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A Lesson to be LearntA LESSON TO BE LEARNT!This story is based on a real event from my own c***dhood whilst I was at school in England in the 1970’s.It contains a account of caning and punishment st school.Adam was at school! There were three weeks until the end of summer term and the warm weather was making the boys over excitable at the prospect of time off.The first period after lunch was PE and five a side football was today’s game. Adam liked football!He wore his shiny black nylon soccer shorts, with his navy blue nylon vest and navy blue nylon, short socks which were acceptable kit for indoor soccer. All the other lads were in similar kit but some had their own variations of shorts and socks.Mr Griffin the Games Master was refereeing the match, four teams of boys in a knockout competition over the hour and a half period. The opposing five had been given green nylon vests to distinguish them.Andrew Hedges was one of these lads. He was just sixteen, tall and stocky and well into puberty. He was one of the few boys who could produce anything meaningful as regards facial hair. He and Adam had come to blows before when Andrew had taken some pens out of Adam’s desk, a general bully boy.Adam had just started to run for the goal when Andrew came running up and seriously tackled him, pushing him over to gain the ball.“OI”shouted Adam as he sprawled on the gym floor.Mr Griffin blew on his whistle and stopped the match.“I saw that”, he said. “Hedges, showers, NOW!”He pointed in the direction of the changing rooms which were upstairs from the gymnasium.“Aw Sir! This twat was in my way!”“Fuck you!” said Adam rubbing his knee.“Right, you can go off too” said Mr Griffin “I’ll not have you swearing in my lesson lad. I want you both showered and changed by the time I come up there!”Adam was crestfallen and followed up the stairs into the boys changing room.The boy’s room was long and narrow. Benches down the centre were partitioned with coat hooks with the left hand wall having a similar arrangement. On the opposite were two small anterooms, one containing the showers with no dividing door, the other Mr Griffin’s office. There was also a door to exit the Gym block.The room had a smell all of its own, a mixture of mud, sweat and boys clothes. Hanging on the hooks was an assortment of grey crimplene school trousers, turquoise nylon school shirts, ties and blazers. Underneath were the boy’s shoes with their grey and blue patterned nylon school socks.When Adam came into the room, Andrew was already half naked except for his little navy blue, nylon socks. He was taking off his nylon shorts and was not wearing any underpants.“You are such a wanker Cumming!”“No you are the wanker!” Adam spat back.Andrew smiled in his superior way.“Watch you mouth or you’ll regret it!”He made his way toward the showers as Adam began to undress. Andrew was well soaped-up and moist by the time Adam came in to the narrow room.“Alright pussy boy? Come to see my big cock have you? You know you like it don’t you?”“Get lost!” said Adam and began to soap himself.As Andrew turned, Adam noticed the marks of a belt across his backside. They were not fresh but two or three days old, and still visible! So at least this supposedly tough boy had been taken down a peg or two, but by whom? It may have been his own Father, Adam hoped it had hurt him!Presently, Andrew finished showering and left with a hushed “Faggot” spat out to Adam as he covered himself in his towel.Adam remained in the shower as long as he could, not wanting another altercation in the changing room.When he emerged, Andrew was nearly dressed in his turquoise nylon shirt, striped tie, grey school trousers and grey/blue nylon socks. He was just slipping on his black shoes.As Adam removed his towel, Andrew reached over with his towel and slapped him hard across the buttocks.“Ow, fucking cunt!” shouted Adam and flew at Andrew despite the fact that he was bollock naked.Andrew seemed taken by surprise by the assault and was knocked to the ground.“Get the fuck off me you poof.” yelled Andrew, struggling to get up.Adam had hold of Andrew’s nylon shirt and tie and raised his fist to punch him. It was at this point that Mr Griffin came in.“Right you two, that’s it! Get up, get up!”He pulled Adam off by the shoulder and stood between them with his arms apart.“I saw that Cumming, and you know the rules about fighting. We don’t tolerate that behaviour in this school my lad. Get you clothes on you are going straight to the Headmaster!”From where Adam was, he could see that this brought a great grin to Andrew’s face which Mr Griffin zonguldak escort could not see.“Sir, it was Hedges that started it, he hit me first.”“There is a big difference between play with a towel and punching someone lad, now get your uniform on pronto! I’m taking you over there myself!”Adam was red faced and shocked with the adrenalin still flowing through his veins. He slipped on his nylon school shirt and navy nylon pants. Then sitting on the bench he found his fancy grey/blue patterned nylon school socks. His light grey crimplene trousers were hanging on the peg and he pulled them up, zipping the fly. His tie was navy blue acetate with diagonal stripes and slipped making a sound on his nylon shirt collar as he pulled it round. Finally he slipped his black crimplene school blazer over his nylon shirt, the nylon lining sliding easily over the top.“Right, get your stuff, you won’t be coming back here this afternoon!” said Mr Griffin.He asked Andrew to go back down to the gym and supervise the rest of the games lesson until he returned.“Yes of course Sir” he said in his innocent way and left to go back down the stairs.“Right lad, lead the way!” said Mr Griffin pointing Adam to the door.The Headmaster, Mr Herdman, had his office in a separate block, away from the main school. There were other offices there, the Staff room and the main library but apart form that the boys had no reason to go there except to see the Head.Mr Griffin entered the main office and spoke to the secretary.“Is Mr Herdman in?”The secretary nodded.“Right lad, you sit down there.”He pointed Adam to one of the seats and knocked on the Headmaster’s door.“Come” said a muffled voice within.Mr Griffin entered the room closing the door behind him.Adam felt shamed as he waited. He looked up to see the Secretary, Miss Evans peering at him over her glasses a she typed. This was doubly embarrassing for Adam as she knew his Father, Mr Cumming via the Church and was sure to disapprove.Mr Griffin emerged from the office.“Right son, in you go. You can leave your bag there. I’ve got to get back to my lesson.”He held the door open for Adam as he entered and closed it smartly behind.Mr Herdman was sitting behind his large desk moving some papers about. He was a thin man in his late fifties with a thinning head of grey hair. He wore dark framed glasses which were always slightly greasey and a dark grey crimplene suit with a crisp, white nylon shirt and tie.He was a man with no apparent sense of humour. Adam stood in front of the desk upright and with his hands behind his back as if he were facing his Sergeant Major.Herdman seemed to ignore his presence.“Cumming, is it?”“Yes Sir, Adam Cumming.”He got up and went over to a filing cabinet, pulling out Adam’s file.“Yes, I remember your brother at this school, also got into trouble with me. I hope that it does not run in the family?”For the first time he looked at Adam, somewhat disapprovingly.“No Sir.” said Adam“And to what profession has he gone?”“The Royal Navy Sir, HMS Unicorn.”“Yes, that figures.” said Herdman, “Best place for him!”Adam wasn’t sure what he meant by this.“Right Lad, I’m not going to beat about the bush. You know the rules on fighting and from what Mr Griffin has told me, your behaviour was a disgrace! I’m going to punish you but the rules unfortunately say that I must ask your Father’s permission first. Is this his work number?”Mr Herdman ran his finger along a line of the file in front of Adam.“I think so.” Said Adam, beginning to lower his head at the prospect of a caning.Herdman dialled the number.“Hello, yes this is St Martins School, I would like to speak to Mr Cumming please.” There was a lengthy pause.“Hello, Mr Cumming? Yes this is Mr Herdman the Headmaster, it’s about your son Adam. Well I have him here in front of me he’s been fighting with another of the boys.As you know, we don’t tolerate that sort of behaviour here and I would like you permission to give him the cane?(Mr Herdman listened to what Mr Cumming had to say).“Well yes, I understand you want to punish him yourself, but I assure you we have effective means here.”(He listened again).“It will be on his bare bottom with a cane. Trousers and pants will be down round his ankles.”Mr Herdman was listening to Adam’s Father again.“Do you indeed? That is interesting! Yes, I will, alright, thank you very much Mr Cumming. Yes, goodbye.”Herdman put down the phone.“Right, I think you gathered from that that your Father has no qualms about your punishment. I understand he uses a cane at home, so this will come as no surprise to you boy.”Adam’s escort zonguldak face stared to blush.“He was not a happy man being disturbed at work. I don’t suppose he will let you forget that fact when you get home!”Adam was feeling very nervous now. One whipping was bad enough, but if his Father decided to punish him as well…….!“Right lad, get you blazer off, we don’t want to disgrace the school badge!”Herdman walked over to a cupboard which contained five or six canes of various lengths. Some had been broken in the past, some were almost new and a lighter wood than the rest.Adam slipped his blazer over his nylon shirt and it made the familiar zipping sound.“Right, come round over here.” He swished the cane through the air a couple of times to test it.“Take down your trousers and bend over my desk here.” Herdman indicated to the side of the desk which was free of papers. Adam did as he was told and dropped his trousers to round his ankles revealing the dark grey shiny nylon lining which now framed the top of his socks.“These can come down too!” He tapped Adams navy blue nylon ’Y’ fronts with the cane. Adam pulled them down quickly, embarrassed by his nakedness.Mr Herdman took the opportunity to admire this young lad’s firm buttocks and over-wanked penis sprouting from his dark pubic hair.“Right, down you go!”He pushed Adam forward so his elbows rested on the desk. His soft nylon school shirt-tail slightly covered his buttocks so Herdman took the opportunity to pull it up, revealing them in all their glory. He liked the feel of the cheap British nylon between his fingers and folded the tail further up Adam’s back.“Don’t you move lad!”THWACK! The cane came down over those pert buttocks.THWACK! Again and again. It was on the third time that the grimacing young man could not stop his yell!“UHHH!”THWACK it cane again. Adam raised his head.“Stay down there! I told you not to move! Herdman placed his left hand in the small of Adam’s back. The nylon shirt felt good beneath his palm!THWACK. Adam cried again.“AHHH!”THWACK“AHHHH!”Adam tried to move his bottom so the cane wouldn’t hurt as much. He tried to part his legs, revealing his anus.Mr Herdman resisted the temptation to slide a couple of his fingers up the lad’s hole. He was after all in a position of responsibility, but finger fucking a boy made the job even more pleasurable. Especially if that boy was sucking your cock!THWACK came the cane again.Adam was almost shouting in response now as the pain grew in intensity.“AHHHHHHH.”THWACK“AHHHHHHH. Please Sir, no more!”“Oh yes lad, I’m not finished yet! I will whip the disobedience out of you first!”So the caning continued for fifteen strokes. Adam’s bottom was bright red with welts.“Right, you will do” said Herdman mopping his brow with his hand. He was sweating slightly into his nylon shirt.Adam was breathing hard and put his hand around to gingerly touch his buttocks.“Stay there! No-one told you to move!”Herdman wanted to adjust himself before Adam saw his bulge in the front of his crimplene suit trousers.“Right, pull up your pants and trousers.”He openly admired his handiwork as Adam carefully slid his pants back up and tucked his nylon shirt back into his trousers. Mr Herdman loved the sight of the boys and their nylon shirt tails, especially when they became un-tucked during the course of the day. As with all young men, they never seemed to be in a hurry to smarten themselves up!Summer was the best time for this as the boys tended not to wear their blazers and he could admire them for hours on the field and in the classrooms during the day.He was distracted from his thoughts by Adam asking if he could go.“What lad? Yes, yes you may leave and don’t let me see you in here again this term!”He sat down at his desk, his hard cock still bulging. A wank would be in order before the end of the day!Suddenly he felt a warm feeling inside. He loved this life with the boys and of nylon and of punishing them so thoroughly. Yes, a wank was definitely in order! Adam’s best friend Nathan was waiting for him by the school gates. He had been in the PE lesson when Adam had been sent out. Andrew had arrived back to supervise the game and had bragged that Adam had been taken to the Headmaster, and now he was waiting for his friend to find out the details.Nathan was slightly younger that Adam, short blond hair and blue eyes that made him look very boyish compared to other lads his age. He like Adam had strict parents. His Father was a big strapping German man whilst his Mother was small and mousey and always did what her husband told her was zonguldak escort bayan best for their son.Nathan spotted Adam walking slowly down the driveway and called to him.“Hey Adam!”Adam looked up and quickened his pace. He always thought Nathan was younger than his years and slightly naïve and as a consequence felt protective towards his mate.“What happened to you?” asked Nathan“What do you think happened? I got the cane didn’t I!”They began to walk towards home amongst the others thronging the small street.“What really? What for?”“That git Andrew Hedges set me up. He provoked me and then acted all innocent because I went to punch him. I ended up getting taken to the Head and he got off scott free.”“So Herdman punished you?”“Yep! He phoned my Dad first to stir things up and supposedly get his permission, so now I’m really in trouble!”“Wait, wait Herdman actually phoned your Dad to ask if he could cane you?”Nathan couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.“Yes and told him how he was going to do it!” said Adam.“What do you mean?”“He said he was going to take down my trousers and pants and cane me on my bare bottom. He said he understood that Dad would want to punish me himself. So now of course he will.”“Oh mate, do you really think your Dad will whip you too? That’s too bad, really bad!”Nathan winced at the thought of what lay ahead for Adam.They walked together taking the long way home through the park and round by the railway bridge. Nathan lived a few streets away from Adam and the boys had been friends since Primary School. They saw each other on Sunday as their parents were both staunch Churchgoers and insisted that their sons were brought up in the same, Christian manner.Nathan was a little afraid of Mr Cumming, having seen Adam whipped on two occasions when he had been at their house.The first was when they were both about seven years old and having been playing together in the garden Adam had broken the kitchen window with a ball.His Father had told him several times about the dangers of throwing such items and this was the last straw. Nathan had been made to watch whilst Adam has his grey shorts taken down and he was laid across his Father’s knee. Then using a garden cane, he had been soundly whipped whilst being given a stern lecture. Nathan had not received any punishment but Mr Cumming had informed Nathan’s Father about the incident and he had been sent to bed without supper!The second time was barely a year ago when Adam was f******n. The boys had been in the kitchen making some toast when Mr Cumming called Adam to his bedroom. Nathan had remained in the kitchen but could hear everything clearly.Mr Cumming wanted to know what the marks on Adam’s nylon bedsheets were.He had been warned in the past that such activities were sinful and would not be tolerated. As Adam tried to explain the silvery marks away, he had been clipped round the ear for lying and then told to take his trousers and pants off. Adam’s protests that Nathan was in the house were ignored as Mr Cumming had fetched his beloved cane and whipped Adam’s bare backside as he lay on the semen stained nylon sheets. His cries were not just of the pain, but the humiliation of his friend bearing witness to his punishment.Nathan remained in the kitchen for some minutes afterwards and quietly let himself out of the house.That said the boys often compared their welts and bruises and what they had been punished for, standing in front of the mirror and pulling down their pants together.Nathan often felt like asking Adam if he fancied some mutual masturbation when they looked at porn together, but has so far resisted the temptation in case his friend was disgusted.Now they had arrived outside Adams’ Fathers’ bungalow with its small front garden and brown front door.“What you gonna do then? Do you want to come to my house for a bit until he calms down?” asked Nathan.“I think that would make him even more angry than he already is”.“Will you be over the park later?”“No I don’t suppose I will be allowed out tonight.” Said Adam Suddenly the front door opened and there stood Mr Cumming in his white nylon shirt and string vest clearly visible. He also had a brown patterned tie, brown crimplene slacks and his slippers on his feet. He was a slim, balding man in his early fifties with dark rimmed glasses. He had seen Adam and Nathan from the kitchen window.“Adam, inside, NOW!” he bellowed across the few feet from the door.“I’ve got to go.”Adam looked scared“OK”, said Nathan, “See you tomorrow.”He walked off as Adam opened the front gate and looked shamefully at his Father.Nathan turned round to see Mr Cumming grab Adam by the ear and herd him through the door, slamming it behind him.It would be really bad for Adam, he thought, to be whipped on top of the welts that were already there!Poor Adam, he thought and made his way slowly home.
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