Şubat 19, 2025

50s Family: Backseat Fucking

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Summary: Lucky guy fucks both his sister and Mom while Dad drives.

This is the 3rd chapter to this story.

In part 1, 50s Family: A Sister’s Virginity, virgin church daughter Eve sees her brother get a blow job at the drive-in and becomes in awe of her brother’s big cock. After going shopping with her brother’s girlfriend she has her first sexual encounter… as she discovers the joys of lesbian sex. Then, on a family road trip beginning at a different drive-in and continuing in the woods, just brother and sister this time, Eve sucks her first cock… her brother’s… and he also takes her virginity. The chapter ends back at the family campsite with Eve’s Mom discovering jizz in Eve’s hair, then Eve hearing Mom masturbating in the tent…

In part 2: 50s Family: And Mommy Too, Eve and her mother have a frank talk about sex that leads to a variety of secrets being shared about Mom’s incestuous past, and a hot, food-filled, mother-daughter lesbian tryst. It ends with the family about to continue their road trip, but due to delivering a large box from one church to another, the backseat is quite tight and Eve must sit on Adam’s lap for the drive…

Thanks to: Tex Beethoven, Robert, thor_pf ands Wayne for editing.

50s Family: Backseat Fucking

Realizing I’d be sitting on my brother’s lap the entire drive… which would take about three hours… I took my panties off, and while I was standing beside him a minute later, I slyly handed them to him with a wink.

His eyes went big at the damp and silky hint of what I had in mind.

I didn’t say a word… just put a finger to my smiling lips to shush him… and pointed for him to go sit in the tiny space remaining in the back seat. The cramped area we’d be sharing was on the right, behind Mom, not behind Dad, who would be driving.

Adam had never been one to do as his little sister told him, little because he was nine whole minutes older than me, give me a break, but all the fucking and other sexy stuff we’d done last night seemed to have raised my status in his eyes. He gave me a happy look like the canary who’d swallowed the cat, and did as I suggested. (Yeah, that way around: how many canaries get to swallow cats, and how many guys get to fuck their sister with their parents sitting in the front seat!)

Dad had never been one to apologize to any of us, not even Mom; the only person he seemed to ask forgiveness of was the Lord, and that was on behalf of his parishioners or sometimes us kids, and not his perfect wholesome self. But today he broke character by saying, “Sorry about this, kids. I didn’t really think it through.”

I shrugged as I joked, saying something both Adam and Mom would catch on to, “No worries Dad, it’s always good to get closer to your sibling. We’ll try and get along today, right, Adam?”

Mom added, the innuendo for me, as Adam didn’t know that we’d been busted last night, although astonishingly Mom’s only reservation about learning that her son and daughter had been fucking was that we hadn’t yet tried anal, “Yes, this trip is about getting our twins to really get close again like they were when they were younger.”

Dad concurred, unaware of what he was really encouraging, “Yes, it would be nice if you two got closer.”

I promised, as I climbed into the car to sit on Adam’s lap, “Dad, you can count on me to do whatever it takes to make sure Adam and I become the closest siblings ever.”

“That’s my girl,” Mom nodded approvingly, making my cunt tingle at her real approval… soon I’d be fucking my brother again, and this time she could watch.

“That’s a real Christian spirit, Eve,” Dad approved, as I slyly ground my pussy through my dress and Adam’s jeans, onto his already hard dick.

“Anything for the Lord, Daddy,” I replied, wondering if I could eventually tempt him to join our secret family incest club with a membership count that now stood at three.

Mom got in the car, looked directly at both of us and nodded slightly. Adam had no idea why, but I knew it was a silent starter’s pistol.

Dad got behind the steering wheel and said, “Well, let’s just try and enjoy the ride.”

“That I plan to do, Daddy,” I said, reaching under my skirt and giving Adam’s cock a firm squeeze.

Once we were on the road and Dad had turned the radio on, Adam whispered in my ear as I rubbed his cock, “Eve! What’re you doing?”

“Just obeying our father,” I whispered back, struggling to lift myself up enough to unzip his fly… realizing the confines of this space were indeed tight… just like my cunt. “I’m making sure we’ll get closer.”

“Eve, not here,” he said, pushing my hand away with one of his own hands, and pointing meaningfully at Mom with the other. Mom was leaning comfortably against her door, and would only need to turn her head slightly to see us clearly.

I leaned back against him and gave his ear a teasing lick before revealing bahis firmaları my big secret. “I fucked Mommy this morning.”

“Bullshit,” he said, although his tone wasn’t as confident… as if he was beginning to put a few strange clues together.

“Did you enjoy the salad?” I asked.

“Yeah, it was unusually taaaaart,” he answered, as the light bulb went on.

“That cucumber spent some quality time inside both Mommy and me, and Mommy made sure those carrots marinated in me for a good half hour,” I revealed, loving being to be able to shock him… loving that I’d moved on from being the prim, proper and shy church girl.

“No way!” he gasped, louder than a whisper, alerting our father.

“No way what?” Dad asked, turning around, but not able to see us at all past that huge box.

“Oh, I was just telling Adam that my friend Rose has a crush on him,” I said, which was indeed very true… actually all my friends thought he was hot… which, of course, he was.

“Every rose has its thorn,” my father retorted, seeing every little thing as a temptation from the devil.

As I slowly ground my pussy on his cock, annoyed his pants were still in the way, I asked, “Daddy, why did you name me Eve if she was the first sinner?”

His answer was typical Minister 101, “For a new start, so we could correct the wrongs of our past.”

I continued, really enjoying the conversation, while both other occupants in the car knew I was a sinner just like Eve… I was a temptation just like Eve, and was indeed following in her footsteps, “Daddy, why would God create Eve and not just make her pure?”

Dad continued, “God did create her pure, just like all of God’s creations start out pure, but our inner temptations put there by the Devil corrupt us.”

Within the past week I’d learned that this was ludicrous of course. My recent and joyous so-called descent into sexual proclivity had nothing to do with temptations from the Devil, but rather were inspired by the beauty created by God.

He created man.

He created cock.

He specifically created Adam’s masterpiece (and God, if you’re listening to this from above, thank you very much… you really outdid yourself!).

He created women.

He created tits and pussies. Oh yes, and asses too, although I was still waiting to learn more about those.

He created the pleasure inside both men and women (he could’ve made sex and reproduction a lot less pleasurable, but he made it the most glorious, heavenly gift a body can have).

He created our feelings… so he created lust, passion, love, whatever you call it that we feel during orgasms…

And thus I was worshipping his bounteous creation when I sucked Adam’s delicious cock, when I took my brother’s big, fat, hard cock deep into my steaming, virginal pussy, or when I ended up licking Mom’s wonderful twat listening to her moan and scream, and when I moaned and screamed myself while my Mom was licking my God-given clit with her wicked (and I mean that in a really good way) tongue.

Looking back on that last paragraph, I think maybe I could write the liturgy for a High Church version of a bunch of parishioners offering their ecstasy to the Lord, although the collection plates would need to be washable. Or maybe have the Offering before Communion, and just recycle the one into the other. If I gave it some thought, I could start a really fun church! (Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!).

In reality, incest seemed to be the purest way to show how much I loved my brother, my mother… and my Dad?

Adam and I were both going to college in the fall, and thanks to Daddy Dearest, we were attending the same school so big brother could watch over me. It was ironic that although that plan had really pissed me off for my whole senior year, I was looking forward to big brother being there to watch over me from above (as I lay below him letting him slam his big pecker in my cunt).

“So God created us to be perfect and the devil was created to stain us?” I questioned, as I lifted up my body, snapped my fingers and pointed to Adam’s dick, which was still timidly hiding from our Mom behind his jeans.

Adam shook his head No, and I slapped his cock hard enough to make him groan.

“You okay?” Dad asked.

Adam glared at me as he lied, “Just banged my elbow.”

I pointed again to his cock and he sighed worriedly before he finally did what I’d been asking ever since we’d sat down. As he nervously fished out his cock (it was nice to see my confident big brother being the insecure one for a change), I asked, “Do you have an answer to my question, Daddy?”

“That’s not a simple question,” he answered, even though I’d heard many lectures where he answered this exact question. It was a simple question, although I’d noticed that the more complex answer to the simple question could take anywhere between twenty minutes and two hours, depending on what time the NFL game on TV was starting that Sunday. kaçak iddaa

As Adam’s dick was released, I reached down beneath myself for it, just as Mom looked back to see her son’s cock about to enter my shaved pussy, my skirt raised high enough to showcase it, as I continued my questioning to keep Dad distracted, “So no one knows the real reason the devil was created?”

“I didn’t say that,” Dad said, his tone slightly annoyed.

As I lowered my (not quite steaming yet, but give me a few minutes) pussy down to swallow Adam’s cock, I continued, “Yes you did, Daddy, you said it wasn’t a simple question, which implies you don’t know why the devil was created.”

Dad was used to my always accepting his interpretations of doctrine without question, and his tone betrayed his annoyance as he clarified his answer, “I meant I have no clear explanation of what made Lucifer become Satan. As you have heard me say in many sermons, God did not create the Devil, He created the angel who became the Devil. Deuteronomy 32: 3-5 says, Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he.”

“So he was once pure,” I asked, now sitting completely down on my brother’s cock… enjoying the utter sin of what I was doing literally behind my oblivious father’s righteous back. In addition, with any thinking set aside, just Adam’s long, fat cock itself, nestled inside my pussy, which was well on the way to becoming a steaming one, felt awfully good all by itself!

“You know this teaching, Eve,” he said frustrated, “he was born perfect and was one of God’s angelic sons.”

“But then why wouldn’t God forgive him for his sins?” I asked, as I began to slowly grind on my brother’s cock while Mom licked her lips watching us, which enhanced the sin. I looked back to see Adam staring at Mom in complete shock! Obviously his little sister hadn’t been lying.

Dad answered, “Satan, instead of being grateful for the privilege of being one of God’s sons, became proud, for he believed he was better than all the angels, and even God himself. Instead of following the Lord’s plan, he began to question and fight with his father, trying to get the other angels to sin too. Now that he has been banished from heaven, he has attempted for millennia to try and undo all God’s work here on earth by corrupting God’s greatest creation, man.”

The entire time Daddy was giving me this sermon, I was grinding slowly on Adam’s glorious dick while Mom watched… a look of lust and jealousy, even envy in her eyes… two of the Seven Deadly Sins, or if jealousy qualifies as covetousness, which I think it does, three of them, or forty three percent. I’m pretty sure of the arithmetic, but I’m not so sure that these Deadly Sins are all that bad. I sure wasn’t going to send Mom to hell for watching Adam’s big fat cock stroking in and out of my pussy and wishing it was her cunt he was fucking!

Of course what I really wanted was to be fucked hard… it was so much more pleasurable than this slow grind, but I couldn’t ask Daddy to stop so his son could bend me over the hood in front of God and Daddy and pound my pussy like he did last night when he took my virginity… so instead I tried to slowly ride him without making much noise, or letting the car’s shock absorbers know what we were doing.

Dad continued, oblivious to what was happening right behind him, “So you see Eve, it’s not about God not forgiving Satan, the problem is that Satan will not stop fighting the Lord and repent.”

I asked, as I stopped after a few slow strokes, again resting with his dick saluting me from inside my general quarters, “So that is why if we sin we’re forgiven?”

“Eve, what has gotten into you today?” he demanded, which made Mom hide her laugh with a cough at the obvious answer to that question.

I tried not to moan, and continued to ride my brother’s cock ever so slowly as I answered, “The most glorious creation the Lord ever created.”

Mom coughed again, and I imagined Adam’s eyes going wide at my blunt innuendo.

Dad asked Mom, “Are you okay?”

Mom answered, looking directly at Adam, “I think I just need something hard and sweet in my mouth.” She then pulled a lollipop from her purse.

“Why is everyone acting so weird?” Dad asked, finally noticing something was up.

“Some of us are maybe getting a little stir crazy from all this time stuck in a hot car without any relief,” Mom answered, trying to cover for my, and her, strange behaviour. She also seemed to be indicating to me that she was still doing her Three Deadly Sins thing, especially covetousness. Her eyes sparkled as she watched Adam’s shiny cock stroking in and out of my dripping cunt: sometime earlier I’d helpfully raised my dress to my waist to give her a good view of the action. Is Voyeurism perhaps an Eighth Deadly Sin? I still thought they didn’t sound very deadly.

“Well, we have a lot more driving to do,” Dad said, just kaçak bahis as we hit a bumpy section of road, causing extra vibrations and stimulations inside me, as well as hammering Adam’s dick deeper inside me.

“I’m really enjoying this ride,” I added, once again my words dripping with naughty innuendo.

Adam added, finally finding the courage to speak, and finally becoming more comfortable with the reality not only that Mom knew, not only that she was watching, but that she seemed very okay with it, “Yeah, I could drive all day.” I glanced back and noticed he was staring right at Mom as he said it, still testing the waters.

“I guess I was wrong,” Mom shrugged. “The kids seem to really be enjoying this hot, bumpy ride.”

“Ooooh, yes,” I agreed, unable to completely control a moan as a large bump pounded his cock deep inside me again.

“Is the position uncomfortable back there?” Dad asked.

“God, no,” I quickly replied, before realizing I’d used the Lord’s name in vain.

“Eve!” Dad scolded, shocked by my language.

“Sorry Daddy, I just finally got into a comfortable position,” I defended, which was true.

“Never use the Lord’s name except in praise,” he admonished.

I thought to myself that I’d been singing his praises for over an hour for the wonderful way he’d designed cocks and pussies to fit together, but I sure couldn’t tell Dad that. So I just said humbly, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Now just sit back there and enjoy the ride,” he said, turning the radio up quite loud, indicating that the conversation was over.

I couldn’t help but smile, as if God was encouraging this act of incest, as the radio was now blaring so loud that Dad wouldn’t hear my moans, or Adam’s grunts, or anything else.

So for the next twenty minutes there was no talking.

Just Dad listening to Christian songs on the radio, Mom taking constant glances back to watch as she sucked that lollipop in a very sexy manner, and me riding my brother at a slow pace… creating constant pleasure, but not enough to come… which began to get frustrating. I clearly preferred a crazy monkey fuck to slow lovemaking.

Finally, I needed to come and apparently so did Adam as he grabbed my hips, lifted my entire body up, making me grab onto Dad’s seat back for balance, and he began fucking me with a vengeance.

Dad asked, turning the radio down, “You guys still comfortable back there?”

“I got a bit of a cramp and needed to change positions,” I answered, even as Adam had thrown caution to the winds where Mom was concerned, and just pumped into me, clearly wanting both of us to come.

“We’ll be stopping for fuel in six miles,” Dad said, before asking, “think you guys can last that long?”

With Adam’s sudden burst of passion I was pretty sure I wouldn’t last that long before I came, but that wasn’t the intended question so I answered, “Sure, Daddy.”

“Oh I love this song,” he said, turning the radio up… the Lord again seeming to be covering for us as if there were a dick-shaped sparrow in my cootch and he was keeping an eye on it for me.

As soon as the radio was again masking the fucking, Adam began pumping faster, not slamming into me like I wanted, but really pistoning in and out at a fast pace.

I bit my lip as my holy father serenaded his fucking children with Amazing Grace.

And as I was fucked, I couldn’t help but muse over some of the lyrics and how they fit the act.

The first line, “How sweet the sound,” made me smile, as the sounds of sex are indeed sweet: from Mom’s moans this morning, to the flesh against flesh sounds from Adam’s body slamming into mine, to the squishy sounds as Adam’s monster plunged in and out of my dripping cunt, which by this time was definitely steaming and about to boil over. Unfortunately because of the tight space and fear of getting caught by my father, the sounds had to be kept fairly quiet, although with the radio blaring, I’m not sure he would have heard us.

The next line was equally amusing, depending on your definition of wretched, as Dad sang, “That saved a wretch like me!” I was interpreting the lyric much differently than it was originally intended: I saw The Lord indeed saving me from the wretched bland existence I’d been enduring before I discovered the potential for great pleasure he’d created inside my body.

This message was reinforced by the next two lines as Adam began pumping even faster into me, my orgasm finally building. “I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.”

Those lyrics beautifully symbolized my journey from the moment I first saw my brother’s cock and was really grateful to have eyes to see it with, and especially once I felt the pleasures of sex and was really grateful to have a pussy of my very own, and that it had lots of wonderful nerve endings. “Was numb, but now I feel?”

I’d been sheltered so long from the truth of God’s creation that I only became truly found when I discovered its pure pleasure.

My orgasm was now imminent as Dad bellowed, “‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed.”

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