie69.
Hi! I’m Josh. If you wanna read about how my sister and I hooked up via manga, then you’ve come to the right place.
My story is entitled “Kiss-X-Sis Magic” because I really like the manga “Kiss-X-Sis” (even though that actual manga story involves step-siblings and not blood-siblings).
“Kiss-X-Sis Magic”
In the beginning… about two years ago during the spring of 2016, I initially began reading manga stories on the internet because the plots were interesting and the animation was really cool.
Numerous manga stories that fascinated me the most were ones that prominently featured brother / sister incest (blood brothers not step-siblings).
The idea of a forbidden taboo relationship of erotic romance between blood-siblings seemed really weird at first, but pretty soon it began turning me on. A lot. Yeah.
When a brother is hot for his sister, it’s called a “sister fetish” (meaning that he wants to fuck her).
When a brother wants to win his sister’s heart (meaning that he wants to spend time with her, date her, cuddle with her, bring her presents, French kiss her, and fuck her)… then it’s called a “romantic sister fetish”.
Anyway… the fact that I had an attractive younger sister named Maddie was really cool.
Maddie was 18 at that time, and I was 20. We had three older siblings who had already moved out and were living on their own.
So pretty soon I was actively searching out manga stories which specifically involved brother / sister romantic incest. That’s when I realized that I had developed a severe case of “romantic sister fetish”.
The forbidden taboo of siblings dating, falling in love, and fooling around together was beyond exciting to me… it had become an obsession.
Then I began searching for brother / sister incest stories on the internet beyond manga.
The stuff that I saw wasn’t to my liking… nothing but generally gross incest perversions involving anything, anyone (parents, grandparents, NO THANKS!!), orgies, and everything else nasty under the Sun. Characteristics such as love, affection, romance, adoration, and commitment were non-existent. Nor did I ever see the presentation of any historical development of how and why blood siblings might transition from a normal relationship into a relationship revolving around the sharing of taboo romance.
Other than manga… the erotic relationships between blood siblings portrayed on-line seemed to be based on nothing but lust. Force, threats, blackmail, and manipulation were frequent storylines.
My fantasy was to win Maddie’s heart romantically. A long shot, true… but nothing would ever happen if I didn’t make an attempt. For a long time, though… I was too chicken to attempt anything romantic on her.
Luckily, Maddie & I had always been friendly and polite with each other. Several years ago, lots of my friends had been telling me that Maddie was really hot. Of course, during those ancient times I didn’t agree and told them to shut the hell up. Pretty soon, they stopped discussing Maddie with me.
Prior to developing a romantic sister fetish, I’d never thought of Maddie as hot (even though I knew intellectually that Maddie had all of the features possessed canlı bahis by my own definition of a “hot babe”).
The features that Maddie was blessed with included her slender body (5’7″ and 110 pounds), her small boobs, excellent teeth, and her perfect skin. Maddie also had brown hair and brown eyes (like mine). Her friendly personality was definitely a big plus.
Although Maddie was very cute, I was initially blinded to her cuteness until after my romantic sister fetish had taken root in 2016.
But once the manga sibling incest stories unlocked my soul and gave me the romantic sister fetish, I viewed Maddie through a different lens. Very quickly, the idea of sharing erotic romance with Maddie became one of my masturbation fantasies.
Pretty soon, the idea of making love to Maddie was my sole masturbation fantasy. All other “normal” romantic relationships (i.e., non-sibling) just seemed dull and boring by comparison.
In addition, I became utterly fascinated by Maddie’s lips and her tongue. Why? I don’t know, but I thought that they were amazingly beautiful. I wanted to kiss those warm lips, feel the wetness of our tongues rubbing together, smell the scent of her breath, and I really wanted to suck on Maddie’s lips & tongue.
Twelve months passed with Maddie being my sole romantic masturbation fantasy. I found myself constantly reading manga stories of erotic sibling romance.
Then one day about a year ago during the spring of 2017, I decided that I truly wanted to share love & romance with Maddie in real life… and not just in my secret fantasy world.
So that’s when I began trying in earnest to win Maddie’s heart & soul. She had just turned 19, and I was 21. We were both attending college as commuter students.
Maddie’d never had a boyfriend, and mom & dad were strict on dating issues. Ever since she was little, mom & dad had told Maddie that she couldn’t date or have a boyfriend until she was 18.
BTW… we’d attended small private parochial schools for our entire lives. In other words, our parents kept us under a microscope and we had very little freedom.
But neither Maddie or me had a problem with our strict upbringing. We’d seen a few of our friends and acquaintances get preggo, catch an STD, or have their hearts trampled by losers… so we kinda had to agree with mom & dad that a tight leash on freedom is often better than no leash.
Since there wasn’t any crush on the horizon in whom Maddie was interested, and none of guys who had asked her out were her type (as far as I knew)… Maddie didn’t seem to be in any rush to start dating when she turned 18. She’d already observed quite a few of her friends get their hearts kicked around like a soccer ball by lying jerk loser players, and she told me that she wanted to be very careful.
I’d been on a few dates and had one casual girlfriend for about a month when I was 18, but the relationship never got beyond simple quick kissing (i.e., fast pecks… no making out, and no sucking on lips or rubbing tongues).
After a lot of thought, I was finally able to devise a slow-moving plan to win Maddie’s heart. Thinking that I’d better get started before Maddie found herself a real boyfriend, I decided to implement my plan.
The first thing I did was begin to give Maddie several hugs per day. The hugs slowly got progressively longer over the timespan of a week. I’d whisper “Hi” into Maddie’s ear as I hugged her.
Of course, Maddie was a little confused at first… and she asked what I was doing after the second hug.
“Nothing, Maddie… I’m just enjoying the feeling of hugging my little bahis siteleri sister.”
“Well, OK Josh… that’s kinda weird, but OK… whatever… “
Maddie didn’t really hug me back that first week, but she more-or-less allowed me to wrap my arms around her body and sway her gently back-and-forth. She never asked me to stop hugging her or tried to push me away.
During the second week, Maddie began hugging me back… wrapping her arms around my body, and whispering “Hi” into my ear. That was great progress, and hugging Maddie tightly felt amazingly good.
On a side note, I’d often wished that I was taller than my height of 5’8″… but not after discovering that Maddie’s chin could rest on my shoulder while we were hugging. We were the perfect heights for each other. And Maddie could whisper “Hi” into my ear.
Oh man, and I loved the sound of Maddie’s whispers and the feeling of her warm breath in my ear and on my neck.
Since I found the manga stories and images of sibling incest to be incredibly hot, I wondered if Maddie might also find them hot. I decided that manga would be the method of confessing my attraction towards Maddie.
But there was a major problem with that section of my plan… none of the manga stories were short, simple, or easy to read.
Unless a person really wanted to dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to reading a manga story, forget it… the stories were all too long, too involved, and everything contained multiple chapters. Expecting Maddie to “accidentally” stumble across my fascination with a manga sibling incest story and then actually decide to read the long-&-complicated story wasn’t reasonable.
So I focused on simple visuals instead… my favorite incest manga images from “Kiss-X-Sis”.
Since Maddie seemed to enjoy sharing hugs with me over the period spanning the previous 2 weeks, I gained the courage to keep working on winning her heart.
During the third week, I began leaving a second tab open on our shared laptop in the family room to searches involving various provocative and romantic images of “Kiss-X-Sis”.
The images were all self-explanatory, and it was obvious that the main message was erotic brother / sister romance. Everything depicted in the images was fully consensual, of course (i.e., there was no force or abuse in “Kiss-X-Sis”; although the brother was in fact a reluctant-though-willing participant).
Luckily, the fact that the guy was a step-brother (not a blood-brother) was never made obvious in any of the manga artwork images.
Our parents had their own laptop, and they never used the laptop dedicated to Maddie & me (because we needed a dedicated laptop to work on our school assignments).
A few times, I saw Maddie looking at the “Kiss-X-Sis” images that I’d left open… which gave me a thrill.
Maddie’s hugs and whispers to me didn’t get reduced after I saw her looking at the “Kiss-X-Sis” images (which gave me an even bigger thrill because it seemed as though we were making excellent progress towards us becoming a romantic taboo couple).
But Maddie didn’t seem to increase her enthusiasm towards me, either. Oh well, at least she wasn’t withdrawing… which I interpreted as a positive sign. Right? Right!
I decided that as Maddie’s older brother, I should take the lead and make my attraction to her known without any vagueness or veiled hints.
Maddie would have already pushed me away during our multiple daily hugs after looking at the “Kiss-X-Sis” images if she was disgusted by the idea of siblings-as-lovers, right? Yeah, of course. So being honest and admitting bahis şirketleri my specific attraction directly to Maddie seemed like a good idea.
Since our parents both worked, Maddie and I had lots of time alone at home together when the summer break of 2017 arrived. Both of us had part-time jobs, but we both got off after lunch and had several hours before mom & dad got home from work.
During a long hug early one afternoon after we had gotten home from our jobs, I whispered into Maddie’s ear that I wanted to have a special talk with her. She whispered back “No problem, Josh!!”
Maddie & I sat on the couch together. Before I even had a chance to begin speaking… Maddie took my hand, looked into my eyes, and began whispering.
“Hey Josh, I’ve seen those brother & sister manga cartoons that you’ve been looking at. So… let me guess. Those long hugs you’ve been giving me seem pretty obvious. Are you gonna tell me that you’ve got a huge crush on me? Tell me that you wanna become my boyfriend? Tell me that you wanna share all of the benefits with me that boyfriends & girlfriends share with each other? Kissing? Nudity? Sex?”
I was surprised that Maddie had accurately guessed everything correctly, and I could feel my both of my eyebrows raising up in surprise. Maddie laughed as we stared at each other, and her eyebrows were also raised up in excited anticipation.
“Yes, that’s 100% correct, Maddie!! I love you and I want you… forever!!”
“I accept your offer, Josh. It seemed kinda weird at first, but now I’m totally into it… and totally into YOU!!”
So Maddie and I agreed to become intimate romantic taboo lovers. Everything since that day has simply been a natural progression of the development of pure young love (from verbal declarations of our affection to hugging, kissing, cuddling, nudity, and sex).
I don’t see any reason to go into the blow-by-blow specifics of all of the physical stuff that we’ve enjoyed sharing with each other after becoming a taboo romantic couple… what I find most fascinating is HOW a normal brother & sister named Maddie & Josh finally got to that point. That’s the reason for this story.
However… I will say that Maddie’s soft lips and wet tongue did not disappoint my expectations. Her trilling with happiness during our French kissing activities is like Heaven on Earth… adding some “icing on the cake” so to speak. I’d never thought about how romantic trilling can be while French kissing, but it sure is.
And I find it fascinating that the top of Maddie’s tongue feels like it’s carpeted with a fine canopy of tiny flowers… which are her taste buds, of course. The smell of her breath is intoxicating every single time we French each other.
Maddie is a big fan of being natural, so we don’t use birth control pills or condoms despite my cock being permitted to squirt cum deep into her pussy. We can do that because Maddie keeps a careful record on a calendar of her ovulation cycle. According to her calculations, we can enjoy 2 weeks of natural sexual intercourse and then followed by 2 weeks of non-intercourse sex (i.e., wet grinding). Then the cycle starts over again.
Finally… the “natural” concept extends to Maddie’s unshaven little pussy (seriously; who in the hell wants to deal with the razor burn, irritation, stubble, rash, ingrown hairs, and itching?). No problem there; I prefer a hairy pussy on Maddie (I never did understand why females seem to want to appear to be a prepubescent little girl down below).
The most important aspect of our relationship is the loving honesty that we share with each other. No mind games, no drama, no cheating, and no manipulations.
Maddie and I’ve been a taboo romantic couple for a year now, and we’re very happy together.
Neither of us can understand why sibling couples sharing romance are so rare.
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